18 research outputs found

    Waveform Advancements and Synchronization Techniques for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    To enable a new level of connectivity among machines as well as between people and machines, future wireless applications will demand higher requirements on data rates, response time, and reliability from the communication system. This will lead to a different system design, comprising a wide range of deployment scenarios. One important aspect is the evolution of physical layer (PHY), specifically the waveform modulation. The novel generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) technique is a prominent proposal for a flexible block filtered multicarrier modulation. This thesis introduces an advanced GFDM concept that enables the emulation of other prominent waveform candidates in scenarios where they perform best. Hence, a unique modulation framework is presented that is capable of addressing a wide range of scenarios and to upgrade the PHY for 5G networks. In particular, for a subset of system parameters of the modulation framework, the problem of symbol time offset (STO) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation is investigated and synchronization approaches, which can operate in burst and continuous transmissions, are designed. The first part of this work presents the modulation principles of prominent 5G candidate waveforms and then focuses on the GFDM basic and advanced attributes. The GFDM concept is extended towards the use of OQAM, introducing the novel frequency-shift OQAM-GFDM, and a new low complexity model based on signal processing carried out in the time domain. A new prototype filter proposal highlights the benefits obtained in terms of a reduced out-of-band (OOB) radiation and more attractive hardware implementation cost. With proper parameterization of the advanced GFDM, the achieved gains are applicable to other filtered OFDM waveforms. In the second part, a search approach for estimating STO and CFO in GFDM is evaluated. A self-interference metric is proposed to quantify the effective SNR penalty caused by the residual time and frequency misalignment or intrinsic inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI) for arbitrary pulse shape design in GFDM. In particular, the ICI can be used as a non-data aided approach for frequency estimation. Then, GFDM training sequences, defined either as an isolated preamble or embedded as a midamble or pseudo-circular pre/post-amble, are designed. Simulations show better OOB emission and good estimation results, either comparable or superior, to state-of-the-art OFDM system in wireless channels

    Channel estimation techniques for filter bank multicarrier based transceivers for next generation of wireless networks

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    A dissertation submitted to Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical and Information Engineering), August 2017The fourth generation (4G) of wireless communication system is designed based on the principles of cyclic prefix orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) where the cyclic prefix (CP) is used to combat inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI) in order to achieve higher data rates in comparison to the previous generations of wireless networks. Various filter bank multicarrier systems have been considered as potential waveforms for the fast emerging next generation (xG) of wireless networks (especially the fifth generation (5G) networks). Some examples of the considered waveforms are orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with offset quadrature amplitude modulation based filter bank, universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC), bi-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (BFDM) and generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM). In perfect reconstruction (PR) or near perfect reconstruction (NPR) filter bank designs, these aforementioned FBMC waveforms adopt the use of well-designed prototype filters (which are used for designing the synthesis and analysis filter banks) so as to either replace or minimize the CP usage of the 4G networks in order to provide higher spectral efficiencies for the overall increment in data rates. The accurate designing of the FIR low-pass prototype filter in NPR filter banks results in minimal signal distortions thus, making the analysis filter bank a time-reversed version of the corresponding synthesis filter bank. However, in non-perfect reconstruction (Non-PR) the analysis filter bank is not directly a time-reversed version of the corresponding synthesis filter bank as the prototype filter impulse response for this system is formulated (in this dissertation) by the introduction of randomly generated errors. Hence, aliasing and amplitude distortions are more prominent for Non-PR. Channel estimation (CE) is used to predict the behaviour of the frequency selective channel and is usually adopted to ensure excellent reconstruction of the transmitted symbols. These techniques can be broadly classified as pilot based, semi-blind and blind channel estimation schemes. In this dissertation, two linear pilot based CE techniques namely the least square (LS) and linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE), and three adaptive channel estimation schemes namely least mean square (LMS), normalized least mean square (NLMS) and recursive least square (RLS) are presented, analyzed and documented. These are implemented while exploiting the near orthogonality properties of offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) to mitigate the effects of interference for two filter bank waveforms (i.e. OFDM/OQAM and GFDM/OQAM) for the next generation of wireless networks assuming conditions of both NPR and Non-PR in slow and fast frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. Results obtained from the computer simulations carried out showed that the channel estimation schemes performed better in an NPR filter bank system as compared with Non-PR filter banks. The low performance of Non-PR system is due to the amplitude distortion and aliasing introduced from the random errors generated in the system that is used to design its prototype filters. It can be concluded that RLS, NLMS, LMS, LMMSE and LS channel estimation schemes offered the best normalized mean square error (NMSE) and bit error rate (BER) performances (in decreasing order) for both waveforms assuming both NPR and Non-PR filter banks. Keywords: Channel estimation, Filter bank, OFDM/OQAM, GFDM/OQAM, NPR, Non-PR, 5G, Frequency selective channel.CK201

    Single- versus Multi-Carrier Terahertz-Band Communications: A Comparative Study

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    The prospects of utilizing single-carrier (SC) and multi-carrier (MC) waveforms in future terahertz (THz)-band communication systems remain unresolved. On the one hand, the limited multi-path components at high frequencies result in frequency-flat channels that favor low-complexity wideband SC systems. On the other hand, frequency-dependent molecular absorption and transceiver characteristics and the existence of multi-path components in indoor sub-THz systems can still result in frequency-selective channels, favoring off-the-shelf MC schemes such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). Variations of SC/MC designs result in different THz spectrum utilization, but spectral efficiency is not the primary concern with substantial available bandwidths; baseband complexity, power efficiency, and hardware impairment constraints are predominant. This paper presents a comprehensive study of SC/MC modulations for THz communications, utilizing an accurate wideband THz channel model and highlighting the various performance and complexity trade-offs of the candidate schemes. Simulations demonstrate that discrete-Fourier-transform spread orthogonal time-frequency space (DFT-s-OTFS) achieves a lower peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) than OFDM and OTFS and enhances immunity to THz impairments and Doppler spreads, but at an increased complexity cost. Moreover, DFT-s-OFDM is a promising candidate that increases robustness to THz impairments and phase noise (PHN) at a low PAPR and overall complexity.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, journa

    Study on Air Interface Variants and their Harmonization for Beyond 5G Systems

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    [ES] La estandarización de la Quinta Generación de redes móviles o 5G, ha concluido este año 2020. No obstante, en el año 2014 cuando la ITU empezó el proceso de estandarización IMT-2020, una de las principales interrogantes era cuál sería la forma de onda sobre la cual se construiría la capa física de esta nueva generación de tecnologías. El 3GPP se comprometió a entregar una tecnología candidata al proceso IMT-2020, y es así como dentro de este proceso de deliberación se presentaron varias formas de onda candidatas, las cuales fueron evaluadas en varios aspectos hasta que en el año 2016 el 3GPP tomó una decisión, continuar con CP-OFDM (utilizada en 4G) con numerología flexible. Una vez decidida la forma de onda, el proceso de estandarización continuó afinando la estructura de la trama, y todos los aspectos intrínsecos de la misma. Esta tesis acompañó y participó de todo este proceso. Para empezar, en esta disertación se evaluaron las principales formas de onda candidatas al 5G. Es así que se realizó un análisis teórico de cada forma de onda, destacando sus fortalezas y debilidades, tanto a nivel de implementación como de rendimiento. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo una implementación real en una plataforma Software Defined Radio de tres de las formas de onda más prometedoras (CP-OFDM, UFMC y OQAM-FBMC), lo que permitió evaluar su rendimiento en términos de la tasa de error por bit, así como la complejidad de su implementación. Esta tesis ha propuesto también el uso de una solución armonizada como forma de onda para el 5G y sostiene que sigue siendo una opción viable para sistemas beyond 5G. Dado que ninguna de las forma de onda candidatas era capaz de cumplir por sí misma con todos los requisitos del 5G, en lugar de elegir una única forma de onda se propuso construir un transceptor que fuese capaz de construir todas las principales formas de onda candidatas (CP-OFDM, P-OFDM, UFMC, QAM-FBMC, OQAM-FBMC). Esto se consiguió identificando los bloques comunes entre las formas de onda, para luego integrarlos junto con el resto de bloques indispensables para cada forma de onda. La motivación para esta solución era tener una capa física que fuese capaz de cumplir con todos los aspectos del 5G, seleccionando siempre la mejor forma de onda según el escenario. Esta propuesta fue evaluada en términos de complejidad, y los resultados se compararon con la complejidad de cada forma de onda. La decisión de continuar con CP-OFDM con numerología flexible como forma de onda para el 5G se puede considerar también como una solución armonizada, ya que al cambiar el prefijo cíclico y el número de subportadoras, cambian también las prestaciones del sistema. En esta tesis se evaluaron todas las numerologías propuestas por el 3GPP sobre cada uno de los modelos de canal descritos para el 5G (y considerados válidos para sistemas beyond 5G), teniendo en cuenta factores como la movilidad de los equipos de usuario y la frecuencia de operación; para esto se utilizó un simulador de capa física del 3GPP, al que se hicieron las debidas adaptaciones con el fin de evaluar el rendimiento de las numerologías en términos de la tasa de error por bloque. Finalmente, se presenta un bosquejo de lo que podría llegar a ser la Sexta Generación de redes móviles o 6G, con el objetivo de entender las nuevas aplicaciones que podrían ser utilizadas en un futuro, así como sus necesidades. Completado el estudio llevado a cabo en esta tesis, se puede afirmar que como se propuso desde un principio la solución, tanto para el 5G como para beyond 5G, la solución es la armonización de las formas de onda. De los resultados obtenidos se puede corroborar que una solución armonizada permite alcanzar un ahorro computacional entre el 25-40% para el transmisor y del 15-25% para el receptor. Además, fue posible identificar qué numerología CP-OFDM es la más adecuada para cada escenario, lo que permitiría optimizar el diseño y despliegue de las redes 5G. Esto abriría la puerta a hacer lo mismo con el 6G, ya que en esta tesis se considera que será necesario abrir nuevamente el debate sobre cuál es la forma de onda adecuada para esta nueva generación de tecnologías, y se plantea que el camino a seguir es optar por una solución armonizada con distintas formas de onda, en lugar de solo una como sucede con el 5G.[CA] L'estandardització de la Quinta Generació de xarxes mòbils o 5G, ha conclòs enguany 2020. No obstant això, l'any 2014 quan la ITU va començar el procés d'estandardització IMT-2020, uns dels principals interrogants era quina seria la forma d'onda sobre la qual es construiria la capa física d'esta nova generació de tecnologies. El 3GPP es va comprometre a entregar una tecnologia candidata al procés IMT-2020, i és així com dins d'este procés de deliberació es van presentar diverses formes d'onda candidates, les quals van ser avaluades en diversos aspectes fins que l'any 2016 el 3GPP va prendre una decisió, continuar amb CP-OFDM (utilitzada en 4G) amb numerología flexible. Una vegada decidida la forma d'onda, el procés d'estandardització va continuar afinant la frame structure (no se m'ocorre nom en espanyol), i tots els aspectes intrínsecs de la mateixa. Esta tesi va acompanyar i va participar de tot este procés. Per a començar, en esta dissertació es van avaluar les principals formes d'onda candidates al 5G. És així que es va realitzar una anàlisi teòrica de cada forma d'onda, destacant les seues fortaleses i debilitats, tant a nivell d'implementació com de rendiment. Posteriorment, es va dur a terme una implementació real en una plataforma Software Defined Radio de tres de les formes d'onda més prometedores (CP-OFDM, UFMC i OQAM-FBMC), la qual cosa va permetre avaluar el seu rendiment en termes de la taxa d'error per bit, així com la complexitat de la seua implementació. Esta tesi ha proposat també l'ús d'una solució harmonitzada com a forma d'onda per al 5G i sosté que continua sent una opció viable per a sistemes beyond 5G. Atés que cap de les forma d'onda candidates era capaç de complir per si mateixa amb tots els requeriments del 5G, en compte de triar una única forma d'onda es va proposar construir un transceptor que fóra capaç de construir totes les principals formes d'onda candidates (CP-OFDM, P-OFDM, UFMC, QAM-FBMC, OQAM-FBMC). Açò es va aconseguir identificant els blocs comuns entre les formes d'onda, per a després integrar-los junt amb la resta de blocs indispensables per a cada forma d'onda. La motivació per a esta solució era tindre una capa física que fóra capaç de complir amb tots els aspectes del 5G, seleccionant sempre la millor forma d'onda segons l'escenari. Esta proposta va ser avaluada en termes de complexitat, i els resultats es van comparar amb la complexitat de cada forma d'onda. La decisió de continuar amb CP-OFDM amb numerología flexible com a forma d'onda per al 5G es pot considerar també com una solució harmonitzada, ja que al canviar el prefix cíclic i el número de subportadores, canvien també les prestacions del sistema. En esta tesi es van avaluar totes les numerologías propostes pel 3GPP sobre cada un dels models de canal descrits per al 5G (i considerats vàlids per a sistemes beyond 5G), tenint en compte factors com la mobilitat dels equips d'usuari i la freqüència d'operació; per a açò es va utilitzar un simulador de capa física del 3GPP, a què es van fer les degudes adaptacions a fi d'avaluar el rendiment de les numerologías en termes de la taxa d'error per bloc. Finalment, es presenta un esbós del que podria arribar a ser la Sexta Generació de xarxes mòbils o 6G, amb l'objectiu d'entendre les noves aplicacions que podrien ser utilitzades en un futur, així com les seues necessitats. Completat l'estudi dut a terme en esta tesi, es pot afirmar que com es va proposar des d'un principi la solució, tant per al 5G com per a beyond 5G, la solució és l'harmonització de les formes d'onda. dels resultats obtinguts es pot corroborar que una solució harmonitzada permet aconseguir un estalvi computacional entre el 25-40% per al transmissor i del 15-25% per al receptor. A més, va ser possible identificar què numerología CP-OFDM és la més adequada per a cada escenari, la qual cosa permetria optimitzar el disseny i desplegament de les xarxes 5G. Açò obriria la porta a fer el mateix amb el 6G, ja que en esta tesi es considera que serà necessari obrir novament el debat sobre quina és la forma d’onda adequada per a esta nova generació de tecnologies, i es planteja que el camí que s’ha de seguir és optar per una solució harmonitzada amb distintes formes d’onda, en compte de només una com succeïx amb el 5G.[EN] The standardization of the Fifth Generation of mobile networks or 5G is still ongoing, although the first releases of the standard were completed two years ago and several 5G networks are up and running in several countries around the globe. However, in 2014 when the ITU began the IMT-2020 standardization process, one of the main questions was which would be the waveform to be used on the physical layer of this new generation of technologies. The 3GPP committed to submit a candidate technology to the IMT-2020 process, and that is how within this deliberation process several candidate waveforms were presented. After a thorough evaluation regarding several aspects, in 2016 the 3GPP decided to continue with CP-OFDM (used in 4G) but including, as a novelty, the use of a flexible numerology. Once the waveform was decided, the standardization process continued to fine-tune the frame structure and all the intrinsic aspects of it. This thesis accompanied and participated in this entire process. To begin with, this dissertation evaluates the main 5G candidate waveforms. Therefore, a theoretical analysis of each waveform is carried out, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, both at the implementation and performance levels. Subsequently, a real implementation on a Software Defined Radio platform of three of the most promising waveforms (CP-OFDM, UFMC, and OQAM-FBMC) is presented, which allows evaluating their performance in terms of bit error rate, as well as the complexity of its implementation. This thesis also proposes the use of a harmonized solution as a waveform for 5G and argues that it remains a viable option for systems beyond 5G. Since none of the candidate waveforms was capable of meeting on its own with all the requirements for 5G, instead of choosing a single waveform, this thesis proposes to build a transceiver capable of building all the main waveforms candidates (CP-OFDM, P-OFDM, UFMC, QAM-FBMC, OQAM-FBMC). This is achieved by identifying the common blocks between the waveforms and then integrating them with the rest of the essential blocks for each waveform. The motivation for this solution is to have a physical layer that is capable of complying with all aspects of beyond 5G technologies, always selecting the best waveform according to the scenario. This proposal is evaluated in terms of complexity, and the results are compared with the complexity of each waveform. The decision to continue with CP-OFDM with flexible numerology as a waveform for 5G can also be considered as a harmonized solution, since changing the cyclic prefix and the number of subcarriers, changes also the performance of the system. In this thesis, all the numerologies proposed by the 3GPP are evaluated on each of the channel models described for 5G (and considered valid for beyond 5G systems), taking into account factors such as the mobility of the user equipment and the operating frequency. For this, a 3GPP physical layer simulator is used, and proper adaptations are made in order to evaluate the performance of the numerologies in terms of the block error rate. Finally, a sketch of what could become the Sixth Generation of mobile networks or 6G is presented, with the aim of understanding the new applications that could be used in the future, as well as their needs. After the completion of the study carried out in this thesis, it can be said that, as stated from the beginning, for both 5G and beyond 5G systems, the solution is the waveform harmonization. From the results obtained, it can be corroborated that a harmonized solution allows achieving computational savings between 25-40% for the transmitter and 15-25% for the receiver. In addition, it is possible to identify which CP-OFDM numerology is the most appropriate for each scenario, which would allow optimizing the design and deployment of 5G networks. This would open the door to doing the same with 6G, i.e., a harmonized solution with different waveforms, instead of just one as in 5G.Flores De Valgas Torres, FJ. (2020). Study on Air Interface Variants and their Harmonization for Beyond 5G Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/164442TESI

    Enhanced Air-Interfaces for Fifth Generation Mobile Broadband Communication

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    In broadband wireless multicarrier communication systems, intersymbol interference (ISI) and intercarrier interference (ICI) should be reduced. In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), the cyclic prefix (CP) guarantees to reduce the ISI interference. However, the CP reduces spectral and power efficiency. In this thesis, iterative interference cancellation (IIC) with iterative decoding is used to reduce ISI and ICI from the received signal in multicarrier modulation (MCM) systems. Alternative schemes as well as OFDM with insufficient CP are considered; filter bank multicarrier (FBMC/Offset QAM) and discrete wavelet transform based multicarrier modulation (DWT-MCM). IIC is applied in these different schemes. The required components are calculated from either the hard decision of the demapper output or the estimated decoded signal. These components are used to improve the received signal. Channel estimation and data detection are very important parts of the receiver design of the wireless communication systems. Iterative channel estimation using Wiener filter channel estimation with known pilots and IIC is used to estimate and improve data detection. Scattered and interference approximation method (IAM) preamble pilot are using to calculate the estimated values of the channel coefficients. The estimated soft decoded symbols with pilot are used to reduce the ICI and ISI and improve the channel estimation. The combination of Multi-Input Multi-Output MIMO and OFDM enhances the air-interface for the wireless communication system. In a MIMO-MCM scheme, IIC and MIMO-IIC-based successive interference cancellation (SIC) are proposed to reduce the ICI/ISI and cross interference to a given antenna from the signal transmitted from the target and the other antenna respectively. The number of iterations required can be calculated by analysing the convergence of the IIC with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. A new EXIT approach is proposed to provide a means to define performance for a given outage probability on quasi-static channels

    Advanced multi-dimensional signal processing for wireless systems

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    Die florierende Entwicklung der drahtlosen Kommunikation erfordert innovative und fortschrittliche Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen, die auf eine verbesserte Performance hinsichtlich der Zuverlässigkeit, des Durchsatzes, der Effizienz und weiterer Faktoren abzielen. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Lösung dieser Herausforderungen und präsentiert neue und faszinierende Fortschritte, um diesen Herausforderungen zu erfüllen. Hauptsächlich konzentrieren wir uns auf zwei innovative Aspekte der mehrdimensionalen Signalverarbeitung für drahtlose Systeme, denen in den letzten Jahren große Aufmerksamkeit in der Forschung geschenkt wurde. Das sind Mehrträgerverfahren für Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systeme und die mehrdimensionale harmonische Schätzung (Harmonic Retrieval). Da es sich bei MIMO-Systemen und Mehrträgerverfahren um Schlüsseltechnologien der drahtlosen Kommunikation handelt, sind ihre zahlreichen Vorteile seit langem bekannt und haben ein großes Forschungsinteresse geweckt. Zu diesen Vorteilen zählen zum Beispiel die Steigerung der Datenrate und die Verbesserung der Verbindungszuverlässigkeit. Insbesondere OFDM-basierte MIMO Downlink Systeme für mehrere Teilnehmer (Multi-User MIMO Downlink Systems), die durch SDMA (Space-Division Multiple Access) getrennt werden, kombinieren die Vorteile von MIMO-Systemen mit denen von Mehrträger-Modulationsverfahren. Sie sind wesentliche Elemente des IEEE 802.11ac Standards und werden ebenfalls für 5G (die fünfte Mobilfunkgeneration) ausschlaggebend sein. Obwohl die bisherigen Arbeiten über das Precoding (Vorcodierung) für solche Multi-User MIMO Downlink Systeme schon fruchtbare Ergebnisse zeigten, werden neue Fortschritte benötigt, die den Mehrträger-Charakter des Systems in einer effizienteren Weise ausnutzen oder auf eine höhere spektrale Effizienz des Gesamtsystems abzielen. Andererseits gilt die Filterbank-basierte Mehrträger Modulation (Filter Bank-based Multi-Carrier modulation, FBMC) mit einem gut konzentrierten Spektrum und einer somit niedrigen Out-of-band Leackage als eine vielversprechende Alternative zu OFDM. FBMC ermöglicht eine effiziente Nutzung von Fragmenten im Frequenzspektrums, z. B. in 5G oder Breitband Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) Netzwerken. Jedoch leiden die vorhandenen Verfahren zur Sende- und-Empfangs-Verarbeitung für FBMC-basierte MIMO Systeme unter Einschränkungen in Bezug auf mehrere Aspekte, wie z. B. der erlaubten Dimensionalität des Systems und der zulässigen Frequenzselektivität des Kanals. Die Formen der MIMO Einstellungen, die in der Literatur untersucht wurden, sind noch begrenzt auf MIMO-Systeme für einzelne Teilnehmer und vereinfachte Multi-User MIMO Systeme. Fortschrittlichere Techniken sind daher erforderlich, die diese Einschränkungen der existierenden Verfahren aufheben. MIMO-Szenarien, die weniger Einschränkungen unterliegen, müssen außerdem untersucht werden, um die Vorteile von FBMC zu weiter herauszuarbeiten. Im Rahmen der mehrdimensionalen harmonischen Schätzung (Harmonic Retrieval) hat sich gezeigt, dass eine höhere Genauigkeit bei der Schätzung durch Tensoren erreicht werden kann. Das liegt daran, dass die Darstellung mehrdimensionaler Signale mit Tensoren eine natürlichere Beschreibung und eine gute Ausnutzung ihrer mehrdimensionalen Struktur erlaubt, z. B. für die Modellordnungsschätzung und die Unterraumschätzung. Wichtige offene Themen umfassen die statistische Robustheit und wie man die Schätzung in zeitlich variierenden Szenarien adaptiv gestalten kann. In Teil I dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir zunächst eine effiziente und flexible Übertragungsstrategie für OFDM-basierten Multi-User MIMO Downlink Systeme. Sie besteht aus einer räumlichen Scheduling-Methode, der effizienten Mehrträger ProSched (Efficient Multi-Carrier ProSched, EMC-ProSched) Erweiterung mit einer effektiven Scheduling-Metrik, die auf Mehrträger-Systeme zugeschnitten wird. Weiterhin werden zwei neuartige Precoding Algorithmen vorgestellt, die lineare Precoding-basierte geometrische Mittelwert-Zerlegung (Linear Precoding-based Geometric Mean Decomposition, LP-GMD) und ein Coordinated Beamforming Algorithmus geringer Komplexität (Low Complexity Coordinated Beamforming, LoCCoBF). Diese beiden neuen Precoding-Verfahren können flexibel entsprechend den Abmessungen des Systems gewählt werden. Wir entwickeln auch einen System Level-Simulator, in dem die Parameter für das Link-to-System Level Interface kalibriert werden können. Diese Kalibrierung ist Standard-spezifisch, z. B. kann der Standard IEEE 802.11ac gewählt werden. Numerische Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Übertragungsstrategie Scheduling Fairness garantiert, einen weitaus höheren Durchsatz als die existierenden Verfahren erzielt, eine geringere Komplexität besitzt und nur einen geringen Signalisierungsoverhead erfordert. Der Schwerpunkt des Rests von Teil I bilden MIMO Systeme basierend auf Filter Bank-basierten Mehrträger-Verfahren mit Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (FBMC/OQAM). Es wird ein umfassender Überblick über FBMC gegeben. Nachfolgend werden für verschiedene FBMC/OQAM-basierte MIMO Varianten neue Verfahren zur Sende- und Empfangs-Verarbeitung entwickelt, die unterschiedliche Grade von Frequenz-Selektivität des Kanals voraussetzen. Zunächst wird die Verwendung von weitgehend linearer Verarbeitung (widely linear processing) untersucht. Ein Zwei-Schritt-Empfänger wird für FBMC/OQAM-basierte MIMO Systeme mit einzelnen Teilnehmern entwickelt. Hierbei ist die Frequenz-Selektivität des Kanals niedrig. Verglichen mit linearen MMSE-Empfänger ist die Leistung des Zwei-Schritt-Empfängers viel besser. Das Grundprinzip dieser Zwei-Schritt-Empfänger ist zuerst die Verringerung der intrinsischen Interferenz, um die Ausnutzung von nicht-zirkulären Signalen zu ermöglichen. Es motiviert weitere Studien über weitgehend lineare Verfahren für FBMC/OQAM-basierte Systeme. Darüber hinaus werden zwei Coordinated Beamforming-Algorithmen für FBMC/OQAM-basierte MIMO Systeme mit einzelnen Teilnehmern entwickelt. Sie verzichten auf die Einschränkung der Dimensionalität der bestehenden Methode, bei der die Anzahl der Sendeantennen größer als die Anzahl der Empfangsantennen sein muss. Der Kanal auf jedem Träger wird als flacher Schwund (Flat Fading) modelliert, was einer Klassifizierung als „intermediate frequency selective channel“ entspricht. Unter der Kenntnis der Kanalzustandsinformation am Sender (Channel-State-Information at the Transmitter, CSIT) basiert die Vorcodierung entweder auf einem Zero Forcing (ZF) Kriterium oder auf der Maximierung der Signal-to-Leackage-plus-Noise-Ratio (SLNR). Die Vorcodierungsvektoren und die Empfangsvektoren werden gemeinsam und iterativ berechnet. Daher führen die zwei Coordinated Beamforming-Algorithmen zu einer wirksamen Verringerung der intrinsischen Interferenz in FBMC/OQAM-basierten Systemen. Die Vorteile der Coordinated Beamforming-Konzepte werden in FBMC/OQAM-basierten Multi-User MIMO Downlink Systeme und koordinierte Mehrpunktverbindung (Coordinated Multi-Point, CoMP-Konzepte) eingebracht. Dafür werden drei intrinsische Interferenz mildernde koordinierte Beamforming-Verfahren (Intrinsic Interference Mitigating Coordinated Beamforming, IIM-CBF) vorgeschlagen. Die ersten beiden IIM-CBF Algorithmen werden für die FBMC/OQAM-basierten Multi-User MIMO Downlink Varianten mit unterschiedlichen Dimensionen entwickelt. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Verfahren zu einer Abschwächung der Multi-User-Interferenz (MUI) sowie einer Verringerung der intrinsischen Interferenz führen. Bei der dritten IIM-CBF Methode wird ein neuartiges FBMC/OQAM-basiertes-CoMP Konzept vorgestellt. Dieses wird durch die gemeinsame Übertragung von benachbarten Zellen zu Teilnehmern, die sich am Zellenrand befinden, ermöglicht, um den Daten-Durchsatz am Zellenrand zu erhöhen. Die Leistungsfähigkeit der vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen wird durch umfangreiche numerische Simulationen evaluiert. Das Konvergenzverhalten wird untersucht sowie das Thema der Komplexität angesprochen. Außerdem wird die geringere Anfälligkeit von FBMC verglichen mit OFDM gegenüber Frequenzsynchronisationsfehlern demonstriert. Darüber hinaus wird auf die FBMC/OQAM-basierten Multi-User MIMO Downlink Systeme mit stark frequenzselektiven Kanälen eingegangen. Dafür werden Lösungen erarbeitet, die für die Unterdrückung der MUI, der Inter-Symbol Interferenz (ISI) sowie der Inter-Carrier Interferenz (ICI) anwendbar ist. Mehrere Kriterien der multi-tap Vorcodierung werden entwickelt, beispielsweise die Mean Squared Error (MSE) Minimierung sowie die Signal-to-Leakage-Ratio (SLR) und die SLNR Maximierung. An Endgeräten, die eine schwächere Rechenleistung besitzen als sie an der Basisstation vorhanden ist, wird dadurch nur ein single-tap Empfangsfilter benötigt. Teil II der Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die mehrdimensionale harmonische Schätzung (Harmonic Retrieval). Der Einbau von statistischer Robustheit in mehrdimensionale Modellordnungsschätzverfahren wird demonstriert.The thriving development of wireless communications calls for innovative and advanced signal processing techniques targeting at an enhanced performance in terms of reliability, throughput, robustness, efficiency, flexibility, etc.. This thesis addresses such a compelling demand and presents new and intriguing progress towards fulfilling it. We mainly concentrate on two advanced multi-dimensional signal processing challenges for wireless systems that have attracted tremendous research attention in recent years, multi-carrier Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems and multi-dimensional harmonic retrieval. As the key technologies of wireless communications, the numerous benefits of MIMO and multi-carrier modulation, e.g., boosting the data rate and improving the link reliability, have long been identified and have ignited great research interest. In particular, the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)-based multi-user MIMO downlink with Space-Division Multiple Access (SDMA) combines the twofold advantages of MIMO and multi-carrier modulation. It is the essential element of IEEE 802.11ac and will also be crucial for the fifth generation of wireless communication systems (5G). Although past investigations on scheduling and precoding design for multi-user MIMO downlink systems have been fruitful, new advances are desired that exploit the multi-carrier nature of the system in a more efficient manner or aim at a higher spectral efficiency. On the other hand, a Filter Bank-based Multi-Carrier modulation (FBMC) featuring a well-concentrated spectrum and thus a low out-of-band radiation is regarded as a promising alternative multi-carrier scheme to OFDM for an effective utilization of spectrum fragments, e.g., in 5G or broadband Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) networks. Unfortunately, the existing transmit-receive processing schemes for FBMC-based MIMO systems suffer from limitations in several aspects, e.g., with respect to the number of supported receive antennas (dimensionality constraint) and channel frequency selectivity. The forms of MIMO settings that have been investigated are still limited to single-user MIMO and simplified multi-user MIMO systems. More advanced techniques are therefore demanded to alleviate the constraints imposed on the state-of-the-art. More sophisticated MIMO scenarios are yet to be explored to further corroborate the benefits of FBMC. In the context of multi-dimensional harmonic retrieval, it has been demonstrated that a higher estimation accuracy can be achieved by using tensors to preserve and exploit the multidimensional nature of the data, e.g., for model order estimation and subspace estimation. Crucial pending topics include how to further incorporate statistical robustness and how to handle time-varying scenarios in an adaptive manner. In Part I of this thesis, we first present an efficient and flexible transmission strategy for OFDM-based multi-user MIMO downlink systems. It consists of a spatial scheduling scheme, efficient multi-carrier ProSched (EMC-ProSched), with an effective scheduling metric tailored for multi-carrier systems and two new precoding algorithms, linear precoding-based geometric mean decomposition (LP-GMD) and low complexity coordinated beamforming (LoCCoBF). These two new precoding schemes can be flexibly chosen according to the dimensions of the system. We also develop a system-level simulator where the parameters for the link-to-system level interface can be calibrated according to a certain standardization framework, e.g., IEEE 802.11ac. Numerical results show that the proposed transmission strategy, apart from guaranteeing the scheduling fairness and a small signaling overhead, achieves a much higher throughput than the state-of-the-art and requires a lower complexity. The remainder of Part I is dedicated to Filter Bank-based Multi-Carrier with Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (FBMC/OQAM)-based MIMO systems. We begin with a thorough overview of FBMC. Then we present new transmit-receive processing techniques for FBMC/OQAM-based MIMO settings ranging from the single-user MIMO case to the Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) downlink considering various degrees of channel frequency selectivity. The use of widely linear processing is first investigated. A two-step receiver is designed for FBMC/OQAM-based point-to-point MIMO systems with low frequency selective channels. It exhibits a significant performance superiority over the linear MMSE receiver. The rationale in this two-step receiver is that the intrinsic interference is first mitigated to facilitate the exploitation of the non-circularity residing in the signals. It sheds light upon further studies on widely linear processing for FBMC/OQAM-based systems. Moreover, two coordinated beamforming algorithms are devised for FBMC/OQAM-based point-to-point MIMO systems to relieve the dimensionality constraint of existing schemes that the number of transmit antennas must be larger than the number of receive antennas. The channel on each subcarrier is assumed to be flat fading, which is categorized as the class of intermediate frequency selective channels. With the Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) known, the precoder designed based on a Zero Forcing (ZF) criterion or the maximization of the Signal-to-Leakage-plus-Noise-Ratio (SLNR) is jointly and iteratively computed with the receiver, leading to an effective mitigation of the intrinsic interference inherent in FBMC/OQAM-based systems. The benefits of the coordinated beamforming concept are successfully translated into the FBMC/OQAM-based multi-user MIMO downlink and the CoMP downlink. Three intrinsic interference mitigating coordinated beamforming (IIM-CBF) schemes are developed. The first two IIM-CBF schemes are proposed for FBMC/OQAM-based multi-user MIMO downlink settings with different dimensions and are able to effectively suppress the Multi-User Interference (MUI) as well as the intrinsic interference. A novel FBMC/OQAM-based CoMP concept is established via the third IIM-CBF scheme which enables the joint transmission of adjacent cells to the cell edge users to combat the strong interference as well as the heavy path loss and to boost the cell edge throughput. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated via extensive numerical simulations. Their convergence behavior is studied, and the complexity issue is also addressed. In addition, the stronger resilience of FBMC over OFDM against frequency misalignments is demonstrated. Furthermore, we cover the case of highly frequency selective channels and provide solutions to the very challenging task of suppressing the MUI, the Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), as well as the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) and supporting per-user multi-stream transmissions. Several design criteria of the multi-tap precoders are devised including the Mean Squared Error (MSE) minimization as well as the Signal-to-Leakage-Ratio (SLR) and SLNR maximization. By rendering a larger computational load at the base station, only single-tap spatial receive filters are required at the user terminals with a weaker computational capability, which enhances the applicability of the proposed schemes in real-world multi-user MIMO downlink systems. Part II focuses on the context of multi-dimensional harmonic retrieval. We demonstrate the incorporation of statistical robustness into multi-dimensional model order estimation schemes by substituting the sample covariance matrices of the unfoldings of the measurement tensor with robust covariance estimates. It is observed that in the presence of a very severe contamination of the measurements due to brief sensor failures, the robustified tensor-based model order estimation schemes lead to a satisfactory estimation accuracy. This philosophy of introducing statistical robustness also inspires robust versions of parameter estimation algorithms. Last but not the least, we present a generic framework for Tensor-based subspace tracking via Kronecker-structured projections (TeTraKron) for time-varying multi-dimensional harmonic retrieval problems. It allows to extend arbitrary matrix-based subspace tracking schemes to track the tensor-based subspace estimate in an elegant and efficient manner. By including forward-backward-averaging, we show that TeTraKron can also be employed to devise real-valued tensor-based subspace tracking algorithms. Taking a few matrix-based subspace tracking approaches as an example, a remarkable improvement of the tracking accuracy is observed in case of the TeTraKron-based tensor extensions. The performance of ESPRIT-type parameter estimation schemes is also assessed where the subspace estimates obtained by the proposed TeTraKron-based subspace tracking algorithms are used. We observe that Tensor-ESPRIT combined with a tensor-based subspace tracking scheme significantly outperforms the combination of standard ESPRIT and the corresponding matrix-based subspace tracking method. These results open the way for robust multi-dimensional big data signal processing applications in time-varying environments