318 research outputs found

    Enabling Innovation In The Energy System Transition

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    Innovation in the electric sector has the potential to drive job growth, decrease environmental impacts, reduce rate payer costs, and increase reliability and resiliency. However, the traditional electric system was built to deliver a controlled flow of energy from a centralized location with maximum reliability and minimum cost. As both customer expectations and generation technologies change, new avenues for grid innovation are being explored. Residential customers, commercial and industrial clients, and electric utilities must all find a way to balance goals for decarbonization and social justice with maintaining a least cost, reliable power grid. Grounded in Geel’s energy system transition framework, this dissertation explores how each of these three stakeholder groups is navigating the transition to renewables. The first study tests the idea that residential customers will be more inclined to change their behavior when altruistically contributing to a greater goal. Renewed Darwinian theory was explored to question the exclusive use of financial incentives in demand response programs, with evidence that enabling altruism may influence electricity demand even more effectively than traditional financial incentives. A difference in differences approach was designed to test the impact of the Burlington Electric Department’s Defeat the Peak program on residential energy use where the incentive was a group donation to a local charity. Results suggest utility savings of over 12inenergysupplycostsforevery12 in energy supply costs for every 1 they invested in the program. Financial levers, however, can be quite effective in influencing electricity demand, and may result in cost-shifting from high to low demand consumers. The second study focused on rate design for commercial and industrial customers through an analysis of the utility demand charge. For over a century the demand charge has been a primary means to recover total cost-of-service including fixed, embedded, and overhead costs. Under the current system, most small commercial and residential customers do not receive a strong direct price signal to invest in storage, load shifting, or renewables. Larger commercial and industrial customers exercise some measure of control over their loads to reduce demand charges, but with only modest benefit or value to the system as a whole. The system costs are then redistributed to all customer classes, potentially falling disproportionately on low demand customers. To investigate, a regression analysis was conducted with cost and market characteristics from 447 US electric utilities. Results suggest that demand charges predict a significant degree of variability in residential pricing, confirming suspected cost shifting. Redesigning the demand charge could open up new markets for renewable energy entrepreneurs and lower grid costs and customer rates, supporting goals of decarbonization while also achieving reliable least-cost power. In the third study, an iterative approach was employed to understand why some utilities lean into the energy system transition while others take a more conservative stance. A database of 170 US electric utilities was constructed including a qualitative assessment of Integrated Resource Plans for renewability orientation. Institutional resource-based theory was utilized to take a striated approach to understanding firm heterogeneity, identifying factors at the individual manager level, firm level, and external environment that can influence a utility’s energy supply characteristics. Independent variables in a simultaneous regression analysis included CEO gender and tenure at the individual level, ownership structure and firm age at the firm level, and the impact of policies and state rurality at the inter-firm level. Results indicate that a significant amount of a utility’s commitment to the renewable energy transition can be predicted based on these firm characteristics

    Utilization of Electric Prosumer Flexibility Incentivized by Spot and Balancing Markets

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    The use of energy flexibility to balance electricity demand and supply is becoming increasingly important due to the growing share of fluctuating energy sources. Electric flexibility regarding time or magnitude of consumption can be offered in the form of different products on electricity spot and balancing power markets. In the wake of the energy transition and because of new possibilities provided by digitalization, the decision intervals on these markets are becoming shorter and the controllability of electricity consumption and generation more small-scale. This evolution opens up new chances for formerly passive energy consumers. This thesis shows how electric flexibility can be monetized using the application example of commercial sites. These are often multimodal energy systems coupling electricity, heat, and gas, and thus deliver high flexibility potential. To leverage this potential, a comprehensive picture of demand-side flexibilization is provided and used to propose an energy management system and optimization for cost-optimized device schedules. The cost-optimization considers two simultaneous incentives: variable day-ahead spot market prices and revenues for offering possible schedule adjustments to the automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) balancing market. To solve the formulated optimization problem, a genetic algorithm is presented, tailored to the specific needs of consumers. In addition to addressing the trade-off between the two competing markets, the algorithm inherently considers the uncertain activation of aFRR bids and related catch-up effects. An analysis of the activation behavior of aFRR balancing market bids, based on a developed ex-post simulation, forms an important decision basis for the optimization. Finally, a simulation study concentrating on battery energy storage systems and combined heat and power plants on the consumer side enables the quantitative discussion of the optimization potential. The results show that consumers considering both markets simultaneously can achieve cost benefits that are up to multiples of those for pure day-ahead price optimization, despite the stochastic nature of aFRR balancing power activations. In conclusion, this thesis enables formerly passive electricity consumers to assume the role of alternative balancing service providers, hence contributing to the economic and reliable operation of power grids characterized by a high share of renewable energy sources

    Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems

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    Adaptivity is a dynamical feature that is omnipresent in nature, socio-economics, and technology. For example, adaptive couplings appear in various real-world systems like the power grid, social, and neural networks, and they form the backbone of closed-loop control strategies and machine learning algorithms. In this article, we provide an interdisciplinary perspective on adaptive systems. We reflect on the notion and terminology of adaptivity in different disciplines and discuss which role adaptivity plays for various fields. We highlight common open challenges, and give perspectives on future research directions, looking to inspire interdisciplinary approaches.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figure

    Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems

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    Adaptivity is a dynamical feature that is omnipresent in nature, socio-economics, and technology. For example, adaptive couplings appear in various real-world systems, such as the power grid, social, and neural networks, and they form the backbone of closed-loop control strategies and machine learning algorithms. In this article, we provide an interdisciplinary perspective on adaptive systems. We reflect on the notion and terminology of adaptivity in different disciplines and discuss which role adaptivity plays for various fields. We highlight common open challenges and give perspectives on future research directions, looking to inspire interdisciplinary approaches

    Towards (R)evolving Cities Urban fragilities and prospects in the 21st century

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    Towards (R)evolving Cities: Urban Fragilities and Prospects in the 21st century first questions how we perceive the ‘intelligence’ of a city. The New Frontier of development for urban civilisations certainly includes digital and technological evolution, but it does not consider technology to be the final answer to all contemporary cities’ problems. The formidable challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have thrown existing urban fragilities into stark relief. At the same time however they have highlighted the potential of digital solutions for reaching a new level of interconnected civility. (R)evolving cities evolve by adopting the principles of the circular economy in the higher interest of their citizens’ well-being: they consume therefore without devouring, recycle as much as possible what they metabolize, limit the effects of their ecological footprint and ultimately lead their inhabitants, with maternal guidance and care, to a new idea of citizenship. As protagonists of this evolutionary leap, the citizens of (R)evolving cities will abandon their predatory approach, reaching a higher stage of integration in the ecosystem and becoming more respectful of reciprocal relationships. (R)evolving cities are above all ‘polite’ cities, or rather cities whose citizens are consciously educated in the principles of sustainable development, the essential basis for contemporary civil coexistence

    Transportation network companies and drivers dilemma in China: an evolutionary game theoretic perspective

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    The ridesourcing services market in China has recently experienced significant changes, which stem from its legalization and management policy. These changes impact multiple stakeholders of this market (e.g., drivers, passengers, government, competing services) and present them with new opportunities and challenges. This paper develops an evolutionary game model to analyse the Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) between the Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) and drivers. The new model is explored and analysed with simulation experiments to observe the dynamic route of multiple stakeholders. The theoretical research and simulation results indicate that under the authorities’ control over the TNCs, when the net income under strict management is higher than that of the loose management for the TNCs, the final ESS is “Legal Operation, Strict Management”. When the net income under strict management is less than that of the loose management for the THCs, the strategy of “Illegal Operation, Loose Management” may gain popularity and continue to grow; in this case, the ESS may also not exist. The model indicates the strength of the government’s control plays a significant role in leading the achievement of “Legal Operation, Strict Management”. As a consequence, to achieve the perfect evolution of “Legal Operation, Strict Management”, it is necessary for the government to impose a greater penalty on illegal drivers and ensure appropriate compensation measures. The results of the study provide a useful reference for the sustainable development of the ridesourcing services market. First published online 13 September 201

    HyperCell: A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

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    This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using “Computation”, “Embodiment”, and “Biology” to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital era, the research dares to challenge the Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas of the traditional architectural Weltanschauung, and rejects them by adopting the novel notion that architecture should be dynamic, fluid, and interactive. This project reflects a trajectory from the 1960’s with the advent of the avant-garde architectural design group, Archigram, and its numerous intriguing and pioneering visionary projects. Archigram’s non-standard, mobile, and interactive projects profoundly influenced a new generation of architects to explore the connection between technology and their architectural projects. This research continues this trend of exploring novel design thinking and the framework of Interactive Architecture by discovering the interrelationship amongst three major topics: “Computation”, “Embodiment”, and “Biology”. The project aims to elucidate pioneering research combining these three topics in one discourse: “Bio-inspired digital architectural design”. These three major topics will be introduced in this Summary.   “Computation”, is any type of calculation that includes both arithmetical and nonarithmetical steps and follows a well-defined model understood and described as, for example, an algorithm. But, in this research, refers to the use of data storage, parametric design application, and physical computing for developing informed architectural designs. “Form” has always been the most critical focus in architectural design, and this focus has also been a major driver behind the application computational design in Architecture. Nonetheless, this research will interpret the term “Form” in architecture as a continual “information processor” rather than the result of information processing. In other words, “Form” should not be perceived only as an expressive appearance based computational outcome but rather as a real-time process of information processing, akin to organic “Formation”. Architecture embodying kinetic ability for adjusting or changing its shape with the ability to process the surroundings and feedback in accordance with its free will with an inherent interactive intelligent movement of a living body. Additionally, it is also crucial to address the question of whether computational technologies are being properly harnessed, if they are only used for form-generating purposes in architecture design, or should this be replaced with real-time information communication and control systems to produce interactive architectures, with embodied computation abilities?   “Embodiment” in the context of this research is embedded in Umberto Eco’s vision on Semiotics, theories underlying media studies in Marshall McLuhan’s “Body Extension” (McLuhan, 1964), the contemporary philosophical thought of “Body Without Organs” (Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, 1983), the computational Logic of ‘Swarm Behavior’ and the philosophical notion of “Monadology” proposed by Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, 1714). Embodied computation and design are predominant today within the wearable computing and smart living domains, which combine Virtual and Real worlds. Technical progress and prowess in VR development also contribute to advancing 3D smart architectural design and display solutions. The proposed ‘Organic body-like architectural spaces’ emphasize upon the realization of a body-like interactive space. Developing Interactive Architecture will imply eliciting the collective intelligence prevalent in nature and the virtual world of Big Data. Interactive Architecture shall thus embody integrated Information exchange protocols and decision-making systems in order to possess organic body-like qualities.   “Biology”, in this research explores biomimetic principles intended to create purposedriven kinetic and organic architecture. This involves a detailed study/critique of organic architecture, generating organic shapes, performance optimization based digital fabrication techniques and kinetic systems. A holistic bio-inspired architecture embodies multiple performance criteria akin to natural systems, which integrate structural, infrastructure performances throughout the growth of an organic body. Such a natural morphogenesis process of architectural design explores what Janine M. Benyus described as “learning the natural process”. Profoundly influenced by the processes behind morphogenesis, the research further explores Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo) explaining how embryological regulation strongly affect the resulting formations. Evo-Devo in interactive architecture implies the development of architecture based on three fundamental principles: “Simple to Complex”, “Geometric Information Distribution”, and “On/Off Switch and Trigger.” The research seeks to create a relatively intelligent architectural body, and the tactile interactive spatial environment by applying the extracted knowledge from the study of the aforementioned principles of Evo-Devo in the following fashion: A. Extract a Self-Similar Componential System based approach from the “Simple to Complex” principle of Evo-Devo B. Extract the idea of “Collective Intelligence” from “Geometric information Distribution” principle of Evo-Devo C. Extract the principle of “Assembly Regulation” from “On/Off switch and trigger” principle of Evo-Devo The “HyperCell” research, through an elaborate investigation on the three aforementioned topics, develops a design framework for developing real-time adaptive spatial systems. HyperCell does this, by developing a system of transformable cubic elements which can self-organize, adapt and interact in real-time. These Hypercells shall comprise an organic space which can adjust itself in relation to our human bodies. The furniture system is literally reified and embodied to develop an intra-active space that proactively provokes human movement. The space thus acquires an emotive dimension and can become your pet, partner, or even friend, and might also involve multiple usabilities of the same space. The research and its progression were also had actively connected with a 5-year collaborative European Culture project: “MetaBody”. The research thus involves exploration of Interactive Architecture from the following perspectives: architectural design, digital architectural history trajectory, computational technology, philosophical discourse related to the embodiment, media and digital culture, current VR and body-related technology, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology. “HyperCell” will encourage young architects to pursue interdisciplinary design initiatives via the fusion of computational design, embodiment, and biology for developing bio-inspired organic architectures

    HyperCell: A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

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    This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using “Computationâ€, “Embodimentâ€, and “Biology†to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital era, the research dares to challenge the Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas of the traditional architectural Weltanschauung, and rejects them by adopting the novel notion that architecture should be dynamic, fluid, and interactive. This project reflects a trajectory from the 1960’s with the advent of the avant-garde architectural design group, Archigram, and its numerous intriguing and pioneering visionary projects. Archigram’s non-standard, mobile, and interactive projects profoundly influenced a new generation of architects to explore the connection between technology and their architectural projects. This research continues this trend of exploring novel design thinking and the framework of Interactive Architecture by discovering the interrelationship amongst three major topics: “Computationâ€, “Embodimentâ€, and “Biologyâ€. The project aims to elucidate pioneering research combining these three topics in one discourse: “Bio-inspired digital architectural designâ€. These three major topics will be introduced in this Summary. “Computationâ€, is any type of calculation that includes both arithmetical and nonarithmetical steps and follows a well-defined model understood and described as, for example, an algorithm. But, in this research, refers to the use of data storage, parametric design application, and physical computing for developing informed architectural designs. “Form†has always been the most critical focus in architectural design, and this focus has also been a major driver behind the application computational design in Architecture. Nonetheless, this research will interpret the term “Form†in architecture as a continual “information processor†rather than the result of information processing. In other words, “Form†should not be perceived only as an expressive appearance based computational outcome but rather as a real-time process of information processing, akin to organic “Formationâ€. Architecture embodying kinetic ability for adjusting or changing its shape with the ability to process the surroundings and feedback in accordance with its free will with an inherent interactive intelligent movement of a living body. Additionally, it is also crucial to address the question of whether computational technologies are being properly harnessed, if they are only used for form-generating purposes in architecture design, or should this be replaced with real-time information communication and control systems to produce interactive architectures, with embodied computation abilities? “Embodiment†in the context of this research is embedded in Umberto Eco’s vision on Semiotics, theories underlying media studies in Marshall McLuhan’s “Body Extension†(McLuhan, 1964), the contemporary philosophical thought of “Body Without Organs†(Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, 1983), the computational Logic of ‘Swarm Behavior’ and the philosophical notion of “Monadology†proposed by Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, 1714). Embodied computation and design are predominant today within the wearable computing and smart living domains, which combine Virtual and Real worlds. Technical progress and prowess in VR development also contribute to advancing 3D smart architectural design and display solutions. The proposed ‘Organic body-like architectural spaces’ emphasize upon the realization of a body-like interactive space. Developing Interactive Architecture will imply eliciting the collective intelligence prevalent in nature and the virtual world of Big Data. Interactive Architecture shall thus embody integrated Information exchange protocols and decision-making systems in order to possess organic body-like qualities. “Biologyâ€, in this research explores biomimetic principles intended to create purposedriven kinetic and organic architecture. This involves a detailed study/critique of organic architecture, generating organic shapes, performance optimization based digital fabrication techniques and kinetic systems. A holistic bio-inspired architecture embodies multiple performance criteria akin to natural systems, which integrate structural, infrastructure performances throughout the growth of an organic body. Such a natural morphogenesis process of architectural design explores what Janine M. Benyus described as “learning the natural processâ€. Profoundly influenced by the processes behind morphogenesis, the research further explores Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo) explaining how embryological regulation strongly affect the resulting formations. Evo-Devo in interactive architecture implies the development of architecture based on three fundamental principles: “Simple to Complexâ€, “Geometric Information Distributionâ€, and “On/Off Switch and Trigger.†The research seeks to create a relatively intelligent architectural body, and the tactile interactive spatial environment by applying the extracted knowledge from the study of the aforementioned principles of Evo-Devo in the following fashion: A. Extract a Self-Similar Componential Systembased approach from the “Simple to Complex†principle of Evo-Devo B. Extract the idea of “Collective Intelligence†from “Geometric information Distribution†principle of Evo-Devo C. Extract the principle of “Assembly Regulation†from “On/Off switch and trigger†principle of Evo-Devo The “HyperCell†research, through an elaborate investigation on the three aforementioned topics, develops a design framework for developing real-time adaptive spatial systems. HyperCell does this, by developing a system of transformable cubic elements which can self-organize, adapt and interact in real-time. These Hypercells shall comprise an organic space which can adjust itself in relation to our human bodies. The furniture system is literally reified and embodied to develop an intra-active space that proactively provokes human movement. The space thus acquires an emotive dimension and can become your pet, partner, or even friend, and might also involve multiple usabilities of the same space. The research and its progression were also had actively connected with a 5-year collaborative European Culture project: “MetaBodyâ€. The research thus involves exploration of Interactive Architecture from the following perspectives: architectural design, digital architectural history trajectory, computational technology, philosophical discourse related to the embodiment, media and digital culture, current VR and body-related technology, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology. “HyperCell†will encourage young architects to pursue interdisciplinary design initiatives via the fusion of computational design, embodiment, and biology for developing bio-inspired organic architectures