155 research outputs found

    Dynamic data shapers optimize performance in Dynamic Binary Optimization (DBO) environment

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    Processor hardware has been architected with the assumption that most data access patterns would be linearly spatial in nature. But, most applications involve algorithms that are designed with optimal efficiency in mind, which results in non-spatial, multi-dimensional data access. Moreover, this data view or access pattern changes dynamically in different program phases. This results in a mismatch between the processor hardware\u27s view of data and the algorithmic view of data, leading to significant memory access bottlenecks. This variation in data views is especially more pronounced in applications involving large datasets, leading to significantly increased latency and user response times. Previous attempts to tackle this problem were primarily targeted at execution time optimization. We present a dynamic technique piggybacked on the classical dynamic binary optimization (DBO) to shape the data view for each program phase differently resulting in program execution time reduction along with reductions in access energy. Our implementation rearranges non-adjacent data into a contiguous dataview. It uses wrappers to replace irregular data access patterns with spatially local dataview. HDTrans, a runtime dynamic binary optimization framework has been used to perform runtime instrumentation and dynamic data optimization to achieve this goal. This scheme not only ensures a reduced program execution time, but also results in lower energy use. Some of the commonly used benchmarks from the SPEC 2006 suite were profiled to determine irregular data accesses from procedures which contributed heavily to the overall execution time. Wrappers built to replace these accesses with spatially adjacent data led to a significant improvement in the total execution time. On average, 20% reduction in time was achieved along with a 5% reduction in energy

    An accurate prefetching policy for object oriented systems

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    PhD ThesisIn the latest high-performance computers, there is a growing requirement for accurate prefetching(AP) methodologies for advanced object management schemes in virtual memory and migration systems. The major issue for achieving this goal is that of finding a simple way of accurately predicting the objects that will be referenced in the near future and to group them so as to allow them to be fetched same time. The basic notion of AP involves building a relationship for logically grouping related objects and prefetching them, rather than using their physical grouping and it relies on demand fetching such as is done in existing restructuring or grouping schemes. By this, AP tries to overcome some of the shortcomings posed by physical grouping methods. Prefetching also makes use of the properties of object oriented languages to build inter and intra object relationships as a means of logical grouping. This thesis describes how this relationship can be established at compile time and how it can be used for accurate object prefetching in virtual memory systems. In addition, AP performs control flow and data dependency analysis to reinforce the relationships and to find the dependencies of a program. The user program is decomposed into prefetching blocks which contain all the information needed for block prefetching such as long branches and function calls at major branch points. The proposed prefetching scheme is implemented by extending a C++ compiler and evaluated on a virtual memory simulator. The results show a significant reduction both in the number of page fault and memory pollution. In particular, AP can suppress many page faults that occur during transition phases which are unmanageable by other ways of fetching. AP can be applied to a local and distributed virtual memory system so as to reduce the fault rate by fetching groups of objects at the same time and consequently lessening operating system overheads.British Counci

    Effective Compile-Time Analysis for Data Prefetching In Java

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    The memory hierarchy in modern architectures continues to be a major performance bottleneck. Many existing techniques for improving memory performance focus on Fortran and C programs, but memory latency is also a barrier to achieving high performance in object-oriented languages. Existing software techniques are inadequate for exposing optimization opportunities in object-oriented programs. One key problem is the use of high-level programming abstractions which make analysis difficult. Another challenge is that programmers use a variety of data structures, including arrays and linked structures, so optimizations must work on a broad range of programs. We develop a new unified data-flow analysis for identifying accesses to arrays and linked structures called recurrence analysis. Prior approaches that identify these access patterns are ad hoc, or treat arrays and linked structures independently. The data-flow analysis is intra- and inter-procedural, which is important in Java programs that use encapsulation to hide implementation details. We sho

    DSM vs. NSM: CPU Performance Tradeoffs in Block-Oriented Query Processing

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    Comparisons between the merits of row-wise storage (NSM) and columnar storage (DSM) are typically made with respect to the persistent storage layer of database systems. In this paper, however, we focus on the CPU efficiency tradeoffs of tuple representations inside the query execution engine, while tuples flow through a processing pipeline. We analyze the performance in the context of query engines using so-called "block-oriented" processing --- a recently popularized technique that can strongly improve the CPU efficiency. With this high efficiency, the performance trade-offs between NSM and DSM can have a decisive impact on the query execution performance, as we demonstrate using both microbenchmarks and TPC-H query 1. This means that NSM-based database systems can sometimes benefit from converting tuples into DSM on-the-fly, and vice versa

    MxTasks: a novel processing model to support data processing on modern hardware

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    The hardware landscape has changed rapidly in recent years. Modern hardware in today's servers is characterized by many CPU cores, multiple sockets, and vast amounts of main memory structured in NUMA hierarchies. In order to benefit from these highly parallel systems, the software has to adapt and actively engage with newly available features. However, the processing models forming the foundation for many performance-oriented applications have remained essentially unchanged. Threads, which serve as the central processing abstractions, can be considered a "black box" that hardly allows any transparency between the application and the system underneath. On the one hand, applications are aware of the knowledge that could assist the system in optimizing the execution, such as accessed data objects and access patterns. On the other hand, the limited opportunities for information exchange cause operating systems to make assumptions about the applications' intentions to optimize their execution, e.g., for local data access. Applications, on the contrary, implement optimizations tailored to specific situations, such as sophisticated synchronization mechanisms and hardware-conscious data structures. This work presents MxTasking, a task-based runtime environment that assists the design of data structures and applications for contemporary hardware. MxTasking rethinks the interfaces between performance-oriented applications and the execution substrate, streamlining the information exchange between both layers. By breaking patterns of processing models designed with past generations of hardware in mind, MxTasking creates novel opportunities to manage resources in a hardware- and application-conscious way. Accordingly, we question the granularity of "conventional" threads and show that fine-granular MxTasks are a viable abstraction unit for characterizing and optimizing the execution in a general way. Using various demonstrators in the context of database management systems, we illustrate the practical benefits and explore how challenges like memory access latencies and error-prone synchronization of concurrency can be addressed straightforwardly and effectively

    Prefetching techniques for client server object-oriented database systems

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    The performance of many object-oriented database applications suffers from the page fetch latency which is determined by the expense of disk access. In this work we suggest several prefetching techniques to avoid, or at least to reduce, page fetch latency. In practice no prediction technique is perfect and no prefetching technique can entirely eliminate delay due to page fetch latency. Therefore we are interested in the trade-off between the level of accuracy required for obtaining good results in terms of elapsed time reduction and the processing overhead needed to achieve this level of accuracy. If prefetching accuracy is high then the total elapsed time of an application can be reduced significantly otherwise if the prefetching accuracy is low, many incorrect pages are prefetched and the extra load on the client, network, server and disks decreases the whole system performance. Access pattern of object-oriented databases are often complex and usually hard to predict accurately. The ..