203 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of methods for control and modelling of multiple-input multiple-output systems

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    In control, a common type of system is the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, where the same input may affect multiple outputs, or conversely, the same output is affected by multiple inputs. In this thesis two methods for controlling MIMO systems are examined, namely linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control and decentralized control, and some of the difficulties associated with them.One difficulty when implementing decentralized control is to decide which inputs should control which outputs, also called the input-output pairing problem. There are multiple ways to solve this problem, among them using gramian based measures, which include the Hankel interaction index array, the participation matrix and the Σ2 method.\ua0 These methods take into account system dynamics as opposed to many other methods which only consider the steady-state system. However, the gramian based methods have issues with input and output scaling. Generally, this is handled by scaling all inputs and outputs to have equal range. However, in this thesis it is demonstrated how this can cause an incorrect pairing. Furthermore, this thesis examines other methods of scaling the gramian based measures, using either row or column sums, or by utilizing the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm. It is shown that there are considerable benefits to be gained from the alternative scaling of the gramian based measures, especially when using the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm. The use of this method also has the advantage that the results are completely independent of the original scaling of the inputs and outputs.An expansion to the decentralized control structure is the sparse control, in which a decentralized controller is expanded to include feed-forward or MIMO blocks. In this thesis we explore how to best use the gramian based measures to find sparse control structures, and propose a method which demonstrates considerable improvement compared to existing methods of sparse control structure design.A prerequisite to implementing control configuration methods is an understanding of the processes in question. In this thesis we examine the pulp refining process and design both static and dynamic models for pulp and paper properties such as shives width, fiber length and tensile index, and various available inputs. We demonstrate that utilizing internal variables (primarily consistencies) estimated from temperature measurements yields improved results compared to using solely measured variables. The measurement data from the refiners is noisy, sometimes sparse and generally irregularly sampled. This thesis discusses the challenges posed by these constraints and how they can be resolved.\ua0\ua0 An alternative way to control a MIMO system is to implement an LQG controller, which yields a single control structure for the entire system using a state based controller. It has been proposed that LQG control can be an effective control scheme to be used on networked control systems with wireless channels. These channels have a tendency to be unreliable with packet delays and packet losses. This thesis examines how to implement an LQG controller over such unreliable communication channels, and derives the optimal controller minimizing the cost function expressed in actuated controls.When new methods of control system design and analysis are introduced in the control engineering field, it is important to compare the new results with existing methods. Often this requires application of the methods on examples, and for this purpose benchmark processes are introduced. However, in many areas of control engineering research the number of examples are relatively few, in particular when MIMO systems are considered. For a thorough assessment of a method, however, as large number of relevant models as possible should be used. As a remedy, a framework has been developed for generating linear MIMO models based on predefined system properties, such as model type, size, stability, time constants, delays etc. This MIMO generator, which is presented in this thesis, is demonstrated by using it to evaluate the previously described scaling methods for the gramian based pairing methods

    Enhancement of power system stability using wide area measurement system based damping controller

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    Contemporary power networks are gradually expanding incorporating new sources of electrical energy and power electronic based devices. The major stability issue in large interconnected power systems is the lightly damped interarea oscillations. In the light of growth of their incidents there are increased concerns about the effectiveness of current control devices and control systems in maintaining power system stability. This thesis presents a Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) based control scheme to enhance power system stability. The control scheme has a hierarchical (two-level) structure comprising a Supplementary Wide-Area Controller (SWAC) built on top of existing Power System Stabilisers (PSSs). The SWAC's focus is on stabilising the critical interarea oscillations in the system while leaving local modes to be controlled entirely by local PSSs. Both control systems in the two levels work together to maintain system stability. The scheme relies on synchronised measurements supplied by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) through the WAMS and the only cost requirement is for the communication infrastructure which is already available, or it will be in the near future. A novel linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control design approach which targets the interarea modes directly is introduced in this thesis. Its features are demonstrated through a comparison with the conventional method commonly used in power system damping applications. The modal LQG approach offers simplicity and flexibility when targeting multiple interarea modes without affecting local modes and local controllers, thus making it highly suitable to hierarchical WAMS based control schemes. Applicability of the approach to large power systems is demonstrated using different scenarios of model order reduction. The design approach incorporates time delays experienced in the transmission of the SWAC's input/output signals. Issues regarding values of time delays and required level of detail in modelling time delays are thoroughly discussed. Three methods for selection of input/output signals for WAMS based damping controllers are presented and reviewed. The first method uses modal observability/controllability factors. The second method is based on the Sequential Orthogonalisation (SO) algorithm, a tool for the optimal placement of measurement devices. Its application is extended and generalised in this thesis to handle the problem of input/output signal selection. The third method combines clustering techniques and modal factor analysis. The clustering method uses advanced Principal Component Analysis (PCA) where its draw backs and limitations, in the context of power system dynamics' applications, are overcome. The methods for signal selection are compared using both small signal and transient stability analysis to determine the best optimal set of signals. Enhancement of power system stability is demonstrated by applying the proposed WAMS based control scheme on the New England test system. The multi-input multi-output (MIMO) WAMS based damping controller uses a reduced set of input/output signals and is designed using the modal LQG approach. Effectiveness of the control scheme is comprehensively assessed using both small signal and transient stability analysis for different case studies including small and large disturbances, changes in network topology and operating condition, variations in time delays, and failure of communication links.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Enhancement of power system stability using wide area measurement system based damping controller

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    Contemporary power networks are gradually expanding incorporating new sources of electrical energy and power electronic based devices. The major stability issue in large interconnected power systems is the lightly damped interarea oscillations. In the light of growth of their incidents there are increased concerns about the effectiveness of current control devices and control systems in maintaining power system stability. This thesis presents a Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) based control scheme to enhance power system stability. The control scheme has a hierarchical (two-level) structure comprising a Supplementary Wide-Area Controller (SWAC) built on top of existing Power System Stabilisers (PSSs). The SWAC's focus is on stabilising the critical interarea oscillations in the system while leaving local modes to be controlled entirely by local PSSs. Both control systems in the two levels work together to maintain system stability. The scheme relies on synchronised measurements supplied by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) through the WAMS and the only cost requirement is for the communication infrastructure which is already available, or it will be in the near future. A novel linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control design approach which targets the interarea modes directly is introduced in this thesis. Its features are demonstrated through a comparison with the conventional method commonly used in power system damping applications. The modal LQG approach offers simplicity and flexibility when targeting multiple interarea modes without affecting local modes and local controllers, thus making it highly suitable to hierarchical WAMS based control schemes. Applicability of the approach to large power systems is demonstrated using different scenarios of model order reduction. The design approach incorporates time delays experienced in the transmission of the SWAC's input/output signals. Issues regarding values of time delays and required level of detail in modelling time delays are thoroughly discussed. Three methods for selection of input/output signals for WAMS based damping controllers are presented and reviewed. The first method uses modal observability/controllability factors. The second method is based on the Sequential Orthogonalisation (SO) algorithm, a tool for the optimal placement of measurement devices. Its application is extended and generalised in this thesis to handle the problem of input/output signal selection. The third method combines clustering techniques and modal factor analysis. The clustering method uses advanced Principal Component Analysis (PCA) where its draw backs and limitations, in the context of power system dynamics' applications, are overcome. The methods for signal selection are compared using both small signal and transient stability analysis to determine the best optimal set of signals. Enhancement of power system stability is demonstrated by applying the proposed WAMS based control scheme on the New England test system. The multi-input multi-output (MIMO) WAMS based damping controller uses a reduced set of input/output signals and is designed using the modal LQG approach. Effectiveness of the control scheme is comprehensively assessed using both small signal and transient stability analysis for different case studies including small and large disturbances, changes in network topology and operating condition, variations in time delays, and failure of communication links.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Integrated tilt and active lateral secondary suspension control in high speed railway vehicles

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    The use of tilting bodies on railway vehicles is increasingly widespread with a number of well-established services using tilt technology already existing around the world. The motivation for tilting railway vehicles is that they give a cost-effective means of achieving a substantial reduction in journey time by increasing the vehicle speed during curves, without the need of building new high speed railtrack infrastructure. A tilting railway vehicle is a dynamically complex structure. Many of the dynamic modes of the system are coupled and the coupling in certain situations, i.e. coupling between the vehicle lateral and roll modes, is very significant which unavoidably causes difficulties in control system design, especially for the local vehicle control strategies. Meanwhile, the high speed results in the worse ride quality on straight track, and an effective solution is to use the active secondary suspension. This research investigated control strategies for the integration of tilt and active lateral secondary suspension. The simulation results showed the efficiency of this research on enhancing local tilting control performance both on straight and curved track. Furthermore, Multi-input and Multi-output system configuration, control and optimization, as well as model-based estimation are also investigated for this tilt and lateral actuators control system aiming to further improve the control system robustness and performance. Finally, a FPGA-based Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation system is set up with the considersion of the controller practical implementation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Integrated tilt and active lateral secondary suspension control in high speed railway vehicles

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    The use of tilting bodies on railway vehicles is increasingly widespread with a number of well-established services using tilt technology already existing around the world. The motivation for tilting railway vehicles is that they give a cost-effective means of achieving a substantial reduction in journey time by increasing the vehicle speed during curves, without the need of building new high speed railtrack infrastructure. A tilting railway vehicle is a dynamically complex structure. Many of the dynamic modes of the system are coupled and the coupling in certain situations, i.e. coupling between the vehicle lateral and roll modes, is very significant which unavoidably causes difficulties in control system design, especially for the local vehicle control strategies. Meanwhile, the high speed results in the worse ride quality on straight track, and an effective solution is to use the active secondary suspension. This research investigated control strategies for the integration of tilt and active lateral secondary suspension. The simulation results showed the efficiency of this research on enhancing local tilting control performance both on straight and curved track. Furthermore, Multi-input and Multi-output system configuration, control and optimization, as well as model-based estimation are also investigated for this tilt and lateral actuators control system aiming to further improve the control system robustness and performance. Finally, a FPGA-based Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation system is set up with the considersion of the controller practical implementation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Hierarchical Triple-Maglev Dual-Rate Control Over a Profibus-DP Network

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper addresses a networked control system application on an unstable triple-magnetic-levitation setup. A hierarchical dual-rate control using a Profibus-decentralized peripherals network has been used to stabilize a triangular platform composed of three maglevs. The difficulty in control is increased by time-varying network-induced delays. To solve this issue, a local decentralized H∞ control action is complemented by means of a lower rate output feedback controller on the remote side. Experimental results show good stabilization and reference position accuracy under disturbances.Manuscript received October 24, 2011; revised July 30, 2012; accepted September 9, 2012. Manuscript received in final form October 2, 2012. Date of publication November 12, 2012; date of current version December 17, 2013. The work of R. Piza, J. Salt, and A. Cuenca was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia under Grant DPI2011-28507-C02-01, Grant DPI2009-14744-C03-03, and Grant ENE2010-21711-C02-01 and the Generalitat Valenciana Grant GV/2010/018. The work of A. Sala was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia under Grant DPI2011-27845-C02-01 and the Generalitat Valenciana Grant PROMETEO/2008/088. Recommended by Associate Editor C. De Persis.Pizá, R.; Salt Llobregat, JJ.; Sala, A.; Cuenca Lacruz, ÁM. (2014). Hierarchical Triple-Maglev Dual-Rate Control Over a Profibus-DP Network. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 22(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCST.2012.2222883S11222