53,296 research outputs found

    Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Matrix via Relaxed Principal Component Pursuit

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    The network traffic matrix is widely used in network operation and management. It is therefore of crucial importance to analyze the components and the structure of the network traffic matrix, for which several mathematical approaches such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were proposed. In this paper, we first argue that PCA performs poorly for analyzing traffic matrix that is polluted by large volume anomalies, and then propose a new decomposition model for the network traffic matrix. According to this model, we carry out the structural analysis by decomposing the network traffic matrix into three sub-matrices, namely, the deterministic traffic, the anomaly traffic and the noise traffic matrix, which is similar to the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) problem previously studied in [13]. Based on the Relaxed Principal Component Pursuit (Relaxed PCP) method and the Accelerated Proximal Gradient (APG) algorithm, we present an iterative approach for decomposing a traffic matrix, and demonstrate its efficiency and flexibility by experimental results. Finally, we further discuss several features of the deterministic and noise traffic. Our study develops a novel method for the problem of structural analysis of the traffic matrix, which is robust against pollution of large volume anomalies.Comment: Accepted to Elsevier Computer Network

    On the Complexity of Recovering Incidence Matrices

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    The incidence matrix of a graph is a fundamental object naturally appearing in many applications, involving graphs such as social networks, communication networks, or transportation networks. Often, the data collected about the incidence relations can have some slight noise. In this paper, we initiate the study of the computational complexity of recovering incidence matrices of graphs from a binary matrix: given a binary matrix M which can be written as the superposition of two binary matrices L and S, where S is the incidence matrix of a graph from a specified graph class, and L is a matrix (i) of small rank or, (ii) of small (Hamming) weight. Further, identify all those graphs whose incidence matrices form part of such a superposition. Here, L represents the noise in the input matrix M. Another motivation for this problem comes from the Matroid Minors project of Geelen, Gerards and Whittle, where perturbed graphic and co-graphic matroids play a prominent role. There, it is expected that a perturbed binary matroid (or its dual) is presented as L+S where L is a low rank matrix and S is the incidence matrix of a graph. Here, we address the complexity of constructing such a decomposition. When L is of small rank, we show that the problem is NP-complete, but it can be decided in time (mn)^O(r), where m,n are dimensions of M and r is an upper-bound on the rank of L. When L is of small weight, then the problem is solvable in polynomial time (mn)^O(1). Furthermore, in many applications it is desirable to have the list of all possible solutions for further analysis. We show that our algorithms naturally extend to enumeration algorithms for the above two problems with delay (mn)^O(r) and (mn)^O(1), respectively, between consecutive outputs
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