11 research outputs found

    A Research-Oriented Course on Advanced Multicore Architecture

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    ©2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Multicore processors have become ubiquitous in our real life in devices like smartphones, tablets, etc. In fact, they are present in almost all segments of the computing market, from supercomputers to embedded devices. The huge market competence have lead industry and academia to develop vertiginous technological and architectural advances. The fast evolution that are still experiencing current multicores makes difficult for instructors to offer computer architecture courses with updated contents, preferably showing the industry and academia research trends. To deal with this shortcoming, authors consider that a research-oriented course is the most appropriate solution. This paper presents an advanced computer architecture course called Advanced Multicore Architectures, offered in 2015. The course covers the basic topics of multicore architecture and has been organized in four main modules regarding multicore basis, performance evaluation, advanced caching, and main memory organization. The course follows a research-oriented approach that covers theoretical concepts at lectures in which recent research papers are analyzed to provide students a wide view of current trends. Moreover, additional teaching methods like lab sessions with a state-of-the-art multicore simulator or research-oriented exercises have been used with the aim of introducing students to research in these topics. To achieve this fully research-oriented methodology, about 40% of the time is devoted to labs and exercises.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01, and by the Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award.Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Selfa Oliver, V.; Gómez Requena, ME. (2015). A Research-Oriented Course on Advanced Multicore Architecture. IEEE Computer Society. https://doi.org/10.1109/IPDPSW.2015.46

    A research-oriented course on Advanced Multicore Architecture: Contents and active learning methodologies

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    [EN] The fast evolution of multicore processors makes it difficult for professors to offer computer architecture courses with updated contents. To deal with this shortcoming that could discourage students, the most appropriate solution is a research-oriented course based on current microprocessor industry trends. Additionally, we also seek to improve the students' skills by applying active learning methodologies, where teachers act as guiders and resource providers while students take the responsibility for their learning. In this paper, we present the Advanced Multicore Architecture (AMA) course, which follows a research-oriented approach to introduce students in architectural breakthroughs and uses active learning methodologies to enable students to develop practical research skills such as critical analysis of research papers or communication abilities. To this end five main activities are used: (i) lectures dealing with key theoretical concepts, (ii) paper review & discussion, (iii) research-oriented practical exercises, (iv) lab sessions with a state-of-the-art multicore simulator, and (v) paper presentation. An important part of all these activities is driven by active learning methodologies. Special emphasis is put on the practical side by allocating 40% of the time to labs and exercises. This work also includes an assessment study that analyzes both the course contents and the used methodology (both of them compared to other courses).This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by Plan E funds under Grant TIN2014-62246-EXP and Grant TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R, and by Generalitat Valenciana under grant AICO/2016/059. Authors also would like to thank Onur Mutlu for making available online his valuable teaching material.Petit Martí, SV.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Gómez Requena, ME.; Selfa-Oliver, V. (2017). A research-oriented course on Advanced Multicore Architecture: Contents and active learning methodologies. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 105:63-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.01.011S637210

    A Case for Self-Managing DRAM Chips: Improving Performance, Efficiency, Reliability, and Security via Autonomous in-DRAM Maintenance Operations

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    The memory controller is in charge of managing DRAM maintenance operations (e.g., refresh, RowHammer protection, memory scrubbing) in current DRAM chips. Implementing new maintenance operations often necessitates modifications in the DRAM interface, memory controller, and potentially other system components. Such modifications are only possible with a new DRAM standard, which takes a long time to develop, leading to slow progress in DRAM systems. In this paper, our goal is to 1) ease, and thus accelerate, the process of enabling new DRAM maintenance operations and 2) enable more efficient in-DRAM maintenance operations. Our idea is to set the memory controller free from managing DRAM maintenance. To this end, we propose Self-Managing DRAM (SMD), a new low-cost DRAM architecture that enables implementing new in-DRAM maintenance mechanisms (or modifying old ones) with no further changes in the DRAM interface, memory controller, or other system components. We use SMD to implement new in-DRAM maintenance mechanisms for three use cases: 1) periodic refresh, 2) RowHammer protection, and 3) memory scrubbing. We show that SMD enables easy adoption of efficient maintenance mechanisms that significantly improve the system performance and energy efficiency while providing higher reliability compared to conventional DDR4 DRAM. A combination of SMD-based maintenance mechanisms that perform refresh, RowHammer protection, and memory scrubbing achieve 7.6% speedup and consume 5.2% less DRAM energy on average across 20 memory-intensive four-core workloads. We make SMD source code openly and freely available at [128]

    Four Metrics to Evaluate Heterogeneous Multicores

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    Semiconductor device scaling has made single-ISA heterogeneous processors a reality. Heterogeneous processors contain a number of different CPU cores that all implement the same Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). This enables greater flexibility and specialization, as runtime constraints and workload characteristics can influence which core a given workload is run on. A major roadblock to the further development of heterogeneous processors is the lack of appropriate evaluation metrics. Existing metrics can be used to evaluate individual cores, but to evaluate a heterogeneous processor, the cores must be considered as a collective. Without appropriate metrics, it is impossible to establish design goals for processors, and it is difficult to accurately compare two different heterogeneous processors. We present four new metrics to evaluate user-oriented aspects of sets of heterogeneous cores: localized nonuniformity , gap overhead , set overhead , and generality . The metrics consider sets rather than individual cores. We use examples to demonstrate each metric, and show that the metrics can be used to quantify intuitions about heterogeneous cores. </jats:p

    Studies on the Impact of Cache Configuration on Multicore Processor

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    The demand for a powerful memory subsystem is increasing with increase in the number of cores in a multicore processor. The technology adapted to meet the above demands are: increasing the cache size, increasing the number of levels of caches and bymeans of a powerful interconnection network. Caches feeds the processing element at a faster rate. They also provide high bandwidth local memory to work with. In this research, an attempt has beenmade to analyze the impact of cache size on performance of multicore processors by varying L1 and L2 cache size on the multicore processor with internal network (MPIN), also referenced from NIAGRA architecture. As the number of cores increases, traditional on-chip interconnect like bus and crossbar proves to be less efficient as well as suffers from poor scalability. In order to overcome the scalability and efficiency issues in these conventional interconnects, ring based design has been proposed. The effect of interconnect on the performance of multicore processors has been analyzed and a novel scalable on-chip interconnection mechanism (INoC) for multicore processors has been proposed. The benchmark results are presented using a full system simulator. Results shows that, using the proposed INoC,execution time can be significantly reduced, compared with MPIN.Cache size and set-associativity are the features on which the cache performance is dependent. If the cache size is doubled, then the cache performance can increase but at the cost of high hardware, larger area and more power consumption. Moreover, considering the small form-factor of themobile processors, increase in cache size affects the device size and battery running time. Re-organization and reanalysis of cache onfiguration ofmobile processors are required for achieving better cache performance, lower power consumption and chip area. With identical cache size, performance gained can be obtained from a novel cache mechanism. For simulation, we used SPLASH2 benchmark suite

    Adaptive prefetch for multicores

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    [EN] Current multicore systems implement various hardware prefetchers since prefetching can significantly hide the huge main memory latencies. However, memory bandwidth is a scarce resource which becomes critical with the increasing core count.Therefore, prefetchers must smartly regulate their aggressiveness to make an efficient use of this shared resource. Recent research has proposed to throttle up/down the prefetcher aggressiveness level, considering local and global system information gathered at the memory controller. However, in memory-hungry mixes, keeping active the prefetchers even with the lowest aggressiveness can, in some cases, damage the system performance and increase the energy consumption. This Master's Thesis proposes the ADP prefetcher, which, unlike previous proposals, turns off the prefetcher in specific cores when no local benefits are expected or it is adversely interfering with other cores. The key component of ADP is the activation policy which must foresee when prefetching will be beneficial without the prefetcher being active. The proposed policies are orthogonal to the prefetcher mechanism implemented in the microprocessor. The proposed prefetcher improves both performance and energy with respect to a state-of-the-art adaptive prefetcher in both memory-bandwidth hungry workloads and in workloads combining memory hungry with CPU intensive applications. Compared to a state-of-the-art prefetcher, the proposal almost halves the increase in main memory requests caused by prefetching while improving the performance by 4.46% on average, and with significantly less DRAM energy consumption[ES] Los sistemas multinúcleo actuales implementan diversos mecanismos hardware de prebúsqueda ya que contribuyen a ocultar significativamente las enormes latencias de los accesos a memoria principal. No obstante, el ancho de banda de memoria es un recurso escaso, y se convierte en un importante cuello de botella al incrementarse el número de núcleos. Por lo tanto, los mecanismos de prebúsqueda deben regular inteligentemente su agresividad para hacer un uso eficiente de este recurso compartido. Otro trabajos recientes proponen mecanismos para ajustar el nivel de agresividad del mecanismo de prebúsqueda, teniendo en cuenta tanto información local al núcleo como información global obtenida del controlador de memoria. Sin embargo, en cargas con un gran número de accesos a memoria, mantener activa la prebúsqueda, incluso con los niveles de agresividad más bajos puede, en algunos casos, perjudicar el rendimiento del sistema y aumentar el consumo de energía. Esta Tesina de Master propone ADP, un novedoso mecanismo de prebúsqueda adaptativa que, a diferencia de propuestas anteriores, se desactiva en los núcleos en los que no se espera que mejore las prestaciones o en los que está interfiriendo negativamente con otros núcleos. El componente clave de ADP es la política de activación, ya que debe de ser capaz de prever cuando la prebúsqueda va a aportar beneficios sin que esta esté activa. Además, las políticas propuestas son ortogonales al mecanismo de prebúsqueda implementado en el microprocesador. El mecanismo de prebúsqueda propuesto mejora tanto el rendimiento como el consumo de energía con respecto al estado del arte en prebúsqueda adaptativa, tanto en cargas con un alto consumo de ancho de banda como en cargas que combinan este tipo de cargas con otras que hacen un uso intensivo de la CPU. En comparación, nuestra propuesta reduce prácticamente a la mitad el aumento en los accesos a memoria principal causados por la prebúsqueda. Esta mejora en el rendimiento, de media un 4,46 \%, se consigue con una significativa reducción en el consumo de energía. (español) Current multicore systems implement various hardware prefetchers since prefetching can significantly hide the huge main memory latencies. However, memory bandwidth is a scarce resource which becomes critical with the increasing core count.Therefore, prefetchers must smartly regulate their aggressiveness to make an efficient use of this shared resource.Selfa Oliver, V. (2014). Adaptive prefetch for multicores. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/59527Archivo delegad

    Optimizing cache utilization in modern cache hierarchies

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    Memory wall is one of the major performance bottlenecks in modern computer systems. SRAM caches have been used to successfully bridge the performance gap between the processor and the memory. However, SRAM cache’s latency is inversely proportional to its size. Therefore, simply increasing the size of caches could result in negative impact on performance. To solve this problem, modern processors employ multiple levels of caches, each of a different size, forming the so called memory hierarchy. Upon a miss, the processor will start to lookup the data from the highest level (L1 cache) to the lowest level (main memory). Such a design can effectively reduce the negative performance impact of simply using a large cache. However, because SRAM has lower storage density compared to other volatile storage, the size of an SRAM cache is restricted by the available on-chip area. With modern applications requiring more and more memory, researchers are continuing to look at techniques for increasing the effective cache capacity. In general, researchers are approaching this problem from two angles: maximizing the utilization of current SRAM caches or exploiting new technology to support larger capacity in cache hierarchies. The first part of this thesis focuses on how to maximize the utilization of existing SRAM cache. In our first work, we observe that not all words belonging to a cache block are accessed around the same time. In fact, a subset of words are consistently accessed sooner than others. We call this subset of words as critical words. In our study, we found these critical words can be predicted by using access footprint. Based on this observation, we propose critical-words-only cache (co cache). Unlike the conventional cache which stores all words that belongs to a block, co-cache only stores the words that we predict as critical. In this work, we convert an L2 cache to a co-cache and use L1s access footprint information to predict critical words. Our experiments show the co-cache can outperform a conventional L2 cache in the workloads whose working-set-sizes are greater than the L2 cache size. To handle the workloads whose working-set-sizes fit in the conventional L2, we propose the adaptive co-cache (acocache) which allows the co-cache to be configured back to the conventional cache. The second part of this thesis focuses on how to efficiently enable a large capacity on-chip cache. In the near future, 3D stacking technology will allow us to stack one or multiple DRAM chip(s) onto the processor. The total size of these chips is expected to be on the order of hundreds of megabytes or even few gigabytes. Recent works have proposed to use this space as an on-chip DRAM cache. However, the tags of the DRAM cache have created a classic space/time trade-off issue. On the one hand, we would like the latency of a tag access to be small as it would contribute to both hit and miss latencies. Accordingly, we would like to store these tags in a faster media such as SRAM. However, with hundreds of megabytes of die-stacked DRAM cache, the space overhead of the tags would be huge. For example, it would cost around 12 MB of SRAM space to store all the tags of a 256MB DRAM cache (if we used conventional 64B blocks). Clearly this is too large, considering that some of the current chip multiprocessors have an L3 that is smaller. Prior works have proposed to store these tags along with the data in the stacked DRAM array (tags-in-DRAM). However, this scheme increases the access latency of the DRAM cache. To optimize access latency in the DRAM cache, we propose aggressive tag cache (ATCache). Similar to a conventional cache, the ATCache caches recently accessed tags to exploit temporal locality; it exploits spatial locality by prefetching tags from nearby cache sets. In addition, we also address the high miss latency issue and cache pollution caused by excessive prefetching. To reduce this overhead, we propose a cost-effective prefetching, which is a combination of dynamic prefetching granularity tunning and hit-prefetching, to throttle the number of sets prefetched. Our proposed ATCache (which consumes 0.4% of overall tag size) can satisfy over 60% of DRAM cache tag accesses on average. The last proposed work in this thesis is a DRAM-Cache-Aware (DCA) DRAM controller. In this work, we first address the challenge of scheduling requests in the DRAM cache. While many recent DRAM works have built their techniques based on a tagsin- DRAM scheme, storing these tags in the DRAM array, however, increases the complexity of a DRAM cache request. In contrast to a conventional request to DRAM main memory, a request to the DRAM cache will now translate into multiple DRAM cache accesses (tag and data). In this work, we address challenges of how to schedule these DRAM cache accesses. We start by exploring whether or not a conventional DRAM controller will work well in this scenario. We introduce two potential designs and study their limitations. From this study, we derive a set of design principles that an ideal DRAM cache controller must satisfy. We then propose a DRAM-cache-aware (DCA) DRAM controller that is based on these design principles. Our experimental results show that DCA can outperform the baseline over 14%

    Performance, Power Modeling and Optimization for High-Performance Computing Systems

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.October 2016. Major: Electrical/Computer Engineering. Advisor: John Sartori. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 154 pages.Heterogeneity abounds in modern high-performance computing systems. Applications are heterogeneous, containing time-varying unbalanced utilization for different resources, and system architectures have become heterogeneous in order to achieve higher levels of performance and energy efficiency. The most powerful, and also the most energy-efficient high-performance computing systems today consist of many-core CPUs and GPGPUs with a variety of specialize on-chip and off-chip memories. These heterogeneous systems provide a huge amount of computing resources, but it is becoming increasingly challenging to use them effectively and efficiently to maximize their potential. This becomes an even more pressing challenge as energy efficiency becomes the primary barrier to achieving higher levels of performance. This thesis addresses the challenges of performance modeling and optimization in heterogeneous high-performance computing systems. Effective system optimization requires understanding of how performance and power change in response to optimizations. Therefore, we begin by summarizing the impact of modern architectural advances on performance and power modeling for chip multiprocessors (CMPs). We present two models that estimate the performance and power in such systems. The first model, CAMP, is a fast and accurate cache-aware performance model that estimates the performance degradation due to cache contention of processes running on cache-sharing cores. We then propose a system-level power model for a multi-programmed CMP environment that accounts for cache contention. We explain how to integrate the two models to enable power-aware process assignment. Then, we propose an off-chip memory access-aware runtime DVFS control technique that minimizes energy consumption subject to a constraint on application execution time. The second part of the dissertation focuses on improving performance for GPGPUs. After a thorough analysis on CPI breakdown, we lay out all the key factors that govern GPU throughput. In order to improve overall performance for GPGPUs, we propose two approaches that address the key factors, without introducing extra congestion and degradation to the system. We first propose a new two-level priority scheduling policy to improve overall performance by optimizing effective degree of parallelism. Then, we propose ICMT, a full, detailed solution for intra-core multitasking for GPGPUs, including architectural support and a contention-aware workload scheduling algorithm that improves all the key factors in a balanced fashion. Furthermore, we propose a new contention-aware analytical performance model that provides fine-grained workload scheduling decisions for intra-core multitasking, including detailed resource allocation from co-scheduled workloads

    Heterogeneous processor composition: metrics and methods

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    Heterogeneous processors intended for mobile devices are composed of a number of different CPU cores that enable the processor to optimize performance under strict power limits that vary over time. Design space exploration techniques can be used to discover a candidate set of potential cores that could be implemented on a heterogeneous processor. However, candidate sets contain far more cores than can feasibly be implemented. Heterogeneous processor composition therefore requires solutions to the selection problem and the evaluation problem. Cores must be selected from the candidate set, and these cores must be shown to be quantitatively superior to alternative selections. The qualitative criterion for a selection of cores is diversity. A diverse set of heterogeneous cores allows a processor to execute tasks with varying dynamic behaviors at a range of power and performance levels that are appropriate for conditions during runtime. This thesis presents a detailed description of the selection and evaluation problems, and establishes a theoretical framework for reasoning about the runtime behavior of power-limited, heterogeneous processors. The evaluation problem is specifically concerned with evaluating the collective attributes of selections of cores rather than evaluating the features of individual cores. A suite of metrics is defined to address the evaluation problem. The metrics quantify considerations that could otherwise only be evaluated subjectively. The selection problem is addressed with an iterative, diversity-preserving algorithm that emphasizes the flexibility available to programs at runtime. The algorithm includes facilities for guiding the selection process with information from an expert, when available. Three variations on the selection algorithm are defined. A thorough analysis of the proposed selection algorithm is presented using data from a large-scale simulation involving 33 benchmarks and 3000 core types. The three variations of the algorithm are compared to each other and to current, state-of-the-art selection techniques. The analysis serves as both an evaluation of the proposed algorithm as well as a case study of the metrics