3,253 research outputs found

    Intelligent Fault Analysis in Electrical Power Grids

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    Power grids are one of the most important components of infrastructure in today's world. Every nation is dependent on the security and stability of its own power grid to provide electricity to the households and industries. A malfunction of even a small part of a power grid can cause loss of productivity, revenue and in some cases even life. Thus, it is imperative to design a system which can detect the health of the power grid and take protective measures accordingly even before a serious anomaly takes place. To achieve this objective, we have set out to create an artificially intelligent system which can analyze the grid information at any given time and determine the health of the grid through the usage of sophisticated formal models and novel machine learning techniques like recurrent neural networks. Our system simulates grid conditions including stimuli like faults, generator output fluctuations, load fluctuations using Siemens PSS/E software and this data is trained using various classifiers like SVM, LSTM and subsequently tested. The results are excellent with our methods giving very high accuracy for the data. This model can easily be scaled to handle larger and more complex grid architectures.Comment: In proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) 2017 (full paper); 6 pages; 13 figure

    Attributes of Big Data Analytics for Data-Driven Decision Making in Cyber-Physical Power Systems

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    Big data analytics is a virtually new term in power system terminology. This concept delves into the way a massive volume of data is acquired, processed, analyzed to extract insight from available data. In particular, big data analytics alludes to applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning techniques, data mining techniques, time-series forecasting methods. Decision-makers in power systems have been long plagued by incapability and weakness of classical methods in dealing with large-scale real practical cases due to the existence of thousands or millions of variables, being time-consuming, the requirement of a high computation burden, divergence of results, unjustifiable errors, and poor accuracy of the model. Big data analytics is an ongoing topic, which pinpoints how to extract insights from these large data sets. The extant article has enumerated the applications of big data analytics in future power systems through several layers from grid-scale to local-scale. Big data analytics has many applications in the areas of smart grid implementation, electricity markets, execution of collaborative operation schemes, enhancement of microgrid operation autonomy, management of electric vehicle operations in smart grids, active distribution network control, district hub system management, multi-agent energy systems, electricity theft detection, stability and security assessment by PMUs, and better exploitation of renewable energy sources. The employment of big data analytics entails some prerequisites, such as the proliferation of IoT-enabled devices, easily-accessible cloud space, blockchain, etc. This paper has comprehensively conducted an extensive review of the applications of big data analytics along with the prevailing challenges and solutions

    Machine learning for the sustainable energy transition: a data-driven perspective along the value chain from manufacturing to energy conversion

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    According to the special report Global Warming of 1.5 °C of the IPCC, climate action is not only necessary but more than ever urgent. The world is witnessing rising sea levels, heat waves, events of flooding, droughts, and desertification resulting in the loss of lives and damage to livelihoods, especially in countries of the Global South. To mitigate climate change and commit to the Paris agreement, it is of the uttermost importance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions coming from the most emitting sector, namely the energy sector. To this end, large-scale penetration of renewable energy systems into the energy market is crucial for the energy transition toward a sustainable future by replacing fossil fuels and improving access to energy with socio-economic benefits. With the advent of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things technologies have been increasingly applied to the energy sector introducing the concept of smart grid or, more in general, Internet of Energy. These paradigms are steering the energy sector towards more efficient, reliable, flexible, resilient, safe, and sustainable solutions with huge environmental and social potential benefits. To realize these concepts, new information technologies are required, and among the most promising possibilities are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning which in many countries have already revolutionized the energy industry. This thesis presents different Machine Learning algorithms and methods for the implementation of new strategies to make renewable energy systems more efficient and reliable. It presents various learning algorithms, highlighting their advantages and limits, and evaluating their application for different tasks in the energy context. In addition, different techniques are presented for the preprocessing and cleaning of time series, nowadays collected by sensor networks mounted on every renewable energy system. With the possibility to install large numbers of sensors that collect vast amounts of time series, it is vital to detect and remove irrelevant, redundant, or noisy features, and alleviate the curse of dimensionality, thus improving the interpretability of predictive models, speeding up their learning process, and enhancing their generalization properties. Therefore, this thesis discussed the importance of dimensionality reduction in sensor networks mounted on renewable energy systems and, to this end, presents two novel unsupervised algorithms. The first approach maps time series in the network domain through visibility graphs and uses a community detection algorithm to identify clusters of similar time series and select representative parameters. This method can group both homogeneous and heterogeneous physical parameters, even when related to different functional areas of a system. The second approach proposes the Combined Predictive Power Score, a method for feature selection with a multivariate formulation that explores multiple sub-sets of expanding variables and identifies the combination of features with the highest predictive power over specified target variables. This method proposes a selection algorithm for the optimal combination of variables that converges to the smallest set of predictors with the highest predictive power. Once the combination of variables is identified, the most relevant parameters in a sensor network can be selected to perform dimensionality reduction. Data-driven methods open the possibility to support strategic decision-making, resulting in a reduction of Operation & Maintenance costs, machine faults, repair stops, and spare parts inventory size. Therefore, this thesis presents two approaches in the context of predictive maintenance to improve the lifetime and efficiency of the equipment, based on anomaly detection algorithms. The first approach proposes an anomaly detection model based on Principal Component Analysis that is robust to false alarms, can isolate anomalous conditions, and can anticipate equipment failures. The second approach has at its core a neural architecture, namely a Graph Convolutional Autoencoder, which models the sensor network as a dynamical functional graph by simultaneously considering the information content of individual sensor measurements (graph node features) and the nonlinear correlations existing between all pairs of sensors (graph edges). The proposed neural architecture can capture hidden anomalies even when the turbine continues to deliver the power requested by the grid and can anticipate equipment failures. Since the model is unsupervised and completely data-driven, this approach can be applied to any wind turbine equipped with a SCADA system. When it comes to renewable energies, the unschedulable uncertainty due to their intermittent nature represents an obstacle to the reliability and stability of energy grids, especially when dealing with large-scale integration. Nevertheless, these challenges can be alleviated if the natural sources or the power output of renewable energy systems can be forecasted accurately, allowing power system operators to plan optimal power management strategies to balance the dispatch between intermittent power generations and the load demand. To this end, this thesis proposes a multi-modal spatio-temporal neural network for multi-horizon wind power forecasting. In particular, the model combines high-resolution Numerical Weather Prediction forecast maps with turbine-level SCADA data and explores how meteorological variables on different spatial scales together with the turbines' internal operating conditions impact wind power forecasts. The world is undergoing a third energy transition with the main goal to tackle global climate change through decarbonization of the energy supply and consumption patterns. This is not only possible thanks to global cooperation and agreements between parties, power generation systems advancements, and Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence technologies but also necessary to prevent the severe and irreversible consequences of climate change that are threatening life on the planet as we know it. This thesis is intended as a reference for researchers that want to contribute to the sustainable energy transition and are approaching the field of Artificial Intelligence in the context of renewable energy systems

    Power system stability scanning and security assessment using machine learning

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    Future grids planning requires a major departure from conventional power system planning, where only a handful of the most critical scenarios is analyzed. To account for a wide range of possible future evolutions, scenario analysis has been proposed in many industries. As opposed to the conventional power system planning, where the aim is to ïŹnd an optimal transmission and/or generation expansion plan for an existing grid, the aim in future grids scenario analysis is to analyze possible evolution pathways to inform power system planning and policy making. Therefore, future grids’ planning may involve large amount of scenarios and the existing planning tools may no longer suitable. Other than the raised future grids’ planning issues, operation of future grids using conventional tools is also challenged by the new features of future grids such as intermittent generation, demand response and fast responding power electronic plants which lead to much more diverse operation conditions compared to the existing networks. Among all operation issues, monitoring stability as well as security of a power system and action with deliberated preventive or remedial adjustment is of vital important. On- line Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) can evaluate security of a power system almost instantly when current or imminent operation conditions are supplied. The focus of this dissertation are, for future grid planning, to develop a framework using Machine Learning (ML) to effectively assess the security of future grids by analyzing a large amount of the scenarios; for future grids operation, to propose approaches to address technique issues brought by future grids’ diverse operation conditions using ML techniques. Unsupervised learning, supervised learning and semi-supervised learning techniques are utilized in a set of proposed planning and operation security assessment tools

    Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Solar Irradiance Forecasting in Smart Grids

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    The increasing global demand for clean and environmentally friendly energy resources has caused increased interest in harnessing solar power through photovoltaic (PV) systems for smart grids and homes. However, the inherent unpredictability of PV generation poses problems associated with smart grid planning and management, energy trading and market participation, demand response, reliability, etc. Therefore, solar irradiance forecasting is essential for optimizing PV system utilization. This study proposes the next-generation machine learning algorithms such as random forests, Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Light Gradient Boosted Machine (lightGBM) ensemble, CatBoost, and Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Networks (MLP-ANNs) to forecast solar irradiance. Besides, Bayesian optimization is applied to hyperparameter tuning. Unlike tree-based ensemble algorithms that select the features intrinsically, MLP-ANN needs feature selection as a separate step. The simulation results indicate that the performance of the MLP-ANNs improves when feature selection is applied. Besides, the random forest outperforms the other learning algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, to appear in the 13th Smart Grid Conferenc

    Predictive modelling for solar thermal energy systems: A comparison of support vector regression, random forest, extra trees and regression trees

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    Predictive analytics play an important role in the management of decentralised energy systems. Prediction models of uncontrolled variables (e.g., renewable energy sources generation, building energy consumption) are required to optimally manage electrical and thermal grids, making informed decisions and for fault detection and diagnosis. The paper presents a comprehensive study to compare tree-based ensemble machine learning models (random forest – RF and extra trees – ET), decision trees (DT) and support vector regression (SVR) to predict the useful hourly energy from a solar thermal collector system. The developed models were compared based on their generalisation ability (stability), accuracy and computational cost. It was found that RF and ET have comparable predictive power and are equally applicable for predicting useful solar thermal energy (USTE), with root mean square error (RMSE) values of 6.86 and 7.12 on the testing dataset, respectively. Amongst the studied algorithms, DT is the most computationally efficient method as it requires significantly less training time. However, it is less accurate (RMSE = 8.76) than RF and ET. The training time of SVR was 1287.80 ms, which was approximately three times higher than the ET training time

    Dynamic Power Quality Disturbance Classification in Grid-Integrated PV Systems: Leveraging Clark Transformed Modal Voltage and Subspace Weighted KNN

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    AuthorsThis study focuses on detecting Power Quality Disturbance Events (PQDE) in microgrids integrated with a Solar Energy Conversion System (SECS). The research proposes a novel signal reduction technique called Clark Transformed Modal, which reduces three-phase voltage to a single unit signal, optimizing memory utilization and reducing computational load during feature extraction. A total of 16 features are extracted from the proposed modal signal by performing multi-resolution analysis through Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT). Various disturbances, including sag, swell, transients, notches, and flicker, are intentionally simulated in a PV-grid tied MATLAB/Simulink model to obtain a dataset of 10800 samples. Further, the dataset is randomly divided into training-testing subsets to verify the classification ability of a novel ensemble classifier called subspace weighted k-nearest Neighbor (SWKNN). In addition to that the optimum mother wavelet (dmay) is identified to even further boost the classifier performance. The results demonstrate the superior classification capabilities of the proposed MODWT-SWKNN classifier in terms of various performance metrics like precision, recall and F1-score. It also outperformed when compared with several competitive PQ classification models based on PV-integrated systems both under ideal and noisy conditions. Additionally, the disturbance detection system is validated in an OPAL-RT real-time environment to demonstrate its efficiency in terms of detection time. The accuracy of detection is found to be 99.74% in ideal case and fall back to no more than 3% regulation i.e., 97.28% even in dense noise of 20dB with as low as 8 WKNN subspaces. Further, average detection time with 500 trails is found to be 0.0285 seconds. The efficacy of the proposed PQ detection algorithm is also tested in a large PV integrated IEEE 13-bus system
