516 research outputs found

    Predictive Control of Autonomous Kites in Tow Test Experiments

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    In this paper we present a model-based control approach for autonomous flight of kites for wind power generation. Predictive models are considered to compensate for delay in the kite dynamics. We apply Model Predictive Control (MPC), with the objective of guiding the kite to follow a figure-of-eight trajectory, in the outer loop of a two level control cascade. The tracking capabilities of the inner-loop controller depend on the operating conditions and are assessed via a frequency domain robustness analysis. We take the limitations of the inner tracking controller into account by encoding them as optimisation constraints in the outer MPC. The method is validated on a kite system in tow test experiments.Comment: The paper has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Control Systems Letters and is subject to IEEE Control Systems Society copyright. Upon publication, the copy of record will be available at http://ieeexplore.ieee.or

    Robustness of Prediction Based Delay Compensation for Nonlinear Systems

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    Control of systems where the information between the controller, actuator, and sensor can be lost or delayed can be challenging with respect to stability and performance. One way to overcome the resulting problems is the use of prediction based compensation schemes. Instead of a single input, a sequence of (predicted) future controls is submitted and implemented at the actuator. If suitable, so-called prediction consistent compensation and control schemes, such as certain predictive control approaches, are used, stability of the closed loop in the presence of delays and packet losses can be guaranteed. In this paper, we show that control schemes employing prediction based delay compensation approaches do posses inherent robustness properties. Specifically, if the nominal closed loop system without delay compensation is ISS with respect to perturbation and measurement errors, then the closed loop system employing prediction based delay compensation techniques is robustly stable. We analyze the influence of the prediction horizon on the robustness gains and illustrate the results in simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Approximate Kalman-Bucy filter for continuous-time semi-Markov jump linear systems

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a new numerical approximation of the Kalman-Bucy filter for semi-Markov jump linear systems. This approximation is based on the selection of typical trajectories of the driving semi-Markov chain of the process by using an optimal quantization technique. The main advantage of this approach is that it makes pre-computations possible. We derive a Lipschitz property for the solution of the Riccati equation and a general result on the convergence of perturbed solutions of semi-Markov switching Riccati equations when the perturbation comes from the driving semi-Markov chain. Based on these results, we prove the convergence of our approximation scheme in a general infinite countable state space framework and derive an error bound in terms of the quantization error and time discretization step. We employ the proposed filter in a magnetic levitation example with markovian failures and compare its performance with both the Kalman-Bucy filter and the Markovian linear minimum mean squares estimator

    Robust model predictive control for linear systems subject to norm-bounded model Uncertainties and Disturbances: An Implementation to industrial directional drilling system

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) refers to a class of receding horizon algorithms in which the current control action is computed by solving online, at each sampling instant, a constrained optimization problem. MPC has been widely implemented within the industry, due to its ability to deal with multivariable processes and to explicitly consider any physical constraints within the optimal control problem in a straightforward manner. However, the presence of uncertainty, whether in the form of additive disturbances, state estimation error or plant-model mismatch, and the robust constraints satisfaction and stability, remain an active area of research. The family of predictive control algorithms, which explicitly take account of process uncertainties/disturbances whilst guaranteeing robust constraint satisfaction and performance is referred to as Robust MPC (RMPC) schemes. In this thesis, RMPC algorithms based on Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) optimization are investigated, with the overall aim of improving robustness and control performance, while maintaining conservativeness and computation burden at low levels. Typically, the constrained RMPC problem with state-feedback parameterizations is nonlinear (and nonconvex) with a prohibitively high computational burden for online implementation. To remedy this issue, a novel approach is proposed to linearize the state-feedback RMPC problem, with minimal conservatism, through the use of semidefinite relaxation techniques and the Elimination Lemma. The proposed algorithm computes the state-feedback gain and perturbation online by solving an LMI optimization that, in comparison to other schemes in the literature is shown to have a substantially reduced computational burden without adversely affecting the tracking performance of the controller. In the case that only (noisy) output measurements are available, an output-feedback RMPC algorithm is also derived for norm-bounded uncertain systems. The novelty lies in the fact that, instead of using an offline estimation scheme or a fixed linear observer, the past input/output data is used within a Robust Moving Horizon Estimation (RMHE) scheme to compute (tight) bounds on the current state. These current state bounds are then used within the RMPC control algorithm. To reduce conservatism, the output-feedback control gain and control perturbation are both explicitly considered as decision variables in the online LMI optimization. Finally, the aforementioned robust control strategies are applied in an industrial directional drilling configuration and their performance is illustrated by simulations. A rotary steerable system (RSS) is a drilling technology that has been extensively studied over the last 20 years in hydrocarbon exploration and is used to drill complex curved borehole trajectories. RSSs are commonly treated as dynamic robotic actuator systems, driven by a reference signal and typically controlled by using a feedback loop control law. However, due to spatial delays, parametric uncertainties, and the presence of disturbances in such an unpredictable working environment, designing such control laws is not a straightforward process. Furthermore, due to their inherent delayed feedback, described by delay differential equations (DDE), directional drilling systems have the potential to become unstable given the requisite conditions. To address this problem, a simplified model described by ordinary differential equations (ODE) is first proposed, and then taking into account disturbances and system uncertainties that arise from design approximations, the proposed RMPC algorithm is used to automate the directional drilling system.Open Acces

    Robust filtering for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems with probability constraints

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    This paper is concerned with the probability-constrained filtering problem for a class of time-varying nonlinear stochastic systems with estimation error variance constraint. The stochastic nonlinearity considered is quite general that is capable of describing several well-studied stochastic nonlinear systems. The second-order statistics of the noise sequence are unknown but belong to certain known convex set. The purpose of this paper is to design a filter guaranteeing a minimized upper-bound on the estimation error variance. The existence condition for the desired filter is established, in terms of the feasibility of a set of difference Riccati-like equations, which can be solved forward in time. Then, under the probability constraints, a minimax estimation problem is proposed for determining the suboptimal filter structure that minimizes the worst-case performance on the estimation error variance with respect to the uncertain second-order statistics. Finally, a numerical example is presented to show the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method

    Towards Safe Autonomy in Assistive Robots

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    Robots have the potential to support older adults and persons with disabilities on a direct and personal level. For example, a wearable robot may help a person stand up from a chair, or a robotic manipulator may aid a person with meal preparation and housework. Assistive robots can autonomously make decisions about how best to support a person. However, this autonomy is potentially dangerous; robots can cause collisions or falls which may lead to serious injury. Therefore, guaranteeing that assistive robots operate safely is imperative. This dissertation advances safe autonomy in assistive robots by developing a suite of tools for the tasks of perception, monitoring, manipulation and all prevention. Each tool provides a theoretical guarantee of its correct performance, adding a necessary layer of trust and protection when deploying assistive robots. The topic of interaction, or how a human responds to the decisions made by assistive robots, is left for future work. Perception: Assistive robots must accurately perceive the 3D position of a person's body to avoid collisions and build predictive models of how a person moves. This dissertation formulates the problem of 3D pose estimation from multi-view 2D pose estimates as a sum-of-squares optimization problem. Sparsity is leveraged to efficiently solve the problem, which includes explicit constraints on the link lengths connecting any two joints. The method certifies the global optimality of its solutions over 99 percent of the time, and matches or exceeds state-of-the-art accuracy while requiring less computation time and no 3D training data. Monitoring: Assistive robots may mitigate fall risk by monitoring changes to a person’s stability over time and predicting instabilities in real time. This dissertation presents Stability Basins which characterize stability during human motion, with a focus on sit-to-stand. An 11-person experiment was conducted in which subjects were pulled by motor-driven cables as they stood from a chair. Stability Basins correctly predicted instability (stepping or sitting) versus task success with over 90 percent accuracy across three distinct sit-to-stand strategies. Manipulation: Robotic manipulators can support many common activities like feeding, dressing, and cleaning. This dissertation details ARMTD (Autonomous Reachability-based Manipulator Trajectory Design) for receding-horizon planning of collision-free manipulator trajectories. ARMTD composes reachable sets of the manipulator through workspace from low dimensional trajectories of each joint. ARMTD creates strict collision-avoidance constraints from these sets, which are enforced within an online trajectory optimization. The method is demonstrated for real-time planning in simulation and on hardware on a Fetch Mobile Manipulator robot, where it never causes a collision. Fall Prevention: Wearable robots may prevent falls by quickly reacting when a user trips or slips. This dissertation presents TRIP-RTD (Trip Recovery in Prostheses via Reachability-based Trajectory Design), which extends the ARMTD framework to robotic prosthetic legs. TRIP-RTD uses predictions of a person’s response to a trip to plan recovery trajectories of a prosthetic leg. TRIP-RTD creates constraints for an online trajectory optimization which ensure the prosthetic foot is placed correctly across a range of plausible human responses. The approach is demonstrated in simulation using data of non-amputee subjects being tripped.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169822/1/pdholmes_1.pd

    Discrete-Time Model Predictive Control

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    Discrete-time optimal preview control

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    There are many situations in which one can preview future reference signals, or future disturbances. Optimal Preview Control is concerned with designing controllers which use this preview to improve closed-loop performance. In this thesis a general preview control problem is presented which includes previewable disturbances, dynamic weighting functions, output feedback and nonpreviewable disturbances. It is then shown how a variety of problems may be cast as special cases of this general problem; of particular interest is the robust preview tracking problem and the problem of disturbance rejection with uncertainty in the previewed signal. . (', The general preview problem is solved in both the Fh and Beo settings. The H2 solution is a relatively straightforward extension ofpreviously known results, however, our contribution is to provide a single framework that may be used as a reference work when tackling a variety of preview problems. We also provide some new analysis concerning the maximum possible reduction in closed-loop H2 norm which accrues from the addition of preview action. / Name of candidate: Title of thesis: I DESCRIPTION OF THESIS Andrew Hazell Discrete-Time Optimal Preview Control The solution to the Hoo problem involves a completely new approach to Hoo preview control, in which the structure of the associated Riccati equation is exploited in order to find an efficient algorithm for computing the optimal controller. The problem tackled here is also more generic than those previously appearing in the literature. The above theory finds obvious applications in the design of controllers for autonomous vehicles, however, a particular class of nonlinearities found in typical vehicle models presents additional problems. The final chapters are concerned with a generic framework for implementing vehicle preview controllers, and also a'case study on preview control of a bicycle.Imperial Users onl
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