7 research outputs found

    The Impact of Providing Chatbot Content on Developing the English Communication Skills Among Al-Azhar Kindergarten Teachers

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    This paper focuses on investigating the impact of using Chatbot content on improving the English communication skills of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif kindergarten teachers. The researcher used a quasi-experimental design to explain the differences that occurred in the teachers` performance before and after the intervention of the Chatbot content. This design required the researcher to develop a performance observation checklist, which is the main tool of this research. In addition, the researcher constructed the Chatbot content and the e-training programme. After the research design was completed, thirty-three (33) female Azhari kindergarten teachers participated in this experiment. The performance observation checklist was used for evaluating the teachers` performance before and after the intervention of the Chatbot content and for measuring the teachers` retention of the acquired skills. At the end of the research, a statistical analysis of the results was applied. The results showed a statistically significant difference at the level of 0.05 on the performance observation checklist`s mean scores of the sample teachers' pre-and post-application of the Chatbot content in favour of the postapplication. The second statistical analysis of the performance observation checklist showed that there is no significant difference between the sample teachers` mean scores in the post- and follow-up application of the Chatbot content. These results are proof that validate the research`s main assumption that Chatbot content can improve the English communication skills of kindergarten teachers

    Elementos do Emprego de Chatbots para Auxílio no Ensino de Programação: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura / Elements of Using Chatbots to Assist in Teaching Programming: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Something recurring in courses in the area of Information Technology is the difficulty with disciplines focused on computer programming. Some factors that contribute to this problem are the lack of support for students since it can be impossible for the teacher to provide uninterrupted monitoring to each student, due to the volume of requests that may arise. As a result, he is not always able to meet all requests, causing dissatisfaction or frustration among students. In this context, several studies have been carried out to seek solutions to this problem, and several technologies have been developed and tested to solve it. One of them is the use of a chatbot, a widely accepted tool in this context, a robot that is available 24 hours to answer questions from students. In this work, a systematic review was carried out in search of works that research and develop chatbots aimed at teaching programming. As a result, 24 works were selected classified according to inclusion and exclusion criteria.

    Chatbots applications in education: A systematic review

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    Abstract: Please refer to full text to view abstrac

    It's Good to Talk: A Comparison of Using Voice Versus Screen-Based Interactions for Agent-Assisted Tasks

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    Voice assistants have become hugely popular in the home as domestic and entertainment devices. Recently, there has been a move towards developing them for work settings. For example, Alexa for Business and IBM Watson for Business were designed to improve productivity, by assisting with various tasks, such as scheduling meetings and taking minutes. However, this kind of assistance is largely limited to planning and managing user's work. How might they be developed to do more by way of empowering people at work? Our research is concerned with achieving this by developing an agent with the role of a facilitator that assists users during an ongoing task. Specifically, we were interested in whether the modality in which the agent interacts with users makes a difference: How does a voice versus screen-based agent interaction affect user behavior? We hypothesized that voice would be more immediate and emotive, resulting in more fluid conversations and interactions. Here, we describe a user study that compared the benefits of using voice versus screen-based interactions when interacting with a system incorporating an agent, involving pairs of participants doing an exploratory data analysis task that required them to make sense of a series of data visualizations. The findings from the study show marked differences between the two conditions, with voice resulting in more turn-taking in discussions, questions asked, more interactions with the system and a tendency towards more immediate, faster-paced discussions following agent prompts. We discuss the possible reasons for why talking and being prompted by a voice assistant may be preferable and more effective at mediating human-human conversations and we translate some of the key insights of this research into design implications

    Propuesta metodológica para el análisis y diseño de chatbots basados en texto

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    Los chatbot basados en texto son agentes conversacionales aplicados ampliamente en la interacción con el usuario, sobre todo para la respuesta a preguntas en torno a productos o servicios. En la actualidad existen muchas propuestas tecnológicas que apoyan el desarrollo de estos sistemas, aportando servicios basados en inteligencia artificial, etc. Sin embargo no hay metodologías usadas en la actualidad realmente para llevar a cabo su análisisy diseño. Por ello se propone una metodología para la elicitación de requisitos y diseño de chatbots de preguntasy respuestas. En este trabajo se presenta IMADTC (Iterative Methodology for the Analysis and Development ofTextual Chatbots) que pretende dar respuesta a los problemas relacionados con el desarrollo de un chatbot, de forma que a través de la selección de técnicas necesarias de elicitación de requisitos se pueda llevar a cabo la creación deun chatbot textual orientado a preguntas y respuestas. La propuesta es validada mediante su uso en el diseño deun chatbot de este tipo y se realizan recomendaciones de aplicación y mejoras a la propuesta.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaMáster en Ingeniería Informátic

    Data-driven EDU chatbots

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    There are many online courses and contents on the web, so each learner can find the best one and choose it. However, sometimes many online courses are poorly accessible due to the limits of the search engines on the web. The advent of intelligent systems, and online Chatbots, in particular, has brought improvement in various fields. Education Chatbots improve communication, increase productivity, and simplify learning interaction. This study aims to provide an intelligent Edu Chatbot with a high level of customization to learners who have different needs. This way, they can find their personalized learning path dynamically and their customized content without too much time and effort. This is precisely what e-learning needs because of the enormous amount of material on the web