1,346 research outputs found

    Feature-driven improvement of renewable energy forecasting and trading

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    M. A. Muñoz, J. M. Morales, and S. Pineda, Feature-driven Improvement of Renewable Energy Forecasting and Trading, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020.Inspired from recent insights into the common ground of machine learning, optimization and decision-making, this paper proposes an easy-to-implement, but effective procedure to enhance both the quality of renewable energy forecasts and the competitive edge of renewable energy producers in electricity markets with a dual-price settlement of imbalances. The quality and economic gains brought by the proposed procedure essentially stem from the utilization of valuable predictors (also known as features) in a data-driven newsvendor model that renders a computationally inexpensive linear program. We illustrate the proposed procedure and numerically assess its benefits on a realistic case study that considers the aggregate wind power production in the Danish DK1 bidding zone as the variable to be predicted and traded. Within this context, our procedure leverages, among others, spatial information in the form of wind power forecasts issued by transmission system operators (TSO) in surrounding bidding zones and publicly available in online platforms. We show that our method is able to improve the quality of the wind power forecast issued by the Danish TSO by several percentage points (when measured in terms of the mean absolute or the root mean square error) and to significantly reduce the balancing costs incurred by the wind power producer.European Research Council (ERC) under the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 755705) Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness through project ENE2017-83775-P

    The dynamics of hourly electricity prices

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    The dynamics of hourly electricity prices in day-ahead markets is an important element of competitive power markets that were only established in the last decade. In electricity markets, the market microstructure does not allow for continuous trading, since operators require advance notice in order to verify that the schedule is feasible and lies within transmission constraints. Instead agents have to submit their bids and offers for delivery of electricity for all hours of the next day before a specified market closing time. We suggest the use of dynamic semiparametric factor models (DSFM) for the behavior of hourly electricity prices. We find that a model with three factors is able to explain already a high proportion of the variation in hourly electricity prices. Our analysis also provides insights into the characteristics of the market, in particular with respect to the driving factors of hourly prices and their dynamic behavior through time.Power Markets, Dynamic Semiparametric Factor Models, Day-ahead Electricity Prices

    Stochastic modelling and statistical inference for electricity prices, wind energy production and wind speed

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    Although wind energy helps us slow down the increase of global temperatures, its weather-dependence and unpredictability make it risky to invest in. In this thesis we apply statistical and mathematical tools to enable energy providers to accurately plan such investments. In the first part we want to understand the impact of wind energy on electricity prices. We extend an existing multifactor model of electricity spot prices by including stochastic volatility as well as the information about wind energy production. Empirical studies indicate that these additions improve the model fit. We also model wind-related variables directly, using Brownian semistationary processes with generalised hyperbolic marginals. Finally, we introduce a joint model of prices and wind energy production suitable for quantifying the risk faced by energy distributors. The second goal is to produce accurate short-term wind speed forecasts based on historical data instead of computationally expensive physical models. We achieve this by splitting the wind speed into two horizontal components and modelling them with Brownian semistationary processes with a novel triple-scale kernel. We develop efficient estimation and forecasting procedures. Empirical studies show that such modelling choices result in good forecasting performance.Open Acces

    Midterm Electricity Market Clearing Price Forecasting Using Two-Stage Multiple Support Vector Machine

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    Inverse optimization with kernel regression: Application to the power forecasting and bidding of a fleet of electric vehicles

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    This paper considers an aggregator of Electric Vehicles (EVs) who aims to learn the aggregate power of his/her fleet while also participating in the electricity market. The proposed approach is based on a data-driven inverse optimization (IO) method, which is highly nonlinear. To overcome such a caveat, we use a two-step estimation procedure which requires solving two convex programs. Both programs depend on penalty parameters that can be adjusted by using grid search. In addition, we propose the use of kernel regression to account for the nonlinear relationship between the behavior of the pool of EVs and the explanatory variables, i.e., the past electricity prices and EV fleet’s driving patterns. Unlike any other forecasting method, the proposed IO framework also allows the aggregator to derive a bid/offer curve, i.e. the tuple of price-quantity to be submitted to the electricity market, according to the market rules. We show the benefits of the proposed method against the machine-learning techniques that are reported to exhibit the best forecasting performance for this application in the technical literature.This project has received funding in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness through project ENE2017-83775-P; in part by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 755705); and in part by Fundación Iberdrola España 2018, Spain. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by the SCBI (Supercomputing and Bioinformatics) center of the University of Malaga

    A Kernel Technique for Forecasting the Variance-Covariance Matrix

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    The forecasting of variance-covariance matrices is an important issue. In recent years an increasing body of literature has focused on multivariate models to forecast this quantity. This paper develops a nonparametric technique for generating multivariate volatility forecasts from a weighted average of historical volatility and a broader set of macroeconomic variables. As opposed to traditional techniques where the weights solely decay as a function of time, this approach employs a kernel weighting scheme where historical periods exhibiting the most similar conditions to the time at which the forecast if formed attract the greatest weight. It is found that the proposed method leads to superior forecasts, with macroeconomic information playing an important role.Nonparametric, variance-covariance matrix, volatility forecasting, multivariate

    Solar Intensity Forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines

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    This paper presents several forecasting methodologies based on the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM), directed to the prediction of the solar radiance intensity. The methodologies differ from each other by using different information in the training of the methods, i.e, different environmental complementary fields such as the wind speed, temperature, and humidity. Additionally, different ways of considering the data series information have been considered. Sensitivity testing has been performed on all methodologies in order to achieve the best parameterizations for the proposed approaches. Results show that the SVM approach using the exponential Radial Basis Function (eRBF) is capable of achieving the best forecasting results, and in half execution time of the ANN based approaches