6 research outputs found

    Alignment, Clustering and Extraction of Structured Motifs in DNA Promoter Sequences

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    A simple motif is a short DNA sequence found in the promoter region and believed to act as a binding site for a transcription factor protein. A structured motif is a sequence of simple motifs (boxes) separated by short sequences (gaps). Biologists theorize that the presence of these motifs play a key role in gene expression regulation. Discovering these patterns is an important step towards understanding protein-gene and gene-gene interaction thus facilitates the building of accurate gene regulatory network models. DNA sequence motif extraction is an important problem in bioinformatics. Many studies have proposed algorithms to solve the problem instance of simple motif extraction. Only in the past decade has the more complex structured motif extraction problem been examined by researchers. The problem is inherently challenging as structured motif patterns are segmented into several boxes separated by variable size gaps for each instance. These boxes may not be exact copies, but may have multiple mismatched positions. The challenge is extenuated by the lack of resources for real datasets covering a wide range of possible cases. Also, incomplete annotation of real data leads to the discovery of unknown motifs that may be regarded as false positives. Furthermore, current algorithms demand unreasonable amount of prior knowledge to successfully extract the target pattern. The contributions of this research are four new algorithms. First, SMGenerate generates simulated datasets of implanted motifs that covers a wide range of biologically possible cases. Second, SMAlign aligns a pair of structured motifs optimally and efficiently given their gap constraints. Third, SMCluster produces multiple alignment of structured motifs through hierarchical clustering using SMAlign\u27s affinity score. Finally, SMExtract extracts structured motifs from a set of sequences by using SMCluster to construct the target pattern from the top reported two-box patterns (fragments), extracted using an existing algorithm (Exmotif) and a two-box template. The main advantage of SMExtract is its efficiency to extract longer degenerate patterns while requiring less prior knowledge, about the pattern to be extracted, than current algorithms

    Contribution à la résolution de problÚmes d'optimisation combinatoire : méthodes séquentielles et parallÚles

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    Les problĂšmes d'optimisation combinatoire sont souvent des problĂšmes trĂšs difficiles dont la rĂ©solution par des mĂ©thodes exactes peut s'avĂ©rer trĂšs longue ou peu rĂ©aliste. L'utilisation de mĂ©thodes heuristiques permet d'obtenir des solutions de bonne qualitĂ© en un temps de rĂ©solution raisonnable. Les heuristiques sont aussi trĂšs utiles pour le dĂ©veloppement de mĂ©thodes exactes fondĂ©es sur des techniques d'Ă©valuation et de sĂ©paration. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s dans un premier temps Ă  proposer une mĂ©thode heuristique pour le problĂšme du sac Ă  dos multiple MKP. L'approche proposĂ©e est comparĂ©e Ă  l'heuristique MTHM et au solveur CPLEX. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps nous prĂ©sentons la mise en oeuvre parallĂšle d'une mĂ©thode exacte de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes d'optimisation combinatoire de type sac Ă  dos sur architecture GPU. La mise en oeuvre CPU-GPU de la mĂ©thode de Branch and Bound pour la rĂ©solution de problĂšmes de sac Ă  dos a montrĂ© une accĂ©lĂ©ration de 51 sur une carte graphique Nvidia Tesla C2050. Nous prĂ©sentons aussi une mise en oeuvre CPU-GPU de la mĂ©thode du Simplexe pour la rĂ©solution de problĂšmes de programmation linĂ©aire. Cette derniĂšre offre une accĂ©lĂ©ration de 12.7 sur une carte graphique Nvidia Tesla C2050. Enfin, nous proposons une mise en oeuvre multi-GPU de l'algorithme du Simplexe, mettant Ă  contribution plusieurs cartes graphiques prĂ©sentes dans une mĂȘme machine (2 cartes Nvidia Tesla C2050 dans notre cas). Outre l'accĂ©lĂ©ration obtenue par rapport Ă  la mise en oeuvre sĂ©quentielle de la mĂ©thode du Simplexe, une efficacitĂ© de 96.5 % est obtenue, en passant d'une carte Ă  deux cartes graphiques.Combinatorial optimization problems are difficult problems whose solution by exact methods can be time consuming or not realistic. The use of heuristics permits one to obtain good quality solutions in a reasonable time. Heuristics are also very useful for the development of exact methods based on branch and bound techniques. The first part of this thesis concerns the Multiple Knapsack Problem (MKP). We propose here a heuristic called RCH which yields a good solution for the MKP problem. This approach is compared to the MTHM heuristic and CPLEX solver. The second part of this thesis concerns parallel implementation of an exact method for solving combinatorial optimization problems like knapsack problems on GPU architecture. The parallel implementation of the Branch and Bound method via CUDA for knapsack problems is proposed. Experimental results show a speedup of 51 for difficult problems using a Nvidia Tesla C2050 (448 cores). A CPU-GPU implementation of the simplex method for solving linear programming problems is also proposed. This implementation offers a speedup around 12.7 on a Tesla C2050 board. Finally, we propose a multi-GPU implementation of the simplex algorithm via CUDA. An efficiency of 96.5% is obtained when passing from one GPU to two GPUs

    Architecture matérielle logicielle pour l'exécution à latence réduite d'applications de télécommunications émergentes sur centre de données

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    RÉSUMÉ L’industrie des technologies de l’information et des communications fait face Ă  une demande croissante de services sans fil et Internet omniprĂ©sents. Cette demande est alimentĂ©e par une explosion du nombre d’appareils mobiles riches en multimĂ©dia. Il a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ© qu’à partir de cette annĂ©e, 2020, le volume de trafic de donnĂ©es mobiles doublera chaque annĂ©e pour plusieurs annĂ©es. En consĂ©quence, il en rĂ©sulte une augmentation significative des dĂ©penses en capital pour les systĂšmes construits sur les technologies actuelles de rĂ©seau d’accĂšs ra-dio qui sont essentiellement basĂ©es sur des architectures avec une structure fixe utilisant des plates-formes propriĂ©taires et des mĂ©canismes de contrĂŽle et de gestion de rĂ©seau distribuĂ©s. D’autre part, pour garantir la qualitĂ© de service requise, les sous-systĂšmes sont dimensionnĂ©s en fonction des demandes de pointe. Par consĂ©quent, l’extension du rĂ©seau aura un impact considĂ©rable sur les dĂ©penses d’exploitation. La recherche proposĂ©e vise Ă  dĂ©velopper une architecture matĂ©rielle et logicielle adaptĂ©e Ă  une grappe d’unitĂ©s de traitement virtualisĂ©e pour les signaux en bande de base d’accĂšs radio en nuagique. Ce type d’architecture de-vra prendre en charge le traitement en temps rĂ©el avec des processeurs gĂ©nĂ©ralistes sur une plateforme hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne. Cela soulĂšve deux dĂ©fis principaux : la planification des tĂąches en temps rĂ©el et leur exĂ©cution d’une maniĂšre plus dĂ©terministe par rapport aux plates-formes gĂ©nĂ©ralistes existantes. Ainsi, les mĂ©canismes d’allocation et de gestion des ressources dans les grappes informatiques doivent ĂȘtre revus. Le deuxiĂšme dĂ©fi est d’obtenir un comporte-ment Ă  faible variance qui implique deux prĂ©occupations majeures : le temps de calcul et le dĂ©lai de communication. Essentiellement, la variation du temps de calcul est inhĂ©rente Ă  tous les processeurs gĂ©nĂ©ralistes. NĂ©anmoins, l’infrastructure de communication des grappes informatiques existantes ne fournit aucun soutien pour les communications Ă  faible variance. La recherche proposĂ©e est divisĂ©e en deux principaux sujets : Le calcul dynamique, l’allocation et la gestion des ressources rĂ©seau dans une grappeinformatique (hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne) : les algorithmes d’allocation dynamique des ressources et de planification des tĂąches en temps rĂ©el formeront la fonctionnalitĂ© de base prise en charge par le plan de contrĂŽle. Afin de rĂ©pondre aux fortes contraintes en temps rĂ©el de cette classe d’applications, une implĂ©mentation matĂ©rielle parallĂšle basĂ©e sur circuit logique programmable (FPGA) du plan de contrĂŽle est proposĂ©e.----------ABSTRACT The Information and Communications Technology industry is facing an increasing demand for ubiquitous wireless and Internet services introduced by an explosion of multimedia-rich mobile devices. It is estimated that starting this year, 2020, the volume of mobile data traĂżcs will double every year. Consequently, it results in significant increases of capital expenditures for systems built on the current Radio Access Network technologies, which are essentially based on architectures with a fixed structure (not reconfigurable) using proprietary platforms with distributed network control and management mechanisms. To ensure the required quality of service, subsystems are dimensioned with respect to the peak demands. Therefore, network expansion will considerably impact on operating expenditures. This thesis aims at developing an architecture at both hardware and software levels suitable for a virtualized Baseband Processing Unit pool in Cloud Radio Acces Network in order to support real-time processing in a General Purpose Processor based platform. This raises two main challenges: scheduling tasks in real-time and executing them in a manner that is reduces variance compared to the existing General Purpose Processor based platforms. Real-time tasks from radio air interface in the Cloud Radio Access Network must be scheduled at a finer grain and must be completed within a given timeslot. Thus, mechanisms for resource allocation and management in computing clusters must be revisited. The second challenge is obtaining a behavior with reduced variability that involves two major concerns: computing time and communication delay. Nevertheless, the communication infrastructure of existing computing clusters does not provide any support for low variance communications. The proposed research is divided into the following main subjects:Adaptive computing and network resource allocation and management in (hetero-geneous) computing clusters: The algorithms for dynamic resources allocation and real-time task scheduling will form the core functionality that the control plane will support. In order to meet the hard real-time constraints of that class of applications, a parallel Field Programable Gate Array based hardware implementation of the control plane is proposed

    Dense Dynamic Programming on Multi GPU

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    International audienceThe implementation via CUDA of a hybrid dense dynamic programming method for knapsack problems on a multi-GPU architecture is considered. Tests are carried out on a Bull cluster with Tesla S1070 computing systems. A first series of computational results shows substantial speedup close to 30 with two GPUs