22 research outputs found

    Detection and prevention of Denial-of-Service in cloud-based smart grid

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    Smart Grid (SG), components with historical set of security challenges, becomes more vulnerable because Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has its own share of problems while Cloud infrastructure adds yet another unpredicted layer of threats. Scalability and availability, which are strong aspects of the cloud platform making it attractive to users, also attracts security threats for the same reasons. The malware installed on single host offers very limited scope compared to attack magnitude that compromised Cloud platform can offer. Therefore, the strongest aspect of Cloud itself becomes a nightmare in Cloud-Based SG. A breach in such a delicate system can cause severe consequences including interruption of electricity, equipment damage, data breach, complete blackouts, or even life-threatening consequences. We mimic Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks to demonstrate interruption of electricity in SG with open-source solution to co-simulate power and communication systems

    Resonance attacks on load frequency control of smart grids

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    Singapore Energy Market Authorit

    Authentication and Authorization Scheme for Various User-Roles and Devices in Smart Grid

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    The smart grid, as the next generation of the power grid, is characterized by employing many different types of intelligent devices, such as intelligent electronic devices located at substations, smart meters positioned in the home area network, and outdoor field equipment deployed in the fields. Also, there are various users in the smart grid network, including customers, operators, maintenance personnel, and etc., who use these devices for various purposes. Therefore, a secure and efficient mutual authentication and authorization scheme is needed in the smart grid to prevent various insider and outsider attacks on many different devices. In this paper, we propose an authentication and authorization scheme for mitigating outsider and insider threats in the smart grid by verifying the user authorization and performing the user authentication together whenever a user accesses the devices. The proposed scheme computes each user-role dynamically using an attribute-based access control and verifies the identity of user together with the device. Security and performance analysis show that the proposed scheme resists various insider as well as outsider attacks, and is more efficient in terms of communication and computation costs in comparison with the existing schemes. The correctness of the proposed scheme is also proved using BAN-Logic and Proverif

    Denial-of-service attack on iec 61850-based substation automation system: A crucial cyber threat towards smart substation pathways

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    The generation of the mix-based expansion of modern power grids has urged the utilization of digital infrastructures. The introduction of Substation Automation Systems (SAS), advanced networks and communication technologies have drastically increased the complexity of the power system, which could prone the entire power network to hackers. The exploitation of the cyber security vulnerabilities by an attacker may result in devastating consequences and can leave millions of people in severe power outage. To resolve this issue, this paper presents a network model developed in OPNET that has been subjected to various Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to demonstrate cyber security aspect of an international electrotechnical commission (IEC) 61850 based digital substations. The attack scenarios have exhibited significant increases in the system delay and the prevention of messages, i.e., Generic Object-Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Measured Values (SMV), from being transmitted within an acceptable time frame. In addition to that, it may cause malfunction of the devices such as unresponsiveness of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs), which could eventually lead to catastrophic scenarios, especially under different fault conditions. The simulation results of this work focus on the DoS attack made on SAS. A detailed set of rigorous case studies have been conducted to demonstrate the effects of these attacks.Scopu

    Cascading Failures and Contingency Analysis for Smart Grid Security

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    The modern electric power grid has become highly integrated in order to increase the reliability of power transmission from the generating units to end consumers. In addition, today’s power system are facing a rising appeal for the upgrade to a highly intelligent generation of electricity networks commonly known as Smart Grid. However, the growing integration of power system with communication network also brings increasing challenges to the security of modern power grid from both physical and cyber space. Malicious attackers can take advantage of the increased access to the monitoring and control of the system and exploit some of the inherent structural vulnerability of power grids. Therefore, determining the most vulnerable components (e.g., buses or generators or transmission lines) is critically important for power grid defense. This dissertation introduces three different approaches to enhance the security of the smart grid. Motivated by the security challenges of the smart grid, the first goal of this thesis is to facilitate the understanding of cascading failure and blackouts triggered by multi-component attacks, and to support the decision making in the protection of a reliable and secure smart grid. In this work, a new definition of load is proposed by taking power flow into consideration in comparison with the load definition based on degree or network connectivity. Unsupervised learning techniques (e.g., K-means algorithm and self-organizing map (SOM)) are introduced to find the vulnerable nodes and performance comparison is done with traditional load based attack strategy. Second, an electrical distance approach is introduced to find the vulnerable branches during contingencies. A new network structure different than the original topological structure is formed based on impedance matrix which is referred as electrical structure. This structure is pruned to make it size compatible with the topological structure and the common branches between the two different structures are observed during contingency analysis experiments. Simulation results for single and multiple contingencies have been reported and the violation of line limits during single and multiple outages are observed for vulnerability analysis. Finally, a cyber-physical power system (CPS) testbed is introduced as an accurate cyber-physical environment in order to observe the system behavior during malicious attacks and different disturbance scenarios. The application areas and architecture of proposed CPS testbed have been discussed in details. The testbed’s efficacy is then evaluated by conducting real-time cyber attacks and exploring the impact in a physical system. The possible mitigation strategies are suggested for defense against the attack and protect the system from being unstable

    Models of leader elections and their applications

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    New research about cyber-physical systems is rapidly changing the way we think about critical infrastructures such as the power grid. Changing requirements for the generation, storage, and availability of power are all driving the development of the smart-grid. Many smart-grid projects disperse power generation across a wide area and control devices with a distributed system. However, in a distributed system, the state of processes is hard to determine due to isolation of memory. By using information flow security models, we reason about a process\u27s beliefs of the system state in a distributed system. Information flow analysis aided in the creation of Markov models for the expected behavior of a cyber controller in a smart-grid system using a communication network with omission faults. The models were used as part of an analysis of the distributed system behavior when there are communication faults. With insight gained from these models, existing congestion management techniques were extended to create a feedback mechanism, allowing the cyber-physical system to better react to issues in the communication network --Abstract, page iii

    Data-driven cyber attack detection and mitigation for decentralized wide-area protection and control in smart grids

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    Modern power systems have already evolved into complicated cyber physical systems (CPS), often referred to as smart grids, due to the continuous expansion of the electrical infrastructure, the augmentation of the number of heterogeneous system components and players, and the consequential application of a diversity of information and telecommunication technologies to facilitate the Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) of the day-to-day power system operation. Because of the reliance on cyber technologies, WAMPAC, among other critical functions, is prone to various malicious cyber attacks. Successful cyber attacks, especially those sabotage the operation of Bulk Electric System (BES), can cause great financial losses and social panics. Application of conventional IT security solutions is indispensable, but it often turns out to be insufficient to mitigate sophisticated attacks that deploy zero-day vulnerabilities or social engineering tactics. To further improve the resilience of the operation of smart grids when facing cyber attacks, it is desirable to make the WAMPAC functions per se capable of detecting various anomalies automatically, carrying out adaptive activity adjustments in time and thus staying unimpaired even under attack. Most of the existing research efforts attempt to achieve this by adding novel functional modules, such as model-based anomaly detectors, to the legacy centralized WAMPAC functions. In contrast, this dissertation investigates the application of data-driven algorithms in cyber attack detection and mitigation within a decentralized architecture aiming at improving the situational awareness and self-adaptiveness of WAMPAC. First part of the research focuses on the decentralization of System Integrity Protection Scheme (SIPS) with Multi-Agent System (MAS), within which the data-driven anomaly detection and optimal adaptive load shedding are further explored. An algorithm named as Support Vector Machine embedded Layered Decision Tree (SVMLDT) is proposed for the anomaly detection, which provides satisfactory detection accuracy as well as decision-making interpretability. The adaptive load shedding is carried out by every agent individually with dynamic programming. The load shedding relies on the load profile propagation among peer agents and the attack adaptiveness is accomplished by maintaining the historical mean of load shedding proportion. Load shedding only takes place after the consensus pertaining to the anomaly detection is achieved among all interconnected agents and it serves the purpose of mitigating certain cyber attacks. The attack resilience of the decentralized SIPS is evaluated using IEEE 39 bus model. It is shown that, unlike the traditional centralized SIPS, the proposed solution is able to carry out the remedial actions under most Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. The second part investigates the clustering based anomalous behavior detection and peer-assisted mitigation for power system generation control. To reduce the dimensionality of the data, three metrics are designed to interpret the behavior conformity of generator within the same balancing area. Semi-supervised K-means clustering and a density sensitive clustering algorithm based on Hieararchical DBSCAN (HDBSCAN) are both applied in clustering in the 3D feature space. Aiming to mitigate the cyber attacks targeting the generation control commands, a peer-assisted strategy is proposed. When the control commands from control center is detected as anomalous, i.e. either missing or the payload of which have been manipulated, the generating unit utilizes the peer data to infer and estimate a new generation adjustment value as replacement. Linear regression is utilized to obtain the relation of control values received by different generating units, Moving Target Defense (MTD) is adopted during the peer selection and 1-dimensional clustering is performed with the inferred control values, which are followed by the final control value estimation. The mitigation strategy proposed requires that generating units can communicate with each other in a peer-to-peer manner. Evaluation results suggest the efficacy of the proposed solution in counteracting data availability and data integrity attacks targeting the generation controls. However, the strategy stays effective only if less than half of the generating units are compromised and it is not able to mitigate cyber attacks targeting the measurements involved in the generation control

    Time-Delay Switch Attack on Networked Control Systems, Effects and Countermeasures

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    In recent years, the security of networked control systems (NCSs) has been an important challenge for many researchers. Although the security schemes for networked control systems have advanced in the past several years, there have been many acknowledged cyber attacks. As a result, this dissertation proposes the use of a novel time-delay switch (TDS) attack by introducing time delays into the dynamics of NCSs. Such an attack has devastating effects on NCSs if prevention techniques and countermeasures are not considered in the design of these systems. To overcome the stability issue caused by TDS attacks, this dissertation proposes a new detector to track TDS attacks in real time. This method relies on an estimator that will estimate and track time delays introduced by a hacker. Once a detector obtains the maximum tolerable time delay of a plant’s optimal controller (for which the plant remains secure and stable), it issues an alarm signal and directs the system to its alarm state. In the alarm state, the plant operates under the control of an emergency controller that can be local or networked to the plant and remains in this stable mode until the networked control system state is restored. In another effort, this dissertation evaluates different control methods to find out which one is more stable when under a TDS attack than others. Also, a novel, simple and effective controller is proposed to thwart TDS attacks on the sensing loop (SL). The modified controller controls the system under a TDS attack. Also, the time-delay estimator will track time delays introduced by a hacker using a modified model reference-based control with an indirect supervisor and a modified least mean square (LMS) minimization technique. Furthermore, here, the demonstration proves that the cryptographic solutions are ineffective in the recovery from TDS attacks. A cryptography-free TDS recovery (CF-TDSR) communication protocol enhancement is introduced to leverage the adaptive channel redundancy techniques, along with a novel state estimator to detect and assist in the recovery of the destabilizing effects of TDS attacks. The conclusion shows how the CF-TDSR ensures the control stability of linear time invariant systems