266,175 research outputs found

    Measuring Business Ownership Across Countries and Over Time: Extending the COMPENDIA Data Base

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    Since several years EIM Business and Policy Research maintains a data base on business ownership rates across OECD countries, called COMPENDIA (COMParative ENtrepreneurship Data for International Analysis). EIM harmonizes raw numbers of business owners (self-employed), as published in the OECD Labour Force Statistics, towards a uniform definition. We define the business ownership rate as the number of owner-managers of unincorporated and incorporated businesses, as a fraction of the total labour force. Until recently, data in COMPENDIA were published for a group of 23 OECD countries, starting from 1972 onwards. However, in the most recent version of the data base time series for seven additional countries have been introduced for the first time, so that the COMPENDIA data base now covers 30 OECD countries. The current paper makes four contributions. First, we provide an update of the methodology used to harmonize business ownership rates across countries. In doing so, as a second contribution, we provide two extended country cases (Poland and the United States) which illustrate the many methodological pitfalls that have to be dealt with when measuring the number of business owners. Third, we present business ownership time series for 30 OECD countries including the new countries in our data base: Czech Republic, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic, and Turkey. Fourth and finally, we pay considerable attention to the sizable differences in the level and development of business ownership since 1989 in four Central and East European transition economies in our data base: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovak Republic. �

    Korean Traditional Medicines as Novel Drugs for Neuropsychiatric Disorders

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    This paper reviews history of new drug development in Korea as well as researchs on development of new psychotherapeutic drug from traditional medicines or natural products in Korea. Korea has a long history of traditional medicine and accumulated knowledge of natural resources. However, only a few new drug have been developed from those natural products. Now many researchers in Korea are devoting themselves to test the possibility of natural products as antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, anxiolytic drugs and cognitive enhancers. However, only a few graduates from traditional medical schools in Korea are engaging in research on developing new drug from natural products and they are not familiar to research methods of western medicine and pharmacology. For research and development of new drug from natural products or traditional medicines, many researchers should be trained for methodology of basic medicine, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, and oriential pharmacy. Government and pharmaceutical companies need to provide more investment for R & D for new drug from natural products including establishment of data base for component of traditional medicines and natural products, system development integrating information technology, bio-technology and nanotechnology, and international collaboration with advanced countries which have common interest in new drug development from natural products.ope

    Global Coal Risk Assessment: Data Analysis and Market Research

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    Coal-fired power plants are the largest contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. In 2010, 61 countries produced coal and 104 countries consumed it. Global coal production reached 7,228.712 million tonnes that year and coal consumption reached 7,238.028 million tonnes. More than 60 percent of the coal consumed was used to generate power.This working paper assesses current global coal risks to the climate. It identifies the countries and companies involved in global coal production and consumption, and sheds light on global trends by mapping the proposed new coal power plants and related infrastructure. The paper is organized into five parts. Part 1 lists the proposed new coal-fired plants around the world, based on available data. Part 2 lists existing coal-fired plants. Part 3 offers an overview of the global coal trade, including analyses of country trends. Part 4 summarizes available studies of coal financing. Part 5 notes data gaps that can be filled by future research

    Reducing Voltage Volatility with Step Voltage Regulators: A Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Korean Solar Photovoltaic Distributed Generation

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    To meet the United Nation’s sustainable development energy goal, the Korean Ministry of Commerce announced they would increase renewable energy generation to 5.3% by 2029. These energy sources are often produced in small-scale power plants located close to the end users, known as distributed generation (DG). The use of DG is an excellent way to reduce greenhouse gases but has also been found to reduce power quality and safety reliability through an increase in voltage volatility. This paper performs a life-cycle cost analysis on the use of step voltage regulators (SVR) to reduce said volatility, simulating the impact they have on existing Korean solar photovoltaic (PV) DG. From the data collected on a Korean Electrical Power Corporation 30 km/8.2 megawatts (MW) feeder system, SVRs were found to increase earnings by one million USD. SVR volatile voltage mitigation increased expected earnings by increasing the estimated allowable PV power generation by 2.7 MW. While this study is based on Korean PV power generation, its findings are applicable to any DG sources worldwide.11Nsciescopu

    Can Synergy in Triple-Helix Relations be Quantified? A Review of the Development of the Triple-Helix Indicator

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    Triple-Helix arrangements of bi- and trilateral relations can be considered as adaptive eco-systems. During the last decade, we have further developed a Triple-Helix indicator of synergy as reduction of uncertainty in niches that can be shaped among three or more distributions. Reduction of uncertainty can be generated in correlations among distributions of relations, but this (next-order) effect can be counterbalanced by uncertainty generated in the relations. We first explain the indicator, and then review possible results when this indicator is applied to (i) co-author networks of academic, industrial, and governmental authors and (ii) synergies in the distributions of firms over geographical addresses, technological classes, and industrial-size classes for a number of nations. Co-variation is then considered as a measure of relationship. The balance between globalizing and localizing dynamics can be quantified. Too much synergy locally can also be considered as lock-in. Tendencies are different for the globalizing knowledge dynamics versus locally retaining wealth from knowledge in industrial innovations

    In Search of a Theory of Integrated Marketing Communications

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    For the most part, the literature base for Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) has developed from an applied or tactical level rather than from an intellectual or theoretical one. Since industry, practitioner and even academic studies have provided little insight into what IMC is and how it operates, our approach has been to investigate that other IMC community, that is, the academic or instructional group responsible for disseminating IMC knowledge. We proposed that the people providing course instruction and directing research activities have some basis for how they organize, consider and therefore instruct in the area of IMC. A syllabi analysis of 87 IMC units in six countries investigated the content of the unit, its delivery both physically and conceptually, and defined the audience of the unit. The study failed to discover any type of latent theoretical foundation that might be used as a base for understanding IMC. The students who are being prepared to extend, expand and enhance IMC concepts do not appear to be well-served by the curriculum we found in our research. The study concludes with a model for further IMC curriculum development