200 research outputs found

    Implementing Network Protocols as Distributed Logic Programs

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    Declarative networking [2, 4, 3, 1] is an application of database query-language and processing techniques to the domain of networking. Declarative networking is based on the observation that network protocols deal at their core with computing and maintaining distributed state (e.g., routes, sessions, performance statistics) according to basic information locally available at each node (e.g., neighbor tables, link measurements, local clocks) while enforcing constraints such as local routing policies. Recursive query languages studied in the deductive database literature [6] are a natural fit for expressing the relationship between base data, derived data, and the associated constraints. Simple extensions to these languages and their implementations enable the natural expression and efficient execution of network protocols. Declarative networking aims to accelerate the process of specifying, implementing, experimenting with and evolving designs for network architectures. Declarative networking can reduce program sizes of distributed protocols by orders of magnitude relative to traditional approaches. In addition to serving as a platform for rapid prototyping of network protocols, declarative networking also open up opportunities for automatic protocol optimization and hybridization, program checking and debugging. This paper presents an introduction to declarative networking using a simple routing protocol example. For more details on declarative networking related projects, refer to the NetDB@Penn website [5], and the RapidNet [7] declarative networking engine

    Recent Advances in Declarative Networking

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    Declarative networking is a programming methodology that enables developers to concisely specify network protocols and services, and directly compile these specifications into a dataflow framework for execution. This paper describes recent advances in declarative networking, tracing its evolution from a rapid prototyping framework towards a platform that serves as an important bridge connecting formal theories for reasoning about protocol correctness and actual implementations. In particular, the paper focuses on the use of declarative networking for addressing four main challenges in the distributed systems development cycle: the generation of safe routing implementations, debugging, security and privacy, and optimizing distributed systems

    Relational transducers for declarative networking

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    Motivated by a recent conjecture concerning the expressiveness of declarative networking, we propose a formal computation model for "eventually consistent" distributed querying, based on relational transducers. A tight link has been conjectured between coordination-freeness of computations, and monotonicity of the queries expressed by such computations. Indeed, we propose a formal definition of coordination-freeness and confirm that the class of monotone queries is captured by coordination-free transducer networks. Coordination-freeness is a semantic property, but the syntactic class that we define of "oblivious" transducers also captures the same class of monotone queries. Transducer networks that are not coordination-free are much more powerful

    Applying Prolog to Develop Distributed Systems

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    Development of distributed systems is a difficult task. Declarative programming techniques hold a promising potential for effectively supporting programmer in this challenge. While Datalog-based languages have been actively explored for programming distributed systems, Prolog received relatively little attention in this application area so far. In this paper we present a Prolog-based programming system, called DAHL, for the declarative development of distributed systems. DAHL extends Prolog with an event-driven control mechanism and built-in networking procedures. Our experimental evaluation using a distributed hash-table data structure, a protocol for achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and a distributed software model checker - all implemented in DAHL - indicates the viability of the approach

    Operational semantics for declarative networking

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    Declarative Networking has been recently promoted as a high-level programming paradigm to more conveniently describe and implement systems that run in a distributed fashion over a computer network. It has already been used to implement various networked systems, e.g., network overlays, Byzantine fault tolerance protocols, and distributed hash tables. Declarative Networking relies upon a rule-based programming language that resembles Datalog and allows one to declaratively specify the flow of networking events. However, the presence of asynchronous communication, distribution, and imperative modification of the program state in Declarative Networking applications have been an obstacle for defining its semantics. Currently, the reference semantics is determined by the runtime environment only, which hinders further application development and makes any efforts to develop program analysis and verification tools impossible. In this paper, we propose an operational semantics for Declarative Networking that addresses these problems. The semantics is parameterized to keep open a design space required at the current stage of the language development. We also report on our first experience with an interpreter for Declarative Networking applications that implements the proposed semantics

    Cologne: A Declarative Distributed Constraint Optimization Platform

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    This paper presents Cologne, a declarative optimization platform that enables constraint optimization problems (COPs) to be declaratively specified and incrementally executed in distributed systems. Cologne integrates a declarative networking engine with an off-theshelf constraint solver. We have developed the Colog language that combines distributed Datalog used in declarative networking with language constructs for specifying goals and constraints used in COPs. Cologne uses novel query processing strategies for processing Colog programs, by combining the use of bottom-up distributed Datalog evaluation with top-down goal-oriented constraint solving. Using case studies based on cloud and wireless network optimizations, we demonstrate that Cologne (1) can flexibly support a wide range of policy-based optimizations in distributed systems, (2) results in orders of magnitude less code compared to imperative implementations, and (3) is highly efficient with low overhead and fast convergence times

    A Program Logic for Verifying Secure Routing Protocols

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    The Internet, as it stands today, is highly vulnerable to attacks. However, little has been done to understand and verify the formal security guarantees of proposed secure inter-domain routing protocols, such as Secure BGP (S-BGP). In this paper, we develop a sound program logic for SANDLog-a declarative specification language for secure routing protocols for verifying properties of these protocols. We prove invariant properties of SANDLog programs that run in an adversarial environment. As a step towards automated verification, we implement a verification condition generator (VCGen) to automatically extract proof obligations. VCGen is integrated into a compiler for SANDLog that can generate executable protocol implementations; and thus, both verification and empirical evaluation of secure routing protocols can be carried out in this unified framework. To validate our framework, we encoded several proposed secure routing mechanisms in SANDLog, verified variants of path authenticity properties by manually discharging the generated verification conditions in Coq, and generated executable code based on SANDLog specification and ran the code in simulation