35 research outputs found

    An Efficient and Generic Construction for Signal\u27s Handshake (X3DH): Post-Quantum, State Leakage Secure, and Deniable

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    The Signal protocol is a secure instant messaging protocol that underlies the security of numerous applications such as WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook Messenger among many others. The Signal protocol consists of two sub-protocols known as the X3DH protocol and the double ratchet protocol, where the latter has recently gained much attention. For instance, Alwen, Coretti, and Dodis (Eurocrypt\u2719) provided a concrete security model along with a generic construction based on simple building blocks that are instantiable from versatile assumptions, including post-quantum ones. In contrast, as far as we are aware, works focusing on the X3DH protocol seem limited. In this work, we cast the X3DH protocol as a specific type of authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol, which we call a Signal-conforming AKE protocol, and formally define its security model based on the vast prior works on AKE protocols. We then provide the first efficient generic construction of a Signal-conforming AKE protocol based on standard cryptographic primitives such as key encapsulation mechanisms (KEM) and signature schemes. Specifically, this results in the first post-quantum secure replacement of the X3DH protocol on well-established assumptions. Similar to the X3DH protocol, our Signal-conforming AKE protocol offers a strong (or stronger) flavor of security, where the exchanged key remains secure even when all the non-trivial combinations of the long-term secrets and session-specific secrets are compromised. Moreover, our protocol has a weak flavor of deniability and we further show how to progressively strengthen it using ring signatures and/or non-interactive zero-knowledge proof systems. Finally, we provide a full-fledged, generic C implementation of our (weakly deniable) protocol. We instantiate it with several Round 3 candidates (finalists and alternates) to the NIST post-quantum standardization process and compare the resulting bandwidth and computation performances. Our implementation is publicly available

    Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key Exchange and the Case of IKEv2

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    In this paper, we present a strong, formal, and general-purpose cryptographic model for privacy-preserving authenticated key exchange (PPAKE) protocols. PPAKE protocols are secure in the traditional AKE sense but additionally guarantee the confidentiality of the identities used in communication sessions. Our model has several useful and novel features, among others: it is a proper extension of classical AKE models, guarantees in a strong sense that the confidentiality of session keys is independent from the secrecy of the used identities, and it is the first to support what we call dynamic modes, where the responsibility of selecting the identities of the communication partners may vary over several protocol runs. To the best of our knowlegde, this implements the first technical approach to deal with protocol options in AKE security models. We show the validity of our model by applying it to the cryptographic core of IPsec IKEv2 with signature-based authentication where the need for dynamic modes is practically well-motivated. In our analysis, we not only show that this protocol provides strong classical AKE security guarantees but also that the identities that are used by the parties remain hidden in successful protocol runs. Historically, the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol was the first real-world AKE to incorporate privacy-preserving techniques. However, lately privacy-preserving techniques have gained renewed interest in the design process of important protocols like TLS 1.3 (with encrypted SNI) and NOISE. We believe that our new model can be a solid foundation to analyze these and other practical protocols with respect to their privacy guarantees, in particular, in the now so wide-spread scenario where multiple virtual servers are hosted on a single machine

    Deniable Key Exchanges for Secure Messaging

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    Despite our increasing reliance on digital communication, much of our online discourse lacks any security or privacy protections. Almost no email messages sent today provide end-to-end security, despite privacy-enhancing technologies being available for decades. Recent revelations by Edward Snowden of government surveillance have highlighted this disconnect between the importance of our digital communications and the lack of available secure messaging tools. In response to increased public awareness and demand, the market has recently been flooded with new applications claiming to provide security and privacy guarantees. Unfortunately, the urgency with which these tools are being developed and marketed has led to inferior or insecure products, grandiose claims of unobtainable features, and widespread confusion about which schemes can be trusted. Meanwhile, there remains disagreement in the academic community over the definitions and desirability of secure messaging features. This incoherent vision is due in part to the lack of a broad perspective of the literature. One of the most contested properties is deniability—the plausible assertion that a user did not send a message or participate in a conversation. There are several subtly different definitions of deniability in the literature, and no available secure messaging scheme meets all definitions simultaneously. Deniable authenticated key exchanges (DAKEs), the primary cryptographic tool responsible for deniability in a secure messaging scheme, are also often unsuitable for use in emerging applications such as smartphone communications due to unreasonable resource or network requirements. In this thesis, we provide a guide for a practitioner seeking to implement deniable secure messaging systems. We examine dozens of existing secure messaging protocols, both proposed and implemented, and find that they achieve mixed results in terms of security. This systematization of knowledge serves as a resource for understanding the current state-of-the-art approaches. We survey formalizations of deniability in the secure messaging context, as well as the properties of existing DAKEs. We construct several new practical DAKEs with the intention of providing deniability in modern secure messaging environments. Notably, we introduce Spawn, the first non-interactive DAKE that offers forward secrecy and achieves deniability against both offline and online judges; Spawn can be used to improve the deniability properties of the popular TextSecure secure messaging application. We prove the security of our new constructions in the generalized universal composability (GUC) framework. To demonstrate the practicality of our protocols, we develop and compare open-source instantiations that remain secure without random oracles

    A Formal Security Analysis of the Signal Messaging Protocol

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    The Signal protocol is a cryptographic messaging protocol that provides end-to-end encryption for instant messaging in WhatsApp, Wire, and Facebook Messenger among many others, serving well over 1 billion active users. Signal includes several uncommon security properties (such as future secrecy or post-compromise security ), enabled by a novel technique called *ratcheting* in which session keys are updated with every message sent. We conduct a formal security analysis of Signal\u27s initial extended triple Diffie-Hellman (X3DH) key agreement and Double Ratchet protocols as a multi-stage authenticated key exchange protocol. We extract from the implementation a formal description of the abstract protocol, and define a security model which can capture the ratcheting key update structure as a multi-stage model where there can be a tree of stages, rather than just a sequence. We then prove the security of Signal\u27s key exchange core in our model, demonstrating several standard security properties. We have found no major flaws in the design, and hope that our presentation and results can serve as a foundation for other analyses of this widely adopted protocol

    A multifaceted formal analysis of end-to-end encrypted email protocols and cryptographic authentication enhancements

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    Largely owing to cryptography, modern messaging tools (e.g., Signal) have reached a considerable degree of sophistication, balancing advanced security features with high usability. This has not been the case for email, which however, remains the most pervasive and interoperable form of digital communication. As sensitive information (e.g., identification documents, bank statements, or the message in the email itself) is frequently exchanged by this means, protecting the privacy of email communications is a justified concern which has been emphasized in the last years. A great deal of effort has gone into the development of tools and techniques for providing email communications with privacy and security, requirements that were not originally considered. Yet, drawbacks across several dimensions hinder the development of a global solution that would strengthen security while maintaining the standard features that we expect from email clients. In this thesis, we present improvements to security in email communications. Relying on formal methods and cryptography, we design and assess security protocols and analysis techniques, and propose enhancements to implemented approaches for end-to-end secure email communication. In the first part, we propose a methodical process relying on code reverse engineering, which we use to abstract the specifications of two end-to-end security protocols from a secure email solution (called pEp); then, we apply symbolic verification techniques to analyze such protocols with respect to privacy and authentication properties. We also introduce a novel formal framework that enables a system's security analysis aimed at detecting flaws caused by possible discrepancies between the user's and the system's assessment of security. Security protocols, along with user perceptions and interaction traces, are modeled as transition systems; socio-technical security properties are defined as formulas in computation tree logic (CTL), which can then be verified by model checking. Finally, we propose a protocol that aims at securing a password-based authentication system designed to detect the leakage of a password database, from a code-corruption attack. In the second part, the insights gained by the analysis in Part I allow us to propose both, theoretical and practical solutions for improving security and usability aspects, primarily of email communication, but from which secure messaging solutions can benefit too. The first enhancement concerns the use of password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols for entity authentication in peer-to-peer decentralized settings, as a replacement for out-of-band channels; this brings provable security to the so far empirical process, and enables the implementation of further security and usability properties (e.g., forward secrecy, secure secret retrieval). A second idea refers to the protection of weak passwords at rest and in transit, for which we propose a scheme based on the use of a one-time-password; furthermore, we consider potential approaches for improving this scheme. The hereby presented research was conducted as part of an industrial partnership between SnT/University of Luxembourg and pEp Security S.A

    The Cryptographic Security of the German Electronic Identity Card

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    In November 2010, the German government started to issue the new electronic identity card (eID) to its citizens. Besides its original utilization as a ’visual’ identification document, the eID card can be used by the cardholder to prove one’s identity at border control and to enhance security of authentication processes over the Internet, with the eID card serving as a token to reliably transmit personal data to service providers or terminals, respectively. To this end, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) proposed several cryptographic protocols now deployed on the eID card. The Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) protocol secures the wireless communication between the eID card and the user’s local card reader, based on a cryptographically weak password like the PIN chosen by the card owner. Subsequently, the Extended Access Control (EAC) protocol is executed by the chip and the service provider to mutually authenticate and agree on a shared secret session key. This key is then used in the secure channel protocol, called Secure Messaging (SM). Finally, an optional protocol, called Restricted Identification (RI), provides a method to use pseudonyms such that they can be linked by individual service providers, but not across different service providers (even not by malicious ones). This thesis consists of two parts. First, we present the above protocols and provide a rigorous analysis on their security from a cryptographic point of view. We show that the Germen eID card provides reasonable security for authentication and exchange of sensitive information allaying concerns regarding its usage. In the second part of this thesis, we introduce two possible modifications to enhance the security of these protocols even further. Namely, we show how to (a) add to PACE an additional efficient chip authentication step, and (b) augment RI to allow also for signatures under pseudonyms

    State-free End-to-End Encrypted Storage and Chat Systems based on Searchable Encryption

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    Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) has attracted significant attention because it can prevent data leakage from external devices, e.g., clouds. SSE appears to be effective to construct such a secure system; however, it is not trivial to construct such a system from SSE in practice because other parts must be designed, e.g., user login management, defining the keyword space, and sharing secret keys among multiple users who usually do not have public key certificates. In this paper, we describe the implementation of two systems based upon the state-free dynamic SSE (DSSE) (Watanabe et al., IEICE Transactions 2022), i.e., a secure storage system (for a single user) and a chat system (for multiple users). In addition to the DSSE protocol, we employ a secure multipath key exchange (SMKEX) protocol (Costea et al., CCS 2018), which is secure against some classes of unsynchronized active attackers. It allows the chat system users without certificates to share a secret key of the DSSE protocol in a secure manner. To realize end-to-end encryption, the shared key must be kept secret; thus, we must consider how to preserve the secret on, for example, a user\u27s local device. However, this requires additional security assumptions, e.g., tamper resistance, and it seems difficult to assume that all users have such devices. Thus, we propose a secure key agreement protocol by employing the SMKEX and login information (password) that does not require an additional tamper-resistant device. Combining the proposed key agreement protocol with the underlying state-free DSSE protocol allow users who know the password to use the systems from multiple devices. We also consider a kind of explainability of the system. That is, usually, general users are not aware of the underlying DSSE and thus such secure systems should be used without recognizing the underlying cryptographic tools. On the other hand, it is highly desirable to easily explain how to encrypt data, how to preserve encrypted data on external storages, and so on, even for general users. Thus, we also implement a concierge functionality that visualizes DSSE-related data processing