46,843 research outputs found

    Tools for monitoring and controlling distributed applications

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    The Meta system is a UNIX-based toolkit that assists in the construction of reliable reactive systems, such as distributed monitoring and debugging systems, tool integration systems and reliable distributed applications. Meta provides mechanisms for instrumenting a distributed application and the environment in which it executes, and Meta supplies a service that can be used to monitor and control such an instrumented application. The Meta toolkit is built on top of the ISIS toolkit; they can be used together in order to build fault-tolerant and adaptive, distributed applications

    Debugging tasked Ada programs

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    The applications for which Ada was developed require distributed implementations of the language and extensive use of tasking facilities. Debugging and testing technology as it applies to parallel features of languages currently falls short of needs. Thus, the development of embedded systems using Ada pose special challenges to the software engineer. Techniques for distributing Ada programs, support for simulating distributed target machines, testing facilities for tasked programs, and debugging support applicable to simulated and to real targets all need to be addressed. A technique is presented for debugging Ada programs that use tasking and it describes a debugger, called AdaTAD, to support the technique. The debugging technique is presented together with the use interface to AdaTAD. The component of AdaTAD that monitors and controls communication among tasks was designed in Ada and is presented through an example with a simple tasked program

    Kompics: a message-passing component model for building distributed systems

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    The Kompics component model and programming framework was designedto simplify the development of increasingly complex distributed systems. Systems built with Kompics leverage multi-core machines out of the box and they can be dynamically reconfigured to support hot software upgrades. A simulation framework enables deterministic debugging and reproducible performance evaluation of unmodified Kompics distributed systems. We describe the component model and show how to program and compose event-based distributed systems. We present the architectural patterns and abstractions that Kompics facilitates and we highlight a case study of a complex distributed middleware that we have built with Kompics. We show how our approach enables systematic development and evaluation of large-scale and dynamic distributed systems

    Distributed debugging and tumult

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    A description is given of Tumult (Twente university multicomputer) and its operating system, along with considerations about parallel debugging, examples of parallel debuggers, and the proposed debugger for Tumult. Problems related to debugging distributed systems and solutions found in other distributed debuggers are discussed. The following are the main features of the debugger: it is event based, using a monitor for intercepting these events; record and reply are the main debugging techniques; preprocessing of events is done by programmable filters; the user interface is graphical, using grouping as the main abstraction mechanism. Parts of the debugger, as well as initial versions of the global and local event managers, have been implemented. A slow serial link between the front-end processor and the Tumult system has been replaced by a fast SCSI communication link. The user interface is partly textual, partly graphical. The languages used to implement the debugger are Modula-2 and C. The X Window System and OSF/Motif are used for the graphical user interfac

    A Debugging Tool for Distributed Systems

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    This paper describes parts of the design of a debugger for a distributed real-time multimedia system. Emphasis lies on the distributed aspect of debugging, which means that attention is paid to the external behaviour of the processes. This type of debugging is useful to find communication or synchronization errors. However, experience shows that this is not enough: the debugger must also provide hooks for the user to use traditional sequential debuggers. This type of debugging focuses on the internal behaviour - or internal logic - of processes. For the sequential debugging part a normal debugger like GDB can be taken. Three key elements of the debugger are events, filters and recognizers. By definition events are the lowest level of system activity that may be observed by the event debugger. Filters are applied to remove events from the stream of events produced by the debuggee that are of no interest for the programmer. Recognizers are used to recognize behaviour -right or wrong- of the system. By combining events, different levels of abstraction are introduced, thus alleviating the task of the programme
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