5,733 research outputs found

    Proximity Tracing in an Ecosystem of Surveillance Capitalism

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    Proximity tracing apps have been proposed as an aide in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Some of those apps leverage attenuation of Bluetooth beacons from mobile devices to build a record of proximate encounters between a pair of device owners. The underlying protocols are known to suffer from false positive and re-identification attacks. We present evidence that the attacker's difficulty in mounting such attacks has been overestimated. Indeed, an attacker leveraging a moderately successful app or SDK with Bluetooth and location access can eavesdrop and interfere with these proximity tracing systems at no hardware cost and perform these attacks against users who do not have this app or SDK installed. We describe concrete examples of actors who would be in a good position to execute such attacks. We further present a novel attack, which we call a biosurveillance attack, which allows the attacker to monitor the exposure risk of a smartphone user who installs their app or SDK but who does not use any contact tracing system and may falsely believe that they have opted out of the system. Through traffic auditing with an instrumented testbed, we characterize precisely the behaviour of one such SDK that we found in a handful of apps---but installed on more than one hundred million mobile devices. Its behaviour is functionally indistinguishable from a re-identification or biosurveillance attack and capable of executing a false positive attack with minimal effort. We also discuss how easily an attacker could acquire a position conducive to such attacks, by leveraging the lax logic for granting permissions to apps in the Android framework: any app with some geolocation permission could acquire the necessary Bluetooth permission through an upgrade, without any additional user prompt. Finally we discuss motives for conducting such attacks

    Flattening the Curve While Protecting Our Right to Privacy: How the United States Can Implement the Digital Contract Tracing Efforts Used in East Asia

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    This paper looks at the digital contact tracing efforts implemented by other nations and assesses how similar measures could operate under enacted and proposed United States laws. Part I overviews the history of contact tracing and its effectiveness in prior disease outbreaks. Part II delves into the digital contact tracing efforts implemented by South Korea and Singapore. These summaries include: the digital contact tracing efforts taken, the laws that authorize these efforts, the public’s reception, and the overall effectiveness of the efforts. Part III overviews the digital contact tracing efforts in the United States, including proposed legislation aimed at user privacy. This part focuses on two proposed legislations: the Exposure Notification Privacy Act and the Public Health Emergency Privacy Act. Part IV analyzes which provisions of the ENPA and the PHEPA would best restrain the digital contact tracing efforts used in South Korea and Singapore if they were to be implemented in United States. Part V concludes with a final recommendation and recap of the following analysis

    Sony, Cyber Security, and Free Speech: Preserving the First Amendment in the Modern World

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    Reprinted from 16 U.C. Davis Bus. L.J. 309 (2016). This paper explores the Sony hack in 2014 allegedly launched by the North Korean government in retaliation over Sony’s production of The Interview and considers the hack’s chilling impact on speech in technology. One of the most devastating cyber attacks in history, the hack exposed approximately thirty- eight million files of sensitive data, including over 170,000 employee emails, thousands of employee social security numbers and unreleased footage of upcoming movies. The hack caused Sony to censor the film and prompted members of the entertainment industry at large to tailor their communication and conform storylines to societal standards. Such censorship cuts the First Amendment at its core and exemplifies the danger cyber terror poses to freedom of speech by compromising Americans’ privacy in digital mediums. This paper critiques the current methods for combatting cyber terror, which consist of unwieldy federal criminal laws and controversial information sharing policies, while proposing more promising solutions that unleash the competitive power of the free market with limited government regulation. It also recommends legal, affordable and user-friendly tools anyone can use to secure their technology, recapture their privacy and exercise their freedom of speech online without fear of surreptitious surveillance or retaliatory exposure

    Carnivore: Taking a Bite Out of the Fourth Amendment

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    Sliding Down a Slippery Slope? The Future Use of Administrative Subpoenas in Criminal Investigations

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    Human-centred identity - from rhetoric to reality

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    This paper presents a proposal for human-centred identity management. Even though the term ‘human-centred identity’ has been widely used in the past few years, the solutions either descritbe a technical system for managing identity, or describe an identity management solution that meets a particular administrative need. Our proposal, however, presents a set of propertis that have to be considered, and the choices have to be made for each property must satisfy the needs of both the individual and the organization that owns the identity management system. The properties were identified as a result of reviewing a range of national identity systems, and the problems that arise from them