161 research outputs found

    Deciphering Diseases and Biological Targets for Environmental Chemicals using Toxicogenomics Networks

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    Exposure to environmental chemicals and drugs may have a negative effect on human health. A better understanding of the molecular mechanism of such compounds is needed to determine the risk. We present a high confidence human protein-protein association network built upon the integration of chemical toxicology and systems biology. This computational systems chemical biology model reveals uncharacterized connections between compounds and diseases, thus predicting which compounds may be risk factors for human health. Additionally, the network can be used to identify unexpected potential associations between chemicals and proteins. Examples are shown for chemicals associated with breast cancer, lung cancer and necrosis, and potential protein targets for di-ethylhexyl-phthalate, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, pirinixic acid and permethrine. The chemical-protein associations are supported through recent published studies, which illustrate the power of our approach that integrates toxicogenomics data with other data types

    Application of computational systems biology to explore environmental toxicity hazards.

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    Background: Computer-based modeling is part of a new approach to predictive toxicology. Objectives: We investigated the usefulness of an integrated computational systems biology approach in a case study involving the isomers and metabolites of the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) to ascertain their possible links to relevant adverse effects. Methods: We extracted chemical–protein association networks for each DDT isomer and its metabolites using ChemProt, a disease chemical biology database that includes both binding and gene expression data, and we explored protein–protein interactions using a human interactome network. To identify associated dysfunctions and diseases, we integrated protein–disease annotations into the protein complexes using the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database and the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database. Results: We found 175 human proteins linked to p,p'-DDT, and 187 to o,p'-DDT. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE) was the metabolite with the highest number of links, with 52. We grouped proteins for each compound based on their disease annotations. Although the two data sources differed in linkage to diseases, integrated results predicted that most diseases were linked to the two DDT isomers. Asthma was uniquely linked with p,p'-DDT, and autism with o,p'-DDT. Several reproductive and neurobehavioral outcomes and cancer types were linked to all three compounds. Conclusions: Computer-based modeling relies on available information. Although differences in linkages to proteins may be due to incomplete data, our results appear meaningful and suggest that the parent DDT compounds may be responsible for more disease connections than the metabolites. The findings illustrate the potential use of computational approaches to toxicology

    The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database: update 2011

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    The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) is a public resource that promotes understanding about the interaction of environmental chemicals with gene products, and their effects on human health. Biocurators at CTD manually curate a triad of chemical–gene, chemical–disease and gene–disease relationships from the literature. These core data are then integrated to construct chemical–gene–disease networks and to predict many novel relationships using different types of associated data. Since 2009, we dramatically increased the content of CTD to 1.4 million chemical–gene–disease data points and added many features, statistical analyses and analytical tools, including GeneComps and ChemComps (to find comparable genes and chemicals that share toxicogenomic profiles), enriched Gene Ontology terms associated with chemicals, statistically ranked chemical–disease inferences, Venn diagram tools to discover overlapping and unique attributes of any set of chemicals, genes or disease, and enhanced gene pathway data content, among other features. Together, this wealth of expanded chemical–gene–disease data continues to help users generate testable hypotheses about the molecular mechanisms of environmental diseases. CTD is freely available at http://ctd.mdibl.org

    Dekodiranje molekulskog aspekta oštećenja oka prouzročenog ionizirajućim zračenjem pomoću rudarenja genomskih podataka

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    Even at low levels, exposure to ionising radiation can lead to eye damage. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not yet fully understood. We aimed to address this gap with a comprehensive in silico approach to the issue. For this purpose we relied on the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), ToppGene Suite, Cytoscape, GeneMANIA, and Metascape to identify six key regulator genes associated with radiation-induced eye damage (ATM, CRYAB, SIRT1, TGFB1, TREX1, and YAP1), all of which have physical interactions. Some of the identified molecular functions revolve around DNA repair mechanisms, while others are involved in protein binding, enzymatic activities, metabolic processes, and post-translational protein modifications. The biological processes are mostly centred on response to DNA damage, the p53 signalling pathway in particular. We identified a significant role of several miRNAs, such as hsa-miR-183 and hsamiR-589, in the mechanisms behind ionising radiation-induced eye injuries. Our study offers a valuable method for gaining deeper insights into the adverse effects of radiation exposure.Izloženost ionizirajućem zračenju čak i pri niskim razinama može pridonijeti nastanku oštećenja oka. Međutim, osnovni molekulski mehanizmi i dalje nisu potpuno razjašnjeni. Cilj našega istraživanja bio je ispuniti tu nedostajuću kariku primjenom sveobuhvatnog in silico pristupa problemu. U tu svrhu, pomoću genomskih baza podataka, portala i poslužitelja (Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, ToppGene Suite portal, Cytoscape, GeneMANIA i Metascape), identificirano je šest ključnih regulacijskih gena koji su povezani s oštećenjem oka prouzročenog ionizirajućim zračenjem (ATM, CRYAB, SIRT1, TGFB1, TREX1 i YAP1) i koji su svi bili u fizičkoj interakciji. Neke od identificiranih molekulskih funkcija odnosile su se na mehanizme popravka oštećenja DNA, a druge su bile uključene u vezanje proteina, enzimsku aktivnost, metaboličke procese i posttranslacijske modifikacije proteina. Biološki procesi uglavnom su bili povezani s odgovorom na oštećenje DNA, pogotovo sa signalnim putem p53. Uočena je i značajna uloga nekoliko miRNA, poput hsa-miR-183 i hsa-miR-589, u mehanizmima povezanima s oštećenjem oka prouzročenog ionizirajućim zračenjem. Osim toga, u ovom je istraživanju opisana korisna metoda za ispitivanje štetnih učinaka izloženosti zračenju

    Preferential regulation of miRNA targets by environmental chemicals in the human genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>microRNAs (miRNAs) represent a class of small (typically 22 nucleotides in length) non-coding RNAs that can degrade their target mRNAs or block their translation. Recent disease research showed the exposure to some environmental chemicals (ECs) can regulate the expression patterns of miRNAs, which raises the intriguing question of how miRNAs and their targets cope with the exposure to ECs throughout the genome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we comprehensively analyzed the properties of genes regulated by ECs (EC-genes) and found miRNA targets were significantly enriched among the EC-genes. Compared with the non-miRNA-targets, miRNA targets were roughly twice as likely to be EC-genes. By investigating the collection methods and other properties of the EC-genes, we demonstrated that the enrichment of miRNA targets was not attributed to either the potential collection bias of EC-genes, the presence of paralogs, longer 3'UTRs or more conserved 3'UTRs. Finally, we identified 1,842 significant concurrent interactions between 407 miRNAs and 497 ECs. This association network of miRNAs-ECs was highly modular and could be separated into 14 interconnected modules. In each module, miRNAs and ECs were closely connected, providing a good method to design accurate miRNA markers for ECs in toxicology research.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our analyses indicated that miRNAs and their targets played important roles in cellular responses to ECs. Association analyses of miRNAs and ECs will help to broaden the understanding of the pathogenesis of such chemical components.</p

    ChemProt: a disease chemical biology database

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    Systems pharmacology is an emergent area that studies drug action across multiple scales of complexity, from molecular and cellular to tissue and organism levels. There is a critical need to develop network-based approaches to integrate the growing body of chemical biology knowledge with network biology. Here, we report ChemProt, a disease chemical biology database, which is based on a compilation of multiple chemical–protein annotation resources, as well as disease-associated protein–protein interactions (PPIs). We assembled more than 700 000 unique chemicals with biological annotation for 30 578 proteins. We gathered over 2-million chemical–protein interactions, which were integrated in a quality scored human PPI network of 428 429 interactions. The PPI network layer allows for studying disease and tissue specificity through each protein complex. ChemProt can assist in the in silico evaluation of environmental chemicals, natural products and approved drugs, as well as the selection of new compounds based on their activity profile against most known biological targets, including those related to adverse drug events. Results from the disease chemical biology database associate citalopram, an antidepressant, with osteogenesis imperfect and leukemia and bisphenol A, an endocrine disruptor, with certain types of cancer, respectively. The server can be accessed at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/ChemProt/