1,307 research outputs found

    3-D Statistical Channel Model for Millimeter-Wave Outdoor Mobile Broadband Communications

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    This paper presents an omnidirectional spatial and temporal 3-dimensional statistical channel model for 28 GHz dense urban non-line of sight environments. The channel model is developed from 28 GHz ultrawideband propagation measurements obtained with a 400 megachips per second broadband sliding correlator channel sounder and highly directional, steerable horn antennas in New York City. A 3GPP-like statistical channel model that is easy to implement in software or hardware is developed from measured power delay profiles and a synthesized method for providing absolute propagation delays recovered from 3-D ray-tracing, as well as measured angle of departure and angle of arrival power spectra. The extracted statistics are used to implement a MATLAB-based statistical simulator that generates 3-D millimeter-wave temporal and spatial channel coefficients that reproduce realistic impulse responses of measured urban channels. The methods and model presented here can be used for millimeter-wave system-wide simulations, and air interface design and capacity analyses.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, ICC 2015 (London, UK, to appear

    Indoor wireless communications and applications

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    Chapter 3 addresses challenges in radio link and system design in indoor scenarios. Given the fact that most human activities take place in indoor environments, the need for supporting ubiquitous indoor data connectivity and location/tracking service becomes even more important than in the previous decades. Specific technical challenges addressed in this section are(i), modelling complex indoor radio channels for effective antenna deployment, (ii), potential of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) radios for supporting higher data rates, and (iii), feasible indoor localisation and tracking techniques, which are summarised in three dedicated sections of this chapter

    On geometry-base statistical channel models for MIMO wireles communications

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    El uso de sistemas de comunicación de banda ancha de múltiple entradamúltiple salida (Multiple Input Multiple Output MIMO) es actualmente objeto de un interés considerable. Una razón para esto es el reciente desarrollo de sistemas de comunicación móvil de tercera generación (3G) y superiores, tales como la tecnología de banda ancha Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA, por sus siglas en inglés), la cual proporciona canales de radio de 5 MHz de ancho de banda. Para el diseño y la simulación de estos sistemas de radio móviles que usan propagación inalámbrica MIMO (como Wideband-CDMA por ejemplo), necesitamos modelos de canal que provean la requerida información espacial y temporal necesaria para el estudio de tales sistemas, esto es, los parámetros básicos de modelado en los dominios del espacio y el tiempo. Como ejemplo podemos mencionar, el valor cuadrático medio de la dispersión del retardo (Delay spread DS) el cual está directamente relacionado a la capacidad de un sistema de comunicación específico y nos da una idea aproximada de la complejidad del receptor. En esta tesis, se propone un modelo basado en geometría con enfoque en grupos (clusters) y es utilizado para el análisis en los dominios del espacio y el tiempo para condiciones estacionarias, y para representar los perfiles de potencia-angulo-retardo (Power Delay Angle Profiles PDAPs) de los componentes multi-trayectoria en ambientes urbanos. Además, se han derivado soluciones en formas cerradas para las expresiones en el dominio del ángulo (espacial) y del tiempo. La investigación previa sobre el modelado de canales cubre una amplia variedad de aspectos en varios niveles de detalle, incluyendo análisis para condiciones no estacionarias. Sin embargo el trabajo presentado en la literatura no incluye las relaciones entre los grupos (cluster) físicos y los PDAPs. El modelo propuesto basado en grupos (clusters) puede ser usado para mejorar aún más el desempeño en condiciones estacionarias de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles actuales y futuros tales como los sistemas de comunicación MIMO de banda ancha. En la tesis también se presenta un análisis en el dominio del ángulo (espacial) y del tiempo respectivamente, a través de las funciones densidad de probabilidad (PDF) de la dirección de llegada (Direction of Arrival DOA) y el tiempo de llegada (Time of Arrival TOA) para el modelo basado en grupos. A fin de evaluar las funciones de probabilidad teóricas derivadas, éstas han sido comparadas con resultados experimentales publicados en la literatura. La comparación con estos resultados experimentales muestran una buena concordancia, no obstante la técnica de modelado presentada en esta tesis se encuentra limitada a condiciones estacionarias del canal. La condición de no estacionariedad se ubica más allá del alcance de esta tesis, es decir, el modelo propuesto no incorpora el efecto Doppler en los análisis

    5G 3GPP-like Channel Models for Outdoor Urban Microcellular and Macrocellular Environments

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    For the development of new 5G systems to operate in bands up to 100 GHz, there is a need for accurate radio propagation models at these bands that currently are not addressed by existing channel models developed for bands below 6 GHz. This document presents a preliminary overview of 5G channel models for bands up to 100 GHz. These have been derived based on extensive measurement and ray tracing results across a multitude of frequencies from 6 GHz to 100 GHz, and this document describes an initial 3D channel model which includes: 1) typical deployment scenarios for urban microcells (UMi) and urban macrocells (UMa), and 2) a baseline model for incorporating path loss, shadow fading, line of sight probability, penetration and blockage models for the typical scenarios. Various processing methodologies such as clustering and antenna decoupling algorithms are also presented.Comment: To be published in 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference Spring (VTC 2016-Spring), Nanjing, China, May 201

    RMS delay spread vs. coherence bandwidth from 5G indoor radio channel measurements at 3.5 GHz band

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    Our society has become fully submersed in fourth generation (4G) technologies, setting constant connectivity as the norm. Together with self-driving cars, augmented reality, and upcoming technologies, the new generation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is pushing the development of fifth generation (5G) communication systems. In 5G architecture, increased capacity, improved data rate, and decreased latency are the objectives. In this paper, a measurement campaign is proposed; we focused on studying the propagation properties of microwaves at a center frequency of 3.5 GHz, commonly used in 5G cellular networks. Wideband measurement data were gathered at various indoor environments with different dimensions and characteristics. A ray-tracing analysis showed that the power spectrum is dominated by the line of sight component together with reflections on two sidewalls, indicating the practical applicability of our results. Two wideband parameters, root mean square delay spread and coherence bandwidth, were estimated for the considered scenarios, and we found that they are highly dependent on the physical dimension of the environment rather than on furniture present in the room. The relationship between both parameters was also investigated to provide support to network planners when obtaining the bandwidth from the delay spread, easily computed by a ray-tracing tool

    Reliable high-data rate body-centric wireless communication

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    Channel Sounding for the Masses: Low Complexity GNU 802.11b Channel Impulse Response Estimation

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    New techniques in cross-layer wireless networks are building demand for ubiquitous channel sounding, that is, the capability to measure channel impulse response (CIR) with any standard wireless network and node. Towards that goal, we present a software-defined IEEE 802.11b receiver and CIR estimation system with little additional computational complexity compared to 802.11b reception alone. The system implementation, using the universal software radio peripheral (USRP) and GNU Radio, is described and compared to previous work. By overcoming computational limitations and performing direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DS-SS) matched filtering on the USRP, we enable high-quality yet inexpensive CIR estimation. We validate the channel sounder and present a drive test campaign which measures hundreds of channels between WiFi access points and an in-vehicle receiver in urban and suburban areas