28,196 research outputs found

    Transformation from Web Pages to Optimal Normal Form Database Schema Using a Conceptual Schema Approach

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    Web pages and their embedded documents are a good source of information. However, issuing complex queries directly on web pages using direct pattern-matching techniques are challenging tasks that require lengthy procedural programming. Also, programmers working directly on web pages are in charge of the search path and routing, which depend on individual document structures and affect the correctness, completeness, and performance of the results. In contrast, relational databases are well-structured and backed by mathematical principles. Well-designed relational database structures are known to be anomalies-free. The standard relational database language, SQL, is a non-procedural language that defines the required results precisely. Query results are both correct and complete. Performance issues are handled by intelligent query optimizers employed by modern-day Database Management System (DBMS). This paper suggests an approach that transforms documents embedded on web pages in HTML format to corresponding relational database structures and populations. Functional dependencies (FDs) and multi-valued dependencies (MVDs) obtained from documents on the webpages are used to construct conceptual schema diagrams, which are further transformed into the Optimal Normal Form (ONF) relational database structures. In this research project, the Object Role Model (ORM) conceptual schema model is employed. The paper discusses the ORM and the rationales behind its usage. The detection of FDs and MVDs from webpage documents and the technical properties of the ONF relational database structures. Illustrated examples are also provided

    SODA: Generating SQL for Business Users

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    The purpose of data warehouses is to enable business analysts to make better decisions. Over the years the technology has matured and data warehouses have become extremely successful. As a consequence, more and more data has been added to the data warehouses and their schemas have become increasingly complex. These systems still work great in order to generate pre-canned reports. However, with their current complexity, they tend to be a poor match for non tech-savvy business analysts who need answers to ad-hoc queries that were not anticipated. This paper describes the design, implementation, and experience of the SODA system (Search over DAta Warehouse). SODA bridges the gap between the business needs of analysts and the technical complexity of current data warehouses. SODA enables a Google-like search experience for data warehouses by taking keyword queries of business users and automatically generating executable SQL. The key idea is to use a graph pattern matching algorithm that uses the metadata model of the data warehouse. Our results with real data from a global player in the financial services industry show that SODA produces queries with high precision and recall, and makes it much easier for business users to interactively explore highly-complex data warehouses.Comment: VLDB201

    A framework for utility data integration in the UK

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    In this paper we investigate various factors which prevent utility knowledge from being fully exploited and suggest that integration techniques can be applied to improve the quality of utility records. The paper suggests a framework which supports knowledge and data integration. The framework supports utility integration at two levels: the schema and data level. Schema level integration ensures that a single, integrated geospatial data set is available for utility enquiries. Data level integration improves utility data quality by reducing inconsistency, duplication and conflicts. Moreover, the framework is designed to preserve autonomy and distribution of utility data. The ultimate aim of the research is to produce an integrated representation of underground utility infrastructure in order to gain more accurate knowledge of the buried services. It is hoped that this approach will enable us to understand various problems associated with utility data, and to suggest some potential techniques for resolving them

    UK utility data integration: overcoming schematic heterogeneity

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    In this paper we discuss syntactic, semantic and schematic issues which inhibit the integration of utility data in the UK. We then focus on the techniques employed within the VISTA project to overcome schematic heterogeneity. A Global Schema based architecture is employed. Although automated approaches to Global Schema definition were attempted the heterogeneities of the sector were too great. A manual approach to Global Schema definition was employed. The techniques used to define and subsequently map source utility data models to this schema are discussed in detail. In order to ensure a coherent integrated model, sub and cross domain validation issues are then highlighted. Finally the proposed framework and data flow for schematic integration is introduced

    Design and implementation of a filter engine for semantic web documents

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    This report describes our project that addresses the challenge of changes in the semantic web. Some studies have already been done for the so-called adaptive semantic web, such as applying inferring rules. In this study, we apply the technology of Event Notification System (ENS). Treating changes as events, we developed a notification system for such events

    Benchmarking Summarizability Processing in XML Warehouses with Complex Hierarchies

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    Business Intelligence plays an important role in decision making. Based on data warehouses and Online Analytical Processing, a business intelligence tool can be used to analyze complex data. Still, summarizability issues in data warehouses cause ineffective analyses that may become critical problems to businesses. To settle this issue, many researchers have studied and proposed various solutions, both in relational and XML data warehouses. However, they find difficulty in evaluating the performance of their proposals since the available benchmarks lack complex hierarchies. In order to contribute to summarizability analysis, this paper proposes an extension to the XML warehouse benchmark (XWeB) with complex hierarchies. The benchmark enables us to generate XML data warehouses with scalable complex hierarchies as well as summarizability processing. We experimentally demonstrated that complex hierarchies can definitely be included into a benchmark dataset, and that our benchmark is able to compare two alternative approaches dealing with summarizability issues.Comment: 15th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2012), Maui : United States (2012

    Ontology mapping: the state of the art

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    Ontology mapping is seen as a solution provider in today's landscape of ontology research. As the number of ontologies that are made publicly available and accessible on the Web increases steadily, so does the need for applications to use them. A single ontology is no longer enough to support the tasks envisaged by a distributed environment like the Semantic Web. Multiple ontologies need to be accessed from several applications. Mapping could provide a common layer from which several ontologies could be accessed and hence could exchange information in semantically sound manners. Developing such mapping has beeb the focus of a variety of works originating from diverse communities over a number of years. In this article we comprehensively review and present these works. We also provide insights on the pragmatics of ontology mapping and elaborate on a theoretical approach for defining ontology mapping