4,618 research outputs found

    Inteligentni sustav strojnog vida za automatiziranu kontrolu kvalitete keramičkih pločica

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    U članku je prikazan automatizirani sustav za vizualnu kontrolu kvalitete keramičkih pločica uporabom strojnog računalnog vida. Proces proizvodnje keramičkih pločica u gotovo svim svojim fazama zadovoljavajuće je automatiziran, osim u fazi kontrole kvalitete, na kraju procesa. Kvaliteta keramičkih pločica provjerava se i ocjenjuje postupcima vizualne provjere kvalitete, gdje se ljudski čimbenik nastoji zamijeniti sustavom strojnog računalnog vida u funkciji povećanja kvalitete i povećanja efikasnosti proizvodnje. Kvaliteta keramičkih pločica definirana je dimenzijama i površinskim značajkama. Predstavljeni sustav strojnog vida analizira geometrijske i površinske značajke te odlučuje o kvaliteti keramičkih pločica na temelju navedenih značajki uporabom klasifikatora s neuronskom mrežom. Predstavljene su također i metode koje poboljšavaju izdvajanje geometrijskih i površinskih svojstava. Potvrđena je efikasnost obradnih algoritama i primjena neuronskog klasifikatora kao zamjene za vizualnu kontrolu kvalitete ljudskim vidom

    Inteligentni sustav strojnog vida za automatiziranu kontrolu kvalitete keramičkih pločica

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    Intelligent system for automated visual quality control of ceramic tiles based on machine vision is presented in this paper. The ceramic tiles production process is almost fully and well automated in almost all production stages with exception of quality control stage at the end. The ceramic tiles quality is checked by using visual quality control principles where main goal is to successfully replace man as part of production chain with an automated machine vision system to increase production yield and decrease the production costs. The quality of ceramic tiles depends on dimensions and surface features. Presented automated machine vision system analyzes those geometric and surface features and decides about tile quality by utilizing neural network classifier. Refined methods for geometric and surface features extraction are presented also. The efficiency of processing algorithms and the usage of neural networks classifier as a substitution for human visual quality control are confirmed.U članku je prikazan automatizirani sustav za vizualnu kontrolu kvalitete keramičkih pločica uporabom strojnog računalnog vida. Proces proizvodnje keramičkih pločica u gotovo svim svojim fazama zadovoljavajuće je automatiziran, osim u fazi kontrole kvalitete, na kraju procesa. Kvaliteta keramičkih pločica provjerava se i ocjenjuje postupcima vizualne provjere kvalitete, gdje se ljudski čimbenik nastoji zamijeniti sustavom strojnog računalnog vida u funkciji povećanja kvalitete i povećanja efikasnosti proizvodnje. Kvaliteta keramičkih pločica definirana je dimenzijama i površinskim značajkama. Predstavljeni sustav strojnog vida analizira geometrijske i površinske značajke te odlučuje o kvaliteti keramičkih pločica na temelju navedenih značajki uporabom klasifikatora s neuronskom mrežom. Predstavljene su također i metode koje poboljšavaju izdvajanje geometrijskih i površinskih svojstava. Potvrđena je efikasnost obradnih algoritama i primjena neuronskog klasifikatora kao zamjene za vizualnu kontrolu kvalitete ljudskim vidom

    Quantum chaos, random matrix theory, and statistical mechanics in two dimensions - a unified approach

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    We present a theory where the statistical mechanics for dilute ideal gases can be derived from random matrix approach. We show the connection of this approach with Srednicki approach which connects Berry conjecture with statistical mechanics. We further establish a link between Berry conjecture and random matrix theory, thus providing a unified edifice for quantum chaos, random matrix theory, and statistical mechanics. In the course of arguing for these connections, we observe sum rules associated with the outstanding counting problem in the theory of braid groups. We are able to show that the presented approach leads to the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 23 pages, TeX typ

    Nlcviz: Tensor Visualization And Defect Detection In Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    Visualization and exploration of nematic liquid crystal (NLC) data is a challenging task due to the multidimensional and multivariate nature of the data. Simulation study of an NLC consists of multiple timesteps, where each timestep computes scalar, vector, and tensor parameters on a geometrical mesh. Scientists developing an understanding of liquid crystal interaction and physics require tools and techniques for effective exploration, visualization, and analysis of these data sets. Traditionally, scientists have used a combination of different tools and techniques like 2D plots, histograms, cut views, etc. for data visualization and analysis. However, such an environment does not provide the required insight into NLC datasets. This thesis addresses two areas of the study of NLC data---understanding of the tensor order field (the Q-tensor) and defect detection in this field. Tensor field understanding is enhanced by using a new glyph (NLCGlyph) based on a new design metric which is closely related to the underlying physical properties of an NLC, described using the Q-tensor. A new defect detection algorithm for 3D unstructured grids based on the orientation change of the director is developed. This method has been used successfully in detecting defects for both structured and unstructured models with varying grid complexity

    Injecting software faults in Python applications

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    As técnicas de injeção de falhas de software têm sido amplamente utilizadas como meio para avaliar a confiabilidade de sistemas na presença de certos tipos de falhas. Apesar da grande diversidade de ferramentas que oferecem a possibilidade de emular a presença de falhas de software, há pouco suporte prático para emular a presença de falhas de soft ware em aplicações Python, que cada vez mais são usados para suportar serviços cloud críticos para negócios. Nesta tese, apresentamos uma ferramenta (de nome Fit4Python) para injetar falhas de software em código Python e, de seguida, usamo-la para analisar a eficácia da bateria de testes do OpenStack contra estas novas, prováveis, falhas de software. Começamos por analisar os tipos de falhas que afetam o Nova Compute, um componente central do OpenStack. Usamos a nossa ferramenta para emular a presença de novas falhas na API Nova Compute de forma a entender como a bateria de testes unitários, funcionais e de integração do OpenStack cobre essas novas, mas prováveis, situações. Os resultados mostram limitações claras na eficácia da bateria de testes dos programadores do Open Stack, com muitos casos de falhas injetadas a passarem sem serem detectadas por todos os três tipos de testes. Para além disto, observamos que que a maioria dos problemas analisados poderia ser detectada com mudanças ou acréscimos triviais aos testes unitários

    Universality of Parametric Spectral Correlations: Local versus Extended Perturbing Potentials

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    We explore the influence of an arbitrary external potential perturbation V on the spectral properties of a weakly disordered conductor. In the framework of a statistical field theory of a nonlinear sigma-model type we find, depending on the range and the profile of the external perturbation, two qualitatively different universal regimes of parametric spectral statistics (i.e. cross-correlations between the spectra of Hamiltonians H and H+V). We identify the translational invariance of the correlations in the space of Hamiltonians as the key indicator of universality, and find the connection between the coordinate system in this space which makes the translational invariance manifest, and the physically measurable properties of the system. In particular, in the case of localized perturbations, the latter turn out to be the eigenphases of the scattering matrix for scattering off the perturbing potential V. They also have a purely statistical interpretation in terms of the moments of the level velocity distribution. Finally, on the basis of this analysis, a set of results obtained recently by the authors using random matrix theory methods is shown to be applicable to a much wider class of disordered and chaotic structures.Comment: 16 pages, 7 eps figures (minor changes and reference [17] added

    Evaluation the Quality of Software Design by Call Graph based Metrics

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    The prediction of software defects was introduced to support development and maintenance activities to improve the software quality by finding errors early in the software development. It facilitates maintenance in terms of effort, time and more importantly the cost prediction for software evolution and maintenance activities. In this paper, we evaluate the quality related attributes in developed software products. The software call graph model is also used for several applications in order to represent and reflect the degree of their complexity in terms of understandability, testability and maintainability efforts. The extracted metrics are investigated for the evaluated applications in correlation with bugs collected from customers bug reports. Those software related bugs are compiled into datasets files to use as an input to a data miner for classification, prediction and association analysis. Finally, the analysis results is evaluated in terms of finding the correlation between software products bugs and call graph based metrics. We find that call graph based metrics are appropriate to detect and predict software defects so that the activities of testing and maintenance stages become easier to estimate or assess after the product delivery

    Recovering from a Decade: A Systematic Mapping of Information Retrieval Approaches to Software Traceability

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    Engineers in large-scale software development have to manage large amounts of information, spread across many artifacts. Several researchers have proposed expressing retrieval of trace links among artifacts, i.e. trace recovery, as an Information Retrieval (IR) problem. The objective of this study is to produce a map of work on IR-based trace recovery, with a particular focus on previous evaluations and strength of evidence. We conducted a systematic mapping of IR-based trace recovery. Of the 79 publications classified, a majority applied algebraic IR models. While a set of studies on students indicate that IR-based trace recovery tools support certain work tasks, most previous studies do not go beyond reporting precision and recall of candidate trace links from evaluations using datasets containing less than 500 artifacts. Our review identified a need of industrial case studies. Furthermore, we conclude that the overall quality of reporting should be improved regarding both context and tool details, measures reported, and use of IR terminology. Finally, based on our empirical findings, we present suggestions on how to advance research on IR-based trace recovery

    A Phase-Space Approach to Collisionless Stellar Systems Using a Particle Method

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    A particle method for reproducing the phase space of collisionless stellar systems is described. The key idea originates in Liouville's theorem which states that the distribution function (DF) at time t can be derived from tracing necessary orbits back to t=0. To make this procedure feasible, a self-consistent field (SCF) method for solving Poisson's equation is adopted to compute the orbits of arbitrary stars. As an example, for the violent relaxation of a uniform-density sphere, the phase-space evolution which the current method generates is compared to that obtained with a phase-space method for integrating the collisionless Boltzmann equation, on the assumption of spherical symmetry. Then, excellent agreement is found between the two methods if an optimal basis set for the SCF technique is chosen. Since this reproduction method requires only the functional form of initial DFs but needs no assumptions about symmetry of the system, the success in reproducing the phase-space evolution implies that there would be no need of directly solving the collisionless Boltzmann equation in order to access phase space even for systems without any special symmetries. The effects of basis sets used in SCF simulations on the reproduced phase space are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages w/4 embedded PS figures. Uses aaspp4.sty (AASLaTeX v4.0). To be published in ApJ, Oct. 1, 1997. This preprint is also available at http://www.sue.shiga-u.ac.jp/WWW/prof/hozumi/papers.htm