235 research outputs found

    Review of Power Sharing Control Strategies for Islanding Operation of AC Microgrids

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    Design And Implementation Of Co-Operative Control Strategy For Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids

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    This thesis is mainly divided in two major sections: 1) Modelling and control of AC microgrid, DC microgrid, Hybrid AC/DC microgrid using distributed co-operative control, and 2) Development of a four bus laboratory prototype of an AC microgrid system. At first, a distributed cooperative control (DCC) for a DC microgrid considering the state-of-charge (SoC) of the batteries in a typical plug-in-electric-vehicle (PEV) is developed. In DC microgrids, this methodology is developed to assist the load sharing amongst the distributed generation units (DGs), according to their ratings with improved voltage regulation. Subsequently, a DCC based control algorithm for AC microgrid is also investigated to improve the performance of AC microgrid in terms of power sharing among the DGs, voltage regulation and frequency deviation. The results validate the advantages of the proposed methodology as compared to traditional droop control of AC microgrid. The DCC-based control methodology for AC microgrid and DC microgrid are further expanded to develop a DCC-based power management algorithm for hybrid AC/DC microgrid. The developed algorithm for hybrid microgrid controls the power flow through the interfacing converter (IC) between the AC and DC microgrids. This will facilitate the power sharing between the DGs according to their power ratings. Moreover, it enables the fixed scheduled power delivery at different operating conditions, while maintaining good voltage regulation and improved frequency profile. The second section provides a detailed explanation and step-by-step design and development of an AC/DC microgrid testbed. Controllers for the three-phase inverters are designed and tested on different generation units along with their corresponding inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) filters to eliminate the switching frequency harmonics. Electric power distribution line models are developed to form the microgrid network topology. Voltage and current sensors are placed in the proper positions to achieve a full visibility over the microgrid. A running average filter (RAF) based enhanced phase-locked-loop (EPLL) is designed and implemented to extract frequency and phase angle information. A PLL-based synchronizing scheme is also developed to synchronize the DGs to the microgrid. The developed laboratory prototype runs on dSpace platform for real time data acquisition, communication and controller implementation

    Multiple-Time-Scales Hierarchical Frequency Stability Control Strategy of Medium-Voltage Isolated Microgrid

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    Design and Implementation of a True Decentralized Autonomous Control Architecture for Microgrids

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    Microgrids can serve as an integral part of the future power distribution systems. Most microgrids are currently managed by centralized controllers. There are two major concerns associated with the centralized controllers. One is that the single controller can become performance and reliability bottleneck for the entire system and its failure can bring the entire system down. The second concern is the communication delays that can degrade the system performance. As a solution, a true decentralized control architecture for microgrids is developed and presented. Distributing the control functions to local agents decreases the possibility of network congestion, and leads to the mitigation of long distance transmission of critical commands. Decentralization will also enhance the reliability of the system since the single point of failure is eliminated. In the proposed architecture, primary and secondary microgrid controls layers are combined into one physical layer. Tertiary control is performed by the controller located at the grid point of connection. Each decentralized controller is responsible of multicasting its status and local measurements, creating a general awareness of the microgrid status among all decentralized controllers. The proof-of concept implementation provides a practical evidence of the successful mitigation of the drawback of control command transmission over the network. A Failure Management Unit comprises failure detection mechanisms and a recovery algorithm is proposed and applied to a microgrid case study. Coordination between controllers during the recovery period requires low-bandwidth communications, which has no significant overhead on the communication infrastructure. The proof-of-concept of the true decentralization of microgrid control architecture is implemented using Hardware-in-the-Loop platform. The test results show a robust detection and recovery outcome during a system failure. System test results show the robustness of the proposed architecture for microgrid energy management and control scenarios

    Modeling, control and design of AC microgrids in islanded mode

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    Tesi per compendi de publicacions, amb diferents seccions retallades pels dret de l'editorPremi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de les TICThe present doctoral thesis is focused on the analysis and design of control strategies for the secondary control layer of islanded AC microgrids without the use of communications. The work is submitted as a compendium of publications, composed by journals and international conference papers. The first contribution is a control strategy for the secondary control layer based on a switchable configuration, that does not require the use of communications. For stability analysis purposes, a closed-loop system modeling is presented, which is also used to determine design considerations for the control parameters. The second contribution is a complementary control strategy that improves the frequency regulation of the previous proposed control, using a dynamic droop gain in the primary layer. For this purpose, a time protocol that drives the variable parameters is proposed which guarantees an effectively reduction of the maximum frequency error without relying on complex techniques, maintaining the simplicity of the basis strategy and the non-use of communications. The third contribution is a multi-layer hierarchical control scheme that is composed by a droop-based primary layer, a time-driven secondary layer and an optimized power dispatch tertiary layer. The proposed control guarantees an excellent performance in terms of frequency restoration and power sharing. The fourth contribution is an improved secondary control layer strategy without communications, which presents superior operating performance compared with the previous proposals. The scheme is based on a event-driven operation of a parameter-varying filter which ensures perfect active power sharing and controllable accuracy for frequency restoration. A complete modeling that considers the topology of the MG and the electrical interaction between the DGs is derived for the stability analysis and to determine design guidelines for the key control parameters. For the purpose of analyzing and verifying the operational performance of the control schemes, an experimental MG was implemented, where selected tests were carried out. The obtained results are discussed and its relation with the doctoral thesis objectives analyzed. The thesis ends presenting conclusions and future research lines.La presente tesis doctoral se enfoca en el análisis y diseño de estrategias de control para la capa de control secundaria en microrredes aisladas de corriente alterna, sin el uso de comunicaciones. El trabajo se presenta en la modalidad de compendio, por lo que está compuesto por publicaciones previamente aceptadas en revistas y congresos científicos internacionales. La primera contribución es un estrategia de control para la capa secundaria basada en una configuración conmutable, que no requiere el uso de comunicaciones. Con el propósito de analizar la estabilidad, se presenta el modelado del sistema de lazo cerrado, que también es usado para determinar reglas de diseño de los parámetros de control. La segunda contribución es una estrategia de control complementaria que mejora la regulación de frecuencia de la propuesta anterior, usando una ganancia dinámica en la capa de control primaria. Se propone la variación de los parámetros siguiendo un protocolo de tiempo, garantizando la reducción del error máximo de frecuencia sin depender de técnicas complejas, manteniendo la simplicidad de la estrategia base y sin requerir comunicaciones. La tercera contribución es un esquema de control jerárquico compuesto por una capa primaria basada en el método de la pendiente, una capa secundaria controlada por un protocolo de tiempo y una capa terciaria que optimiza el despacho de potencias. El control propuesto garantiza un excelente desempeño en términos de la regulación de la frecuencia y la compartición de potencias. La cuarta contribución es una estrategia de control para la capa secundaria que no usa comunicaciones, la cual presenta un comportamiento operativo superior comparado con las propuestas anteriores. El esquema está basado en una operación controlada por eventos, de un filtro con parámetros variables que garantiza una perfecta compartición de potencias y una precisa restauración de frecuencia. Además, para el análisis de la estabilidad y la determinación de pautas de diseño de los parámetros se presenta un modelo que considera la topología de la microrred y las interacciones eléctricas de los generadores. Con el objetivo de analizar y verificar el desempeño operativo de los esquemas de control, se implementó una microrred experimental donde se llevaron a cabo las pruebas requeridas. Se discutieron los resultados obtenidos y se analizó su relación con los objetivos de la tesis doctoral. El documento termina presentado las conclusiones así como futuras líneas de investigaciónAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Improvement of Frequency Regulation in VSG-Based AC Microgrid via Adaptive Virtual Inertia

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    A virtual synchronous generator (VSG) control based on adaptive virtual inertia is proposed to improve dynamic frequency regulation of microgrid. When the system frequency deviates from the nominal steady-state value, the adaptive inertia control can exhibit a large inertia to slow the dynamic process and, thus, improve frequency nadir. And when the system frequency starts to return, a small inertia is shaped to accelerate system dynamics with a quick transient process. As a result, this flexible inertia property combines the merits of large inertia and small inertia, which contributes to the improvement of dynamic frequency response. The stability of the proposed algorithm is proved by Lyapunov stability theory, and the guidelines on the key control parameters are provided. Finally, both hardware-in-the-loop and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm