7 research outputs found

    Cross-Domain Image Retrieval with Attention Modeling

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    With the proliferation of e-commerce websites and the ubiquitousness of smart phones, cross-domain image retrieval using images taken by smart phones as queries to search products on e-commerce websites is emerging as a popular application. One challenge of this task is to locate the attention of both the query and database images. In particular, database images, e.g. of fashion products, on e-commerce websites are typically displayed with other accessories, and the images taken by users contain noisy background and large variations in orientation and lighting. Consequently, their attention is difficult to locate. In this paper, we exploit the rich tag information available on the e-commerce websites to locate the attention of database images. For query images, we use each candidate image in the database as the context to locate the query attention. Novel deep convolutional neural network architectures, namely TagYNet and CtxYNet, are proposed to learn the attention weights and then extract effective representations of the images. Experimental results on public datasets confirm that our approaches have significant improvement over the existing methods in terms of the retrieval accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 8 pages with an extra reference pag

    Synchronous multi-GPU training for deep learning with low-precision communications: An empirical study

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    Training deep learning models has received tremendous research interest recently. In particular, there has been intensive research on reducing the communication cost of training when using multiple computational devices, through reducing the precision of the underlying data representation. Naturally, such methods induce system trade-offs—lowering communication precision could de-crease communication overheads and improve scalability; but, on the other hand, it can also reduce the accuracy of training. In this paper, we study this trade-off space, and ask:Can low-precision communication consistently improve the end-to-end performance of training modern neural networks, with no accuracy loss?From the performance point of view, the answer to this question may appear deceptively easy: compressing communication through low precision should help when the ratio between communication and computation is high. However, this answer is less straightforward when we try to generalize this principle across various neural network architectures (e.g., AlexNet vs. ResNet),number of GPUs (e.g., 2 vs. 8 GPUs), machine configurations(e.g., EC2 instances vs. NVIDIA DGX-1), communication primitives (e.g., MPI vs. NCCL), and even different GPU architectures(e.g., Kepler vs. Pascal). Currently, it is not clear how a realistic realization of all these factors maps to the speed up provided by low-precision communication. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study to answer this question and report the insights

    Distributed learning and inference in deep models

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    In recent years, the size of deep learning problems has been increased significantly, both in terms of the number of available training samples as well as the number of parameters and complexity of the model. In this thesis, we considered the challenges encountered in training and inference of large deep models, especially on nodes with limited computational power and capacity. We studied two classes of related problems; 1) distributed training of deep models, and 2) compression and restructuring of deep models for efficient distributed and parallel execution to reduce inference times. Especially, we considered the communication bottleneck in distributed training and inference of deep models. Data compression is a viable tool to mitigate the communication bottleneck in distributed deep learning. However, the existing methods suffer from a few drawbacks, such as the increased variance of stochastic gradients (SG), slower convergence rate, or added bias to SG. In my Ph.D. research, we have addressed these challenges from three different perspectives: 1) Information Theory and the CEO Problem, 2) Indirect SG compression via Matrix Factorization, and 3) Quantized Compressive Sampling. We showed, both theoretically and via simulations, that our proposed methods can achieve smaller MSE than other unbiased compression methods with fewer communication bit-rates, resulting in superior convergence rates. Next, we considered federated learning over wireless multiple access channels (MAC). Efficient communication requires the communication algorithm to satisfy the constraints imposed by the nodes in the network and the communication medium. To satisfy these constraints and take advantage of the over-the-air computation inherent in MAC, we proposed a framework based on random linear coding and developed efficient power management and channel usage techniques to manage the trade-offs between power consumption and communication bit-rate. In the second part of this thesis, we considered the distributed parallel implementation of an already-trained deep model on multiple workers. Since latency due to the synchronization and data transfer among workers adversely affects the performance of the parallel implementation, it is desirable to have minimum interdependency among parallel sub-models on the workers. To achieve this goal, we developed and analyzed RePurpose, an efficient algorithm to rearrange the neurons in the neural network and partition them (without changing the general topology of the neural network) such that the interdependency among sub-models is minimized under the computations and communications constraints of the workers.Ph.D

    Multi-Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Tracking in Panoramic Monocular Imagery for Autonomous Vehicle Perception

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    While active sensing such as radars, laser-based ranging (LiDAR) and ultrasonic sensors are nearly ubiquitous in modern autonomous vehicle prototypes, cameras are more versatile because they are nonetheless essential for tasks such as road marking detection and road sign reading. Active sensing technologies are widely used because active sensors are, by nature, usually more reliable than cameras to detect objects, however they are lower resolution, break in challenging environmental conditions such as rain and heavy reflections, as well as materials such as black paint. Therefore, in this work, we focus primarily on passive sensing technologies. More specifically, we look at monocular imagery and to what extent, it can be used as replacement for more complex sensing systems such as stereo, multi-view cameras and LiDAR. Whilst the main strength of LiDAR is its ability to measure distances and naturally enable 3D reasoning; in contrast, camera-based object detection is typically restricted to the 2D image space. We propose a convolutional neural network extending object detection to estimate the 3D pose and velocity of objects from a single monocular camera. Our approach is based on a siamese neural network able to process pair of video frames to integrate temporal information. While the prior work has focused almost exclusively on the processing of forward-facing rectified rectilinear vehicle mounted cameras, there are no studies of panoramic imagery in the context of autonomous driving. We introduce an approach to adapt existing convolutional neural networks to unseen 360° panoramic imagery using domain adaptation via style transfer. We also introduce a new synthetic evaluation dataset and benchmark for 3D object detection and depth estimation in automotive panoramic imagery. Multi-object tracking-by-detection is often split into two parts: a detector and a tracker. In contrast, we investigate the use of end-to-end recurrent convolutional networks to process automotive video sequences to jointly detect and track objects through time. We present a multitask neural network able to track online the 3D pose of objects in panoramic video sequences. Our work highlights that monocular imagery, in conjunction with the proposed algorithmic approaches, can offer an effective replacement for more expensive active sensors to estimate depth, to estimate and track the 3D pose of objects surrounding the ego-vehicle; thus demonstrating that autonomous driving could be achieved using a limited number of cameras or even a single 360° panoramic camera, akin to a human driver perception

    Improving the performance of dataflow systems for deep neural network training

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have led to significant advancements in machine learning. With deep structure and flexible model parameterisation, they exhibit state-of-the-art accuracies for many complex tasks e.g. image recognition. To achieve this, models are trained iteratively over large datasets. This process involves expensive matrix operations, making it time-consuming to obtain converged models. To accelerate training, dataflow systems parallelise computation. A scalable approach is to use parameter server framework: it has workers that train model replicas in parallel and parameter servers that synchronise the replicas to ensure the convergence. With distributed DNN systems, there are three challenges that determine the training completion time. In this thesis, we propose practical and effective techniques to address each of these challenges. Since frequent model synchronisation results in high network utilisation, the parameter server approach can suffer from network bottlenecks, thus requiring decisions on resource allocation. Our idea is to use all available network bandwidth and synchronise subject to the available bandwidth. We present Ako, a DNN system that uses partial gradient exchange for synchronising replicas in a peer-to-peer fashion. We show that our technique exhibits a 25% lower convergence time than a hand-tuned parameter-server deployments. For a long training, the compute efficiency of worker nodes is important. We argue that processing hardware should be fully utilised for the best speed-up. The key observation is it is possible to overlap the execution of several matrix operations with other workloads. We describe Crossbow, a GPU-based system that maximises hardware utilisation. By using a multi-streaming scheduler, multiple models are trained in parallel on GPU and achieve a 2.3x speed-up compared to a state-of-the-art system. The choice of model configuration for replicas also directly determines convergence quality. Dataflow systems are used for exploring the promising configurations but provide little support for efficient exploratory workflows. We present Meta-dataflow (MDF), a dataflow model that expresses complex workflows. By taking into account all configurations as a unified workflow, MDFs efficiently reduce time spent on configuration exploration.Open Acces