34 research outputs found

    Optimal Linear Precoding in Multi-User MIMO Systems: A Large System Analysis

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    We consider the downlink of a single-cell multi-user MIMO system in which the base station makes use of NN antennas to communicate with KK single-antenna user equipments (UEs) randomly positioned in the coverage area. In particular, we focus on the problem of designing the optimal linear precoding for minimizing the total power consumption while satisfying a set of target signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs). To gain insights into the structure of the optimal solution and reduce the computational complexity for its evaluation, we analyze the asymptotic regime where NN and KK grow large with a given ratio and make use of recent results from large system analysis to compute the asymptotic solution. Then, we concentrate on the asymptotically design of heuristic linear precoding techniques. Interestingly, it turns out that the regularized zero-forcing (RZF) precoder is equivalent to the optimal one when the ratio between the SINR requirement and the average channel attenuation is the same for all UEs. If this condition does not hold true but only the same SINR constraint is imposed for all UEs, then the RZF can be modified to still achieve optimality if statistical information of the UE positions is available at the BS. Numerical results are used to evaluate the performance gap in the finite system regime and to make comparisons among the precoding techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Austin, Texas, Dec. 2014. An extended version of this work is available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.598

    Large System Analysis of Base Station Cooperation for Power Minimization

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    This work focuses on a large-scale multi-cell multi-user MIMO system in which LL base stations (BSs) of NN antennas each communicate with KK single-antenna user equipments. We consider the design of the linear precoder that minimizes the total power consumption while ensuring target user rates. Three configurations with different degrees of cooperation among BSs are considered: the coordinated beamforming scheme (only channel state information is shared among BSs), the coordinated multipoint MIMO processing technology or network MIMO (channel state and data cooperation), and a single cell beamforming scheme (only local channel state information is used for beamforming while channel state cooperation is needed for power allocation). The analysis is conducted assuming that NN and KK grow large with a non trivial ratio K/NK/N and imperfect channel state information (modeled by the generic Gauss-Markov formulation form) is available at the BSs. Tools of random matrix theory are used to compute, in explicit form, deterministic approximations for: (i) the parameters of the optimal precoder; (ii) the powers needed to ensure target rates; and (iii) the total transmit power. These results are instrumental to get further insight into the structure of the optimal precoders and also to reduce the implementation complexity in large-scale networks. Numerical results are used to validate the asymptotic analysis in the finite system regime and to make comparisons among the different configurations.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, to appear IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the IEEE Global Communication Conference, San Diego, USA, Dec. 201

    Max-Min SINR in Large-Scale Single-Cell MU-MIMO: Asymptotic Analysis and Low Complexity Transceivers

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    This work focuses on the downlink and uplink of large-scale single-cell MU-MIMO systems in which the base station (BS) endowed with MM antennas communicates with KK single-antenna user equipments (UEs). Particularly, we aim at reducing the complexity of the linear precoder and receiver that maximize the minimum signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio subject to a given power constraint. To this end, we consider the asymptotic regime in which MM and KK grow large with a given ratio. Tools from random matrix theory (RMT) are then used to compute, in closed form, accurate approximations for the parameters of the optimal precoder and receiver, when imperfect channel state information (modeled by the generic Gauss-Markov formulation form) is available at the BS. The asymptotic analysis allows us to derive the asymptotically optimal linear precoder and receiver that are characterized by a lower complexity (due to the dependence on the large scale components of the channel) and, possibly, by a better resilience to imperfect channel state information. However, the implementation of both is still challenging as it requires fast inversions of large matrices in every coherence period. To overcome this issue, we apply the truncated polynomial expansion (TPE) technique to the precoding and receiving vector of each UE and make use of RMT to determine the optimal weighting coefficients on a per-UE basis that asymptotically solve the max-min SINR problem. Numerical results are used to validate the asymptotic analysis in the finite system regime and to show that the proposed TPE transceivers efficiently mimic the optimal ones, while requiring much lower computational complexity.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Decentralized Multi-cell Beamforming Via Large System Analysis in Correlated Channels

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, 201

    Large System Analysis of the Energy Consumption Distribution in Multi-User MIMO Systems with Mobility

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    In this work, we consider the downlink of a single-cell multi-user MIMO system in which the base station (BS) makes use of NN antennas to communicate with KK single-antenna user equipments (UEs). The UEs move around in the cell according to a random walk mobility model. We aim at determining the energy consumption distribution when different linear precoding techniques are used at the BS to guarantee target rates within a finite time interval TT. The analysis is conducted in the asymptotic regime where NN and KK grow large with fixed ratio under the assumption of perfect channel state information (CSI). Both recent and standard results from large system analysis are used to provide concise formulae for the asymptotic transmit powers and beamforming vectors for all considered schemes. These results are eventually used to provide a deterministic approximation of the energy consumption and to study its fluctuations around this value in the form of a central limit theorem. Closed-form expressions for the asymptotic means and variances are given. Numerical results are used to validate the accuracy of the theoretical analysis and to make comparisons. We show how the results can be used to approximate the probability that a battery-powered BS runs out of energy and also to design the cell radius for minimizing the energy consumption per unit area. The imperfect CSI case is also briefly considered.Comment: 8 figures, 2 tables, to appear on IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Joint Distributed Precoding and Beamforming for RIS-aided Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

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    The amalgamation of cell-free networks and reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has become a prospective technique for future sixth-generation wireless communication systems. In this paper, we focus on the precoding and beamforming design for a downlink RIS-aided cell-free network. The design is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem by jointly optimizing the combining vector, active precoding, and passive RIS beamforming for minimizing the weighted sum of users' mean square error. A novel joint distributed precoding and beamforming framework is proposed to decentralize the alternating optimization method for acquiring a suboptimal solution to the design problem. Finally, numerical results validate the effectiveness of the proposed distributed precoding and beamforming framework, showing its low-complexity and improved scalability compared with the centralized method

    Interference Management in 5G Reverse TDD HetNets with Wireless Backhaul: A Large System Analysis

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    This work analyzes a heterogeneous network (HetNet), which comprises a macro base station (BS) equipped with a large number of antennas and an overlaid dense tier of small cell access points (SCAs) using a wireless backhaul for data traffic. The static and low mobility user equipment terminals (UEs) are associated with the SCAs while those with medium-to-high mobility are served by the macro BS. A reverse time division duplexing (TDD) protocol is used by the two tiers, which allows the BS to locally estimate both the intra-tier and inter-tier channels. This knowledge is then used at the BS either in the uplink (UL) or in the downlink (DL) to simultaneously serve the macro UEs (MUEs) and to provide the wireless backhaul to SCAs. A geographical separation of co-channel SCAs is proposed to limit the interference coming from the UL signals of MUEs. A concatenated linear precoding technique employing either zero-forcing (ZF) or regularized ZF is used at the BS to simultaneously serve MUEs and SCAs in DL while nulling interference toward those SCAs in UL. We evaluate and characterize the performance of the system through the power consumption of UL and DL transmissions under the assumption that target rates must be satisfied and imperfect channel state information is available for MUEs. The analysis is conducted in the asymptotic regime where the number of BS antennas and the network size (MUEs and SCAs) grow large with fixed ratios. Results from large system analysis are used to provide concise formulae for the asymptotic UL and DL transmit powers and precoding vectors under the above assumptions. Numerical results are used to validate the analysis in different settings and to make comparisons with alternative network architectures.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. To appear IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. -- Special Issue on HetNet

    6G Enabled Advanced Transportation Systems

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    The 6th generation (6G) wireless communication network is envisaged to be able to change our lives drastically, including transportation. In this paper, two ways of interactions between 6G communication networks and transportation are introduced. With the new usage scenarios and capabilities 6G is going to support, passengers on all sorts of transportation systems will be able to get data more easily, even in the most remote areas on the planet. The quality of communication will also be improved significantly, thanks to the advanced capabilities of 6G. On top of providing seamless and ubiquitous connectivity to all forms of transportation, 6G will also transform the transportation systems to make them more intelligent, more efficient, and safer. Based on the latest research and standardization progresses, technical analysis on how 6G can empower advanced transportation systems are provided, as well as challenges and insights for a possible road ahead.Comment: Submitted to an open access journa