36 research outputs found

    60 GHz MAC Standardization: Progress and Way Forward

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    Communication at mmWave frequencies has been the focus in the recent years. In this paper, we discuss standardization efforts in 60 GHz short range communication and the progress therein. We compare the available standards in terms of network architecture, medium access control mechanisms, physical layer techniques and several other features. Comparative analysis indicates that IEEE 802.11ad is likely to lead the short-range indoor communication at 60 GHz. We bring to the fore resolved and unresolved issues pertaining to robust WLAN connectivity at 60 GHz. Further, we discuss the role of mmWave bands in 5G communication scenarios and highlight the further efforts required in terms of research and standardization

    Wireless Interface Agent for SDN mmwave multi-hop networks: design and experimental evaluation

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    2nd ACM Workshop on Millimeter Wave Networks and Sensing Systems (mmNets)Millimeter wave (mmwave) communications will likely be an enabler for 5G due to its multi-gigabit per second throughput capabilities. Furthermore,mmWave communications will have to be integrated in a new redesigned network required by 5G to fulfill its ambitious targets. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a management agent for wireless devices deployed in a heterogeneous SDN wireless multi-hop research platform featuring mmwave communications for crosshauling (backhaul and fronthaul) purposes. The performance of the deployed mmwave network, based on the IEEE 802.11ad standard, is measured employing this agent. We measure the downtime in the presence of link up/down events, with obtained response times in the order of 10s-to-100s of milliseconds depending on the case. Furthermore, the TCP performance over the multi-hop 802.11ad mmwave network is also experimentally evaluated. In fact, TCP throughput up to around 800Mbps are obtained for single and multi-hop scenarios despite neighboring links using the same channel. Finally, one can also observe the impact of MTU size on TCP throughput, which may hinder the full exploitation of the mmWave link capacity when combined with other transport technologies, since the advantages of big MTUs (much bigger than the typical 1500 bytes) offered by mmwave devices may not be reaped.Thiswork was supported by MINECO grants TEC2017-88373-R (5G-REFINE), Generalitat de Catalunya grant 2017 SGR 1195, and by the 5G-TRANSFORMER project (H2020-761536)

    Improving Location Accuracy And Network Capacity In Mobile Networks

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    Todays mobile computing must support a wide variety of applications such as location-based services, navigation, HD media streaming and augmented reality. Providing such services requires large network bandwidth and precise localization mechanisms, which face significant challenges. First, new (real-time) localization mechanisms are needed to locate neighboring devices/objects with high accuracy under tight environment constraints, e.g. without infrastructure support. Second, mobile networks need to deliver orders of magnitude more bandwidth to support the exponentially increasing traffic demand, and adapt resource usage to user mobility.In this dissertation, we build effective and practical solutions to address these challenges. Our first research area is to develop new localization mechanisms that utilize the rich set of sensors on smartphones to implement accurate localization systems. We propose two designs. The first system tracks distance to nearby devices with centimeter accuracy by transmitting acoustic signals between the devices. We design robust and efficient signal processing algorithms that measure distances accurately on the fly, thus enabling real-time user motion tracking. Our second system locates a transmitting device in real-time using commodity smart- phones. Driving by the insight that rotating a wireless receiver (smartphone) around a users body can effectively emulate the sensitivity and functionality of a directional antenna, we design a rotation-based measurement algorithm that can accurately predict the direction of the target transmitter and locate the transmitter with a few measurements.Our second research area is to develop next generation mobile networks to significantly boost network capacity. We propose a drastically new outdoor picocell design that leverages millimeter wave 60GHz transmissions to provide multi-Gbps bandwidth for mobile users. Using extensive measurements on off-the-shelf 60GHz radios, we explore the feasibility of 60GHz picocells by characterizing range, attenuation due to reflections, sensitivity to movement and blockage, and interference in typical urban environments. Our results dispel some common myths on 60GHz, and show that 60GHz outdoor picocells are indeed a feasible approach for delivering orders of magnitude increase in network capacity.Finally, we seek to capture and understand user mobility patterns which are essential in mobile network design and deployment. While traditional methods of collecting human mobility traces are expensive and not scalable, we explore a new direction that extracts large-scale mobility traces through widely available geosocial datasets, e.g. Foursquare "check-in" datasets. By comparing raw GPS traces against Foursquare checkins, we analyze the value of using geosocial datasets as representative traces of human mobility. We then develop techniques to both "sanitize" and "repopulate" geosocial traces, thus producing detailed mobility traces more indicative of actual human movement and suitable for mobile network design

    Millimeter Wave Communications

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) technologies promise to revolutionize wireless networks by enabling multi-gigabit data rates. However, they suffer from high attenuation, and hence have to use highly directional antennas to focus their power on the receiver. Existing radios have to scan the space to find the best alignment between the transmitter’s and receiver’s beams, a process that takes up to a few seconds. This delay is problematic in a network setting where the base station needs to quickly switch between users and accommodate mobile clients. We present Agile-Link, the first mmWave beam steering system that is demonstrated to find the correct beam alignment without scanning the space. Instead of scanning, Agile- Link hashes the beam directions using a few carefully chosen hash functions. It then identifies the correct alignment by tracking how the energy changes across different hash functions. Our results show that Agile-Link reduces beam steering delay by orders of magnitude.National Science Foundation (U.S.

    Analytical and Numerical Evaluations of Flexible V-Band Rotman Lens Beamforming Network Performance for Conformal Wireless Subsystems

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    This paper presents the analytical design and numerical performance evaluation of novel V-band millimetre-wave (mm-wave) beamforming networks (BFNs), based on the Rotman lens array feeding concept. The devices are intended for operation in the unlicensed 60-GHz frequency band. The primary objective of this work is to study the feasibility of designing flexible V-band beamformers, based on liquid-crystal polymer (LCP) substrates. The planar Rotman lens device has been initially developed, and the output performances, in terms of the scattering parameters and accuracy, have been analysed. This is further continued with the detailed designs of the Rotman lens BFNs based on the four different proposed flexural cases, namely the concave-axial bending, the convex-axial bending, the concave-circumferential bending, and the convex-circumferential bending. Each of the flexures has been analysed, and the performance in terms of the surface currents and phase distributions, as the primary functionality indicators, has been presented. The presented flexible beamformers exhibit significant characteristics to be potentially employed as low-cost and efficient units of the mm-wave transceivers with the in-built electronic beam steering capabilities for the conformal wireless subsystems