24,788 research outputs found

    Framework for a space shuttle main engine health monitoring system

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    A framework developed for a health management system (HMS) which is directed at improving the safety of operation of the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) is summarized. An emphasis was placed on near term technology through requirements to use existing SSME instrumentation and to demonstrate the HMS during SSME ground tests within five years. The HMS framework was developed through an analysis of SSME failure modes, fault detection algorithms, sensor technologies, and hardware architectures. A key feature of the HMS framework design is that a clear path from the ground test system to a flight HMS was maintained. Fault detection techniques based on time series, nonlinear regression, and clustering algorithms were developed and demonstrated on data from SSME ground test failures. The fault detection algorithms exhibited 100 percent detection of faults, had an extremely low false alarm rate, and were robust to sensor loss. These algorithms were incorporated into a hierarchical decision making strategy for overall assessment of SSME health. A preliminary design for a hardware architecture capable of supporting real time operation of the HMS functions was developed. Utilizing modular, commercial off-the-shelf components produced a reliable low cost design with the flexibility to incorporate advances in algorithm and sensor technology as they become available

    Orbit transfer rocket engine integrated control and health monitoring system technology readiness assessment

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    The objectives of this task were to: (1) estimate the technology readiness of an integrated control and health monitoring (ICHM) system for the Aerojet 7500 lbF Orbit Transfer Vehicle engine preliminary design assuming space based operations; and (2) estimate the remaining cost to advance this technology to a NASA defined 'readiness level 6' by 1996 wherein the technology has been demonstrated with a system validation model in a simulated environment. The work was accomplished through the conduct of four subtasks. In subtask 1 the minimally required functions for the control and monitoring system was specified. The elements required to perform these functions were specified in Subtask 2. In Subtask 3, the technology readiness level of each element was assessed. Finally, in Subtask 4, the development cost and schedule requirements were estimated for bringing each element to 'readiness level 6'

    XinuPi3: Teaching Multicore Concepts Using Embedded Xinu

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    As computer platforms become more advanced, the need to teach advanced computing concepts grows accordingly. This paper addresses one such need by presenting XinuPi3, a port of the lightweight instructional operating system Embedded Xinu to the Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi 3 improves upon previous generations of inexpensive, credit card-sized computers by including a quad-core, ARM-based processor, opening the door for educators to demonstrate essential aspects of modern computing like inter-core communication and genuine concurrency. Embedded Xinu has proven to be an effective teaching tool for demonstrating low-level concepts on single-core platforms, and it is currently used to teach a range of systems courses at multiple universities. As of this writing, no other bare metal educational operating system supports multicore computing. XinuPi3 provides a suitable learning environment for beginners on genuinely concurrent hardware. This paper provides an overview of the key features of the XinuPi3 system, as well as the novel embedded system education experiences it makes possible

    Hardware support for Local Memory Transactions on GPU Architectures

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are popular hardware accelerators for data-parallel applications, enabling the execution of thousands of threads in a Single Instruction - Multiple Thread (SIMT) fashion. However, the SIMT execution model is not efficient when code includes critical sections to protect the access to data shared by the running threads. In addition, GPUs offer two shared spaces to the threads, local memory and global memory. Typical solutions to thread synchronization include the use of atomics to implement locks, the serialization of the execution of the critical section, or delegating the execution of the critical section to the host CPU, leading to suboptimal performance. In the multi-core CPU world, transactional memory (TM) was proposed as an alternative to locks to coordinate concurrent threads. Some solutions for GPUs started to appear in the literature. In contrast to these earlier proposals, our approach is to design hardware support for TM in two levels. The first level is a fast and lightweight solution for coordinating threads that share the local memory, while the second level coordinates threads through the global memory. In this paper we present GPU-LocalTM as a hardware TM (HTM) support for the first level. GPU-LocalTM offers simple conflict detection and version management mechanisms that minimize the hardware resources required for its implementation. For the workloads studied, GPU-LocalTM provides between 1.25-80X speedup over serialized critical sections, while the overhead introduced by transaction management is lower than 20%.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers

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    © 2015 IEEE.Concurrency errors, such as data races, make device drivers notoriously hard to develop and debug without automated tool support. We present Whoop, a new automated approach that statically analyzes drivers for data races. Whoop is empowered by symbolic pairwise lockset analysis, a novel analysis that can soundly detect all potential races in a driver. Our analysis avoids reasoning about thread interleavings and thus scales well. Exploiting the race-freedom guarantees provided by Whoop, we achieve a sound partial-order reduction that significantly accelerates Corral, an industrial-strength bug-finder for concurrent programs. Using the combination of Whoop and Corral, we analyzed 16 drivers from the Linux 4.0 kernel, achieving 1.5 - 20× speedups over standalone Corral