16 research outputs found

    Komparasi Algoritma Naïve Bayes dan Support Vectors Machine pada Analisis Sentimen SMS HAM dan SPAM

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    SMS merupakan bentuk komunikasi berupa SMS yang dikirimkan menggunakan handphone antar nomor yang di tuju. SMS saat ini sudah jarang digunakan karena fungsinya banyak berubah digantikan oleh aplikasi chat. Tetapi ditur SMS tidak dihilangkan karena satu dah lain hal, SMS resmi dari berbagai aplikasi untuk melakukan verifikasi ataupun info-info resmi  lainnya masih menggunakan SMS sebagai tanda nomer telepon yang digunakan itu ada. Tetapi sejak 2011 banyak sekali penyelahgunaan fungsi tersebut sehingga disinyalir banyak penipuan yang menggunakan SMS sebagai alat mempengaruhi korban. Kategori penyalahgunaan sms ini masuk kepada SMS spam. Maka dari itu SMS perlu diklasifikasikan agar pengguna dapat mengetahui SMS tersebut termasuk kedalam kategori Spam atau ham (kebalikan dari spam). Dengan menggunakan 400 dataset yang diambil dari UCI repository yang dibagi kedalam dua class yaitu spam dan ham kami membandingkan dua metode klasifikasi yaitu Naive Bayes dan Support vector Machine agar dapat mendapatkan filtering sms dengan benar. Dan setelah dilakukan perhitungan didapatkan accurasy yang akurat pada naive Bayes Yaitu sebesar 90.00% sedangkan Support Vector Machine 81.00%

    Detection Of Malaria Parasites In Human Blood Cells Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Malaria is a blood disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite which is transmitted by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. The diagnosis of malaria is carried out by a microscopist through examination of human blood cells. Their level of accuracy depends on the quality of the tool, expertise in classifying and counting infected and uninfected parasite cells. The disadvantages of examining this way include the difficulty in making a diagnosis on a large scale and the poor quality of the results. The dataset used in model evaluation is a dataset developed by LHNVBC which contains 27,558 cell image data. The malaria dataset will be processed through data science processing using a Convolutional Neural Network with the ResNet architecture. The model will conduct training on the dataset and then the model will be able to recognize malaria parasites in human blood cells. The model will be trained by optimizing multinomial logistic regression using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Nesterov momentum values. The results of training data validation accuracy from model training with 50 epochs were obtained at 96.23% and 97% after being tested on data testing

    Analisis sentimen komentar youtube terhadap Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden 2024 menggunakan metode naive bayes classifier

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    One of the figures as a presidential candidate is Anies Baswedan, the former governor of DKI Jakarta who received many awards and has an effective work program policy for problems in the DKI Jakarta area. Many comments about Anies Baswedan as a 2024 presidential candidate are found on YouTube social media. Youtube facilitates users to provide comments in response to videos which can be used as sentiment analysis information to find out positive comments and negative comments. The algorithm used in this research is the naïve bayes classifier. There are five main processes in this research, namely data collection, text preprocessing, word weighting (TF-IDF), classification (Naïve Bayes Classifier) and testing. From 1009 comment data on Indonesian-language youtube related to the Anies Baswedan video as a 2024 presidential candidate. Based on the analysis results, there are 610 positive comments and 399 negative comments. The accuracy result using the naïve bayes classifier algorithm is 78% which is obtained by using a comparison of 90% training data and 10% test data.Suatu tokoh sebagai bakal calon presiden adalah Anies Baswedan mantan gubernur DKI Jakarta yang menerima banyak penghargaan dan memiliki kebijakan program kerja yang efektif dalam permasalahan di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Komentar mengenai anies baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden 2024 banyak dijumpai pada media sosial youtube. Youtube  menfasilitasi pengguna untuk memberikan komentar dalam menanggapi video yang dapat dijadikan sebuah informasi analisis sentimen untuk mengetahui komentar positif serta komentar negatif. Algorima yang dipakai pada penelitian ini ialah naïve bayes classifier. Terdapat lima proses utama pada penelitian ini, yaitu penghimpunan data, pembobotan kata (TF-IDF), text preprocessing, klasifikasi (naïve bayes classifier) dan pengujian. Dari 1009 data komentar di youtube berbahasa Indonsia terkait video Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden 2024. Berdasarkan hasil analaisis, terdapat 610 komentar positif serta 399 negatif. Hasil akurasi menggunakan algoritma naïve bayes classifier sebesar 78% yang di dapat dengan menggunakan perbandingan 10% data uji serta 90% data latih

    Klasifikasi Rumah Tangga Penerima Beras Miskin (Raskin)/Beras Sejahtera (Rastra) di Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2017 dengan Metode Random Forest dan Support Vector Machine

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    Program Beras Miskin (Raskin) atau Beras Sejahtera (Rastra) merupakan program subsidi pemerintah dalam bentuk non-tunai yakni beras yang bertujuan menanggulangi kemiskinan dan memberikan perlindungan sosial di bidang pangan. Sayangnya, program ini masih belum berjalan efektif sepenuhnya. Permasalahan yang masih terjadi salah satunya mengenai rumah tangga sasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan klasifikasi/pengelompokkan rumah tangga penerima Raskin/Rastra menggunakan pendekatan data mining serta melakukan perbandingan metode yakni Random Forest dengan SVM (Support Vector Machine). Data yang digunakan merupakan data mikro Susenas Provinsi Jawa Barat tahun 2017. Variabel yang digunakan adalah penerima bantuan Raskin/Rastra sebagai target/kelas dan variabel penjelas (atribut) yang terdiri dari pekerjaan KRT, luas lantai, jenis dinding, jenis lantai, sumber air, sumber penerangan, pengeluaran per kapita. Program yang digunakan untuk pengolahan data adalah SPSS dan R. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode random forest dan SVM memiliki ketelitian yang cukup baik dalam melakukan klasifikasi, yakni sebesar 71–72%. Secara keseluruhan, selisih kinerja klasifikasi kedua metode random forest dan SVM memiliki kinerja yang sama baiknya dalam melakukan klasifikasi

    Using Feature Selection Methods to Discover Common Users’ Preferences for Online Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems have taken over user’s choice to choose the items/services they want from online markets, where lots of merchandise is traded. Collaborative filtering-based recommender systems uses user opinions and preferences. Determination of commonly used attributes that influence preferences used for prediction and subsequent recommendation of unknown or new items to users is a significant objective while developing recommender engines.  In conventional systems, study of user behavior to know their dis/like over items would be carried-out. In this paper, presents feature selection methods to mine such preferences through selection of high influencing attributes of the items. In machine learning, feature selection is used as a data pre-processing method but extended its use on this work to achieve two objectives; removal of redundant, uninformative features and for selecting formative, relevant features based on the response variable. The latter objective, was suggested to identify and determine the frequent and shared features that would be preferred mostly by marketplace online users as they express their preferences. The dataset used for experimentation and determination was synthetic dataset.  The Jupyter Notebook™ using python was used to run the experiments. Results showed that given a number of formative features, there were those selected, with high influence to the response variable. Evidence showed that different feature selection methods resulted with different feature scores, and intrinsic method had the best overall results with 85% model accuracy. Selected features were used as frequently preferred attributes that influence users’ preferences

    Using Feature Selection Methods to Discover Common Users’ Preferences for Online Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems have taken over user’s choice to choose the items/services they want from online markets, where lots of merchandise is traded. Collaborative filtering-based recommender systems uses user opinions and preferences. Determination of commonly used attributes that influence preferences used for prediction and subsequent recommendation of unknown or new items to users is a significant objective while developing recommender engines.  In conventional systems, study of user behavior to know their dis/like over items would be carried-out. In this paper, presents feature selection methods to mine such preferences through selection of high influencing attributes of the items. In machine learning, feature selection is used as a data pre-processing method but extended its use on this work to achieve two objectives; removal of redundant, uninformative features and for selecting formative, relevant features based on the response variable. The latter objective, was suggested to identify and determine the frequent and shared features that would be preferred mostly by marketplace online users as they express their preferences. The dataset used for experimentation and determination was synthetic dataset.  The Jupyter Notebook™ using python was used to run the experiments. Results showed that given a number of formative features, there were those selected, with high influence to the response variable. Evidence showed that different feature selection methods resulted with different feature scores, and intrinsic method had the best overall results with 85% model accuracy. Selected features were used as frequently preferred attributes that influence users’ preferences

    Analisis sentimen komentar youtube terhadap Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden 2024 menggunakan metode naive bayes classifier

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    Abstrak Suatu tokoh sebagai bakal calon presiden adalah Anies Baswedan mantan gubernur DKI Jakarta yang menerima banyak penghargaan dan memiliki kebijakan program kerja yang efektif dalam permasalahan di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Komentar mengenai anies baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden 2024 banyak dijumpai pada media sosial youtube. Youtube menfasilitasi pengguna untuk memberikan komentar dalam menanggapi video yang dapat dijadikan sebuah informasi analisis sentimen untuk mengetahui komentar positif serta komentar negatif. Algorima yang dipakai pada penelitian ini ialah naïve bayes classifier. Terdapat lima proses utama pada penelitian ini, yaitu penghimpunan data, pembobotan kata (TF-IDF), text preprocessing, klasifikasi (naïve bayes classifier) dan pengujian. Dari 1009 data komentar di youtube berbahasa Indonsia terkait video Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal calon presiden 2024. Berdasarkan hasil analaisis, terdapat 610 komentar positif serta 399 negatif. Hasil akurasi menggunakan algoritma naïve bayes classifier sebesar 78% yang di dapat dengan menggunakan perbandingan 10% data uji serta 90% data latih. Kata kunci: anies baswedan, naïve bayes classifier, analisis sentimen, youtube

    Viabilidad Financiera de los Hogares en el Sistema de Atención a la Dependencia en España: Evidencia Regional

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    One of the most extensively analysed issues in recent decades has been financial catastrophe due to out-of pocket payments (OOP) made by households to access and use health systems. This paper has two main objectives. The first is to predict the rates of financial catastrophe and determine the importance of the chosen variables for predicting the rates of catastrophe for high, medium and low income levels in the different Spanish regions. To this end, a comparison will be made between two machine learning algorithms, one based on elastic-net regressions to estimate generalised linear models; and another based on random forest algorithms, which makes it possible to capture the possible non-linearities and interactions that may occur in the data. The results show that the random forest is more appropriate. Based on these results, the second objective is to establish a ranking of the different regions by income level for the different categories of financial catastrophic expenditure rates, using a discrete multi-criteria decision model (PROMETHEE method). Uno de los temas más analizados en las últimas décadas ha sido el catastrofismo financiero debido a los Pagos de Bolsillo (PDB) que realizan los hogares por el acceso y utilización de los sistemas de salud. En este trabajo se persiguen fundamentalmente dos objetivos. El primero, se centra en predecir la tasa de catastrofismo financiero y obtener la importancia de las variables para predecir la tasa de catastrofismo para un nivel de renta alto, medio o bajo de las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas. Para ello, se establecerá una comparativa entre dos algoritmos machine learning, uno basado en regresiones elastic-net para estimar modelos lineales generalizados; y, otro basado en algoritmos random forest, que permite captar las posibles no linealidades e interacciones que se pueden producir en los datos. Los resultados muestran que es más adecuado el random forest. A partir de estos resultados, el segundo objetivo, se centra en establecer un ordenamiento entre las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas según su nivel de renta para las diferentes categorías de las tasas de catastrofismo mediante la utilización de un modelo de decisión multicriterio discreto (método PROMETHEE)

    Modelo para predicción de potencia de paneles fotovoltaicos utilizando técnicas de clasificación no supervisada y redes neuronales artificiales

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    La energía solar fotovoltaica se encuentra en crecimiento debido a que la eficiencia de los paneles ha aumentado y los costos han disminuido en los últimos años. Asimismo, las legislaciones promueven que cada vez sea mayor la capacidad instalada de potencia fotovoltaica. Sin embargo, la naturaleza de la energía solar es intermitente e incontrolable, lo que genera inestabilidad en los sistemas fotovoltaicos que suministran energía a la red. En este proyecto se desarrolla una metodología para el ajuste de un modelo de predicción de potencia fotovoltaica utilizando redes neuronales artificiales a partir de datos tomados en la Universidad del Norte, Puerto Colombia. Se desarrolló un modelo híbrido en el que los datos se clasificaron primero en diferentes tipos de días utilizando k-means clustering. Luego, se desarrollaron modelos de predicción para cada una de las categorías de días. Fue utilizada la validación cruzada de K-Fold para validar los perceptrones multicapa entrenados con retropropagación resiliente. Para los días soleados se logró un nRMSE del 5,48% y para los días nublados de 5,24%. Estos errores son menores al nRMSE de 5.53% del modelo sin clasificación. Estos errores se contrastan con el 17,81% del modelo de persistencia. A su vez, se comprobó que para los datos recolectados no fue posible hallar un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple que cumpliera con los supuestos de validación estadística. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación demuestran que la metodología propuesta es de utilidad para disminuir el error de predicción de potencia fotovoltaica.MaestríaMagister en Psicologí

    The Classification of Profiles of Financial Catastrophe Caused by Out-Of-Pocket Payments: A Methodological Approach

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    The financial catastrophe resulting from the out-of-pocket payments necessary to access and use healthcare systems has been widely studied in the literature. The aim of this work is to predict the impact of the financial catastrophe a household will face as a result of out-of-pocket payments in long-term care in Spain. These predictions were made using machine learning techniques such as LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) penalized regression and elastic-net, as well as algorithms like k-nearest neighbors (KNN), MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines), random forest, boosted trees and SVM (Support Vector Machine). The results reveal that all the classification methods performed well, with the complex models performing better than the simpler ones and showing no evidence of overfitting. Detecting and defining the profiles of individuals and families most likely to suffer from financial catastrophe is crucial in enabling the design of financial policies aimed at protecting vulnerable groups