39 research outputs found

    Indexing the Event Calculus with Kd-trees to Monitor Diabetes

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    Personal Health Systems (PHS) are mobile solutions tailored to monitoring patients affected by chronic non communicable diseases. A patient affected by a chronic disease can generate large amounts of events. Type 1 Diabetic patients generate several glucose events per day, ranging from at least 6 events per day (under normal monitoring) to 288 per day when wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that samples the blood every 5 minutes for several days. This is a large number of events to monitor for medical doctors, in particular when considering that they may have to take decisions concerning adjusting the treatment, which may impact the life of the patients for a long time. Given the need to analyse such a large stream of data, doctors need a simple approach towards physiological time series that allows them to promptly transfer their knowledge into queries to identify interesting patterns in the data. Achieving this with current technology is not an easy task, as on one hand it cannot be expected that medical doctors have the technical knowledge to query databases and on the other hand these time series include thousands of events, which requires to re-think the way data is indexed. In order to tackle the knowledge representation and efficiency problem, this contribution presents the kd-tree cached event calculus (\ceckd) an event calculus extension for knowledge engineering of temporal rules capable to handle many thousands events produced by a diabetic patient. \ceckd\ is built as a support to a graphical interface to represent monitoring rules for diabetes type 1. In addition, the paper evaluates the \ceckd\ with respect to the cached event calculus (CEC) to show how indexing events using kd-trees improves scalability with respect to the current state of the art.Comment: 24 pages, preliminary results calculated on an implementation of CECKD, precursor to Journal paper being submitted in 2017, with further indexing and results possibilities, put here for reference and chronological purposes to remember how the idea evolve

    Expressiveness of Temporal Query Languages: On the Modelling of Intervals, Interval Relationships and States

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    Storing and retrieving time-related information are important, or even critical, tasks on many areas of Computer Science (CS) and in particular for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The expressive power of temporal databases/query languages has been studied from different perspectives, but the kind of temporal information they are able to store and retrieve is not always conveniently addressed. Here we assess a number of temporal query languages with respect to the modelling of time intervals, interval relationships and states, which can be thought of as the building blocks to represent and reason about a large and important class of historic information. To survey the facilities and issues which are particular to certain temporal query languages not only gives an idea about how useful they can be in particular contexts, but also gives an interesting insight in how these issues are, in many cases, ultimately inherent to the database paradigm. While in the area of AI declarative languages are usually the preferred choice, other areas of CS heavily rely on the extended relational paradigm. This paper, then, will be concerned with the representation of historic information in two well known temporal query languages: it Templog in the context of temporal deductive databases, and it TSQL2 in the context of temporal relational databases. We hope the results highlighted here will increase cross-fertilisation between different communities. This article can be related to recent publications drawing the attention towards the different approaches followed by the Databases and AI communities when using time-related concepts

    EMTPL and its relation to first order logic

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    Time and change are notions that seems unavoidable in some areas of work and investigation, languages that can deal with these notions are necessary. At the same time, methods for a proper time handling are quite complex, mainly because problem’s complexity and variety of solutions. Between the languages developed to cover these expectations, under a specific view of time, are [Cobo and Augusto, 1999a] EMTLP and a metric temporal logic’s fragment, bounded universal Horn formulae analyzed by Brzoska [Brzoska, 1998]. Although both of them performed metric temporal programming, they face this fact from different perspectives. In this work we are going to try a comparison between them after a short overview over each. In this first stage we present a way of representing EMTPL’s in first order logic using Brzoska’s approximation as a bridge, and we also compare some aspects of both programming languages.Eje: I - Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Temporal Data Modeling and Reasoning for Information Systems

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    Temporal knowledge representation and reasoning is a major research field in Artificial Intelligence, in Database Systems, and in Web and Semantic Web research. The ability to model and process time and calendar data is essential for many applications like appointment scheduling, planning, Web services, temporal and active database systems, adaptive Web applications, and mobile computing applications. This article aims at three complementary goals. First, to provide with a general background in temporal data modeling and reasoning approaches. Second, to serve as an orientation guide for further specific reading. Third, to point to new application fields and research perspectives on temporal knowledge representation and reasoning in the Web and Semantic Web

    A logic programming framework for modeling temporal objects

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    Declarative Event-Based Workflow as Distributed Dynamic Condition Response Graphs

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    We present Dynamic Condition Response Graphs (DCR Graphs) as a declarative, event-based process model inspired by the workflow language employed by our industrial partner and conservatively generalizing prime event structures. A dynamic condition response graph is a directed graph with nodes representing the events that can happen and arrows representing four relations between events: condition, response, include, and exclude. Distributed DCR Graphs is then obtained by assigning roles to events and principals. We give a graphical notation inspired by related work by van der Aalst et al. We exemplify the use of distributed DCR Graphs on a simple workflow taken from a field study at a Danish hospital, pointing out their flexibility compared to imperative workflow models. Finally we provide a mapping from DCR Graphs to Buchi-automata.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2010, arXiv:1110.385

    The Event Calculus in Probabilistic Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions

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    The Event Calculus in Probabilistic Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions

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    Reasoning about Action: An Argumentation - Theoretic Approach

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    We present a uniform non-monotonic solution to the problems of reasoning about action on the basis of an argumentation-theoretic approach. Our theory is provably correct relative to a sensible minimisation policy introduced on top of a temporal propositional logic. Sophisticated problem domains can be formalised in our framework. As much attention of researchers in the field has been paid to the traditional and basic problems in reasoning about actions such as the frame, the qualification and the ramification problems, approaches to these problems within our formalisation lie at heart of the expositions presented in this paper