977 research outputs found

    Simulation and Assessment of Bitcoin Prediction Using Machine Learning Methodology

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    The market for digital currencies is rapidly growing, attracting traders, investors, and businesspeople on a worldwide scale that hasn't been witnessed in this century. By providing comparison studies and insights from the price data of crypto currency marketplaces, it will help in recording the behaviour and habits of such a lucratively demanding and rapidly expanding business. The bitcoin market is reaching one of its peak levels ever in 2021. The emergence of new exchanges has made cryptocurrencies more approachable to the general public, hence boosting their attractiveness. This has increased the number of users and interest in cryptocurrencies, along with a number of reliable crypto ventures started by some of the founders. Virtual currencies are growing more and more well-liked, and businesses like Tesla, Dell, and Microsoft are now embracing them. Decentralized digital currencies are becoming more and more popular, thus it's more crucial than ever to properly inform the public about the new currencies as they proliferate so that people are aware of what they possess and how their money is being invested. Analysis shows that soft computing and machine learning techniques can anticipate more accurately than any other technique now available to researchers. Finally, it is claimed that ANN, SVMs, and other similar machine learning techniques are useful for predicting global stock market fluctuations.

    Deep learning methods for modeling bitcoin price

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    A precise prediction of Bitcoin price is an important aspect of digital financial markets because it improves the valuation of an asset belonging to a decentralized control market. Numerous studies have studied the accuracy of models from a set of factors. Hence, previous literature shows how models for the prediction of Bitcoin suffer from poor performance capacity and, therefore, more progress is needed on predictive models, and they do not select the most significant variables. This paper presents a comparison of deep learning methodologies for forecasting Bitcoin price and, therefore, a new prediction model with the ability to estimate accurately. A sample of 29 initial factors was used, which has made possible the application of explanatory factors of different aspects related to the formation of the price of Bitcoin. To the sample under study, different methods have been applied to achieve a robust model, namely, deep recurrent convolutional neural networks, which have shown the importance of transaction costs and difficulty in Bitcoin price, among others. Our results have a great potential impact on the adequacy of asset pricing against the uncertainties derived from digital currencies, providing tools that help to achieve stability in cryptocurrency markets. Our models offer high and stable success results for a future prediction horizon, something useful for asset valuation of cryptocurrencies like BitcoinThis research was funded by Cátedra de Economía y Finanzas Sostenibles, University of Malaga, Spai

    Machine Learning based Cryptocurrency Price Prediction using historical data and Social Media Sentiment

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of social media sentiments on predicting the Bitcoin price using machine learning models, with a focus on integrating on-chain data and employing a Multi Modal Fusion Model. For conducting the experiments, the crypto market data, on-chain data, and corresponding social media data (Twitter) has been collected from 2014 to 2022 containing over 2000 samples. We trained various models over historical data including K-Nearest Neighbors, Logistic Regression, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Extreme Gradient Boosting and a Multi Modal Fusion. Next, we added Twitter sentiment data to the models, using the Twitter-roBERTa and VADAR models to analyse the sentiments expressed in social media about Bitcoin. We then compared the performance of these models with and without the Twitter sentiment data and found that the inclusion of sentiment feature resulted in consistently better performance, with Twitter-RoBERTa-based sentiment giving an average F1 scores of 0.79. The best performing model was an optimised Multi Modal Fusion classifier using Twitter-RoBERTa based sentiment, producing an F1 score of 0.85. This study represents a significant contribution to the field of financial forecasting by demonstrating the potential of social media sentiment analysis, on-chain data integration, and the application of a Multi Modal Fusion model to improve the accuracy and robustness of machine learning models for predicting market trends, providing a valuable tool for investors, brokers, and traders seeking to make informed decisions

    Forecasting bitcoin volatility: Exploring the potential of deep learning

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    This study aims to evaluate forecasting properties of classic methodologies (ARCH and GARCH models) in comparison with deep learning methodologies (MLP, RNN, and LSTM architectures) for predicting Bitcoin's volatility. As a new asset class with unique characteristics, Bitcoin's high volatility and structural breaks make forecasting challenging. Based on 2753 observations from 08-09-2014 to 01-05-2022, this study focuses on Bitcoin logarithmic returns. Results show that deep learning methodologies have advantages in terms of forecast quality, although significant computational costs are required. Although both MLP and RNN models produce smoother forecasts with less fluctuation, they fail to capture large spikes. The LSTM architecture, on the other hand, reacts strongly to such movements and tries to adjust its forecast accordingly. To compare forecasting accuracy at different horizons MAPE, MAE metrics are used. Diebold-Mariano tests were conducted to compare the forecast, confirming the superiority of deep learning methodologies. Overall, this study suggests that deep learning methodologies could provide a promising tool for forecasting Bitcoin returns (and therefore volatility), especially for short-term horizons.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simulation and Assessment of Stock Market Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methodology

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    This paper explores the application of neural network-based machine learning methodologies for stock market forecasting, an area of significant interest due to its potential to yield high returns. The study employs deep learning models, particularly Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, recognized for their ability to process time series data and capture temporal dependencies that are crucial in understanding stock market behaviors. The methodology involves collecting extensive historical stock price data, including open, close, high, low prices, and volume traded. This data is preprocessed to normalize the values and convert them into a format suitable for LSTM networks. The neural network architecture is designed with multiple layers, including dropout layers to prevent overfitting, and is trained on a substantial dataset to predict future stock prices based on past patterns. The performance of the LSTM model is evaluated using metrics such as root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE), comparing its predictive accuracy with traditional statistical methods and simpler machine learning models. The results indicate that LSTM networks can significantly improve the accuracy of stock market forecasts, demonstrating the model's efficacy in capturing complex stock price movements and providing a reliable tool for investors and financial analysts. The study not only confirms the viability of using sophisticated machine learning techniques in financial markets but also opens avenues for further research into neural network optimizations for enhanced predictive performance

    Understanding the Relationship between Online Discussions and Bitcoin Return and Volume: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis

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    This thesis examines Bitcoin related discussions on Bitcointalk.com over the 2013-2022 period. Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling algorithm, we discover eight distinct topics: Mining, Regulation, Investment/trading, Public perception, Bitcoin’s nature, Wallet, Payment, and Other. Importantly, we find differences in relations between different topics’ sentiment, disagreement (proxy for uncertainty) and hype (proxy for attention) on one hand and Bitcoin return and trading volume on the other hand. Specifically, among all topics, only the sentiment and disagreement of Investment/trading topic have significant contemporaneous relation with Bitcoin return. In addition, sentiment and disagreement of several topics, such as Mining and Wallet, show significant relationships with Bitcoin return only on the tails of the return distribution (bullish and bearish markets). In contrast, sentiment, disagreement, and hype of each topic show significant relation with Bitcoin volume across the entire distribution. In addition, whereas hype has a positive relation with trading volume in a low-volume market, this relation becomes negative in a high-volume market

    Statistical Model Selection and Prediction for Non-standard Data: Insights and Applications in Economics and Finance

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    In an increasingly digital world, data has become abundant and research about leveraging such vast amounts of data is on the rise. While extracting important information relevant for economic policies or financial risk is crucial, the often non-standard structure of such observational data poses many challenges for researchers. That includes highly correlated, time-dependent data, combinations of unstructured data, and even high-dimensional situations, where we have very few data points and many potentially relevant factors. In this thesis, I tackle the above challenges by developing interpretable statistical machine learning methods to reveal important effects of public policies, to better assess risks in financial applications, and to quantify market drivers. I study causal inference, statistical model selection, and prediction in different social and economic contexts in order to uncover statistical relationships and to identify important contributing factors. In the first part of my work, I analyze financial risk with cryptocurrencies and corporate bonds. For the former, I identify classes of assets and time periods where flexible machine learning methods, such as random forests employed within a statistical framework, significantly improve predictability of risk. This is vital given the highly volatile return structure of cryptocurrencies. For corporate bonds, I uncover drivers of the risk of default by developing a method that correctly handles the underlying, highly correlated, time series data. In the second part, I focus on the evaluation of the causal effect of tuition fees on university student enrollment. I develop methods to deal with the many possible influencing factors given only few observations by combining subsampling-based methods with regularization in a panel setup. I can show that there was a causal effect of the short tuition fee period in Germany by disentangling this effect from other factors and policies. In the third part, I combine satellite images with many noisy, observational data sources to show the impact of crime on the housing market of New York City on a spatial grid. To overcome the endogeneity of crime for house prices, I develop a method that leverages satellite data, can be easily extended to other cities, and highlights the non-linearity of crime on a spatial level
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