129 research outputs found

    Migration of Oracle DB (on-premise) to AWS redshift DB (Cloud)

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    “Migration of Oracle Db (On-permise) to AWS redshift DB (Cloud)” is one of the solution for Database Freedom Service initiated by AWS focused on accelerating enterprise migrations from commercial database engines (Oracle, SQL Server, Teradata etc.) to AWS native database services like Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon ElastiCache, their by saving overall cost spent by business in terms of database licenses. The main objective of this project is to Assess and identify the challenges in migrating Oracle database to AWS redshift DB. Provide, implement and test the solution to overcome the challenges

    Application reference architecture in public clouds

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    Interest towards cloud computing and its usage in companies core processes has been rising during the last decade. Cloud computing is already a common phenomenon among ordinary consumers and one can run into them almost daily for example by using Google’s services. But when it comes to companies, there are still many challenges and prejudices of cloud computing to be solved before companies can utilize it. The aim of this thesis is to build application reference architecture in public cloud. The research questions are investigating what one has to take into consideration when moving applications to public cloud. The other question where this thesis concentrates is standards and principles in cloud computing and if there are any changes or challenges regarding them. The research was based on market analysis that consisted of three biggest service providers in the market that were investigated in detailed way. Three smaller providers were also introduced only superficially. Using different sources like websites, articles and news, the information of service providers was collected. As a result, gaps between the current applications and requirements for the cloud environment were found. Many of them were related to the fact that service provider is responsible for the platform and customer only for the application. These gaps should be solved before moving applications to cloud. Standardization is also needed since at the moment there is not one single source that everyone is following. It will also help customers for example to change cloud service provider easier when all of them are following the same standards. At the moment, the standards have to change quite a lot from the current state.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Levitating Libraries to the Clouds: A Strategy for Academic Libraries

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    The University of Notre Dame’s Office of Information Technology is in the process of implementing a “Cloud First” strategy through which it intends to move 80% of its core technical infrastructure into the cloud by the end of 2017. The strategy advocates a tiered prioritization structure that recommends the hosting (SaaS) model for most services, the AWS (IaaS) model for fewer services, and finally on premises for a handful of the remaining services. As a campus technology partner, the Hesburgh Libraries has begun planning for moving many of our services and infrastructure into the cloud. This initiative represents a radical shift in mindset for technology planning, moving from thinking about technology as assets that need replacement every 5 to 7 years to thinking about IT as a utility, paid monthly based on actual usage. This presentation will cover how the Hesburgh Libraries is devising our plan to move a significant amount of our infrastructure to the cloud, and the phases we have outlined to meet the OIT’s 3‐year plan. We will cover: Our experimentation in Amazon Web Services and how AWS differs from our current infrastructure; The assessment of library service catalogs, both in terms of function and usage; Our determination of which hosting models meets the needs of our services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, or on premises); Planning for the migration and roll out; Any other considerations libraries may need to evaluate in this proces

    Managing IT Operations in a Cloud-driven Enterprise: Case Studies

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    Enterprise IT needs a new approach to manage processes, applications and infrastructure which are distributed across a mix of environments. In an Enterprise traditionally a request to deliver an application to business could take weeks or months due to decision-making functions, multiple approval bodies and processes that exist within IT departments. These delays in delivering a requested service can lead to dissatisfaction, with the result that the line-of-business group may seek alternative sources of IT capabilities. Also the complex IT infrastructure of these enterprises cannot keep up with the demand of new applications and services from an increasingly dispersed and mobile workforce which results in slower rollout of critical applications and services, limited resources, poor operation visibility and control. In such scenarios, it’s better to adopt cloud services to substitute for new application deployment otherwise most Enterprise IT organizations face the risk of losing 'market share' to the Public Cloud. Using Cloud Model the organizations should increase ROI, lower TCO and operate with seamless IT operations. It also helps to beat shadow IT and the practice of resource over-or under provisioning. In this research paper we have given two case studies where we migrated two Enterprise IT application to public clouds for the purpose of lower TCO and higher ROI. By migrating, the IT organizations improved IT agility, enterprise-class software for performance, security and control. In this paper, we also focus on the advantages and challenges while adopting cloud services

    Cloud migration strategy factors and migration processes

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    Organisaatiot ottavat pilvitekniikoita ja -palveluita käyttöönsä yhä laajemmin. Merkittävä osa pilvipalveluiden kasvusta johtuu nykyisten sovellusten siirtämisestä pilvipalveluun. Olemassa olevien vanhojen sovellusten siirtäminen pilvipalvelualustaan ei ole triviaali tehtävä. Migraatiomenetelmät tehostavat sovellusten siirtoa pilvialustoille ja vähentävät siirrosta aiheutuvia riskejä käyttäen vakioituja prosessimalleja. Keskeinen osa pilvimigraatioprosessia on valita sopivin strategia pilvimigraatiolle useiden vaihtoehtoisten tilanteesta riippuvien vaihtoehtojen joukosta. Migraatiostrategia määrittelee keskeiset migraatioprosessin vaiheet sekä käytettävän pilviarkkitehtuurin sekä palvelumallit. Nykyiset pilven migraatiomenetelmät eivät erityisesti huomioi tai määrittele migraatiostrategian valintaa määrääviä tekijöitä. Migraatiostrategian valinta on kriittinen osa pilvimigraation suunnittelua, johon tyypillisesti osallistuu useita eri organisaatioita ja asiantuntijoita. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitetään ryhmittely sekä tekijät, jotka ohjaavat pilvimigraatiostrategian valintaa. Tekijät on johdettu nykyisistä pilvimigraatiomenetelmistä ja -prosesseista. Tekijät on validoitu deduktiivisella temaattisella analyysillä käyttäen kvalitatiivisia tapaustutkimuksia ja niistä saatuja haastattelutietoja. Pilvimigraatiostrategioihin vaikuttavien tekijöiden tunnistamisella ja käsittelyllä voidaan parantaa pilvimigraatioiden onnistumista ja tehostaa pilvimigraatioiden suunnittelua.Organizations are adopting cloud technologies at an increasing rate. Significant share of growth of cloud deployments is coming from application migrations to cloud computing. Migrating existing legacy applications to cloud computing platform is not a trivial task. A migration methodology will help migrating applications to cloud more effectively and with lower risk than doing it by trial and error. A part of the cloud migration process is the selection and execution of a migration strategy amongst the possible, situational and commonly used options. The migration strategy defines many of the migration process activities since they depend on cloud architecture and service and deployment models, which are implicitly set by the migration strategy. Many of the existing cloud migration methods don’t specify the factors that lead to migration strategy selection. The migration strategy selection is a critical part of migration planning involving multiple organisations and several individuals. This thesis presents categories of migration strategy factors derived from a cloud migration methodology and process framework review and validates the factors by doing a deductive thematic analysis against qualitative case study interview data. By having a clarity and a way to address the migration strategy factors, will increase the migration success rate and reduce planning time

    Future Trends and Directions for Secure Infrastructure Architecture in the Education Sector: A Systematic Review of Recent Evidence

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    The most efficient approach to giving large numbers of students’ access to computational resources is through a data center. A contemporary method for building the data center\u27s computer infrastructure is the software-defined model, which enables user tasks to be processed in a reasonable amount of time and at a reasonable cost. The researcher examines potential directions and trends for a secured infrastructure design in this article. Additionally, interoperable, highly reusable modules that can include the newest trends in the education industry are made possible by cloud-based educational software. The Reference Architecture for University Education System Using AWS Services is presented in the paper. In conclusion, automation boosts efficiency by 20% while decreasing researcher involvement in kinetics modeling using CHEMKIN by 10%. Future work will focus on integrating GPUs into open-source programs that will be automated and shared on CloudFlame as a service resource for cooperation in the educational sector

    Towards Cloud-Based cost-effective serverless information system

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    E-commerce information systems are becoming increasingly popular for businesses to adopt. In this work, we propose a serverless information system that will reduce costs for small businesses trying to create an e-commerce website. The proposed serverless system is built entirely in Amazon Web Services (AWS). The proposed serverless system allows businesses to pay for the use of cloud resources on a per-order granularity. This model reduces the cost of the information system when compared to a traditional cloud-based system. As e-commerce websites become more vital for small businesses, a cost effective serverless approach is promising

    Sistema Serverless de Monitorización de Recursos para Plataformas de Cloud Público

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    [ES] El presente trabajo fin de máster se centra en el desarrollo de un nuevo panel web accesible desde cualquier dispositivo que muestra los recursos que están en uso en una cuenta de Amazon Web Services, por parte de sus múltiples usuarios. Con el fin de ahorrar costes derivados de adquirir y mantener los servidores, las empresas han empezado a desarrollar sus soluciones o mover sus centros de datos a servicios en la nube, es decir, al cloud computing. Esto es debido a las múltiples ventajas que aporta, como la falta de una gran inversión inicial, el pago por uso de los servicios, la fácil elasticidad y la mayor seguridad, entre otros. Existen diferentes empresas que ofrecen estos servicios en la nube como Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba o Google. Por tanto, las empresas que deseen alojar sus datos o servicios web deben elegir el proveedor de servicios en la nube ma¿s con- veniente, basa¿ndose en la disponibilidad, la escalabilidad o el coste económico. No obstante, dado que el coste de estos servicios depende del uso, es necesario controlarlo para añadir o quitar recursos y así, evitar costes innecesarios. En este proyecto se pretende mostrar la forma de crear un panel web utilizan- do el framework Vue.js, que internamente realiza peticiones a una API alojada en Amazon Web Services para ejecutar una función Lambda desplegada mediante el framework Serverless. El panel desarrollado permite al usuario consultar en tiempo real los principales recursos aprovisionados en una cuenta de AWS, así como su coste.[EN] This master's thesis focuses on development of a new accessible web panel from any device that shows the resources in use in an Amazon Web Services account by multiple users. In order to save costs derived from acquiring and maintaining servers, com- panies have started to develop their solutions or move their data centers to cloud services, that is to say, to cloud computing. There are different companies that offer these cloud services such as Amazon, Microsoft or Google. Therefore, companies want to host their data or web services should choose the most convenient cloud service provider, based on avail- ability, scalability or cost. However, since the cost of these services depends on the use, it's necessary to control it to add or remove resources and thus avoid unnecessary costs. This project aims to show how to create a web panel using the Vue.js frame- work, which internally makes requests to an API hosted by Amazon Web Ser- vices to execute a Lambda function deployed using the Serverless framework. The developed panel allows the user to consult in real time the main resources provisioned in an AWS account, as well as their cost.Requena Casares, C. (2020). Sistema Serverless de Monitorización de Recursos para Plataformas de Cloud Público. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/149436TFG