183 research outputs found

    StereoVoxelNet: Real-Time Obstacle Detection Based on Occupancy Voxels from a Stereo Camera Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Obstacle detection is a safety-critical problem in robot navigation, where stereo matching is a popular vision-based approach. While deep neural networks have shown impressive results in computer vision, most of the previous obstacle detection works only leverage traditional stereo matching techniques to meet the computational constraints for real-time feedback. This paper proposes a computationally efficient method that leverages a deep neural network to detect occupancy from stereo images directly. Instead of learning the point cloud correspondence from the stereo data, our approach extracts the compact obstacle distribution based on volumetric representations. In addition, we prune the computation of safety irrelevant spaces in a coarse-to-fine manner based on octrees generated by the decoder. As a result, we achieve real-time performance on the onboard computer (NVIDIA Jetson TX2). Our approach detects obstacles accurately in the range of 32 meters and achieves better IoU (Intersection over Union) and CD (Chamfer Distance) scores with only 2% of the computation cost of the state-of-the-art stereo model. Furthermore, we validate our method's robustness and real-world feasibility through autonomous navigation experiments with a real robot. Hence, our work contributes toward closing the gap between the stereo-based system in robot perception and state-of-the-art stereo models in computer vision. To counter the scarcity of high-quality real-world indoor stereo datasets, we collect a 1.36 hours stereo dataset with a Jackal robot which is used to fine-tune our model. The dataset, the code, and more visualizations are available at https://lhy.xyz/stereovoxelnet

    WHU-Stereo: A Challenging Benchmark for Stereo Matching of High-Resolution Satellite Images

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    Stereo matching of high-resolution satellite images (HRSI) is still a fundamental but challenging task in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing. Recently, deep learning (DL) methods, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have demonstrated tremendous potential for stereo matching on public benchmark datasets. However, datasets for stereo matching of satellite images are scarce. To facilitate further research, this paper creates and publishes a challenging dataset, termed WHU-Stereo, for stereo matching DL network training and testing. This dataset is created by using airborne LiDAR point clouds and high-resolution stereo imageries taken from the Chinese GaoFen-7 satellite (GF-7). The WHU-Stereo dataset contains more than 1700 epipolar rectified image pairs, which cover six areas in China and includes various kinds of landscapes. We have assessed the accuracy of ground-truth disparity maps, and it is proved that our dataset achieves comparable precision compared with existing state-of-the-art stereo matching datasets. To verify its feasibility, in experiments, the hand-crafted SGM stereo matching algorithm and recent deep learning networks have been tested on the WHU-Stereo dataset. Experimental results show that deep learning networks can be well trained and achieves higher performance than hand-crafted SGM algorithm, and the dataset has great potential in remote sensing application. The WHU-Stereo dataset can serve as a challenging benchmark for stereo matching of high-resolution satellite images, and performance evaluation of deep learning models. Our dataset is available at https://github.com/Sheng029/WHU-Stere

    Self-Supervised Intensity-Event Stereo Matching

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    Event cameras are novel bio-inspired vision sensors that output pixel-level intensity changes in microsecond accuracy with a high dynamic range and low power consumption. Despite these advantages, event cameras cannot be directly applied to computational imaging tasks due to the inability to obtain high-quality intensity and events simultaneously. This paper aims to connect a standalone event camera and a modern intensity camera so that the applications can take advantage of both two sensors. We establish this connection through a multi-modal stereo matching task. We first convert events to a reconstructed image and extend the existing stereo networks to this multi-modality condition. We propose a self-supervised method to train the multi-modal stereo network without using ground truth disparity data. The structure loss calculated on image gradients is used to enable self-supervised learning on such multi-modal data. Exploiting the internal stereo constraint between views with different modalities, we introduce general stereo loss functions, including disparity cross-consistency loss and internal disparity loss, leading to improved performance and robustness compared to existing approaches. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, especially the proposed general stereo loss functions, on both synthetic and real datasets. At last, we shed light on employing the aligned events and intensity images in downstream tasks, e.g., video interpolation application.Comment: This paper has been accepted by the Journal of Imaging Science & Technolog

    The Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge

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    This paper summarizes the results of the first Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge (MDEC) organized at WACV2023. This challenge evaluated the progress of self-supervised monocular depth estimation on the challenging SYNS-Patches dataset. The challenge was organized on CodaLab and received submissions from 4 valid teams. Participants were provided a devkit containing updated reference implementations for 16 State-of-the-Art algorithms and 4 novel techniques. The threshold for acceptance for novel techniques was to outperform every one of the 16 SotA baselines. All participants outperformed the baseline in traditional metrics such as MAE or AbsRel. However, pointcloud reconstruction metrics were challenging to improve upon. We found predictions were characterized by interpolation artefacts at object boundaries and errors in relative object positioning. We hope this challenge is a valuable contribution to the community and encourage authors to participate in future editions.Comment: WACV-Workshops 202

    RomniStereo: Recurrent Omnidirectional Stereo Matching

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    Omnidirectional stereo matching (OSM) is an essential and reliable means for 360360^{\circ} depth sensing. However, following earlier works on conventional stereo matching, prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods rely on a 3D encoder-decoder block to regularize the cost volume, causing the whole system complicated and sub-optimal results. Recently, the Recurrent All-pairs Field Transforms (RAFT) based approach employs the recurrent update in 2D and has efficiently improved image-matching tasks, ie, optical flow, and stereo matching. To bridge the gap between OSM and RAFT, we mainly propose an opposite adaptive weighting scheme to seamlessly transform the outputs of spherical sweeping of OSM into the required inputs for the recurrent update, thus creating a recurrent omnidirectional stereo matching (RomniStereo) algorithm. Furthermore, we introduce two techniques, ie, grid embedding and adaptive context feature generation, which also contribute to RomniStereo's performance. Our best model improves the average MAE metric by 40.7\% over the previous SOTA baseline across five datasets. When visualizing the results, our models demonstrate clear advantages on both synthetic and realistic examples. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/HalleyJiang/RomniStereo}.Comment: accepted by IEEE RA-L, https://github.com/HalleyJiang/RomniStere

    CVRecon: Rethinking 3D Geometric Feature Learning For Neural Reconstruction

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    Recent advances in neural reconstruction using posed image sequences have made remarkable progress. However, due to the lack of depth information, existing volumetric-based techniques simply duplicate 2D image features of the object surface along the entire camera ray. We contend this duplication introduces noise in empty and occluded spaces, posing challenges for producing high-quality 3D geometry. Drawing inspiration from traditional multi-view stereo methods, we propose an end-to-end 3D neural reconstruction framework CVRecon, designed to exploit the rich geometric embedding in the cost volumes to facilitate 3D geometric feature learning. Furthermore, we present Ray-contextual Compensated Cost Volume (RCCV), a novel 3D geometric feature representation that encodes view-dependent information with improved integrity and robustness. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the reconstruction quality in various metrics and recovers clear fine details of the 3D geometries. Our extensive ablation studies provide insights into the development of effective 3D geometric feature learning schemes. Project page: https://cvrecon.ziyue.cool

    TemporalStereo: Efficient Spatial-Temporal Stereo Matching Network

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    We present TemporalStereo, a coarse-to-fine based online stereo matching network which is highly efficient, and able to effectively exploit the past geometry and context information to boost the matching accuracy. Our network leverages sparse cost volume and proves to be effective when a single stereo pair is given, however, its peculiar ability to use spatio-temporal information across frames allows TemporalStereo to alleviate problems such as occlusions and reflective regions while enjoying high efficiency also in the case of stereo sequences. Notably our model trained, once with stereo videos, can run in both single-pair and temporal ways seamlessly. Experiments show that our network relying on camera motion is even robust to dynamic objects when running on videos. We validate TemporalStereo through extensive experiments on synthetic (SceneFlow, TartanAir) and real (KITTI 2012, KITTI 2015) datasets. Detailed results show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on any of these datasets. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/youmi-zym/TemporalStereo.git}

    Self-supervised monocular image depth learning and confidence estimation.

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    We present a novel self-supervised framework for monocular image depth learning and confidence estimation. Our framework reduces the amount of ground truth annotation data required for training Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which is often a challenging problem for the fast deployment of CNNs in many computer vision tasks. Our DepthNet adopts a novel fully differential patch-based cost function through the Zero-Mean Normalized Cross-Correlation (ZNCC) to take multi-scale patches as matching and learning strategies. This approach greatly increases the accuracy and robustness of the depth learning. Whilst the proposed patch-based cost function naturally provides a 0-to-1 confidence, it is then used to self-supervise the training of a parallel network for confidence map learning and estimation by exploiting the fact that ZNCC is a normalised measure of similarity which can be approximated as the confidence of the depth estimation. Therefore, the proposed corresponding confidence map learning and estimation operate in a self-supervised manner and is a parallel network to the DepthNet. Evaluation on the KITTI depth prediction evaluation dataset and Make3D dataset show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art results