39,872 research outputs found

    A decision support tool for procurement planning process under uncertainty

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    This communication presents a method to support the customer in the choice of a procurement plan when the gross requirements are ill-known, in a context of collaboration with the supplier. A general model of imperfect parameter representation is suggested, imperfection gathering uncertainty (through various scenarios) and imprecision (through quantities and dates expressed by possibility distribution). A method to compute the possible quantities required to satisfy the gross requirements under the supplier delivering constraints is proposed. From this value, a set of possible supplied quantities is computed to support the decision making of the customer. The decision maker then evaluates the procurement plan with the possible evolution of the inventory

    Quality of Context in Context-Aware Systems

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    Context-aware Systems (CASs) are becoming increasingly popular and can be found in the areas of wearable computing, mobile computing, robotics, adaptive and intelligent user interfaces. Sensors are the corner stone of context capturing however, sensed context data are commonly prone to imperfection due to the technical limitations of sensors, their availability, dysfunction, and highly dynamic nature of environment. Consequently, sensed context data might be imprecise, erroneous, conflicting, or simply missing. To limit the impact of context imperfection on the behavior of a context-aware system, a notion of Quality of Context (QoC) is used to measure quality of any information that is used as context information. Adaptation is performed only if the context data used in the decision-making has an appropriate quality level. This paper reports an analytical review for state of the art quality of context in context-aware systems and points to future research directions

    Human Error and Organizational Management

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    The concern for performance is a topic that raises interest in the business environment but also in other areas that – even if they seem distant from this world – are aware of, interested in or conditioned by the economy development. As individual performance is very much influenced by the human resource, we chose to analyze in this paper the mechanisms that generate – consciously or not –human error nowadays.Moreover, the extremely tense Romanian context, where failure is rather a rule than an exception, made us investigate the phenomenon of generating a human error and the ways to diminish its effects.human error, performance, management, information processing, organizational culture

    Data assimilation approach for addressing imperfections in people flow measurement techniques using particle filter

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    Understanding and predicting people flow in urban areas is useful for decision-making in urban planning and marketing strategies. Traditional methods for understanding people flow can be divided into measurement-based approaches and simulation-based approaches. Measurement-based approaches have the advantage of directly capturing actual people flow, but they face the challenge of data imperfection. On the other hand, simulations can obtain complete data on a computer, but they only consider some of the factors determining human behavior, leading to a divergence from actual people flow. Both measurement and simulation methods have unresolved issues, and combining the two can complementarily overcome them. This paper proposes a method that applies data assimilation, a fusion technique of measurement and simulation, to agent-based simulation. Data assimilation combines the advantages of both measurement and simulation, contributing to the creation of an environment that can reflect real people flow while acquiring richer data. The paper verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method in a virtual environment and demonstrates the potential of data assimilation to compensate for the three types of imperfection in people flow measurement techniques. These findings can serve as guidelines for supplementing sparse measurement data in physical environments

    Formalized Resolution of the Scientific Task for Improving the Effective Planning Special Purpose Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Routes of Tactical Level

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    In the article, the features of application of special purpose unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of the tactical level have resulted during the operation of the joint forces. The role of routes planning of special purpose UAVs of tactical level in the conditions of a concrete battle situation is determined. The necessity of the mathematical development for planning a flight route of special purpose UAVs is justified. Essence and maintenance of scientific task are set. Its formalized setting is guided

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications

    Performance of distributed mechanisms for flow admission in wireless adhoc networks

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    Given a wireless network where some pairs of communication links interfere with each other, we study sufficient conditions for determining whether a given set of minimum bandwidth quality-of-service (QoS) requirements can be satisfied. We are especially interested in algorithms which have low communication overhead and low processing complexity. The interference in the network is modeled using a conflict graph whose vertices correspond to the communication links in the network. Two links are adjacent in this graph if and only if they interfere with each other due to being in the same vicinity and hence cannot be simultaneously active. The problem of scheduling the transmission of the various links is then essentially a fractional, weighted vertex coloring problem, for which upper bounds on the fractional chromatic number are sought using only localized information. We recall some distributed algorithms for this problem, and then assess their worst-case performance. Our results on this fundamental problem imply that for some well known classes of networks and interference models, the performance of these distributed algorithms is within a bounded factor away from that of an optimal, centralized algorithm. The performance bounds are simple expressions in terms of graph invariants. It is seen that the induced star number of a network plays an important role in the design and performance of such networks.Comment: 21 pages, submitted. Journal version of arXiv:0906.378

    Amending the Resource-based view of Strategic Management from an Entrepreneurial Perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to amend the resource-based view of strategic management from an entrepreneurial point of view. We firstly attempt to make a brief survey of the conceptual framework of the RBV by contrasting it with the competitive forces approach (CFA) presented by Porter (1980). Secondly, we clarify the objectives of corporate strategy through a critical assessment of the RBV from both a static and a dynamic point of view. Finally, we suggest a new perspective of the RBV by amending it from an entrepreneurial viewpoint, and then take some examples to illustrate the new perspective for further empirical studies.resource-based view, entrepreneurship, disequilibrium
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