370 research outputs found

    Rumba : a Python framework for automating large-scale recursive internet experiments on GENI and FIRE+

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    It is not easy to design and run Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) due to: 1) finding the optimal number of filters (i.e., the width) at each layer is tricky, given an architecture; and 2) the computational intensity of CNNs impedes the deployment on computationally limited devices. Oracle Pruning is designed to remove the unimportant filters from a well-trained CNN, which estimates the filters’ importance by ablating them in turn and evaluating the model, thus delivers high accuracy but suffers from intolerable time complexity, and requires a given resulting width but cannot automatically find it. To address these problems, we propose Approximated Oracle Filter Pruning (AOFP), which keeps searching for the least important filters in a binary search manner, makes pruning attempts by masking out filters randomly, accumulates the resulting errors, and finetunes the model via a multi-path framework. As AOFP enables simultaneous pruning on multiple layers, we can prune an existing very deep CNN with acceptable time cost, negligible accuracy drop, and no heuristic knowledge, or re-design a model which exerts higher accuracy and faster inferenc

    NFV service dynamicity with a DevOps approach : Insights from a use-case realization

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    This experience paper describes the process of leveraging the NFV orchestration platform built in the EU FP7 project UNIFY to deploy a dynamic network service exemplified by an elastic router. Elasticity is realized by scaling dataplane resources as a function of traffic load. To achieve this, the service includes a custom scaling logic and monitoring capabilities. An automated monitoring framework not only triggers elastic scaling, but also a troubleshooting process which detects and analyzes anomalies, pro-actively aiding both dev and ops personnel. Such a DevOps-inspired approach enables a shorter update cycle to the running service. We highlight multiple learnings yielded throughout the prototype realization, focussing on the functional areas of service decomposition and scaling; programmable monitoring; and automated troubleshooting. Such practical insights will contribute to solving challenges such as agile deployment and efficient resource usage in future NFV platforms

    A State-Based Proactive Approach To Network Isolation Verification In Clouds

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    The multi-tenancy nature of public clouds usually leads to cloud tenants' concerns over network isolation around their virtual resources. Verifying network isolation in clouds faces unique challenges. The sheer size of virtual infrastructures paired with the self-serviced nature of clouds means the verification will likely have a high complexity and yet its results may become obsolete in seconds. Moreover, the _ne-grained and distributed network access control (e.g., per-VM security group rules) typical to virtual cloud infrastructures means the verification must examine not only the events but also the current state of the infrastructures. In this thesis, we propose VMGuard, a state-based proactive approach for efficiently verifying large-scale virtual infrastructures against network isolation policies. Informally, our key idea is to proactively trigger the verification based on predicted events and their simulated impact upon the current state, such that we can have the best of both worlds, i.e., the efficiency of a proactive approach and the effectiveness of state-based verification. We implement and evaluate VMGuard based on OpenStack, and our experiments with both real and synthetic data demonstrate the performance and efficiency