182 research outputs found

    3D Non-Rigid Reconstruction with Prior Shape Constraints

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    3D non-rigid shape recovery from a single uncalibrated camera is a challenging, under-constrained problem in computer vision. Although tremendous progress has been achieved towards solving the problem, two main limitations still exist in most previous solutions. First, current methods focus on non-incremental solutions, that is, the algorithms require collection of all the measurement data before the reconstruction takes place. This methodology is inherently unsuitable for applications requiring real-time solutions. At the same time, most of the existing approaches assume that 3D shapes can be accurately modelled in a linear subspace. These methods are simple and have been proven effective for reconstructions of objects with relatively small deformations, but have considerable limitations when the deformations are large or complex. The non-linear deformations are often observed in highly flexible objects for which the use of the linear model is impractical. Note that specific types of shape variation might be governed by only a small number of parameters and therefore can be well-represented in a low dimensional manifold. The methods proposed in this thesis aim to estimate the non-rigid shapes and the corresponding camera trajectories, based on both the observations and the prior learned manifold. Firstly, an incremental approach is proposed for estimating the deformable objects. An important advantage of this method is the ability to reconstruct the 3D shape from a newly observed image and update the parameters in 3D shape space. However, this recursive method assumes the deformable shapes only have small variations from a mean shape, thus is still not feasible for objects subject to large scale deformations. To address this problem, a series of approaches are proposed, all based on non-linear manifold learning techniques. Such manifold is used as a shape prior, with the reconstructed shapes constrained to lie within the manifold. Those non-linear manifold based approaches significantly improve the quality of reconstructed results and are well-adapted to different types of shapes undergoing significant and complex deformations. Throughout the thesis, methods are validated quantitatively on 2D points sequences projected from the 3D motion capture data for a ground truth comparison, and are qualitatively demonstrated on real example of 2D video sequences. Comparisons are made for the proposed methods against several state-of-the-art techniques, with results shown for a variety of challenging deformable objects. Extensive experiments also demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithms with respect to measurement noise and missing data

    Learning to Reconstruct People in Clothing from a Single RGB Camera

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    We present a learning-based model to infer the personalized 3D shape of people from a few frames (1-8) of a monocular video in which the person is moving, in less than 10 seconds with a reconstruction accuracy of 5mm. Our model learns to predict the parameters of a statistical body model and instance displacements that add clothing and hair to the shape. The model achieves fast and accurate predictions based on two key design choices. First, by predicting shape in a canonical T-pose space, the network learns to encode the images of the person into pose-invariant latent codes, where the information is fused. Second, based on the observation that feed-forward predictions are fast but do not always align with the input images, we predict using both, bottom-up and top-down streams (one per view) allowing information to flow in both directions. Learning relies only on synthetic 3D data. Once learned, the model can take a variable number of frames as input, and is able to reconstruct shapes even from a single image with an accuracy of 6mm. Results on 3 different datasets demonstrate the efficacy and accuracy of our approach

    Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images : a Comprehensive Survey

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    Human pose estimation refers to the estimation of the location of body parts and how they are connected in an image. Human pose estimation from monocular images has wide applications (e.g., image indexing). Several surveys on human pose estimation can be found in the literature, but they focus on a certain category; for example, model-based approaches or human motion analysis, etc. As far as we know, an overall review of this problem domain has yet to be provided. Furthermore, recent advancements based on deep learning have brought novel algorithms for this problem. In this paper, a comprehensive survey of human pose estimation from monocular images is carried out including milestone works and recent advancements. Based on one standard pipeline for the solution of computer vision problems, this survey splits the problema into several modules: feature extraction and description, human body models, and modelin methods. Problem modeling methods are approached based on two means of categorization in this survey. One way to categorize includes top-down and bottom-up methods, and another way includes generative and discriminative methods. Considering the fact that one direct application of human pose estimation is to provide initialization for automatic video surveillance, there are additional sections for motion-related methods in all modules: motion features, motion models, and motion-based methods. Finally, the paper also collects 26 publicly available data sets for validation and provides error measurement methods that are frequently used

    Learning to Reconstruct People in Clothing from a Single RGB Camera

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    We present a learning-based model to infer the personalized 3D shape of people from a few frames (1-8) of a monocular video in which the person is moving, in less than 10 seconds with a reconstruction accuracy of 5mm. Our model learns to predict the parameters of a statistical body model and instance displacements that add clothing and hair to the shape. The model achieves fast and accurate predictions based on two key design choices. First, by predicting shape in a canonical T-pose space, the network learns to encode the images of the person into pose-invariant latent codes, where the information is fused. Second, based on the observation that feed-forward predictions are fast but do not always align with the input images, we predict using both, bottom-up and top-down streams (one per view) allowing information to flow in both directions. Learning relies only on synthetic 3D data. Once learned, the model can take a variable number of frames as input, and is able to reconstruct shapes even from a single image with an accuracy of 6mm. Results on 3 different datasets demonstrate the efficacy and accuracy of our approach

    An augmented reality platform for interactive aerodynamic design and analysis

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    While modern CFD tools are able to provide the user with reliable and accurate simulations, there is a strong need for interactive design and analysis tools. State-of-the-art CFD software employs massive resources in terms of CPU time, user interaction, and also GPU time for rendering and analysis. In this work, we develop an innovative tool able to provide a seamless bridge between artistic design and engineering analysis. This platform has three main ingredients: computer vision to avoid long user interaction at the pre-processing stage, machine learning to avoid costly CFD simulations, and augmented reality for an agile and interactive post-processing of the results

    Advances in Monocular Exemplar-based Human Body Pose Analysis: Modeling, Detection and Tracking

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    Esta tesis contribuye en el análisis de la postura del cuerpo humano a partir de secuencias de imágenes adquiridas con una sola cámara. Esta temática presenta un amplio rango de potenciales aplicaciones en video-vigilancia, video-juegos o aplicaciones biomédicas. Las técnicas basadas en patrones han tenido éxito, sin embargo, su precisión depende de la similitud del punto de vista de la cámara y de las propiedades de la escena entre las imágenes de entrenamiento y las de prueba. Teniendo en cuenta un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento capturado mediante un número reducido de cámaras fijas, paralelas al suelo, se han identificado y analizado tres escenarios posibles con creciente nivel de dificultad: 1) una cámara estática paralela al suelo, 2) una cámara de vigilancia fija con un ángulo de visión considerablemente diferente, y 3) una secuencia de video capturada con una cámara en movimiento o simplemente una sola imagen estática
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