897 research outputs found

    The mobile satellite service (MSS) systems for global personal communications

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    A worldwide interest has arisen on personal communications via satellite systems. The recently proposed mobile satellite service(MSS) systems are categorized four areas: geostationary earth orbit(GEO) systems, medium earth orbit(MEO) systems, low earth orbit(LEO) systems, and highly elliptical orbit(HEO) systems. Most of the systems in each category are introduced and explained including some technical details. The communication links and orbital constellations of some systems are analyzed and compared with different categories, and with different systems. Some economical aspects of the systems are mentioned. The regulatory issues about frequency spectrum allocation, and the current technical trends in these systems are summarized

    Survey of Inter-satellite Communication for Small Satellite Systems: Physical Layer to Network Layer View

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    Small satellite systems enable whole new class of missions for navigation, communications, remote sensing and scientific research for both civilian and military purposes. As individual spacecraft are limited by the size, mass and power constraints, mass-produced small satellites in large constellations or clusters could be useful in many science missions such as gravity mapping, tracking of forest fires, finding water resources, etc. Constellation of satellites provide improved spatial and temporal resolution of the target. Small satellite constellations contribute innovative applications by replacing a single asset with several very capable spacecraft which opens the door to new applications. With increasing levels of autonomy, there will be a need for remote communication networks to enable communication between spacecraft. These space based networks will need to configure and maintain dynamic routes, manage intermediate nodes, and reconfigure themselves to achieve mission objectives. Hence, inter-satellite communication is a key aspect when satellites fly in formation. In this paper, we present the various researches being conducted in the small satellite community for implementing inter-satellite communications based on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. This paper also reviews the various design parameters applicable to the first three layers of the OSI model, i.e., physical, data link and network layer. Based on the survey, we also present a comprehensive list of design parameters useful for achieving inter-satellite communications for multiple small satellite missions. Specific topics include proposed solutions for some of the challenges faced by small satellite systems, enabling operations using a network of small satellites, and some examples of small satellite missions involving formation flying aspects.Comment: 51 pages, 21 Figures, 11 Tables, accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Data distribution satellite

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    A description is given of a data distribution satellite (DDS) system. The DDS would operate in conjunction with the tracking and data relay satellite system to give ground-based users real time, two-way access to instruments in space and space-gathered data. The scope of work includes the following: (1) user requirements are derived; (2) communication scenarios are synthesized; (3) system design constraints and projected technology availability are identified; (4) DDS communications payload configuration is derived, and the satellite is designed; (5) requirements for earth terminals and network control are given; (6) system costs are estimated, both life cycle costs and user fees; and (7) technology developments are recommended, and a technology development plan is given. The most important results obtained are as follows: (1) a satellite designed for launch in 2007 is feasible and has 10 Gb/s capacity, 5.5 kW power, and 2000 kg mass; (2) DDS features include on-board baseband switching, use of Ku- and Ka-bands, multiple optical intersatellite links; and (3) system user costs are competitive with projected terrestrial communication costs

    Architectural Model for Evaluating Space Communication Networks

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    [ANGLÈS] The space exploration endeavor started in 1957 with the launch and operation of the first manmade satellite, the URSS Sputnik 1. Since then, multiple space programs have been developed, pushing the limits of technology and science but foremost unveiling the mysteries of the universe. In all these cases, the need for flexible and reliable communication systems has been primordial, allowing the return of collected science data and, when necessary, ensuring the well-being and safety of astronauts. To that end, multiple space communication networks have been globally deployed, be it through geographically distributed ground assets or through space relay satellites. Until now most of these systems have relied upon mature technology standards that have been adapted to the specific needs of particular missions and customers. Nevertheless, current trends in the space programs suggest that a shift of paradigm is needed: an Internet-like space network would increase the capacity and reliability of an interplanetary network while dramatically reducing its overall costs. In this context, the System Architecting Paradigm can be a good starting point. Through its formal decomposition of the system, it can help determine the architecturally distinguishing decisions and identify potential areas of commonality and cost reduction. This thesis presents a general framework to evaluate space communication relay systems for the near Earth domain. It indicates the sources of complexity in the modeling process, and discusses the validity and appropriateness of past approaches to the problem. In particular, it proposes a discussion of current models vis-à-vis the System Architecting Paradigm and how they fit into tradespace exploration studies. Next, the thesis introduces a computational performance model for the analysis and fast simulation of space relay satellite systems. The tool takes advantage of a specifically built-in rule-based expert system for storing the constitutive elements of the architecture and perform logical interactions between them. Analogously, it uses numerical models to assess the network topology over a given timeframe, perform physical layer computations and calculate plausible schedules for the overall system. In particular, it presents a newly developed heuristic scheduler that guarantees prioritization of specific missions and services while ensuring manageable computational times.[CASTELLÀ] El inicio de la carrera espacial se inició en 1957 con el lanzamiento y operación del primer satélite artificial, el Sputnik 1 de la URSS. Desde entonces se han desarrollado múltiples programas espaciales que han llevado al límite tanto la tecnología como la ciencia y han permitido desvelar los misterios del universo. En todos estos casos, la necesidad de sistemas de comunicación flexibles y fiables ha sido primordial con el fin de asegurar el retorno de los datos científicos recopilados y, en ciertos casos, garantizar la seguridad de los astronautas. Como consecuencia, múltiples redes de comunicaciones espaciales han sido desplegadas, ya sea a través de antenas globalmente distribuidas a través de la superficie terrestre o mediante satélites repetidores. Hasta ahora la mayoría de estos sistemas se ha basado en estándares tecnológicos maduros y testeados, los cuales se han adaptado con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades específicas de cada misión y cliente. Sin embargo, las tendencias actuales en el diseño de los nuevos programas espaciales indica que un cambio de paradigma es necesario: una red espacial a imagen de Internet permitiría incrementar la capacidad y fiabilidad de las comunicaciones interplanetarias y, a la vez, reducir dramáticamente sus costes. En este contexto, el paradigma de arquitectura de sistemas puede ser un buen punto de partida. Mediante la descomposición formal del sistema, puede ayudar a determinar las decisiones que tienen un impacto cabal en el diseño de la arquitectura así como identificar las áreas con tecnologías similares y de menor coste. Esta tesis presenta un marco teórico general para evaluar sistemas de comunicaciones espaciales para misiones que orbitan la Tierra. Adicionalmente, la tesis indica los principales orígenes de complejidad durante el modelado del sistema y presenta una discusión sobre la validez de anteriores estrategias para analizar el problema. En concreto, propone una comparación de anteriores modelos respecto el paradigma de arquitectura de sistemas y su grado de adecuación para evaluar y comprar arquitecturas. A continuación, la tesis introduce un modelo computacional para simular y evaluar el rendimiento de sistemas de repetidores por satélite. La herramienta utiliza un rule-based expert system específicamente diseñado con el fin de almacenar los principales elementos constitutivos de la arquitectura y comprender las interacciones lógicas entre ellos. Análogamente, el modelo usa métodos numéricos con el fin de calcular la evolución temporal de la topología de la red en un determinado intervalo de tiempo, así como su capa física y un posible programa de contactos. En concreto, presenta un nuevo scheduler heurístico que garantiza la correcta ordenación de las misiones y servicios a la vez que asegura un tiempo computacional aceptable.[CATALÀ] L'inici de la cursa espacial va iniciar-se l'any 1957 amb el llançament i operació del primer satèl·lit artificial, l'Sputnik 1 de la URSS. Des d'aleshores s'han dut a terme múltiples programes espacials que han portat al límit tant la tecnologia com la ciència i han permès desvelar els misteris de l'univers. En tots aquests casos, la necessitat de sistemes de comunicació flexibles i fiables ha sigut primordial per tal d'assegurar el retorn de les dades científiques recopilades i, en certs casos, garantir el benestar i seguretat dels astronautes. Com a conseqüència, múltiples xarxes de comunicacions espacials han sigut desplegades, ja sigui a través d'antenes globalment distribuïdes a través de la superfície terrestre o mitjançant satèl·lits repetidors. Fins ara la majoria d'aquests sistemes s'han basat en estàndards tecnològics madurs i testats, els quals s'han adaptat per tal de satisfer les necessitats específiques de cada missió i client. Això no obstant, les tendències actuals en el disseny dels nous programes espacials indica que un canvi de paradigma és necessari: una xarxa espacial a imatge d'Internet permetria incrementar la capacitat i fiabilitat de les comunicacions interplanetàries i, alhora, reduir dramàticament els seu costs. En aquest context, el paradigma d'arquitectura de sistemes pot ser un bon punt de partida. Mitjançant la descomposició formal del sistema, pot ajudar a determinar les decisions que tenen un impacte cabdal en el disseny de l'arquitectura així com permetre identificar àrees amb tecnologies similars i de menor cost. Aquesta tesi presenta un marc teòric general per avaluar sistemes de comunicacions espacials per missions orbitant la Terra. Addicionalment, la tesi indica els principals orígens de complexitat durant el modelatge del sistema i presenta una discussió sobre la validesa d'anteriors estratègies per analitzar el problema. En concret, proposa una comparació d'anteriors models respecte el paradigma d'arquitectura de sistemes i el seu grau d'adequació per avaluar i comparar arquitectures. A continuació, la tesi introdueix un model computacional per simular i avaluar el rendiment de sistemes de repetidors per satèl·lit. L'eina empra un rule-based expert system específicament dissenyat per tal d'emmagatzemar els principals elements constitutius de l'arquitectura i comprendre les interaccions lògiques entre ells. Anàlogament, el model utilitza mètodes numèrics per tal de calcular l'evolució temporal de la topologia de la xarxa en un determinat interval de temps, així com calcular la seva capa física i un possible programa de contactes. En concret, presenta un nou scheduler heurístic que garanteix la correcte ordenació de les missions i serveis tot assegurant un temps de computació acceptable

    Kapeankaistan LTE koneiden välisessä satelliittitietoliikenteessä

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    Recent trends to wireless Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication and Internet of Things (IoT) has created a new demand for more efficient low-throughput wireless data connections. Beside the traditional wireless standards, focused on high bandwidth data transfer, has emerged a new generation of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) which targets for less power demanding low-throughput devices requiring inexpensive data connections. Recently released NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT) specification extends the existing 4G/LTE standard allowing more easily accessible LPWAN cellular connectivity for IoT devices. Narrower bandwidth and lower data rates combined to a simplified air interface make it less resource demanding still benefiting from the widely spread LTE technologies and infrastructure. %% Applications & Why space Applications, such as wide scale sensor or asset tracking networks, can benefit from a global scale network coverage and easily available low-cost user equipment which could be made possible by new narrowband IoT satellite networks. In this thesis, the NB-IoT specification and its applicability for satellite communication is discussed. Primarily, LTE and NB-IoT standards are designed only for terrestrial and their utilization in Earth-to-space communication raises new challenges, such as timing and frequency synchronization requirements when utilizing Orthogonal Frequency Signal Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques. Many of these challenges can be overcome by specification adaptations and other existing techniques making minimal changes to the standard and allowing extension of the terrestrial cellular networks to global satellite access.Viimeaikaiset kehitystrendit koneiden välisessä kommunikaatiossa (Machine to Machine Communication, M2M) ja esineiden Internet (Internet of Things, IoT) -sovelluksissa ovat luoneet perinteisteisten nopean tiedonsiirron langattomien standardien ohelle uuden sukupolven LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Networks) -tekniikoita, jotka ovat tarkoitettu pienitehoisille tiedonsiirtoa tarvitseville sovelluksille. Viimeaikoina yleistynyt NB-IoT standardi laajentaa 4G/LTE standardia mahdollistaen entistä matalamman virrankulutuksen matkapuhelinyhteydet IoT laitteissa. Kapeampi lähetyskaista ja hitaampi tiedonsiirtonopeus yhdistettynä yksinkertaisempaan ilmarajapintaan mahdollistaa pienemmän resurssivaatimukset saman aikaan hyötyen laajalti levinneistä LTE teknologioista ja olemassa olevasta infrastruktuurista. Useissa sovelluskohteissa, kuten suurissa sensoriverkoissa, voitaisiin hyötyä merkittävästi globaalista kattavuudesta yhdistettynä edullisiin helposti saataviin päätelaitteisiin. Tässä työssä käsitellään NB-IoT standardia ja sen soveltuvuutta satellittitietoliikenteeseen. LTE ja NB-IoT ovat kehitty maanpääliseen tietoliikenteeseen ja niiden hyödyntäminen avaruuden ja maan välisessä kommunikaatiossa aiheuttaa uusia haasteita esimerkiksi aika- ja taajuussynkronisaatiossa ja OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Signal Multiplexing) -tekniikan hyödyntämisessä. Nämä haasteet voidaan ratkaista soveltamalla spesifikaatiota sekä muilla jo olemassa olevilla tekniikoilla tehden mahdollisimman vähän muutoksia alkuperäiseen standardiin, ja täten sallien maanpäälisten IoT verkkojen laajenemisen avaruuteen

    Satellite-based internet: A tutorial

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    In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect heterogeneous network segments and to provide ubiquitous direct Internet access to homes and businesses. This article presents satellite-based Internet architectures and discusses multiple access control, routing, satellite transport, and integrating satellite networks into the global Internet.published_or_final_versio

    Satellite-based internet: A tutorial

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    In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect heterogeneous network segments and to provide ubiquitous direct Internet access to homes and businesses. This article presents satellite-based Internet architectures and discusses multiple access control, routing, satellite transport, and integrating satellite networks into the global Internet.published_or_final_versio

    Design and Implementation of a Narrow-Band Intersatellite Network with Limited Onboard Resources for IoT

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    Satellite networks are inevitable for the ubiquitous connectivity of M2M (machine to machine) and IoT (internet of things) devices. Advances in the miniaturization of satellite technology make networks in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) predestined to serve as a backhaul for narrow-band M2M communication. To reduce latency and increase network responsivity, intersatellite link capability among nodes is a key component in satellite design. The miniaturization of nodes to enable the economical deployment of large networks is also crucial. Thus, this article addresses these key issues and presents a design methodology and implementation of an adaptive network architecture considering highly limited resources, as is the case in a nanosatellite (≈10 kg) network. Potentially applicable multiple access techniques are evaluated. The results show that a time division duplex scheme with session-oriented P2P (point to point) protocols in the data link layer is more suitable for limited resources. Furthermore, an applicable layer model is defined and a protocol implementation is outlined. To demonstrate the technical feasibility of a nanosatellite-based communication network, the S-NET (S band network with nanosatellites) mission has been developed, which consists of four nanosatellites, to demonstrate multi-point crosslink with 100 kbps data rates over distances up to 400 km and optimized communication protocols, pushing the technological boundaries of nanosatellites. The flight results of S-NET prove the feasibility of these nanosatellites as a space-based M2M backhaul.BMWi, 50YB1225, S-Band Netzwerk für kooperierende SatellitenBMWi, 50YB1009, SLink - S-Band Transceiver zur Intersatelliten-Kommunikation von NanosatellitenDFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli