1,704 research outputs found

    A Method to determine Partial Weight Enumerator for Linear Block Codes

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    In this paper we present a fast and efficient method to find partial weight enumerator (PWE) for binary linear block codes by using the error impulse technique and Monte Carlo method. This PWE can be used to compute an upper bound of the error probability for the soft decision maximum likelihood decoder (MLD). As application of this method we give partial weight enumerators and analytical performances of the BCH(130,66), BCH(103,47) and BCH(111,55) shortened codes; the first code is obtained by shortening the binary primitive BCH (255,191,17) code and the two other codes are obtained by shortening the binary primitive BCH(127,71,19) code. The weight distributions of these three codes are unknown at our knowledge.Comment: Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems Vol 3, No.11, 201

    Subquadratic time encodable codes beating the Gilbert-Varshamov bound

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    We construct explicit algebraic geometry codes built from the Garcia-Stichtenoth function field tower beating the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for alphabet sizes at least 192. Messages are identied with functions in certain Riemann-Roch spaces associated with divisors supported on multiple places. Encoding amounts to evaluating these functions at degree one places. By exploiting algebraic structures particular to the Garcia-Stichtenoth tower, we devise an intricate deterministic \omega/2 < 1.19 runtime exponent encoding and 1+\omega/2 < 2.19 expected runtime exponent randomized (unique and list) decoding algorithms. Here \omega < 2.373 is the matrix multiplication exponent. If \omega = 2, as widely believed, the encoding and decoding runtimes are respectively nearly linear and nearly quadratic. Prior to this work, encoding (resp. decoding) time of code families beating the Gilbert-Varshamov bound were quadratic (resp. cubic) or worse

    Permutation Decoding and the Stopping Redundancy Hierarchy of Cyclic and Extended Cyclic Codes

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    We introduce the notion of the stopping redundancy hierarchy of a linear block code as a measure of the trade-off between performance and complexity of iterative decoding for the binary erasure channel. We derive lower and upper bounds for the stopping redundancy hierarchy via Lovasz's Local Lemma and Bonferroni-type inequalities, and specialize them for codes with cyclic parity-check matrices. Based on the observed properties of parity-check matrices with good stopping redundancy characteristics, we develop a novel decoding technique, termed automorphism group decoding, that combines iterative message passing and permutation decoding. We also present bounds on the smallest number of permutations of an automorphism group decoder needed to correct any set of erasures up to a prescribed size. Simulation results demonstrate that for a large number of algebraic codes, the performance of the new decoding method is close to that of maximum likelihood decoding.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures, 10 tables, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Refined Upper Bounds on Stopping Redundancy of Binary Linear Codes

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    The ll-th stopping redundancy ρl(C)\rho_l(\mathcal C) of the binary [n,k,d][n, k, d] code C\mathcal C, 1ld1 \le l \le d, is defined as the minimum number of rows in the parity-check matrix of C\mathcal C, such that the smallest stopping set is of size at least ll. The stopping redundancy ρ(C)\rho(\mathcal C) is defined as ρd(C)\rho_d(\mathcal C). In this work, we improve on the probabilistic analysis of stopping redundancy, proposed by Han, Siegel and Vardy, which yields the best bounds known today. In our approach, we judiciously select the first few rows in the parity-check matrix, and then continue with the probabilistic method. By using similar techniques, we improve also on the best known bounds on ρl(C)\rho_l(\mathcal C), for 1ld1 \le l \le d. Our approach is compared to the existing methods by numerical computations.Comment: 5 pages; ITW 201