101 research outputs found

    Decomposing tournaments into paths

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    We consider a generalisation of Kelly's conjecture which is due to Alspach, Mason, and Pullman from 1976. Kelly's conjecture states that every regular tournament has an edge decomposition into Hamilton cycles, and this was proved by Kühn and Osthus for large tournaments. The conjecture of Alspach, Mason, and Pullman asks for the minimum number of paths needed in a path decomposition of a general tournament T . There is a natural lower bound for this number in terms of the degree sequence of T and it is conjectured that this bound is correct for tournaments of even order. Almost all cases of the conjecture are open and we prove many of them

    Arc-disjoint Strong Spanning Subdigraphs of Semicomplete Compositions

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    A strong arc decomposition of a digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) is a decomposition of its arc set AA into two disjoint subsets A1A_1 and A2A_2 such that both of the spanning subdigraphs D1=(V,A1)D_1=(V,A_1) and D2=(V,A2)D_2=(V,A_2) are strong. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji, 1jini.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set i=1tV(Hi)={ui,ji1it,1jini}\cup_{i=1}^t V(H_i)=\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set (i=1tA(Hi))(uiupA(T){uijiupqp1jini,1qpnp}). \left(\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i) \right) \cup \left( \cup_{u_iu_p\in A(T)} \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p} \mid 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\} \right). We obtain a characterization of digraph compositions Q=T[H1,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots H_t] which have a strong arc decomposition when TT is a semicomplete digraph and each HiH_i is an arbitrary digraph. Our characterization generalizes a characterization by Bang-Jensen and Yeo (2003) of semicomplete digraphs with a strong arc decomposition and solves an open problem by Sun, Gutin and Ai (2018) on strong arc decompositions of digraph compositions Q=T[H1,,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] in which TT is semicomplete and each HiH_i is arbitrary. Our proofs are constructive and imply the existence of a polynomial algorithm for constructing a \good{} decomposition of a digraph Q=T[H1,,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t], with TT semicomplete, whenever such a decomposition exists

    Graph-theoretic approaches to injectivity and multiple equilibria in systems of interacting elements

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    We extend previous work on injectivity in chemical reaction networks to general interaction networks. Matrix- and graph-theoretic conditions for injectivity of these systems are presented. A particular signed, directed, labelled, bipartite multigraph, termed the ``DSR graph'', is shown to be a useful representation of an interaction network when discussing questions of injectivity. A graph-theoretic condition, developed previously in the context of chemical reaction networks, is shown to be sufficient to guarantee injectivity for a large class of systems. The graph-theoretic condition is simple to state and often easy to check. Examples are presented to illustrate the wide applicability of the theory developed.Comment: 34 pages, minor corrections and clarifications on previous versio

    Hierarchical Graphs as Organisational Principle and Spatial Model Applied to Pedestrian Indoor Navigation

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    In this thesis, hierarchical graphs are investigated from two different angles – as a general modelling principle for (geo)spatial networks and as a practical means to enhance navigation in buildings. The topics addressed are of interest from a multi-disciplinary point of view, ranging from Computer Science in general over Artificial Intelligence and Computational Geometry in particular to other fields such as Geographic Information Science. Some hierarchical graph models have been previously proposed by the research community, e.g. to cope with the massive size of road networks, or as a conceptual model for human wayfinding. However, there has not yet been a comprehensive, systematic approach for modelling spatial networks with hierarchical graphs. One particular problem is the gap between conceptual models and models which can be readily used in practice. Geospatial data is commonly modelled - if at all - only as a flat graph. Therefore, from a practical point of view, it is important to address the automatic construction of a graph hierarchy based on the predominant data models. The work presented deals with this problem: an automated method for construction is introduced and explained. A particular contribution of my thesis is the proposition to use hierarchical graphs as the basis for an extensible, flexible architecture for modelling various (geo)spatial networks. The proposed approach complements classical graph models very well in the sense that their expressiveness is extended: various graphs originating from different sources can be integrated into a comprehensive, multi-level model. This more sophisticated kind of architecture allows for extending navigation services beyond the borders of one single spatial network to a collection of heterogeneous networks, thus establishing a meta-navigation service. Another point of discussion is the impact of the hierarchy and distribution on graph algorithms. They have to be adapted to properly operate on multi-level hierarchies. By investigating indoor navigation problems in particular, the guiding principles are demonstrated for modelling networks at multiple levels of detail. Complex environments like large public buildings are ideally suited to demonstrate the versatile use of hierarchical graphs and thus to highlight the benefits of the hierarchical approach. Starting from a collection of floor plans, I have developed a systematic method for constructing a multi-level graph hierarchy. The nature of indoor environments, especially their inherent diversity, poses an additional challenge: among others, one must deal with complex, irregular, and/or three-dimensional features. The proposed method is also motivated by practical considerations, such as not only finding shortest/fastest paths across rooms and floors, but also by providing descriptions for these paths which are easily understood by people. Beyond this, two novel aspects of using a hierarchy are discussed: one as an informed heuristic exploiting the specific characteristics of indoor environments in order to enhance classical, general-purpose graph search techniques. At the same time, as a convenient by- product of this method, clusters such as sections and wings can be detected. The other reason is to better deal with irregular, complex-shaped regions in a way that instructions can also be provided for these spaces. Previous approaches have not considered this problem. In summary, the main results of this work are: • hierarchical graphs are introduced as a general spatial data infrastructure. In particular, this architecture allows us to integrate different spatial networks originating from different sources. A small but useful set of operations is proposed for integrating these networks. In order to work in a hierarchical model, classical graph algorithms are generalised. This finding also has implications on the possible integration of separate navigation services and systems; • a novel set of core data structures and algorithms have been devised for modelling indoor environments. They cater to the unique characteristics of these environments and can be specifically used to provide enhanced navigation in buildings. Tested on models of several real buildings from our university, some preliminary but promising results were gained from a prototypical implementation and its application on the models

    The world of hereditary graph classes viewed through Truemper configurations

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    In 1982 Truemper gave a theorem that characterizes graphs whose edges can be labeled so that all chordless cycles have prescribed parities. The characterization states that this can be done for a graph G if and only if it can be done for all induced subgraphs of G that are of few speci c types, that we will call Truemper con gurations. Truemper was originally motivated by the problem of obtaining a co-NP characterization of bipartite graphs that are signable to be balanced (i.e. bipartite graphs whose node-node incidence matrices are balanceable matrices). The con gurations that Truemper identi ed in his theorem ended up playing a key role in understanding the structure of several seemingly diverse classes of objects, such as regular matroids, balanceable matrices and perfect graphs. In this survey we view all these classes, and more, through the excluded Truemper con gurations, focusing on the algorithmic consequences, trying to understand what structurally enables e cient recognition and optimization algorithms