284 research outputs found

    Video conferencing: an effective solution to long distance student placement support?

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    Background Within many health related degree programmes, students receive support during placements via visiting tutors. Literature discusses the importance of this support but economic and environmental arguments indicate a need for alternatives to supporting a student in situ. This project investigated the logistics of and perceptions towards using video conferencing as a means of providing this support. Methods A pilot project was undertaken in which an in situ, support meeting was replaced with a meeting via video link. All participants completed evaluative questionnaires and students attended a follow up focus group in order to explore responses in more depth. Results and discussion Use of the medium identified key logistical hurdles in implementing technology into existing support systems. All participants expressed enthusiasm for the medium with educators expressing a preference. Students identified concerns over the use of this medium for failing placements but could not identify why. As a result of evaluation, this project has raised a number of questions relating to the fitness for purpose of video conferencing in this context. Conclusion Future research aims to respond to the questions raised in evaluating the value and purpose of placement support and the nature of conversations via the video conferencing medium

    Network support for integrated design

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    A framework of network support for utilization of integrated design over the Internet has been developed. The techniques presented also applicable for Intranet/Extranet. The integrated design system was initially developed for local application in a single site. With the network support, geographically dispersed designers can collaborate a design task through out the total design process, quickly respond to clients’ requests and enhance the design argilty. In this paper, after a brief introduction of the integrated design system, the network support framework is presented, followed by description of two key techniques involved: Java Saverlet approach for remotely executing a large program and online CAD collaboration

    Collaborative Distance Education in Power Engineering

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    This paper presents a perspective on offering shared-courses, or courses simultaneously offered at two or more universities via various distance educational frameworks. Over a three year duration, two senior/graduate level courses were jointly developed and offered to the students at the University of Missouri--Rolla, the University of Arkansas, Kansas State University, and Purdue University. This paper discusses the various distance educational technologies including two-way audio/visual via ISDN line, video-tapes, and web-based conferencing. Both instructor and student reactions to these mediums are included. Pedagogical methods appropriate for these mediums are outlined. The paper concludes with recommendations and strategies for engineering institutions who would like to course-share with other universities and industry

    Organisational Implementation of Collaboration Technologies - an integrative review

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    The paper presents an integrative review of field-based research on organisational implementation of collaboration technologies. Based on a typology of collaboration technologies, findings from previous implementation research related to different types of technologies are identified and discussed. A taxonomy of implementation factors is presented, that may serve as the basis for further implementation research and development of implementation strategies for different types of collaboration technology

    Past, present and future of IP telephony

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    “Copyright © [2008] IEEE. Reprinted from International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service, 2008. CTRQ '08. ISBN:978-0-7695-3190-8. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”Since the late 90's IP telephony, commonly referred to as Voice over IP (VoIP), has been presented as a revolution on communications enabling the possibility to converge historically separated voice and data networks, reducing costs, and integrating voice, data and video on applications. This paper presents a study over the standard VoIP protocols H.323, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), and H.248/Megaco. Given the fact that H.323 and SIP are more widespread than the others, we focus our study on them. For each of these protocols we describe and discuss its main capabilities, architecture, stack protocol, and characteristics. We also briefly point their technical limitations. Furthermore, we present the Advanced Multimedia System (AMS) project, a new system that aims to operate on Next Generation Networks (NGN) taking the advantage of its features, and it is viewed as the successor to H.323 and SIP

    Real‐time interactive social environments: A review of BT's generic learning platform

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    Online learning in particular and lifelong learning in general require a learning platform that makes sense both pedagogically and commercially. This paper sets out to describe what we mean by generic, learning and platform. The technical requirements are described, and various trials that test the technical, educational and commercial nature of the platform are described Finally, the future developments planned for the Real‐time Interactive Social Environments (RISE) are discusse

    Managing Libraries and Information with Technology

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    The influx of an ever-explosive information in library and information centres, through varied information sources, and in a mixed media format, has drastically changed the patterns of information services and its administration. This paper explores the possible interfaces of library and information science with sophisticated information technology (IT), which helps elicit code, store, to finally disseminate and manage information in various library infrastructures effectively. The conclusion follows the observations entailing from today's IT- Library synergy

    NASA Team Collaboration Pilot: Enabling NASA's Virtual Teams

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    Most NASA projects and work activities are accomplished by teams of people. These teams are often geographically distributed - across NASA centers and NASA external partners, both domestic and international. NASA "virtual" teams are stressed by the challenge of getting team work done - across geographic boundaries and time zones. To get distributed work done, teams rely on established methods - travel, telephones, Video Teleconferencing (NASA VITS), and email. Time is our most critical resource - and team members are hindered by the overhead of travel and the difficulties of coordinating work across their virtual teams. Modern, Internet based team collaboration tools offer the potential to dramatically improve the ability of virtual teams to get distributed work done

    Security in Peer-to-Peer SIP VoIP

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    VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world. It is used by people all over the world for communication. But with the growing popularity of internet, security is one of the biggest concerns. It is important that the intruders are not able to sniff the packets that are transmitted over the internet through VoIP. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is the most popular and commonly used protocol of VoIP. Now days, companies like Skype are using Peer-to-Peer SIP VoIP for faster and better performance. Through this project I am improving an already existing Peer-to-Peer SIP VoIP called SOSIMPLE P2P VoIP by adding confidentiality in the protocol with the help of public key cryptography
