305 research outputs found

    Decentralized pole assignment for interconnected systems

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    Given a general proper interconnected system, this paper aims to design a LTI decentralized controller to place the modes of the closed-loop system at pre-determined locations. To this end, it is first assumed that the structural graph of the system is strongly connected. Then, it is shown applying generic static local controllers to any number of subsystems will not introduce new decentralized fixed modes (DFM) in the resultant system, although it has fewer inputoutput stations compared to the original system. This means that if there are some subsystems whose control costs are highly dependent on the complexity of the control law, then generic static controllers can be applied to such subsystems, without changing the characteristics of the system in terms of the fixed modes. As a direct application of this result, in the case when the system has no DFMs, one can apply generic static controllers to all but one subsystem, and the resultant system will be controllable and observable through that subsystem. Now, a simple observer-based local controller corresponding to this subsystem can be designed to displace the modes of the entire system arbitrarily. Similar results can also be attained for a system whose structural graph is not strongly connected. It is worth mentioning that similar concepts are deployed in the literature for the special case of strictly proper systems, but as noted in the relevant papers, extension of the results to general proper systems is not trivial. This demonstrates the significance of the present work

    The Optimal Projection Equations for Fixed-Order Dynamic Compensation

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57875/1/OptimalProjectionRedOrdDynCompTAC1984.pd

    Modelling and Control of an Annular Momentum Control Device

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    The results of a modelling and control study for an advanced momentum storage device supported on magnetic bearings are documented. The control challenge posed by this device lies in its dynamics being such a strong function of flywheel rotational speed. At high rotational speed, this can lead to open loop instabilities, resulting in requirements for minimum and maximum control bandwidths and gains for the stabilizing controllers. Using recently developed analysis tools for systems described by complex coefficient differential equations, the closed properties of the controllers were analyzed and stability properties established. Various feedback controllers are investigated and discussed. Both translational and angular dynamics compensators are developed, and measures of system stability and robustness to plant and operational speed variations are presented

    Comparative studies of global and targeted control of walkway bridge resonant frequencies

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    In this paper, three controllers are investigated for active vibration control (AVC) of a pedestrian walkway structure. They comprise of direct velocity feedback (DVF), observer-based and independent modal space (IMSC) controllers that are implemented in single-input single-output (SISO), multi-SISO and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configurations. The objective of the SISO controller schemes is to compare vibration mitigation performances arising from global control versus selective control of structural resonant frequencies in a given frequency bandwidth. The objectives set out for the multi-SISO and MIMO controllers are to realise global control within the same frequency bandwidth considered in the SISO studies. A novel aspect of these latter studies is the independent control of selected resonant frequencies at different locations on the structure with the aim of imposing global control. Vibration mitigation performances are evaluated using frequency response function measurements and uncontrolled and controlled responses to a synthesized walking excitation force. In the SISO studies, selective control of specific resonant frequencies has a slight degradation in the global vibration mitigation performance although it reflects better performance around the target frequencies. For the multi-SISO and MIMO controller studies, the selective control of the two lowest and dominant frequencies of the structure at two different locations still offers comparative vibration mitigation performances with the controllers considered as global in the sense that they target both structural frequencies at both locations. Attenuations of between 10-35 dB are achieved.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial assistance provided by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through Platform Grant (Ref. EP/G061130/2) and Leadership Fellowship Grant (Ref. EP/J004081/2)

    A Near-Optimal Decentralized Servomechanism Controller for Hierarchical Interconnected Systems

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    This paper is concerned with decentralized output regulation of hierarchical systems subject to input and output disturbances. It is assumed that the disturbance can be represented as the output of an autonomous LTI system with unknown initial state. The primary objective is to design a decentralized controller with the property that not only does it reject the degrading effect of the disturbance on the output (for a satisfactory steady-state performance), it also results in a small LQ cost function (implying a good transient behavior). To this end, the underlying problem is treated in two phases. In the first step, a number of modified systems are defined in terms of the original system. The problem of designing a LQ centralized controller which stabilizes all the modified systems and rejects the disturbance in the original system is considered, and it is shown that this centralized controller can be efficiently found by solving a LMI problem. In the second step, a method recently presented in the literature is exploited to decentralize the designed centralized controller. It is proved that the obtained controller satisfies the pre-determined design specifications including disturbance rejection. Simulation results elucidate the efficacy of the proposed control law

    Topological Conditions for Wireless Control Networks

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    We study the problem of stabilizing a linear system over a wireless control network. We propose a scheme where each wireless node maintains a scalar state, and periodically updates it as a linear combination of neighboring plant outputs and node states. We make connections to decentralized fixed modes and structured system theory to provide conditions on the network topology that allow the system to be stabilized. Our analysis provides the minimal number of feedback edges that have to be introduced to stabilize the system over a network, and shows that as long as the network connectivity is larger than the geometric multiplicity of any unstable eigenvalue, stabilizing controllers can be constructed at each actuator. A byproduct of our analysis is that by co-designing the network dynamics with the controllers, delays in the network are not a factor in stabilizing the system

    A decentralized linear quadratic control design method for flexible structures

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    A decentralized suboptimal linear quadratic control design procedure which combines substructural synthesis, model reduction, decentralized control design, subcontroller synthesis, and controller reduction is proposed for the design of reduced-order controllers for flexible structures. The procedure starts with a definition of the continuum structure to be controlled. An evaluation model of finite dimension is obtained by the finite element method. Then, the finite element model is decomposed into several substructures by using a natural decomposition called substructuring decomposition. Each substructure, at this point, still has too large a dimension and must be reduced to a size that is Riccati-solvable. Model reduction of each substructure can be performed by using any existing model reduction method, e.g., modal truncation, balanced reduction, Krylov model reduction, or mixed-mode method. Then, based on the reduced substructure model, a subcontroller is designed by an LQ optimal control method for each substructure independently. After all subcontrollers are designed, a controller synthesis method called substructural controller synthesis is employed to synthesize all subcontrollers into a global controller. The assembling scheme used is the same as that employed for the structure matrices. Finally, a controller reduction scheme, called the equivalent impulse response energy controller (EIREC) reduction algorithm, is used to reduce the global controller to a reasonable size for implementation. The EIREC reduced controller preserves the impulse response energy of the full-order controller and has the property of matching low-frequency moments and low-frequency power moments. An advantage of the substructural controller synthesis method is that it relieves the computational burden associated with dimensionality. Besides that, the SCS design scheme is also a highly adaptable controller synthesis method for structures with varying configuration, or varying mass and stiffness properties