22 research outputs found

    Data Replication for Improving Data Accessibility in Ad Hoc Networks

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    In ad hoc networks, due to frequent network partition, data accessibility is lower than that in conventional fixed networks. In this paper, we solve this problem by replicating data items on mobile hosts. First, we propose three replica allocation methods assuming that each data item is not updated. In these three methods, we take into account the access frequency from mobile hosts to each data item and the status of the network connection. Then, we extend the proposed methods by considering aperiodic updates and integrating user profiles consisting of mobile users\u27\u27 schedules, access behavior, and read/write patterns. We also show the results of simulation experiments regarding the performance evaluation of our proposed method

    An Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Data Replication in MANETs - a Game Theoretical Approach

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    Wireless ad hoc networks have seen a great deal of attention in the past years, especially in cases where no infrastructure is available. The main goal in these networks is to provide good data accessibility for participants. Because of the wireless nodes' continuous movement, network partitioning occurs very often. In order to subside the negative effects of this partitioning and improve data accessibility and reliability, data is replicated in nodes other than the original owner of data. This duplication costs in terms of nodes' storage space and energy. Hence, autonomous nodes may behave selfishly in this cooperative process and do not replicate data. This kind of phenomenon is referred to as a strategic situation and is best modeled and analyzed using the game theory concept. In order to address this problem we propose a game theory data replication scheme by using the repeated game concept and prove that it is in the nodes' best interest to cooperate fully in the replication process if our mechanism is used

    An Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Data Replication in MANETs - A Game Theoretical Approach

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    Wireless ad hoc networks have seen a great deal of attention in the past years, especially in cases where no infrastructure is available. The main goal in these networks is to provide good data accessibility for participants. Because of the wireless nodes’ continuous movement, network partitioning occurs very often. In order to subside the negative effects of this partitioning and improve data accessibility and reliability, data is replicated in nodes other than the original owner of data. This duplication costs in terms of nodes’ storage space and energy. Hence, autonomous nodes may behave selfishly in this cooperative process and do not replicate data. This kind of phenomenon is referred to as a strategic situation and is best modeled and analyzed using the game theory concept. In order to address this problem we propose a game theory data replication scheme by using the repeated game concept and prove that it is in the nodes’ best interest to cooperate fully in the replication process if our mechanism is used

    Enhanced Distributed File Replication Protocol for Efficient File Sharing in Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.

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    File sharing applications in mobile unintended networks (MANETs) have attracted additional and additional attention in recent years. The potency of file querying suffers from the distinctive properties of such networks as well as node quality and restricted communication vary and resource. associate degree intuitive methodology to alleviate this drawback is to form file replicas within the network. However, despite the efforts on file replication, no analysis has targeted on the worldwide optimum duplicate creation with minimum average querying delay. Specifically, current file replication protocols in mobile unintended networks have 2 shortcomings. First, they lack a rule to portion restricted resources to completely different files so as to reduce the typical querying delay. Second, they merely contemplate storage as offered resources for replicas, however neglect the actual fact that the file holders’ frequency of meeting different nodes additionally plays a crucial role in deciding file availableness. Actually, a node that contains a higher meeting frequency with others provides higher availableness to its files. This becomes even additional evident in sparsely distributed MANETs, during which nodes meet disruptively. during this paper, we have a tendency to introduce a replacement conception of resource for file replication, that considers each node storage and meeting frequency. we have a tendency to on paper study the influence of resource allocation on the typical querying delay and derive a resource allocation rule to reduce the typical querying delay. we have a tendency to additional propose a distributed file replication protocol to appreciate the projected rule. intensive trace-driven experiments with synthesized traces and real traces show that our protocol are able to do shorter average querying delay at a lower value than current replication protocols

    Multicast Data Replication Approach for Improving Fault Tolerance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    Multicast data replication provides a possible solution for improving data accessibility in highly dynamic and fault prone mobile ad hoc environments. Our novel multicast data replication approach operates in a self-organizing manner where the network nodes that has unit host detector construct a connected dominating set (CDS) based on the topology graph by collecting information from neighboring nodes using multicast if gathered data from neighbors have two non-adjacent neighbors then use that virtual backbone for efficient data replication, data search and routing. In this study, we compare our proposed approach with SCALAR and evaluate it in average hop counts and successful delivery ratio with different node numbers and speeds.It is shown that the average hop counts increased but with falling rate and 20 percent successful delivery ratio is achieved, so it is demonstrated that PM act with respect to fault tolerance improvement, power consumption and load balancing is occurred

    Improving the Performance of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Using a Combined Credit Risk and Collaborative Watchdog Method

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    In mobile ad hoc networks nodes can move freely and link node failures occur frequently This leads to frequent network partitions which may significantly degrade the performance of data access in ad hoc networks When the network partition occurs mobile nodes in one network are not able to access data hosted by nodes in other networks In mobile ad hoc network some nodes may selfishly decide only to cooperate partially or not at all with other nodes These selfish nodes could then reduce the overall data accessibility in the network In this work the impact of selfish nodes in a mobile ad hoc network from the perspective of replica allocation is examined We term this selfish replica allocation A combined credit risk method collaborative watchdog is proposed to detect the selfish node and also apply the SCF tree based replica allocation method to handle the selfish replica allocation appropriately The proposed method improves the data accessibility reduces communication cost and average query delay and also to reduce the detection time and to improve the accuracy of watchdogs in the collaborative metho

    Cache Invalidation Strategies for Internet-based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Internet-based vehicular ad hoc network (Ivanet) is an emerging technique that combines a wired Internet and a vehicular ad hoc network (Vanet) for developing an ubiquitous communication infrastructure and improving universal information and service accessibility. A key design optimization technique in Ivanets is to cache the frequently accessed data items in a local storage of vehicles. Since vehicles are not critically limited by the storage/memory space and power consumption, selecting proper data items for caching is not very critical. Rather, an important design issue is how to keep the cached copies valid when the original data items are updated. This is essential to provide fast access to valid data for fast moving vehicles. In this paper, we propose a cooperative cache invalidation (CCI) scheme and its enhancement (ECCI) that take advantage of the underlying location management scheme to reduce the number of broadcast operations and the corresponding query delay. We develop an analytical model for CCI and ECCI techniques for fasthand estimate of performance trends and critical design parameters. Then, we modify two prior cache invalidation techniques to work in Ivanets: a poll-each-read (PER) scheme, and an extended asynchronous (EAS) scheme. We compare the performance of four cache invalidation schemes as a function of query interval, cache update interval, and data size through extensive simulation. Our simulation results indicate that the proposed schemes can reduce the query delay up to 69% and increase the cache hit rate up to 57%, and have the lowest communication overhead compared to the prior PER and EAS schemes