82 research outputs found


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    This article focuses on the issues of the practical application of the principles of business process reengineering during the implementation of the project on improvement of the automated system for operational control at the foundry of PJSC “UEC-UMPO” (Public Joint Stock Company “UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association”) during the introduction of ERP Infor LN. The essence of the application of the principles of “development of various versions of the project”, and “rationalization of horizontal links” is described in more detail. Application of the principle “development of various versions of the business processes” enables to implementation accounting of the division of one batch of castings into several parts during technological operations. Application of the principle “rationalization of horizontal links” creates the conditions for the formation of common information space for foundry management. This space is related to engineering design issues, process engineering issues, and issues of implementation and management of production processes. Even though reengineering involves “revolutionary” business process change, the use of its principles in the evolutionary path of development is also economically effective and at the same time reduces the risks of project failure. Thus, a simulation of the business process of management of finishing operations during the manufacture of castings performed in BPMN 2.0 showed a reduction in the duration of the processes by more than 15 %. Aim. Building a foundry management model in a single information space of the enterprise using the principles of reengineering business processes in the aspect of the ma¬nagement of finished operations. Materials and methods. The application of the principles of reengineering business processes to the management of finishing operations in the foundry, BPMN-modeling. Results. With the application of the principle of rationalization of horizontal connections, it becomes possible to transmit data from the ERP system to the CAD system and vice versa. A single information space of enterprise management is formed, which allows you to bring together all management functions. Conclusion. In this regard, it becomes possible to identify “narrow” places in the management of the foundry and take measures to eliminate them. To increase the level of information exchange between all divisions of the enterprise, which will create a closed production control circuit and will significantly increase the efficiency of using Infor LN.В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы практического применения принципов реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов при реализации проекта по совершенствованию автоматизированной системы оперативного управления литейным производством ПАО «ОДК-УМПО» (Уфимское моторостроительное производственное объединение) при внедрении ERP Infor LN. Описана сущность применения принципов «разработка различных вариантов проекта», «рационализация горизонтальных связей». Применение принципа «разработка различных вариантов бизнес-процессов» позволяет реализовать учет разделения одной партии отливок на несколько частей при выполнении технологических операций. Применение принципа «рационализация горизонтальных связей» создает условия для формирования единого информационного пространства управления литейным производством. Это пространство связано с вопросами инженерного проектирования, технологического проектирования, реализации и управления производственными процессами. Несмотря на то, что реинжиниринг предполагает «революционное» изменение бизнес-процессов, использование его принципов на эволюционном пути развития так же экономически эффективно и в то же время снижает риски провала проекта. Так, моделирование бизнес-процесса управления финишными операциями при изготовлении отливок, выполненное в BPMN 2.0, показало сокращение продолжительности процессов более чем на 15 %. Цель исследования: построение модели управления литейным производством в едином информационном пространстве предприятия с использованием принципов реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов в аспекте управления готовыми операциями. Материалы и методы. Применение принципов реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов к управлению отделочными работами литейного производства, BPMN-моделирование. Результаты. С применением принципа рационализации горизонтальных связей становится возможной передача данных из ERP-системы в CAD-систему и наоборот. Формируется единое информационное пространство управления предприятием, позволяющее объединить все функции управления. Заключение. В связи с этим появляется возможность выявить «узкие» места в управлении литейным производством и принять меры по их устранению. Повысить уровень обмена информацией между всеми подразделениями предприятия, что создаст замкнутую схему управления производством и значительно повысит эффективность использования Infor LN

    Creation and evaluation of large keyphrase extraction collections with multiple opinions

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    While several automatic keyphrase extraction (AKE) techniques have been developed and analyzed, there is little consensus on the definition of the task and a lack of overview of the effectiveness of different techniques. Proper evaluation of keyphrase extraction requires large test collections with multiple opinions, currently not available for research. In this paper, we (i) present a set of test collections derived from various sources with multiple annotations (which we also refer to as opinions in the remained of the paper) for each document, (ii) systematically evaluate keyphrase extraction using several supervised and unsupervised AKE techniques, (iii) and experimentally analyze the effects of disagreement on AKE evaluation. Our newly created set of test collections spans different types of topical content from general news and magazines, and is annotated with multiple annotations per article by a large annotator panel. Our annotator study shows that for a given document there seems to be a large disagreement on the preferred keyphrases, suggesting the need for multiple opinions per document. A first systematic evaluation of ranking and classification of keyphrases using both unsupervised and supervised AKE techniques on the test collections shows a superior effectiveness of supervised models, even for a low annotation effort and with basic positional and frequency features, and highlights the importance of a suitable keyphrase candidate generation approach. We also study the influence of multiple opinions, training data and document length on evaluation of keyphrase extraction. Our new test collection for keyphrase extraction is one of the largest of its kind and will be made available to stimulate future work to improve reliable evaluation of new keyphrase extractors

    Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema basado en Learning Analytics para evaluar la competencia de trabajo en equipo.Design and development of a Learning Analytics System to evaluate group work competence

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    La adquisición de la competencia grupal es algo básico en la docencia universitaria. Esta tarea va a suponer evaluar diferentes factores en un número elevado de alumnos, lo que puede supone gran complejidad y un esfuerzo elevado. De cara a evitar este esfuerzo se puede pensar en emplear los registros de la interacción de los usuarios almacenados en las plataformas de aprendizaje. Para ello el presente trabajo se basa en el desarrollo de un sistema de Learning Analytics que es utilizado como herramienta para analizar las evidencias individuales de los distintos miembros de un equipo de trabajo. El trabajo desarrolla un modelo teórico apoyado en la herramienta, que permite relacionar las evidencias observadas de forma empírica para cada alumno, con indicadores obtenidos tanto de la acción individual como cooperativo de los miembros de un equipo realizadas a través de los foros de trabajo. Abstract — The development of the group work competence is something basic in university teaching. It should be evaluated, but this means to analyze different issues about the participation of a high number of students which is very complex and implies a lot of effort. In order to facilitate this evaluation it is possible to analyze the logs of students’ interaction in Learning Management Systems. The present work describes the development of a Learning Analytics system that analyzes the interaction of each of the members of working group. This tool is supported by a theoretical model, which allows establishing links between the empirical evidences of each student and the indicators of their action in working forums

    Orchestration of e-learning services for automatic evaluation of programming exercises

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    Managing programming exercises require several heterogeneous systems such as evaluation engines, learning objects repositories and exercise resolution environments. The coordination of networks of such disparate systems is rather complex. These tools would be too specific to incorporate in an e-Learning platform. Even if they could be provided as pluggable components, the burden of maintaining them would be prohibitive to institutions with few courses in those domains. This work presents a standard based approach for the coordination of a network of e-Learning systems participating on the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. The proposed approach uses a pivot component to orchestrate the interaction among all the systems using communication standards. This approach was validated through its effective use on classroom and we present some preliminary results

    Interim research assessment 2003-2005 - Computer Science

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    This report primarily serves as a source of information for the 2007 Interim Research Assessment Committee for Computer Science at the three technical universities in the Netherlands. The report also provides information for others interested in our research activities

    Designing a streaming algorithm for outlier detection in data mining—an incrementa approach

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    To design an algorithm for detecting outliers over streaming data has become an important task in many common applications, arising in areas such as fraud detections, network analysis, environment monitoring and so forth. Due to the fact that real-time data may arrive in the form of streams rather than batches, properties such as concept drift, temporal context, transiency, and uncertainty need to be considered. In addition, data processing needs to be incremental with limited memory resource, and scalable. These facts create big challenges for existing outlier detection algorithms in terms of their accuracies when they are implemented in an incremental fashion, especially in the streaming environment. To address these problems, we first propose C_KDE_WR, which uses sliding window and kernel function to process the streaming data online, and reports its results demonstrating high throughput on handling real-time streaming data, implemented in a CUDA framework on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). We also present another algorithm, C_LOF, based on a very popular and effective outlier detection algorithm called Local Outlier Factor (LOF) which unfortunately works only on batched data. Using a novel incremental approach that compensates the drawback of high complexity in LOF, we show how to implement it in a streaming context and to obtain results in a timely manner. Like C_KDE_WR, C_LOF also employs sliding-window and statistical-summary to help making decision based on the data in the current window. It also addresses all those challenges of streaming data as addressed in C_KDE_WR. In addition, we report the comparative evaluation on the accuracy of C_KDE_WR with the state-of-the-art SOD_GPU using Precision, Recall and F-score metrics. Furthermore, a t-test is also performed to demonstrate the significance of the improvement. We further report the testing results of C_LOF on different parameter settings and drew ROC and PR curve with their area under the curve (AUC) and Average Precision (AP) values calculated respectively. Experimental results show that C_LOF can overcome the masquerading problem, which often exists in outlier detection on streaming data. We provide complexity analysis and report experiment results on the accuracy of both C_KDE_WR and C_LOF algorithms in order to evaluate their effectiveness as well as their efficiencies

    Knowledge discovery in multi-relational graphs

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    Ante el reducido abanico de metodologías para llevar a cabo tareas de aprendizaje automático relacional, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es realizar un análisis de los métodos existentes, modificando u optimizando en la medida de lo posible algunos de ellos, y aportar nuevos métodos que proporcionen nuevas vías para abordar esta difícil tarea. Para ello, y sin nombrar objetivos relacionados con revisiones bibliográficas ni comparativas entre modelos e implementaciones, se plantean una serie de objetivos concretos a ser cubiertos: 1. Definir estructuras flexibles y potentes que permitan modelar fenómenos en base a los elementos que los componen y a las relaciones establecidas entre éstos. Dichas estructuras deben poder expresar de manera natural propiedades complejas (valores continuos o categóricos, vectores, matrices, diccionarios, grafos,...) de los elementos, así como relaciones heterogéneas entre éstos que a su vez puedan poseer el mismo nivel de propiedades complejas. Además, dichas estructuras deben permitir modelar fenómenos en los que las relaciones entre los elementos no siempre se dan de forma binaria (intervienen únicamente dos elementos), sino que puedan intervenir un número cualquiera de ellos. 2. Definir herramientas para construir, manipular y medir dichas estructuras. Por muy potente y flexible que sea una estructura, será de poca utilidad si no se poseen las herramientas adecuadas para manipularla y estudiarla. Estas herramientas deben ser eficientes en su implementación y cubrir labores de construcción y consulta. 3. Desarrollar nuevos algoritmos de aprendizaje automático relacional de caja negra. En aquellas tareas en las que nuestro objetivo no es obtener modelos explicativos, podremos permitirnos utilizar modelos de caja negra, sacrificando la interpretabilidad a favor de una mayor eficiencia computacional. 4. Desarrollar nuevos algoritmos de aprendizaje automático relacional de caja blanca. Cuando estamos interesados en una explicación acerca del funcionamiento de los sistemas que se analizan, buscaremos modelos de aprendizaje automático de caja blanca. 5. Mejorar las herramientas de consulta, análisis y reparación para bases de datos. Algunas de las consultas a larga distancia en bases de datos presentan un coste computacional demasiado alto, lo que impide realizar análisis adecuados en algunos sistemas de información. Además, las bases de datos en grafo carecen de métodos que permitan normalizar o reparar los datos de manera automática o bajo la supervisión de un humano. Es interesante aproximarse al desarrollo de herramientas que lleven a cabo este tipo de tareas aumentando la eficiencia y ofreciendo una nueva capa de consulta y normalización que permita curar los datos para un almacenamiento y una recuperación más óptimos. Todos los objetivos marcados son desarrollados sobre una base formal sólida, basada en Teoría de la Información, Teoría del Aprendizaje, Teoría de Redes Neuronales Artificiales y Teoría de Grafos. Esta base permite que los resultados obtenidos sean suficientemente formales como para que los aportes que se realicen puedan ser fácilmente evaluados. Además, los modelos abstractos desarrollados son fácilmente implementables sobre máquinas reales para poder verificar experimentalmente su funcionamiento y poder ofrecer a la comunidad científica soluciones útiles en un corto espacio de tiempo

    A Knowledge Graph Based Integration Approach for Industry 4.0

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    The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 (I40) aims at creating smart factories employing among others Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Realizing smart factories according to the I40 vision requires intelligent human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. To achieve this communication, CPS along with their data need to be described and interoperability conflicts arising from various representations need to be resolved. For establishing interoperability, industry communities have created standards and standardization frameworks. Standards describe main properties of entities, systems, and processes, as well as interactions among them. Standardization frameworks classify, align, and integrate industrial standards according to their purposes and features. Despite being published by official international organizations, different standards may contain divergent definitions for similar entities. Further, when utilizing the same standard for the design of a CPS, different views can generate interoperability conflicts. Albeit expressive, standardization frameworks may represent divergent categorizations of the same standard to some extent, interoperability conflicts need to be resolved to support effective and efficient communication in smart factories. To achieve interoperability, data need to be semantically integrated and existing conflicts conciliated. This problem has been extensively studied in the literature. Obtained results can be applied to general integration problems. However, current approaches fail to consider specific interoperability conflicts that occur between entities in I40 scenarios. In this thesis, we tackle the problem of semantic data integration in I40 scenarios. A knowledge graphbased approach allowing for the integration of entities in I40 while considering their semantics is presented. To achieve this integration, there are challenges to be addressed on different conceptual levels. Firstly, defining mappings between standards and standardization frameworks; secondly, representing knowledge of entities in I40 scenarios described by standards; thirdly, integrating perspectives of CPS design while solving semantic heterogeneity issues; and finally, determining real industry applications for the presented approach. We first devise a knowledge-driven approach allowing for the integration of standards and standardization frameworks into an Industry 4.0 knowledge graph (I40KG). The standards ontology is used for representing the main properties of standards and standardization frameworks, as well as relationships among them. The I40KG permits to integrate standards and standardization frameworks while solving specific semantic heterogeneity conflicts in the domain. Further, we semantically describe standards in knowledge graphs. To this end, standards of core importance for I40 scenarios are considered, i.e., the Reference Architectural Model for I40 (RAMI4.0), AutomationML, and the Supply Chain Operation Reference Model (SCOR). In addition, different perspectives of entities describing CPS are integrated into the knowledge graphs. To evaluate the proposed methods, we rely on empirical evaluations as well as on the development of concrete use cases. The attained results provide evidence that a knowledge graph approach enables the effective data integration of entities in I40 scenarios while solving semantic interoperability conflicts, thus empowering the communication in smart factories