1,707 research outputs found

    What Symptoms and How Long? An Interpretable AI Approach for Depression Detection in Social Media

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    Depression is the most prevalent and serious mental illness, which induces grave financial and societal ramifications. Depression detection is key for early intervention to mitigate those consequences. Such a high-stake decision inherently necessitates interpretability. Although a few depression detection studies attempt to explain the decision based on the importance score or attention weights, these explanations misalign with the clinical depression diagnosis criterion that is based on depressive symptoms. To fill this gap, we follow the computational design science paradigm to develop a novel Multi-Scale Temporal Prototype Network (MSTPNet). MSTPNet innovatively detects and interprets depressive symptoms as well as how long they last. Extensive empirical analyses using a large-scale dataset show that MSTPNet outperforms state-of-the-art depression detection methods with an F1-score of 0.851. This result also reveals new symptoms that are unnoted in the survey approach, such as sharing admiration for a different life. We further conduct a user study to demonstrate its superiority over the benchmarks in interpretability. This study contributes to IS literature with a novel interpretable deep learning model for depression detection in social media. In practice, our proposed method can be implemented in social media platforms to provide personalized online resources for detected depressed patients.Comment: 56 pages, 10 figures, 21 table

    Understanding, Analyzing and Predicting Online User Behavior

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    abstract: Due to the growing popularity of the Internet and smart mobile devices, massive data has been produced every day, particularly, more and more users’ online behavior and activities have been digitalized. Making a better usage of the massive data and a better understanding of the user behavior become at the very heart of industrial firms as well as the academia. However, due to the large size and unstructured format of user behavioral data, as well as the heterogeneous nature of individuals, it leveled up the difficulty to identify the SPECIFIC behavior that researchers are looking at, HOW to distinguish, and WHAT is resulting from the behavior. The difference in user behavior comes from different causes; in my dissertation, I am studying three circumstances of behavior that potentially bring in turbulent or detrimental effects, from precursory culture to preparatory strategy and delusory fraudulence. Meanwhile, I have access to the versatile toolkit of analysis: econometrics, quasi-experiment, together with machine learning techniques such as text mining, sentiment analysis, and predictive analytics etc. This study creatively leverages the power of the combined methodologies, and apply it beyond individual level data and network data. This dissertation makes a first step to discover user behavior in the newly boosting contexts. My study conceptualize theoretically and test empirically the effect of cultural values on rating and I find that an individualist cultural background are more likely to lead to deviation and more expression in review behaviors. I also find evidence of strategic behavior that users tend to leverage the reporting to increase the likelihood to maximize the benefits. Moreover, it proposes the features that moderate the preparation behavior. Finally, it introduces a unified and scalable framework for delusory behavior detection that meets the current needs to fully utilize multiple data sources.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Business Administration 201

    Deep Residual Adaptive Neural Network Based Feature Extraction for Cognitive Computing with Multimodal Sentiment Sensing and Emotion Recognition Process

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    For the healthcare framework, automatic recognition of patients’ emotions is considered to be a good facilitator. Feedback about the status of patients and satisfaction levels can be provided automatically to the stakeholders of the healthcare industry. Multimodal sentiment analysis of human is considered as the attractive and hot topic of research in artificial intelligence (AI) and is the much finer classification issue which differs from other classification issues. In cognitive science, as emotional processing procedure has inspired more, the abilities of both binary and multi-classification tasks are enhanced by splitting complex issues to simpler ones which can be handled more easily. This article proposes an automated audio-visual emotional recognition model for a healthcare industry. The model uses Deep Residual Adaptive Neural Network (DeepResANNet) for feature extraction where the scores are computed based on the differences between feature and class values of adjacent instances. Based on the output of feature extraction, positive and negative sub-nets are trained separately by the fusion module thereby improving accuracy. The proposed method is extensively evaluated using eNTERFACE’05, BAUM-2 and MOSI databases by comparing with three standard methods in terms of various parameters. As a result, DeepResANNet method achieves 97.9% of accuracy, 51.5% of RMSE, 42.5% of RAE and 44.9%of MAE in 78.9sec for eNTERFACE’05 dataset.  For BAUM-2 dataset, this model achieves 94.5% of accuracy, 46.9% of RMSE, 42.9%of RAE and 30.2% MAE in 78.9 sec. By utilizing MOSI dataset, this model achieves 82.9% of accuracy, 51.2% of RMSE, 40.1% of RAE and 37.6% of MAE in 69.2sec. By analysing all these three databases, eNTERFACE’05 is best in terms of accuracy achieving 97.9%. BAUM-2 is best in terms of error rate as it achieved 30.2 % of MAE and 46.9% of RMSE. Finally MOSI is best in terms of RAE and minimal response time by achieving 40.1% of RAE in 69.2 sec

    The Power of Trust: Designing Trustworthy Machine Learning Systems in Healthcare

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    Machine Learning (ML) systems have an enormous potential to improve medical care, but skepticism about their use persists. Their inscrutability is a major concern which can lead to negative attitudes reducing end users trust and resulting in rejection. Consequently, many ML systems in healthcare suffer from a lack of user-centricity. To overcome these challenges, we designed a user-centered, trustworthy ML system by applying design science research. The design includes meta-requirements and design principles instantiated by mockups. The design is grounded on our kernel theory, the Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence principles. In three design cycles, we refined the design through focus group discussions (N1=8), evaluation of existing applications, and an online survey (N2=40). Finally, an effectiveness test was conducted with end users (N3=80) to assess the perceived trustworthiness of our design. The results demonstrated that the end users did indeed perceive our design as more trustworthy

    Probabilistic Graphical Models for Credibility Analysis in Evolving Online Communities

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    One of the major hurdles preventing the full exploitation of information from online communities is the widespread concern regarding the quality and credibility of user-contributed content. Prior works in this domain operate on a static snapshot of the community, making strong assumptions about the structure of the data (e.g., relational tables), or consider only shallow features for text classification. To address the above limitations, we propose probabilistic graphical models that can leverage the joint interplay between multiple factors in online communities --- like user interactions, community dynamics, and textual content --- to automatically assess the credibility of user-contributed online content, and the expertise of users and their evolution with user-interpretable explanation. To this end, we devise new models based on Conditional Random Fields for different settings like incorporating partial expert knowledge for semi-supervised learning, and handling discrete labels as well as numeric ratings for fine-grained analysis. This enables applications such as extracting reliable side-effects of drugs from user-contributed posts in healthforums, and identifying credible content in news communities. Online communities are dynamic, as users join and leave, adapt to evolving trends, and mature over time. To capture this dynamics, we propose generative models based on Hidden Markov Model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, and Brownian Motion to trace the continuous evolution of user expertise and their language model over time. This allows us to identify expert users and credible content jointly over time, improving state-of-the-art recommender systems by explicitly considering the maturity of users. This also enables applications such as identifying helpful product reviews, and detecting fake and anomalous reviews with limited information.Comment: PhD thesis, Mar 201

    Item Recommendation with Evolving User Preferences and Experience

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    Current recommender systems exploit user and item similarities by collaborative filtering. Some advanced methods also consider the temporal evolution of item ratings as a global background process. However, all prior methods disregard the individual evolution of a user's experience level and how this is expressed in the user's writing in a review community. In this paper, we model the joint evolution of user experience, interest in specific item facets, writing style, and rating behavior. This way we can generate individual recommendations that take into account the user's maturity level (e.g., recommending art movies rather than blockbusters for a cinematography expert). As only item ratings and review texts are observables, we capture the user's experience and interests in a latent model learned from her reviews, vocabulary and writing style. We develop a generative HMM-LDA model to trace user evolution, where the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) traces her latent experience progressing over time -- with solely user reviews and ratings as observables over time. The facets of a user's interest are drawn from a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model derived from her reviews, as a function of her (again latent) experience level. In experiments with five real-world datasets, we show that our model improves the rating prediction over state-of-the-art baselines, by a substantial margin. We also show, in a use-case study, that our model performs well in the assessment of user experience levels

    The Value of Incorporating Review Tags into an Online Review System for User Review Generation

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    Online review mining has become an important way for businesses to understand consumer preferences and product characteristics. Many online review platforms have started to incorporate the extracted information as review tags to guide future reviews. In this study, we leverage a quasi-experiment from an online health service platform to investigate the value of incorporating the review tags (extracted from prior reviews) into the online review system in user review generation. Our preliminary results show that after the provision of review tags, more reviews are provided for doctors but the length of those reviews is shorter. Notably, we also find a decrease in sentiment and an increase in novel reviews. Our findings provide actionable managerial insights for platform managers to design online review systems

    Technology in the 21st Century: New Challenges and Opportunities

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    Although big data, big data analytics (BDA) and business intelligence have attracted growing attention of both academics and practitioners, a lack of clarity persists about how BDA has been applied in business and management domains. In reflecting on Professor Ayre's contributions, we want to extend his ideas on technological change by incorporating the discourses around big data, BDA and business intelligence. With this in mind, we integrate the burgeoning but disjointed streams of research on big data, BDA and business intelligence to develop unified frameworks. Our review takes on both technical and managerial perspectives to explore the complex nature of big data, techniques in big data analytics and utilisation of big data in business and management community. The advanced analytics techniques appear pivotal in bridging big data and business intelligence. The study of advanced analytics techniques and their applications in big data analytics led to identification of promising avenues for future research
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