5 research outputs found

    Challenges of digital twin in high value manufacturing

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    Digital Twin (DT) is a dynamic digital representation of a real-world asset, process or system. Industry 4.0 has recognised DT as the game changer for manufacturing industries in their digital transformation journey. DT will play a significant role in improving consistency, seamless process development and the possibility of reuse in subsequent stages across the complete lifecycle of the product. As the concept of DT is novel, there are several challenges that exist related to its phase of development and implementation, especially in high value manufacturing sector. The paper presents a thematic analysis of current academic literature and industrial knowledge. Based on this, eleven key challenges of DT were identified and further discussed. This work is intended to provide an understanding of the current state of knowledge around DT and formulate the future research directions

    Digital twin-enabled smart industrial systems: a bibliometric review

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the body of literature on digital twins, exploring, in particular, their role in enabling smart industrial systems. This review adopts a dynamic and quantitative bibliometric method including works citations, keywords co-occurrence networks and keywords burst detection with the aim of clarifying the main contributions to this research area and highlighting prevalent topics and trends over time. The analysis performed on citations traces the backbone of contributions to the topic, visible within the main path. Keywords co-occurrence networks depict the prevalent issues addressed, tools implemented and application areas. The burst detection completes the analysis identifying the trends and most recent research areas characterizing research on the digital twin topic. Decision-making, process design and life cycle as well as the enabling role in the adoption of the latest industrial paradigms emerge as the prevalent issues addressed by the body of literature on digital twins. In particular, the up-to-date issues of real-time systems and industry 4.0 technologies, closely related to the concept of smart industrial systems, characterize the latest research trajectories identified in the literature on digital twins. In this context, the digital twin can find new opportunities for application in manufacturing, control and services

    Digital Twin in the IoT context: a survey on technical features, scenarios and architectural models

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    Digital Twin is an emerging concept that is gaining attention in various industries. It refers to the ability to clone a physical object into a software counterpart. The softwarized object, termed logical object, reflects all the important properties and characteristics of the original object within a specific application context. To fully determine the expected properties of the Digital Twin, this paper surveys the state of the art starting from the original definition within the manufacturing industry. It takes into account related proposals emerging in other fields, namely, Augmented and Virtual Reality (e.g., avatars), Multi-agent systems, and virtualization. This survey thereby allows for the identification of an extensive set of Digital Twin features that point to the “softwarization” of physical objects. To properly consolidate a shared Digital Twin definition, a set of foundational properties is identified and proposed as a common ground outlining the essential characteristics (must-haves) of a Digital Twin. Once the Digital Twin definition has been consolidated, its technical and business value is discussed in terms of applicability and opportunities. Four application scenarios illustrate how the Digital Twin concept can be used and how some industries are applying it. The scenarios also lead to a generic DT architectural Model. This analysis is then complemented by the identification of software architecture models and guidelines in order to present a general functional framework for the Digital Twin. The paper, eventually, analyses a set of possible evolution paths for the Digital Twin considering its possible usage as a major enabler for the softwarization process

    Digital twin in manufacturing : conceptual framework and case studies

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    The digital twin (DT) concept has a key role in the future of the smart manufacturing industry. This review paper aims to investigate the development of the digital twin concept, its maturity and its vital role in the fourth industrial revolution. Having identified its potential functionalities for the digitalisation of the manufacturing industry, the digital twin concept, its origin and perspectives from both the academic and industrial sectors are presented. The identified research gaps, trends and technical limitations hampering the implementation of digital twins are also discussed. In particular, this review attempts to address the research question on how the digital twin concept can support the realisation of an integrated, flexible and collaborative manufacturing environment which is one of the goals projected by the fourth industrial revolution. To address this, a conceptual framework supporting an integrated product-process digital twin for application in digitised manufacturing is proposed. The application and benefits of the proposed framework are presented in three case studies

    Machine Learning assisted Digital Twin for event identification in electrical power system

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    The challenges of stable operation in the electrical power system are increasing with the infrastructure shifting of the power grid from the centralized energy supply with fossil fuels towards sustainable energy generation. The predominantly RES plants, due to the non-linear electronic switch, have brought harmonic oscillations into the power grid. These changes lead to difficulties in stable operation, reduction of outages and management of variations in electric power systems. The emergence of the Digital Twin in the power system brings the opportunity to overcome these challenges. Digital Twin is a digital information model that accurately represents the state of every asset in a physical system. It can be used not only to monitor the operation states with actionable insights of physical components to drive optimized operation but also to generate abundant data by simulation according to the guidance on design limits of physical systems. The work addresses the topic of the origin of the Digital Twin concept and how it can be utilized in the optimization of power grid operation.Die Herausforderungen für den zuverfässigen Betrieb des elektrischen Energiesystems werden mit der Umwandlung der Infrastruktur in Stromnetz von der zentralen Energieversorgung mit fossilen Brennstoffen hin zu der regenerativen Energieeinspeisung stetig zugenommen. Der Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien im Zuge der klimapolitischen Zielsetzung zur CO²-Reduzierung und des Ausstiegs aus der Kernenergie wird in Deutschland zügig vorangetrieben. Aufgrund der nichtlinearen elektronischen Schaltanlagen werden die aus EE-Anlagen hervorgegangenen Oberschwingungen in das Stromnetz eingebracht, was nicht nur die Komplexität des Stromnetzes erhöht, sondern auch die Stabilität des Systems beeinflusst. Diese Entwicklungen erschweren den stabilen Betrieb, die Verringerung der Ausfälle und das Management der Netzschwankungen im elektrischen Energiesystem. Das Auftauchen von Digital Twin bringt die Gelegenheit zur Behebung dieser Herausforderung. Digital Twin ist ein digitales Informationsmodell, das den Zustand des physikalischen genau abbildet. Es kann nicht nur zur Überwachung der Betriebszustände mit nachvollziehbarem Einsichten über physischen Komponenten sondern auch zur Generierung der Daten durch Simulationen unter der Berücksichtigung der Auslegungsgrenze verwendet werden. Diesbezüglich widmet sich die Arbeit zunächste der Fragestellung, woher das Digital Twin Konzept stammt und wie das Digitan Twin für die Optimierung des Stromnetzes eingesetzt wird. Hierfür werden die Perspektiven über die dynamische Zustandsschätzung, die Überwachung des des Betriebszustands, die Erkennung der Anomalien usw. im Stromnetz mit Digital Twin spezifiziert. Dementsprechend wird die Umsetzung dieser Applikationen auf dem Lebenszyklus-Management basiert. Im Rahmen des Lebenszyklusschemas von Digital Twin sind drei wesentliche Verfahren von der Modellierung des Digital Twins zur deren Applizierung erforderlich: Parametrierungsprozess für die Modellierung des Digital Twins, Datengenerierung mit Digital Twin Simulation und Anwendung mit Machine Learning Algorithmus für die Erkennung der Anomalie. Die Validierung der Zuverlässigkeit der Parametrierung für Digital Twin und der Eventserkennung erfolgt mittels numerischer Fallstudien. Dazu werden die Algorithmen für Online und Offline zur Parametrierung des Digital Twins untersucht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird das auf CIGRÉ basierende Referenznetz zur Abbildung des Digital Twin hinsichtlich der Referenzmessdaten parametriert. So sind neben der Synchronmaschine und Umrichter basierende Einspeisung sowie Erreger und Turbine auch regler von Umrichter für den Parametrierungsprozess berücksichtigt. Nach der Validierung des Digital Twins werden die zahlreichen Simulationen zur Datengenerierung durchgeführt. Jedes Event wird mittels der Daten vo Digital Twin mit einem "Fingerprint" erfasst. Das Training des Machine Learning Algorithmus wird dazu mit den simulierten Daten von Digital Twin abgewickelt. Das Erkennungsergebnis wird durch die Fallstudien validiert und bewertet