9 research outputs found

    Smart community-based services for older persons with disability: a desk review and analysis of design projects

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    Persons aging with disability (AWD) experienced the onset of disability in the early-mid life and their experience is quite different from those who acquire age-related disabilities in late life (disability with aging, DWA). Appropriate intervention models and services are required for these populations to enhance independent living and inclusion in a life-span and ecosystemic perspective. Smart Community-Based Services (SCBS) exploit technologies and systems to empower the persons into more integrated and coordinated networks. This study analyses the state of art in SCBS through a desk review. The 11 selected projects range from small to large-scale projects, adopt different approaches from techno-centric to user-centric, and exploit diverse key-enabling technologies to form smart ecosystems. Even if the research on this topic is still limited and often experimental, SCBS has the potential to address cross-population AWD/DWA needs, and connect diverse environments by orchestrating technologies, services and key-persons in the communities and favouring a more sustainable service planning

    Co-creating smart cities : design thinking for 21st century urban planning

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    PURPOSE: The main aim of this paper is to analyze the applicability of the design thinking methodology to the co-creation of smart city solutions. Furthermore, it also examines the evolution of the smart city concept, from the initial Smart City 1.0 model, to Smart Cities 3.0, rooted in civic participation and user-centered urban planning.METHODOLOGY: The text includes a review of relevant literature in the field of design thinking and smart city facilitation, in combination with a case study of the Bristol Approach for citizen sensing – a Smart City 3.0 project, utilizing an adaptation of the design thinking framework to co-create a smart solution to air quality deterioration.FINDINGS: The findings of the case study suggest that the co-creation of smart solutions, combined with the application of design-thinking principles, may significantly increase civic participation and feelings of ownership over public initiatives by local populations. Said inclusivity constitutes a key characteristic the Smart City 3.0 model, and may thus aid in the development of sustainable human-centered urban environments.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The world is becoming increasingly urbanized, placing a growing emphasis on the importance of urban planning. By fostering collaborative practices, the design thinking methodology may offer a practical guideline for public entities to enable user-centered smart city solutions. Successful implementations of said framework, such as that of the Bristol Approach, illustrate how cities may modify the design thinking model to best suit their purposes of co-creation with local populations.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The research paper concerns the application of design thinking to the facilitation of smart city solutions. The utilization of said framework in the creation of smart initiatives may positively impact public management pertaining to urbanization – a global phenomenon of growing significance. The obtained results may be of interest to representatives of the public sector, as well as private entities seeking cooperation with public authorities in the realm of smart city development.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation index system of green public open space based on internet of things and mental health

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    With the emergence of the IoT era, wireless sensor networks will be more and more widely used. In addition to collecting, transmitting and processing simple data such as humidity, temperature and density of the dome, they can also provide multimedia information services such as video and images. It enables more comprehensive and accurate environmental monitoring. Therefore, MSDs have a huge demand in military, daily, forestry, biomedicine and other fields. The intensive city model has obvious advantages in meeting people's diverse needs and comfortable life. Most obviously, it speeds up the rhythm of life for residents, thereby increasing efficiency and saving time. Starting from this aspect, this paper conducts a research on the evaluation index system of public built on the following areas of open space IoT and mental health. In this paper, the GRNN neural network model is constructed, the mean condition is calculated, the density function can be estimated, the network output, and the schematic diagram of the generalized regression neural network is improved. Using the established system, the index in 2018 is selected as the base year, and after transformation, the standardized values of the past years are formed, which are substituted into the cells to form different matrices. The value of each cell is counted to obtain the subsystem coordination degree, and the global coordination degree is obtained through calculation. The evaluation results of ecological civilization construction and development in 2018 and 2019, 2020 and 2021 were compared. The experimental data shows that compared with 2018, economic development will change from 1 to 2.000, social harmony will change from 1 to 2.480, ecological health will decrease to 0.850, environmental friendliness will decrease to 0.750, and comprehensive evaluation will decrease to 0.513. This shows that while the economy is developing this year, the construction of ecological civilization has been gradually carried out, and good results have been achieved. This reflects the effectiveness of the system. The subject of the evaluation index system of green public open space based on the Internet of Things and mental health has been well completed

    Definition of Technological Solutions Based on the Internet of Things and Smart Cities Paradigms for Active and Healthy Ageing through Cocreation

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    Existing initiatives to improve physical, mental, and social condition of senior citizens, which in Europe fall under the name of Active and Healthy Ageing, are including technological paradigms as main driver for innovation uptake. Among these paradigms, Smart Cities and the Internet of Things are of utmost importance. However, these initiatives may benefit from unified visions, efforts, and frameworks when it comes to defining technological solutions that take the most of both paradigms. We have defined an iterative approach, which combines user centred design techniques, technological development approaches, and a multifaceted adaptation process, to define a solution for Active and Healthy Ageing that makes use of the two paradigms. The solution is being defined in the context of two research and innovation projects, City4Age and ACTIVAGE, during which a solution is going to be defined and evaluated in the city of Madrid. Results show how Smart Cities and Internet of Things contribute to the solution, from a user (user needs and use cases) and a service delivery (technologies, architecture, and suppliers) perspective. In conclusion, we find the cocreation framework extremely useful for the Active and Health Ageing domain, and the proposed implementation of it is functioning, although there is room for improvement

    Exploring Implementation Strategies of IoT Technology in Organizations: Technology, Organization, and Environment

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    AbstractAfter organizations successfully adopt the internet of things (IoT) technology, many corporate information technology (IT) leaders face challenges during the implementation phase. Corporate IT leaders\u27 potential failures in implementing IoT devices may impede organizations from integrating IoT solutions and promoting business benefits. Grounded in technology-organization-environment (TOE) theory, the purpose of this qualitative, pragmatic inquiry study was to explore strategies that corporate IT leaders use to implement IoT technology in their organizations. The participants were six corporate healthcare IT leaders who successfully used implementation strategies for implementing IoT solutions for their organizations. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and industry security documents. After using the thematic analysis for the data analysis process, six themes were identified: using all identified internal project staff skills, aligning current IoT technology with business needs, using all identified current internal infrastructure, using all identified external support technologies, taking full advantage of vendor support, and using all identified external influencers and influences. A key recommendation for IT leaders is to use the IoT ecosystem from the implemented IoT solutions to promote benefits and profits. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve technology to support and encourage benefits to organizations and increase the number of organizations successfully implementing IoT technology. Businesses and end-users can benefit from the IoT ecosystem with IoT devices in smart cities, offices, hospitals, or homes

    Exploring Implementation Strategies of IoT Technology in Organizations: Technology, Organization, and Environment

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    AbstractAfter organizations successfully adopt the internet of things (IoT) technology, many corporate information technology (IT) leaders face challenges during the implementation phase. Corporate IT leaders\u27 potential failures in implementing IoT devices may impede organizations from integrating IoT solutions and promoting business benefits. Grounded in technology-organization-environment (TOE) theory, the purpose of this qualitative, pragmatic inquiry study was to explore strategies that corporate IT leaders use to implement IoT technology in their organizations. The participants were six corporate healthcare IT leaders who successfully used implementation strategies for implementing IoT solutions for their organizations. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and industry security documents. After using the thematic analysis for the data analysis process, six themes were identified: using all identified internal project staff skills, aligning current IoT technology with business needs, using all identified current internal infrastructure, using all identified external support technologies, taking full advantage of vendor support, and using all identified external influencers and influences. A key recommendation for IT leaders is to use the IoT ecosystem from the implemented IoT solutions to promote benefits and profits. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve technology to support and encourage benefits to organizations and increase the number of organizations successfully implementing IoT technology. Businesses and end-users can benefit from the IoT ecosystem with IoT devices in smart cities, offices, hospitals, or homes

    Diseño, especificación, implementación y validación de habilitadores digitales para la interoperabilidad de plataformas de Internet de las cosas (IoT)

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    [ES] Internet de las Cosas (IoT) es un paradigma tecnológico que está transformando y revolucionando el mundo en el cual vivimos, liderando la transformación digital y generando enormes posibilidades desde el punto de vista tecnológico que pueden solucionar grandes problemas y retos en nuestra sociedad y efectuar cambios profundos en nuestra economía e industria, y transformar nuestra vida cotidiana . Sin embargo, para poder obtener estos grandes beneficios y explotar todo su potencial todavía hace falta abordar y resolver grandes retos tecnológicos asociados. La interoperabilidad es el mayor reto tecnológico del paradigma IoT, conjuntamente con la seguridad, a causa de la vasta heterogeneidad inherente del universo IoT a todos los niveles y la falta de una estandarización global aceptada de facto capaz de alinear sus diferentes elementos y aspectos, que actualmente no se considera viable conseguir. La capacidad de elementos y sistemas de comunicarse y compartir información de manera efectiva entre ellos habilita intercambios de información relevante, coordinación o cooperación entre sí y sinergias. La fragmentación de la información de sistemas IoT y falta inherente de interoperabilidad en este paradigma causa graves problemas económicos y tecnológicos, e impide las sinergias entre sistemas. Se considera que la carencia de interoperabilidad es el mayor obstáculo para la formación de un ecosistema global de IoT, un hito en la transformación digital, puesto que impide la integración horizontal de mercados verticales y deja una gran fragmentación entre los sistemas basados en información obtenida con la tecnología IoT. IoT, uno de los paradigmas o habilitadores clave de la transformación digital, está enormemente limitada por carencias de interoperabilidad, que impiden su crecimiento, evolución y despliegue de todo su potencial. Es absolutamente crítico resolver el problema de falta intrínseca de interoperabilidad entre plataformas IoT para poder avanzar tecnológicamente hacia el Internet del Futuro, la Nueva Generación de IoT y la digitalización del mundo. La habilitación de la interoperabilidad entre sistemas y a lo largo de los sistemas, para conseguir un ecosistema interconexionado global, es un reto complejo y de múltiples facetas. Entre ellas, la interoperabilidad semántica, que implica el entendimiento completo, automático y sin ambigüedades de la información compartida entre sistemas, es singularmente compleja de obtener entre plataformas IoT a causa de la alta heterogeneidad entre sus modelos de información. En esta tesis se abarca el estudio, diseño, especificación, implementación y validación de habilitadores digitales (herramientas tecnológicas que promueven la digitalización del mundo) para establecer interoperabilidad en IoT en diferentes niveles (técnico, sintáctico, semántico) con especial enfoque en la interoperabilidad semántica entre plataformas heterogéneas, uno de los retos técnicos más complejos actualmente en IoT. También se abordan en el estudio y construcción de estos habilitadores temas a resolver de Internet del Futuro y la Nueva Generación de Internet de las Cosas.[CA] Internet de les Coses (IoT) és un paradigma tecnològic que està transformant i revolucionant el món en el qual vivim, liderant la transformació digital i generant enormes possibilitats des del punt de vista tecnològic que poden solucionar grans problemes i reptes en la nostra societat i efectuar canvis profunds en la nostra economia i indústria, i transformar la nostra vida quotidiana. No obstant això, per a poder obtindre aquests grans beneficis i explotar tot el seu potencial encara fa falta abordar i resoldre grans reptes tecnològics associats. La interoperabilitat és el major repte tecnològic del paradigma IoT, conjuntament amb la seguretat, a causa de la vasta heterogeneïtat inherent de l'univers IoT a tots els nivells i la falta d'una estandardització global acceptada de facto capaç d'alinear els seus diferents elements i aspectes, que actualment no es considera viable aconseguir. La capacitat d'elements i sistemes de comunicar-se i compartir informació de manera efectiva entre ells habilita intercanvis d'informació rellevant, coordinació o cooperació entre si i sinergies. La fragmentació de la informació de sistemes IoT i falta inherent d'interoperabilitat en aquest paradigma causa greus problemes econòmics i tecnològics, i impedeix les sinergies entre sistemes. Es considera que la manca d'interoperabilitat és el major obstacle per a la formació d'un ecosistema global de IoT, una fita en la transformació digital, ja que impedeix la integració horitzontal de mercats verticals i deixa una gran fragmentació entre els sistemes basats en informació obtinguda amb la tecnologia IoT. La IoT, un dels paradigmes o habilitadors clau de la transformació digital, està enormement limitada per manques d'interoperabilitat, que impedeixen el seu creixement, evolució i desplegament de tot el seu potencial. És absolutament crític resoldre el problema de falta intrínseca d'interoperabilitat entre plataformes IoT per a poder avançar tecnològicament cap a la Internet del Futur, la Nova Generació de IoT i la digitalització del món. L'habilitació de la interoperabilitat entre sistemes i al llarg dels sistemes, per a aconseguir un ecosistema interconnectat global, és un repte complex i de múltiples facetes. Entre elles, la interoperabilitat semàntica, que implica l'enteniment complet, automàtic i sense ambigüitats de la informació compartida entre sistemes, és singularment complexa d'obtindre entre plataformes IoT a causa de l'alta heterogeneïtat entre els seus models d'informació. En aquesta tesi s'abasta l'estudi, disseny, especificació, implementació i validació d'habilitadors digitals (eines tecnològiques que promouen la digitalització del món) per a establir interoperabilitat en IoT en diferents nivells (tècnic, sintàctic, semàntic) amb especial enfocament en la interoperabilitat semàntica entre plataformes heterogènies, un dels reptes tècnics més complexos actualment en IoT. També s'aborden en l'estudi i construcció d'aquests habilitadors temes a resoldre d'Internet del Futur i la Nova Generació d'Internet de les Coses.[EN] The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technological paradigm that is transforming and revolutionising the world we live in, leading the digital transformation and generating enormous technological possibilities that could solve major challenges in our society, effect profound changes in our economy and industry and transform our daily lives. However, in order to realise these great benefits and exploit IoT's full potential, there are major associated technological challenges to be addressed and solved. Interoperability is the biggest technological challenge of the IoT paradigm, together with security, because of the vast inherent heterogeneity in IoT at all levels and the lack of a de facto global standard capable of aligning its different elements and aspects, which is currently not considered feasible to achieve. The ability of elements and systems to communicate and share information effectively with each other enables exchanges of relevant information, coordination or cooperation with each other and synergies. The fragmentation of information in IoT systems and inherent lack of interoperability in this paradigm causes serious economic and technological problems, and prevents synergies between systems. The lack of interoperability is considered to be the biggest obstacle to the formation of a global IoT ecosystem, a milestone in the digital transformation, as it prevents horizontal integration of vertical markets and leaves a large fragmentation between systems based on IoT-derived information. IoT, one of the key paradigms or enablers of digital transformation, is severely constrained by interoperability gaps, which impede its growth, evolution and deployment of its full potential. It is absolutely critical to solve the problem of intrinsic lack of interoperability between IoT platforms in order to move technologically towards the Future Internet, the Next Generation IoT and the digitisation of the world. The enablement of interoperability between and across systems to achieve a globally interconnected ecosystem is a complex and multi-faceted challenge. Among them, semantic interoperability, which implies an automatic unambiguous understanding of the information shared between systems, is hardly feasible between IoT platforms due to the high heterogeneity of information models. This thesis covers the study, design, specification, implementation and validation of digital enablers to establish IoT interoperability at different levels (technical, syntactic, semantic) with special focus on semantic interoperability between heterogeneous platforms, one of the most complex technical challenges currently in IoT. The study and construction of these enablers also address issues to solve in the Future Internet and the Next Generation of the Internet of Things.González Usach, R. (2022). Diseño, especificación, implementación y validación de habilitadores digitales para la interoperabilidad de plataformas de Internet de las cosas (IoT) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181643TESI

    Sustainable Value Co-Creation in Welfare Service Ecosystems : Transforming temporary collaboration projects into permanent resource integration

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the unexploited forces of user-orientation and shared responsibility to promote sustainable value co-creation during service innovation projects in welfare service ecosystems. The framework is based on the theoretical field of public service logic (PSL) and our thesis is that service innovation seriously requires a user-oriented approach, and that such an approach enables resource integration based on the service-user’s needs and lifeworld. In our findings, we identify prerequisites and opportunities of collaborative service innovation projects in order to transform these projects into sustainable resource integration once they have ended