29 research outputs found

    DelosDLMS: From the DELOS vision to the implementation of a future digital library management system

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    DelosDLMS is a novel digital library management system (DLMS) that has been developed as an integration effort within the DELOS Network of Excellence, a European Commission initiative funded under its fifth and sixth framework programs. In this paper, we describe DelosDLMS that takes into account the recommendations of several activities that were initiated by DELOS including the DELOS vision for digital libraries (DLs). A key aspect of DelosDLMS is its novel generic infrastructure that allows the generation of digital library systems out of a set of basic system services and DL services in a modular and extensible way. DL services like feature extraction, visualization, intelligent browsing, media-type-specific indexing, support for multilinguality, relevance feedback and many others can easily be incorporated or replaced. A further key aspect of DelosDLMS is its robustness against failures and its scalability for large collections and many parallel user requests. We discuss the current status of an effort to build DelosDLMS, a Digital Library Management System that integrates in various ways several components developed by DELOS members and showcases a great variety of functionality that is outlined as part of the DELOS visio


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    Digital library system dan library management system menjawab perkembangan kebutuhan masyarakat dalam hal pelayanan pada lembaga perpustakaan. Digital library system memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan digital resource sehingga digital resource dapat diakses melalui internet tanpa mengenal waktu dan tempat. Library management system memberikan kontribusi pada perkembangan otomatisasi pengolahan data keanggotaan, sirkulasi dan kataloging. Peneliti mengembangkan digital library system dan library management system dengan mengintegrasikan arsitektur dua sistem tersebut. Integrasi arsitektur ditempuh dengan memasukkan komponen library management system ke dalam arsitektur digital library system. Penerapan teknologi web application diperlukan agar komponen tersebut dapat terintegrasi dengan komponen digital library system. Sistem yang dihasilkan dari pengembangan ini memiliki keunggulan pemanfaatan aplikasi peminjaman, keanggotaan dan kataloging yang sharable melalui internet, sehingga aplikasi itu dapat digunakan bersama – sama. Informasi katalog dapat disampaikan antar perpustakaan, tanpa meninggalkan fungsi digital library dalam pemanfaatan bersama digital resource yang bersumber dari upload masing – masing pustakawan

    Semantic interoperability issues from a case study in Archaeology

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    Body cremated. Kirk McDaniel - husband.https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-ch-register-vol16/1179/thumbnail.jp

    Fast Information Retrieval in the Open Grid Service Architecture

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    Information retrieval offers resource discovery mechanisms for unstructured information and has thus been identified as a standardization goal by the open grid forum. We argue that an integration of information retrieval into the infrastructure is not only an interesting prospect for grid users, but is in fact necessary because the batch processing approach supported by the open grid service architecture is at odds with the requirements of online query processing. The cost of staging the search indices to an allocated compute node to answer sporadic but frequent search queries is prohibitive. We advocate the use of web services as a cross site messaging mechanism and discuss the alternatives. To investigate, we have designed and built a prototype system for grid image retrieval. Unfortunately, the statelessness and isolation of web services proved problematic for our purposes, but we present a software architecture that can efficiently overcome these issues

    Self-organizing distributed digital library supporting audio-video

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    The StreamOnTheFly network combines peer-to-peer networking and open-archive principles for community radio channels and TV stations in Europe. StreamOnTheFly demonstrates new methods of archive management and personalization technologies for both audio and video. It also provides a collaboration platform for community purposes that suits the flexible activity patterns of these kinds of broadcaster communities

    Semantic Interoperability in Archaeological Datasets: Data Mapping and Extraction Via the CIDOC CRM

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    Abstract. Findings from a data mapping and extraction exercise undertaken as part of the STAR project are described and related to recent work in the area. The exercise was undertaken in conjunction with English Heritage and encompassed five differently structured relational databases containing various results of archaeological excavations. The aim of the exercise was to demonstrate the potential benefits in cross searching data expressed as RDF and conforming to a common overarching conceptual data structure schema- the English Heritage Centre for Archaeology ontological model (CRM-EH), an extension of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM). A semi-automatic mapping/extraction tool proved an essential component. The viability of the approach is demonstrated by web services and a client application on an integrated data and concept network