11,415 research outputs found

    Fuzzy clustering with volume prototypes and adaptive cluster merging

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    Two extensions to the objective function-based fuzzy clustering are proposed. First, the (point) prototypes are extended to hypervolumes, whose size can be fixed or can be determined automatically from the data being clustered. It is shown that clustering with hypervolume prototypes can be formulated as the minimization of an objective function. Second, a heuristic cluster merging step is introduced where the similarity among the clusters is assessed during optimization. Starting with an overestimation of the number of clusters in the data, similar clusters are merged in order to obtain a suitable partitioning. An adaptive threshold for merging is proposed. The extensions proposed are applied to Gustafson–Kessel and fuzzy c-means algorithms, and the resulting extended algorithm is given. The properties of the new algorithm are illustrated by various examples

    Optimal control design for robust fuzzy friction compensation in a robot joint

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    This paper presents a methodology for the compensation of nonlinear friction in a robot joint structure based on a fuzzy local modeling technique. To enhance the tracking performance of the robot joint, a dynamic model is derived from the local physical properties of friction. The model is the basis of a precompensator taking into account the dynamics of the overall corrected system by means of a minor loop. The proposed structure does not claim to faithfully reproduce complex phenomena driven by friction. However, the linearity of the local models simplifies the design and implementation of the observer, and its estimation capabilities are improved by the nonlinear integral gain. The controller can then be robustly synthesized using linear matrix inequalities to cancel the effects of inexact friction compensation. Experimental tests conducted on a robot joint with a high level of friction demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy observer-based control strategy for tracking system trajectories when operating in zero-velocity regions and during motion reversals

    Automated image inspection using wavelet decomposition and fuzzy rule-based classifier

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    A general purpose image inspecting system has been developed for automatic flaw detection in industrial applications. The system has a general purpose image understanding architecture that performs local feature extraction and supervised classification. Local features of an image are extracted from the compactly supported wavelet transform of the image. The features extracted from the wavelet transform provide local harmonic analysis and multi-resolution representation of the image. Image segmentation is achieved by classifying image pixels based on features extracted within a local area near each pixel. The supervised classifier used in the segmentation process is a fuzzy rule-based classifier which is established from the training data. The fuzzy rule base that is used to control the performance of the classifier is optimized by combining similar training data into the same rule. Therefore an optimization is achieved for the established rule base to provide the maximum amount of information with the minimum amount of rules. The experimental results show that the features extracted from the wavelet decomposition give contextual information for the test images. The optimized fuzzy rule-based classifier gives the best performance in both the training and the classification stages. Flaws in the test images are detected automatically by the computer

    Extended Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms

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    Fuzzy clustering is a widely applied method for obtaining fuzzy models from data. Ithas been applied successfully in various fields including finance and marketing. Despitethe successful applications, there are a number of issues that must be dealt with in practicalapplications of fuzzy clustering algorithms. This technical report proposes two extensionsto the objective function based fuzzy clustering for dealing with these issues. First, the(point) prototypes are extended to hypervolumes whose size is determined automaticallyfrom the data being clustered. These prototypes are shown to be less sensitive to a biasin the distribution of the data. Second, cluster merging by assessing the similarity amongthe clusters during optimization is introduced. Starting with an over-estimated number ofclusters in the data, similar clusters are merged during clustering in order to obtain a suitablepartitioning of the data. An adaptive threshold for merging is introduced. The proposedextensions are applied to Gustafson-Kessel and fuzzy c-means algorithms, and the resultingextended algorithms are given. The properties of the new algorithms are illustrated invarious examples.fuzzy clustering;cluster merging;similarity;volume prototypes

    Automatic epilepsy detection using fractal dimensions segmentation and GP-SVM classification

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    Objective: The most important part of signal processing for classification is feature extraction as a mapping from original input electroencephalographic (EEG) data space to new features space with the biggest class separability value. Features are not only the most important, but also the most difficult task from the classification process as they define input data and classification quality. An ideal set of features would make the classification problem trivial. This article presents novel methods of feature extraction processing and automatic epilepsy seizure classification combining machine learning methods with genetic evolution algorithms. Methods: Classification is performed on EEG data that represent electric brain activity. At first, the signal is preprocessed with digital filtration and adaptive segmentation using fractal dimensions as the only segmentation measure. In the next step, a novel method using genetic programming (GP) combined with support vector machine (SVM) confusion matrix as fitness function weight is used to extract feature vectors compressed into lower dimension space and classify the final result into ictal or interictal epochs. Results: The final application of GP SVM method improves the discriminatory performance of a classifier by reducing feature dimensionality at the same time. Members of the GP tree structure represent the features themselves and their number is automatically decided by the compression function introduced in this paper. This novel method improves the overall performance of the SVM classification by dramatically reducing the size of input feature vector. Conclusion: According to results, the accuracy of this algorithm is very high and comparable, or even superior to other automatic detection algorithms. In combination with the great efficiency, this algorithm can be used in real-time epilepsy detection applications. From the results of the algorithm's classification, we can observe high sensitivity, specificity results, except for the Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizure (GTCS). As the next step, the optimization of the compression stage and final SVM evaluation stage is in place. More data need to be obtained on GTCS to improve the overall classification score for GTCS.Web of Science142449243