1,779 research outputs found

    AoA-aware Probabilistic Indoor Location Fingerprinting using Channel State Information

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    With expeditious development of wireless communications, location fingerprinting (LF) has nurtured considerable indoor location based services (ILBSs) in the field of Internet of Things (IoT). For most pattern-matching based LF solutions, previous works either appeal to the simple received signal strength (RSS), which suffers from dramatic performance degradation due to sophisticated environmental dynamics, or rely on the fine-grained physical layer channel state information (CSI), whose intricate structure leads to an increased computational complexity. Meanwhile, the harsh indoor environment can also breed similar radio signatures among certain predefined reference points (RPs), which may be randomly distributed in the area of interest, thus mightily tampering the location mapping accuracy. To work out these dilemmas, during the offline site survey, we first adopt autoregressive (AR) modeling entropy of CSI amplitude as location fingerprint, which shares the structural simplicity of RSS while reserving the most location-specific statistical channel information. Moreover, an additional angle of arrival (AoA) fingerprint can be accurately retrieved from CSI phase through an enhanced subspace based algorithm, which serves to further eliminate the error-prone RP candidates. In the online phase, by exploiting both CSI amplitude and phase information, a novel bivariate kernel regression scheme is proposed to precisely infer the target's location. Results from extensive indoor experiments validate the superior localization performance of our proposed system over previous approaches

    Improving performance of pedestrian positioning by using vehicular communication signals

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    Pedestrian-to-vehicle communications, where pedestrian devices transmit their position information to nearby vehicles to indicate their presence, help to reduce pedestrian accidents. Satellite-based systems are widely used for pedestrian positioning, but have much degraded performance in urban canyon, where satellite signals are often obstructed by roadside buildings. In this paper, we propose a pedestrian positioning method, which leverages vehicular communication signals and uses vehicles as anchors. The performance of pedestrian positioning is improved from three aspects: (i) Channel state information instead of RSSI is used to estimate pedestrian-vehicle distance with higher precision. (ii) Only signals with line-of-sight path are used, and the property of distance error is considered. (iii) Fast mobility of vehicles is used to get diverse measurements, and Kalman filter is applied to smooth positioning results. Extensive evaluations, via trace-based simulation, confirm that (i) Fixing rate of positions can be much improved. (ii) Horizontal positioning error can be greatly reduced, nearly by one order compared with off-the-shelf receivers, by almost half compared with RSSI-based method, and can be reduced further to about 80cm when vehicle transmission period is 100ms and Kalman filter is applied. Generally, positioning performance increases with the number of available vehicles and their transmission frequency

    Precise near-earth navigation with GPS: A survey of techniques

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    The tracking accuracy of the low earth orbiters (below about 3000 km altitude) can be brought below 10 cm with a variety of differential techniques that exploit the Global Positioning System (GPS). All of these techniques require a precisely known global network of GPS ground receivers and a receiver aboard the user satellite, and all simultaneously estimate the user and GPS satellite orbits. Three basic approaches are the geometric, dynamic, and nondynamic strategies. The last combines dynamic GPS solutions with a geometric user solution. Two powerful extensions of the nondynamic strategy show considerable promise. The first uses an optimized synthesis of dynamics and geometry in the user solution, while the second uses a novel gravity-adjustment method to exploit data from repeat ground tracks. These techniques will offer sub-decimeter accuracy for dynamically unpredictable satellites down to the lowesst possible altitudes

    Decimeter-Level Indoor Localization Using WiFi Round-Trip Phase and Factor Graph Optimization

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    Indoor localization using WiFi signals has been studied since the emergence of WiFi communication. This paper presents a novel training-free approach to indoor localization using a customized WiFi protocol for data collection and a factor graph-based back-end for localization. The protocol measures the round-trip phase, which is very sensitive to small changes in displacement. This is because the sub-wavelength displacements introduce significant phase changes in WiFi signal. However, the phase cannot provide absolute range information due to angle wrap. Consequently, it can only be used for relative distance (displacement) measurement. By tracking the round-trip phase over time and unwrapping it, a relative distance measurement can be realized and achieve a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.06m. For 2-D localization, factor graph optimization is applied to the round-trip phase measurements between the STA (station) and four APs (access points). Experiments show the proposed concept can offer a decimeter-level (0.26m MAE and 0.24m 50%CDF) performance for real-world indoor localization

    Joint received signal strength, angle-of-arrival, and time-of-flight positioning

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    This paper presents a software positioning framework that is able to jointly use measured values of three parameters: the received signal strength, the angle-of-arrival, and the time-of-flight of the wireless signals. Based on experimentally determined measurement accuracies of these three parameters, results of a realistic simulation scenario are presented. It is shown that for the given configuration, angle-of-arrival and received signal strength measurements benefit from a hybrid system that combines both. Thanks to their higher accuracy, time-of-flight systems perform significantly better, and obtain less added value from a combination with the other two parameters