1,289 research outputs found

    Deep learning-based holographic polarization microscopy

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    Polarized light microscopy provides high contrast to birefringent specimen and is widely used as a diagnostic tool in pathology. However, polarization microscopy systems typically operate by analyzing images collected from two or more light paths in different states of polarization, which lead to relatively complex optical designs, high system costs or experienced technicians being required. Here, we present a deep learning-based holographic polarization microscope that is capable of obtaining quantitative birefringence retardance and orientation information of specimen from a phase recovered hologram, while only requiring the addition of one polarizer/analyzer pair to an existing holographic imaging system. Using a deep neural network, the reconstructed holographic images from a single state of polarization can be transformed into images equivalent to those captured using a single-shot computational polarized light microscope (SCPLM). Our analysis shows that a trained deep neural network can extract the birefringence information using both the sample specific morphological features as well as the holographic amplitude and phase distribution. To demonstrate the efficacy of this method, we tested it by imaging various birefringent samples including e.g., monosodium urate (MSU) and triamcinolone acetonide (TCA) crystals. Our method achieves similar results to SCPLM both qualitatively and quantitatively, and due to its simpler optical design and significantly larger field-of-view, this method has the potential to expand the access to polarization microscopy and its use for medical diagnosis in resource limited settings.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Roadmap on digital holography [Invited]

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    This Roadmap article on digital holography provides an overview of a vast array of research activities in the field of digital holography. The paper consists of a series of 25 sections from the prominent experts in digital holography presenting various aspects of the field on sensing, 3D imaging and displays, virtual and augmented reality, microscopy, cell identification, tomography, label-free live cell imaging, and other applications. Each section represents the vision of its author to describe the significant progress, potential impact, important developments, and challenging issues in the field of digital holography

    Holographic particle localization under multiple scattering

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    We introduce a novel framework that incorporates multiple scattering for large-scale 3D particle-localization using single-shot in-line holography. Traditional holographic techniques rely on single-scattering models which become inaccurate under high particle-density. We demonstrate that by exploiting multiple-scattering, localization is significantly improved. Both forward and back-scattering are computed by our method under a tractable recursive framework, in which each recursion estimates the next higher-order field within the volume. The inverse scattering is presented as a nonlinear optimization that promotes sparsity, and can be implemented efficiently. We experimentally reconstruct 100 million object voxels from a single 1-megapixel hologram. Our work promises utilization of multiple scattering for versatile large-scale applications

    Silicon nitride metalenses for unpolarized high-NA visible imaging

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    As one of nanoscale planar structures, metasurface has shown excellent superiorities on manipulating light intensity, phase and/or polarization with specially designed nanoposts pattern. It allows to miniature a bulky optical lens into the chip-size metalens with wavelength-order thickness, playing an unprecedented role in visible imaging systems (e.g. ultrawide-angle lens and telephoto). However, a CMOS-compatible metalens has yet to be achieved in the visible region due to the limitation on material properties such as transmission and compatibility. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a divergent metalens based on silicon nitride platform with large numerical aperture (NA~0.98) and high transmission (~0.8) for unpolarized visible light, fabricated by a 695-nm-thick hexagonal silicon nitride array with a minimum space of 42 nm between adjacent nanoposts. Nearly diffraction-limit virtual focus spots are achieved within the visible region. Such metalens enables to shrink objects into a micro-scale size field of view as small as a single-mode fiber core. Furthermore, a macroscopic metalens with 1-cm-diameter is also realized including over half billion nanoposts, showing a potential application of wide viewing-angle functionality. Thanks to the high-transmission and CMOS-compatibility of silicon nitride, our findings may open a new door for the miniaturization of optical lenses in the fields of optical fibers, microendoscopes, smart phones, aerial cameras, beam shaping, and other integrated on-chip devices.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Multimode Optical Fiber Transmission with a Deep Learning Network

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    Multimode fibers (MMF) are an example of a highly scattering medium which scramble the coherent light propagating within them and produce seemingly random patterns. Thus, for applications such as imaging and image projection through a MMF, careful measurements of the relationship between inputs and outputs of the fiber are required. We show, as a proof of concept, that a deep learning neural network can learn the input-output relationship in a 0.75 m long MMF. Specifically, we demonstrate that a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) can learn the non-linear relationships between the amplitude of the speckle pattern obtained at the output of the fiber and the phase or amplitude at the input of the fiber. Effectively the network performs a non-linear inversion task. We obtained image fidelity (correlation) of ~98% compared with the image obtained using the measured matrix of the system. We further show that the network can be trained for transfer learning, i.e. it can transmit images through the MMF which belongs to another class which were not used for training/testing.Comment: Published in Nature Light: Science and Applications under the same titl

    Roadmap on holography

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    From its inception holography has proven an extremely productive and attractive area of research. While specific technical applications give rise to 'hot topics', and three-dimensional (3D) visualisation comes in and out of fashion, the core principals involved continue to lead to exciting innovations in a wide range of areas. We humbly submit that it is impossible, in any journal document of this type, to fully reflect current and potential activity; however, our valiant contributors have produced a series of documents that go no small way to neatly capture progress across a wide range of core activities. As editors we have attempted to spread our net wide in order to illustrate the breadth of international activity. In relation to this we believe we have been at least partially successful.This work was supported by Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad (Spain) under projects FIS2017-82919-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE) and FIS2015-66570-P (MINECO/FEDER), and by Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under project PROMETEO II/2015/015

    Randomness assisted in-line holography with deep learning

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    We propose and demonstrate a holographic imaging scheme exploiting random illuminations for recording hologram and then applying numerical reconstruction and twin removal. We use an in-line holographic geometry to record the hologram in terms of the second-order correlation and apply the numerical approach to reconstruct the recorded hologram. The twin image issue of the in-line holographic scheme is resolved by an unsupervised deep learning(DL) based method using an auto-encoder scheme. This strategy helps to reconstruct high-quality quantitative images in comparison to the conventional holography where the hologram is recorded in the intensity rather than the second-order intensity correlation. Experimental results are presented for two objects, and a comparison of the reconstruction quality is given between the conventional inline holography and the one obtained with the proposed technique.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
