6 research outputs found

    Principal Leadership Effectiveness and Some the Determinant Variable

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    This study aims to answer eight problems related to leadership effectiveness. It is realized that the quality of education in general and the achievement of students in particular is not a stand-alone thing, but it is the result of a learning process that is determined by various factors such as principals, teachers, students, curriculum, source books, libraries, laboratories, and facilities. other supports. The population of this study was the principal of a high school in Medan, amounting to 231 people. Sampling was carried out using a stratified proportional random sampling technique using the Cochran formula to produce a sample of 114 people. The research instrument used a questionnaire with a Likert. Research data is processed and analyzed by path analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a direct effect of job design on managerial competence 0.5881; job design on achievement motivation 0.3105; job design on leadership effectiveness 0.2481; interpersonal communication on managerial competence 0.1428; interpersonal communication on achievement motivation 0.2573; interpersonal communication on leadership effectiveness 0.1779; teacher managerial competence on leadership effectiveness 0.1644; and achievement motivation on leadership effectiveness 0.1893. It can be stated that increasing the effectiveness of the principal's leadership can be done through job design, interpersonal communication, managerial competence, and achievement motivation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab delapan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas kepemimpinan. Disadari bahwa mutu pendidikan pada umumnya dan prestasi peserta didik pada khususnya bukanlah suatu hal yang berdiri sendiri, melainkan merupakan hasil dari suatu proses pembelajaran yang ditentukan oleh berbagai faktor seperti kepala sekolah, guru, siswa, kurikulum, buku sumber, perpustakaan, laboratorium, dan fasilitas. pendukung lainnya. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah SMA di Medan yang berjumlah 231 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik stratified proportional random sampling menggunakan rumus Cochran sehingga menghasilkan sampel sebanyak 114 orang. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dengan Likert. Data penelitian diolah dan dianalisis dengan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh langsung desain pekerjaan terhadap kompetensi manajerial 0,5881; desain pekerjaan terhadap motivasi berprestasi 0,3105; desain pekerjaan pada efektivitas kepemimpinan 0,2481; komunikasi interpersonal pada kompetensi manajerial 0,1428; komunikasi interpersonal terhadap motivasi berprestasi 0,2573; komunikasi interpersonal terhadap efektivitas kepemimpinan 0,1779; kompetensi manajerial guru terhadap efektivitas kepemimpinan 0,1644; dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap efektivitas kepemimpinan 0,1893. Dapat dikatakan bahwa peningkatan efektivitas kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dapat dilakukan melalui desain pekerjaan, komunikasi interpersonal, kompetensi manajerial, dan motivasi berprestasi

    Addressing the challenges of modern DNS:a comprehensive tutorial

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) plays a crucial role in connecting services and users on the Internet. Since its first specification, DNS has been extended in numerous documents to keep it fit for today’s challenges and demands. And these challenges are many. Revelations of snooping on DNS traffic led to changes to guarantee confidentiality of DNS queries. Attacks to forge DNS traffic led to changes to shore up the integrity of the DNS. Finally, denial-of-service attack on DNS operations have led to new DNS operations architectures. All of these developments make DNS a highly interesting, but also highly challenging research topic. This tutorial – aimed at graduate students and early-career researchers – provides a overview of the modern DNS, its ongoing development and its open challenges. This tutorial has four major contributions. We first provide a comprehensive overview of the DNS protocol. Then, we explain how DNS is deployed in practice. This lays the foundation for the third contribution: a review of the biggest challenges the modern DNS faces today and how they can be addressed. These challenges are (i) protecting the confidentiality and (ii) guaranteeing the integrity of the information provided in the DNS, (iii) ensuring the availability of the DNS infrastructure, and (iv) detecting and preventing attacks that make use of the DNS. Last, we discuss which challenges remain open, pointing the reader towards new research areas

    Security Assessment of Select Computer Systems under Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Performed by Botnets

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    With the passage of time Internet connectivity has been found on more electronic devices than in previous decades. This continuous development may be perceived as a double-edged sword. While the world becomes more Internet-connected and quality of life increases, the lack of proper security protocols in some of these electronic devices permits illegitimate parties to take control of them for their own malicious purposes. This thesis studies the impact of compromised Internet-connected devices on commonly used server operating systems: Microsoft’s Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter, Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, and Apple’s macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra deployed on Apple’s Mac Pro Server (Mac Pro Mid2010). Their performance under prevalent Distributed Denial of Service Attacks will be evaluated at equal attack traffic loads while utilizing three networks of simulated botnets. While the server was under attack connection rate, network traffic, processor utilization, processor temperature, and memory utilization were evaluated for computer systems under consideration

    Fast Internet-Wide Scanning: A New Security Perspective

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    Techniques like passive observation and random sampling let researchers understand many aspects of Internet day-to-day operation, yet these methodologies often focus on popular services or a small demographic of users, rather than providing a comprehensive view of the devices and services that constitute the Internet. As the diversity of devices and the role they play in critical infrastructure increases, so does understanding the dynamics of and securing these hosts. This dissertation shows how fast Internet-wide scanning provides a near-global perspective of edge hosts that enables researchers to uncover security weaknesses that only emerge at scale. First, I show that it is possible to efficiently scan the IPv4 address space. ZMap: a network scanner specifically architected for large-scale research studies can survey the entire IPv4 address space from a single machine in under an hour at 97% of the theoretical maximum speed of gigabit Ethernet with an estimated 98% coverage of publicly available hosts. Building on ZMap, I introduce Censys, a public service that maintains up-to-date and legacy snapshots of the hosts and services running across the public IPv4 address space. Censys enables researchers to efficiently ask a range of security questions. Next, I present four case studies that highlight how Internet-wide scanning can identify new classes of weaknesses that only emerge at scale, uncover unexpected attacks, shed light on previously opaque distributed systems on the Internet, and understand the impact of consequential vulnerabilities. Finally, I explore how in- creased contention over IPv4 addresses introduces new challenges for performing large-scale empirical studies. I conclude with suggested directions that the re- search community needs to consider to retain the degree of visibility that Internet-wide scanning currently provides.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138660/1/zakir_1.pd

    X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic technique for quality control in pharmaceutical, agronomy and automobile industry from a biomedical perspective

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    In this work, we investigate the versatility of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic technique specifically in biomedical applications. To prove the robustness of the method we devel- oped three case studies from three very distinct industries with different backgrounds. In the first example, we study the application to the pharmaceutical industry by analyz- ing a group of samples of commercially available iron supplement pills. This analysis shows that even though iron concentrations are measured to meet the advertised values, there are important elemental contaminants, specifically, manganese and nickel. In the second example, we have analyzed food samples, more specifically, biofortified wheat grains. This analysis focus on assessing the ability of different genotypes for retaining the biofortified element - zinc. Even though most sample show enhanced zinc content, zinc distribution inside the grain is not homogeneous and this element tends to be found in higher concentrations in the embryo and vascular bundle. In the third example, we have developed a study in collaboration with the biggest automotive plant in Portugal – Volkswagen Autoeuropa. The main goal is to install, at least, one low-cost air quality control device in one of the workstations of the factory. For this purpose, we designed two prototypes that used the wind tunnel principle to deposit suspended particles in these workstations onto quartz fiber filters. These filters were then analyzed not only by XRF but also via microscopic camera analysis, SEM with EDX. Results for both size and com- position concentrations show a linear behavior with deposition time, for a range of four identified trace elements: Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Copper. From these samples we conclude that the number of suspended metallic particles is not negligible and a repeated and accumulated long time exposure might have health consequences.Neste trabalho foi estudada a versatilidade da técnica de espectroscopia de fluorescência de Raios-X especificamente em aplicações biomédicas. Para demonstrar a robustez do método foram investigados três cenários provenientes de industrias de origens e nature- zas muito distintas. No primeiro exemplo discutido, estudou-se a aplicação à industria farmacêutica, aplicando a técnica a um conjunto de amostras de suplementos de ferro comercialmente disponíveis. Esta análise demonstrou que apesar das concentrações de ferro estarem de acordo com as tabeladas no rótulo, existem contaminantes importantes, nomeadamente níquel e manganês. No segundo exemplo, foram analisadas amostras de comida, especificamente, trigo biofortificado. Esta análise focou-se num conjunto grande de amostras onde se averiguou a habilidade de reter o elemento biofortificado - zinco - em cada um dos genótipos de trigo analisados. Apesar dos grãos biofortificados mostrarem um claro aumento de zinco, a distribuição de zinco no grão não é no entanto uniforme, sendo que, na grande maioria dos casos, este elemento está concentrado no embrião e sistema vascular. O terceiro exemplo, foi desenvolvido em ambiente industrial na maior fábrica automóvel de Portugal - Volkswagen Autoeuropa. O foco principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento e instalação de uma solução low-cost de controlo de qualidade do ar num dos postos de trabalho na linha de montagem da fábrica. Para tal, desenvolvemos dois protótipos baseados num conceito clássico de túnel de vento para possibilitar a depo- sição das partículas suspensas no ar num filtro de fibra de quartzo. Para além da análise por XRF estes filtros foram também sujeitos a inspecção óptica por micro-camera binocu- lar e análise SEM com EDX. Os resultados mostram que existe um relação linear entre o tempo de deposição e a concentração de partículas nos filtros e revelam que os elementos de traço desta análise são o ferro, o zinco, o manganês e o cobre. Esta análise revela que temos quantidades de todos estes elementos acima dos nossos limites de detecção e como tal o impacto na saúde dos funcionários devido a uma exposição de longa duração deve ser apurado