10 research outputs found

    Optimal Net-Load Balancing in Smart Grids with High PV Penetration

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    Mitigating Supply-Demand mismatch is critical for smooth power grid operation. Traditionally, load curtailment techniques such as Demand Response (DR) have been used for this purpose. However, these cannot be the only component of a net-load balancing framework for Smart Grids with high PV penetration. These grids can sometimes exhibit supply surplus causing over-voltages. Supply curtailment techniques such as Volt-Var Optimizations are complex and computationally expensive. This increases the complexity of net-load balancing systems used by the grid operator and limits their scalability. Recently new technologies have been developed that enable the rapid and selective connection of PV modules of an installation to the grid. Taking advantage of these advancements, we develop a unified optimal net-load balancing framework which performs both load and solar curtailment. We show that when the available curtailment values are discrete, this problem is NP-hard and develop bounded approximation algorithms for minimizing the curtailment cost. Our algorithms produce fast solutions, given the tight timing constraints required for grid operation. We also incorporate the notion of fairness to ensure that curtailment is evenly distributed among all the nodes. Finally, we develop an online algorithm which performs net-load balancing using only data available for the current interval. Using both theoretical analysis and practical evaluations, we show that our net-load balancing algorithms provide solutions which are close to optimal in a small amount of time.Comment: 11 pages. To be published in the 4th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys 17) Changes from previous version: Fixed a bug in Algorithm 1 which was causing some min cost solutions to be misse

    Optimal Customer Targeting for Sustainable Demand Response in Smart Grids1

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    AbstractDemand Response (DR) is a widely used technique to minimize the peak to average consumption ratio during high demand periods. We consider the DR problem of achieving a given curtailment target for a set of consumers equipped with a set of discrete curtailment strategies over a given duration. An effective DR scheduling algorithm should minimize the curtailment error - the difference between the targeted and achieved curtailment values - to minimize costs to the utility provider and maintain system reliability. The availability of smart meters with fine-grained customer control capability can be leveraged to offer customers a dynamic range of curtailment strategies that are feasible for small durations within the overall DR event. Both the availability and achievable curtailment values of these strategies can vary dynamically through the DR event and thus the problem of achieving a target curtailment over the entire DR interval can be modeled as a dynamic strategy selection problem over multiple discrete sub-intervals. We argue that DR curtailment error minimizing algorithms should not be oblivious to customer curtailment behavior during sub-intervals as (expensive) demand peaks can be concentrated in a few sub-intervals while consumption is heavily curtailed during others in order to achieve the given target, which makes such solutions expensive for the utility. Thus in this paper, we formally develop the notion of Sustainable DR (SDR) as a solution that attempts to distribute the curtailment evenly across sub-intervals in the DR event. We formulate the SDR problem as an Integer Linear Program and provide a very fast -factor approximation algorithm. We then propose a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) for approximating the SDR curtailment error to within an arbitrarily small factor of the optimal. We then develop a novel ILP formulation that solves the SDR problem while explicitly accounting for customer strategy switching overhead as a constraint. We perform experiments using real data acquired from the University of Southern Californias smart grid and show that our sustainable DR model achieves results with a very low absolute error of 0.001-0.05 kWh range

    Integraci贸n de los recursos energ茅ticos distribuidos en microrredes aisladas: paradigma colombiano

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    The electrification of rural or isolated areas coupled with increasing environmental concerns have promoted the emergence of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the operation by isolated microgrids. However, the integration of such resources involves technical issues related to the reliability and continuity of the electricity supply. Indeed, the uncertainty of renewable generation sources and the reduced inertia of isolated microgrids are challenges for the operation of these distribution systems. One way to address them is by providing ancillary services through all the resources involved in the system鈥檚 operation (generation assets, demand share, and storage systems). Accordingly, this paper first presents a literature review of the challenges and potential benefits of integrating DERs into the operation of a distribution system. It also includes some common strategies to mitigate the vulnerability of the introduction of these technologies in microgrids. Afterwards, the current state of each type of resource in Colombia is assessed. Finally, some basic strategies that enhance the benefits of DER integration are outlined along with the overcoming of challenges of microgrid operation in said country. To that end, we consider isolated Colombian regions to be natural laboratories where the effects of DER integration and the requirements for the operation by local production units can be analyzed.La electrificaci贸n de 谩reas rurales o aisladas, junto con las crecientes preocupaciones ambientales, han promovido la aparici贸n de Recursos Energ茅ticos Distribuidos (DER), y la operaci贸n por microrredes aisladas. Sin embargo, la integraci贸n de dichos recursos trae consigo problemas t茅cnicos relacionados con la confiabilidad y la continuidad del suministro de electricidad. De hecho, la variabilidad e incertidumbre del recurso primario de las fuentes de generaci贸n renovables y la poca inercia de las microrredes aisladas son desaf铆os que se enfrentan en la operaci贸n de estos sistemas de distribuci贸n. Una forma de responder a estos desaf铆os es brindando servicios complementarios a trav茅s de todos los recursos inmersos en el funcionamiento del sistema (activos de generaci贸n, participaci贸n de la demanda y sistemas de almacenamiento). Este art铆culo muestra una revisi贸n de los desaf铆os y beneficios potenciales de la Integraci贸n de DER, en la operaci贸n del sistema de distribuci贸n reportados en la literatura, junto con algunas estrategias comunes para mitigar la vulnerabilidad de la introducci贸n de estas tecnolog铆as en microrredes. Asimismo, realiza una evaluaci贸n del estado actual de cada recurso en Colombia; finalmente, se describen algunas estrategias para aumentar del impacto de los beneficios de la Integraci贸n de DER y la superaci贸n de algunos desaf铆os planteados en la operaci贸n por microredes en Colombia. Para ello, se considera a las regiones aisladas de Colombia como un laboratorio natural, donde ser铆a posible analizar los efectos de la Integraci贸n de DER, as铆 como los requisitos para la operaci贸n por parte de las unidades de producci贸n locales

    Integration of distributed energy resources in isolated microgrids: the Colombian paradigm

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    La electrificaci贸n de 谩reas rurales o aisladas, junto con las crecientes preocupaciones ambientales, han promovido la aparici贸n de Recursos Energ茅ticos Distribuidos (DER), y la operaci贸n por microrredes aisladas. Sin embargo, la integraci贸n de dichos recursos trae consigo problemas t茅cnicos relacionados con la confiabilidad y la continuidad del suministro de electricidad. De hecho, la variabilidad e incertidumbre del recurso primario de las fuentes de generaci贸n renovables y la poca inercia de las microrredes aisladas son desaf铆os que se enfrentan en la operaci贸n de estos sistemas de distribuci贸n. Una forma de responder a estos desaf铆os es brindando servicios complementarios a trav茅s de todos los recursos inmersos en el funcionamiento del sistema (activos de generaci贸n, participaci贸n de la demanda y sistemas de almacenamiento). Este art铆culo muestra una revisi贸n de los desaf铆os y beneficios potenciales de la Integraci贸n de DER, en la operaci贸n del sistema de distribuci贸n reportados en la literatura, junto con algunas estrategias comunes para mitigar la vulnerabilidad de la introducci贸n de estas tecnolog铆as en microrredes. Asimismo, realiza una evaluaci贸n del estado actual de cada recurso en Colombia; finalmente, se describen algunas estrategias para aumentar del impacto de los beneficios de la Integraci贸n de DER y la superaci贸n de algunos desaf铆os planteados en la operaci贸n por microredes en Colombia. Para ello, se considera a las regiones aisladas de Colombia como un laboratorio natural, donde ser铆a posible analizar los efectos de la Integraci贸n de DER, as铆 como los requisitos para la operaci贸n por parte de las unidades de producci贸n locales.The electrification of rural or isolated areas coupled with increasing environmental concerns have promoted the emergence of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the operation by isolated microgrids. However, the integration of such resources involves technical issues related to the reliability and continuity of the electricity supply. Indeed, the uncertainty of renewable generation sources and the reduced inertia of isolated microgrids are challenges for the operation of these distribution systems. One way to address them is by providing ancillary services through all the resources involved in the system鈥檚 operation (generation assets, demand share, and storage systems). Accordingly, this paper first presents a literature review of the challenges and potential benefits of integrating DERs into the operation of a distribution system. It also includes some common strategies to mitigate the vulnerability of the introduction of these technologies in microgrids. Afterwards, the current state of each type of resource in Colombia is assessed. Finally, some basic strategies that enhance the benefits of DER integration are outlined along with the overcoming of challenges of microgrid operation in said country. To that end, we consider isolated Colombian regions to be natural laboratories where the effects of DER integration and the requirements for the operation by local production units can be analyzed

    Methodological Proposal: First Steps for the Implementation of Demand Management Programs in Colombia

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    The electrification of isolated or rural areas brings with it technical, economic, and social challenges that differentiate the operation of these networks compared to the traditional operation of large electrical power systems, such as the dependence of air or river transport on fuel for the supply of generation plants, the absence of individual measurement and the obsolete infrastructure of the distribution networks. Therefore, this paper proposes a hybrid methodology for studying a Colombian case, analyzing the development of programs for rational electricity use and energy efficiency in isolated areas. These first steps are related to the diagnosis of the current conditions of the power network, the identification of actors that can influence the regulation of the electricity service in the area, and the proposal of mechanisms that allow promoting the rational and efficient use of the electricity

    Predicting Baseline for Analysis of Electricity Pricing

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    Caracterizaci贸n de un esquema remunerativo para la participaci贸n de la demanda en la prestaci贸n del servicio complementario de control de frecuencia en el mercado el茅ctrico colombiano

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    La modernizaci贸n de los sistemas el茅ctricos existentes, junto con las crecientes preocupaciones ambientales, han promovido la integraci贸n de fuentes de energ铆a renovable a los sistemas el茅ctricos de potencia y el surgimiento de programas de respuesta de la demanda. Sin embargo, la introducci贸n de estas fuentes de generaci贸n variable lleva a que cada vez se presentar谩n m谩s y mayores variaciones en la frecuencia del sistema debidas a la intermitencia de los recursos renovables, lo que hace necesario el surgimiento de nuevos mecanismos que permitan la prestaci贸n adecuada del servicio complementario de control de frecuencia en ambientes de alta penetraci贸n de generaci贸n variable. En esta perspectiva, esta tesis propone la integraci贸n de la respuesta de la demanda en el servicio complementario de control de frecuencia en sistemas con alta penetraci贸n de generaci贸n variable, mediante la caracterizaci贸n de un esquema remunerativo que se adapte a las condiciones del mercado el茅ctrico colombiano. Para ello se realiza una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica de las principales investigaciones que consideran a la demanda como un recurso adicional a la generaci贸n con el potencial de participar en la prestaci贸n del servicio complementario de control de frecuencia, y se establece un modelo de relaciones causales que permite dividir la participaci贸n de la demanda en la regulaci贸n de frecuencia en tres grandes categor铆as. A la par que se propone un modelo para el dise帽o y evaluaci贸n de un esquema de tarifas por tiempo de uso, para la vinculaci贸n de grandes bloques de la poblaci贸n en la prestaci贸n del servicio complementario de control de frecuencia, por medio de la acotaci贸n del rango en el que var铆a la frecuencia diariamenteAbstract Modernization of existing power systems, coupled with increasing environmental concerns, have promoted the emergence of renewable energy sources and demand response programs. However, the integration of generation units from variable energy sources leads to have more variations in the frequency of the system, due to the intermittency of renewable resources. This makes it necessary to have new mechanisms to allow the adequate provision of ancillary services when there are high penetration levels of variable generation. In this perspective, this study proposes the integration of demand response in the frequency control ancillary service in systems with high penetration of variable generation, through the characterization of remunerative schemes which can be adapted to the conditions of the Colombian electricity market. With this aim, a bibliographic review of the main researches that consider the demand as a complementary resource for the provision of the frequency control ancillary service is made, and a model of causal relationships is established, which allows dividing the participation of demand in frequency regulation in three broad categories. At the same time, a two-stage model is proposed for the design and evaluation of time of use tariff scheme, for the linking of large blocks of the population in the provision of the frequency control ancillary serviceMaestr铆

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting

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    At the EEDAL'15 conference 128 papers dealing with energy consumption and energy efficiency improvements for the residential sector have been presented. Papers focused policies and programmes, technologies and consumer behaviour. Special focus was on standards and labels, demand response and smart meters. All the paper s have been peer reviewed by experts in the sector.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc